Saturday, April 16, 2016

Rav Herschel Schachter to give shiur at the Epstein's shul on Sunday

=================from a year ago =================

(Wynnewood, PA) – Lankenau Medical Center (LMC), part of Main Line Health, recently held a dedication of its Shabbat Suite, which was attended by community members, hospital administrators, physicians and staff. Lankenau Medical Center is located within a populous Jewish community in the western suburbs where the need is great for Jewish families to be able to observe Shabbat, religious holidays and Jewish religious law while their loved ones are in the hospital. 

The suite was designed to help patients’ families adhere to specific activities that Orthodox and other observant Jews refrain from during the Sabbath, which includes driving and cooking. The suite has two sleeping rooms, each with a private bathroom, which allows family members to stay near their loved one in the hospital on the Sabbath, which starts at sundown on Friday and ends at nightfall on Saturday. The new suite also has a kosher pantry and kitchen accommodations. Both the sleeping accommodations and kosher pantry are also available during religious holidays and during other patient stays.
“The dedication of this special suite would not have been possible without the efforts of Lankenau physician leadership and our partners in the Jewish community whose coordinated efforts have created a special place for patient families to observe Shabbat while their loved ones are hospitalized,” said Phil Robinson, President, Lankenau Medical Center. “The Shabbat Suite is one example of our commitment to delivering a personalized experience to all who entrust their care here.”
The Bikur Cholim Reception Area was dedicated in memory of David E. Epstein, MD, an esteemed former Lankenau Medical Center physician who passed away in 2010. In a drive spearheaded by Rebetzin Choni Levene of Lower Merion Synagogue, where Dr. Epstein and his wife Cheryl worshipped, its members donated close to $50,000, and his family made a special gift of $25,000 in his memory. Stephen M. Gollomp, MD, Lankenau Medical Center Neurology, and his wife Randie, dedicated the Prayer Room in memory of his parents, Renee and Bernard Gollomp. Over 25 Lankenau physicians committed to gifts of $1,800 or more in support of the Shabbat Suite. [....]

(From left) Standing before the plaque in her husband’s memory, Cheryl R. Epstein, widow of Dr. David Epstein and special donor to the dedication of the Bikur Cholim Reception Area in his memory; Tamar Epstein, daughter of David and Cheryl; and Suri Rabinovici, mother of Cheryl R. Epstein.


  1. If the shiur was about the terrible issurim of gilui arayos, shefichus domim and avodah zoro of which Tamar is guilty, the first peshuto kemashmo, the second by being malbin pnei chavero of Aharon and Avodah Zoro by going to Goyshe court, there would be a toeles to the shiur.

    Somehow I doubt this is the purpose of the shiur. Pathetic, that's all I can add.

  2. This is a beautiful article. May the Neshama of Dr. David Epstein have many aliyos. He was an outstanding member of his community, a Baal chesed, and a Baal middos. I am very happy for the Epstein family.
    A huge maz tov to them and the entire Philly community. The Shabbos rooms are a huge asset to the growing frum population!

    PS. That is a beautiful picture, but that is not Tamar in the picture.

  3. And this is old news, what was the point of posting it on a 'daas Torah' website?
    And whats the point of posting about Rav Schecter's lecture? Are you the new PR person for LMS?

  4. What are we to take from this announcement about him speaking at her Shul? Attend? Protest? Pose questions regarding his stance on the situation? It is Erev Pesach and there's plenty to do in preparation, should we drop all and drive down to Philadelphia? Please enlighten us on the purpose of letting us know of his Shiur he's giving there. Yasher Koach

  5. What exactly is your point? That no one is allowed to give a shiur about the Hagada Shel Pesach? That limud Torah berabbim is "pathetic"?

  6. This is Loshon HaRah to the highest degree. This Blog has stayed consistent to address the wayward actions and activities of POSKIM whom she followed and relied upon when she took the course of actions she did. Every step has been documented on who advised her at each stage. You have every right to question their Halachic reasoning and challenge them for your concerns regarding the P'Sakim that they gave her - to point out inconsistencies, lack of true knowledge, or twisted facts about the case or of the Shulchan Aruch. However, to blatantly label her "guilty" of the three most Chumer Avayros on a public blog and shame her for doing so - boy are you in hot water! Yes, maybe she should have and could have exercised better judgement throughout this whole ordeal, but none of the things you've mentioned were actions which she decided on her own or carried forth on her own.
    Numerous times on this blog, we've seen that the agenda is to enlighten Torah Jewry to the proper "Daas Torah" on Halachic matters - which Poskim follow in the Mesora of our forefathers to properly interpret the Halacha as it applies nowadays & which unfortunately have swayed. However, never have we tried to name call individuals who merely relied on their P'Sakim.
    Let us continue to fight for true "Daas Torah", to eradicate those who bend Halacha for their own convenience and Kavod, and stand unapologetically with דרך ישראל סבה.
    You are an abomination to Klall Yisroel. Shame on you!

  7. “Rav Herschel Schachter to give shiur at the Epstein's shul on Sunday”

    “the fact that the sentence imposed for evil deeds is not executed swiftly, which is why men are emboldened to do evil—the fact that a sinner may do evil a hundred times and his [punishment] still be delayed. For although I am aware that “It will be well with those who revere God since they revere Him, and it will not be well with the scoundrel, and he will not live long, because he does not revere God”— here is a frustration that occurs in the world: sometimes an upright man is requited according to the conduct of the scoundrel; and sometimes the scoundrel is requited according to the conduct of the upright. I say all that is frustration.” (Ecclesiastes 13:11-14).

    Judge Sarah Wolfson says that Mendel Epstein is the criminal mastermind and that his behavior was heinous. Over 30 years Mendel Epstein did evil a hundred times and his punishment was delayed. This emboldened him and his many followers. Mendel Epstein had huge influence over so many, in YU, Torah Vadaas, in Brooklyn, in Pa. etc. Mendel Epstein was requited according to the conduct of the upright, until Judge Sarah Wolfson.

  8. all I can add is that you clearly lack to brain power to think in a logical way or to think al pi halacha.

  9. The shiur was last week.... Very insiteful, we all can learn a thing or two when it comes Pesach.

  10. Omg, and we wonder why Mashiach is not here?
    Stop being so holyer than thou....
    ALL yidden celebrate Pesach, not just the ones YOU deem worthy.

  11. Aaron Dovid asks "What are we to take from this announcement"?

    Elemental, Watson..

    Here's what we are to take ....

    We should decree the monumental Chilul Hashem where Tamar and her paramour are allowed access to this מקום מקדש מעט while they publicly live together in sin and flaunt Daas Torah. (Hence the applicability to this blog).

    On whom exactly is Tamar relying?

    Is it the K's? Didn't Sholom K supposedly rely to them the Psak of RDF's Beis Din according to which Tamar was living in sin? Didn't R" Shmuel K explicitly ACCEPT that aforementioned psak?

    Is it RNG - who clearly stated that he knows ZILCH about psychology, but somehow still manages to blithely accept its flawed premises to be מתיר אשת איש לעלמא, even disagreeing with the damning condemnation offered by Dr Allen Frances - WHO WROTE THE DSM - as noted in the video RDE recently posted? Is THIS Daas Torah?

    Or, even more troubling - is Tamar relying on the K's after all? Could it be that the K's are engaged in a charade of "smoke and mirrors", where they publicly accept the worthlessness of the הפקעת קידושין while privately telling Tamar that it's alright? After all, the Epsteins ALWAYS saw R Shmuel as their מדריך... Perhaps the K's also know nothing about psychology and also find it within themselves to ignore Dr Allen Frances?

    All this, while Aharon F lives virtually as a pariah in his own community. He - who according to the Baltimore B"D did everything כדת וכדין! Let's not forget that the Baltimore B"D remains the ONLY B"D MUTUALLY agreed upon by the parties!

    The article RDE posted shows something very troubling - LMS has a debt of gratitude to the Epsteins, and as the saying goes, "follow the money"...

    Money seems to to trump Emes and halacha. Is this the message we want to send to our youth?

    At this point in time it's abundantly clear that Tamar has no halachic basis for her actions. Why is R Shachter coming to LMS, and not being מוחה?

    Didn't RHS say that the הפקעת קידושין was
    worthless? Why not call for public demonstrations against Tamar and her
    paramour, akin to those called against Aharon when the Tzibur was
    falsely led to believe that he was a מסרב לפסק ב"ד?

    עליונים למעלה ותחתונים למטה!

  12. Please see my other comment to you and please NAME NAMES of "POSKIM whom she followed and relied upon when she took the course of
    actions she did. Every step has been documented on who advised her at
    each stage"

    FWIW, my other comment was not meant to imply in any way that either of the protagonists - RNK, RSK, RHS - would C"V KNOWINGLY be מתיר אשת איש לעלמא. Rather, IMHO this is an extreme case of misguided priorities causing terrible transgressions to go unchecked, something along the lines of אגב חורפי' לא דק multiplied by 1000.

    Yes, there are some vindictive and evil men (just as there are such women). AF was NEVER one of them. Throughout this ordeal he acted honorably, as noted by those most privy to the details of this case, namely the Baltimore B"D.

    We live in a generation where a mere claim of Daas Torah enables the worst transgressions imaginable.

  13. . Every step has been documented on who advised her at each stage.

    Who is currently advising her to remain with the adultery? Treying to pin it on some Southern rabbi is disingenuous, as just three years ago, she would not rely on him for anything. So who is the "posek?"

  14. ALL yidden celebrate Pesach, not just the ones YOU deem worthy.

    What about the one that the Epsteins and RHS decided to persecute out in Silver Spring? Oh, he just happens to be the father of TE's daughter. Does he not deserve to celebrate Pesach? Has TE, her family or RHS done anything to rectify what they've done?

  15. "Yes, maybe she should have and could have exercised better judgement throughout this whole ordeal, but none of the things you've mentioned were actions which she decided on her own or carried forth on her own. "

    Really? She chose on her own to end the marriage. She is an adult woman and must take full responsibility for her actions including the one to hire goons to beat up her husband. Oh so suddenly she is not guilty of gilui arayos after even her biggest defenders conceded that she had absolutely no hetter whatsoever to rely on. She is the one who absconded with the child and ran away from Bais Din to Goyshe Court. Who exactly advised her that that was muttar? Divrei Horav vedivrei HAtalmid divrei mi shoymin!

    As for the terrible halbonas ponim done to Aharon Freidman who was behind it all? The shunning getting ORA involved, whose advice did she take?

    You can shoot the messenger as much as you like but not the message. How is it that it is perfectly acceptable according to you for Aharon freidman to sin even though thr feminist leaning Baltimore Bais Din in the end admitted her did no wrongdoing and it was Tamar who has violated halocho so brazenly?

    The hypocrites here who see nothing wrong with the shaming of an innocent man suddenly protest the shaming of a guilty adulteress. Shame on you. Who advised to carry on her affair after no one supports her adultery?

    And as for Herschel Schachter has he no shame?

  16. Why do you call the BBD "feminist leaning"?

  17. Who advised Tamar to hire violent goons to assault and beat her husband in the street? Who advised her to involve ORA to publicly embarrass her husband? Who advised her to walk out of the marriage unilaterally and simply take his child with her?

  18. Herschel Schachter should have gone to Silver Spring and given a shiur with AHaron Friedman sitting right next to him. By giving a shiur in the shul that is so synonymous with Tamar and her Epstein gives the impression that her adultery is not such a bad thing. This is disgraceful.

    And it is equally disgraceful that I even have to write these things when they should be so obvious to all.

  19. Silly questions you ask. Whenever you have a Halachic Shaylah or any Shaylah for that matter, do you 1st ask a Posek to Pasken which Posek you should go to to present your inquiry? Just as a practical example, in your profile it displays a man with a beard. Now I don't know if you do or don't have a beard, but let's say you didn't have one and was contemplating growing one. If you ask R' Chaim Kanievsky he'll surely tell you to grow one while it's a known P'Sak from R' Moishe ZT"L that one is permitted to shave. Point being, that the way one presents their case, dilemma, or Shaylah, and to whom to approach for guidance is very key to what outcome, solution, answer, or advice they will be told. Obviously, one has to exercise good judgment of their own and be honest with themselves before presenting their ordeal if their objective is true Daas Torah and authentic reliable Halacha.
    Who "advised" you to write the comment you penned? Oh, it was you! Well maybe you're not reliable yourself as one to "listen" to advice from as you spewed silly nonsensical questions. And if you counter that you do trust yourself, or that your comments have legitimacy to them, so why doesn't Tamar have the same right to trust herself and advise herself what to ask and to whom? My point is, don't judge someone with the precise flaws that you yourself exhibit. Think before you speak/write.........
    And yes, I did address her questionable judgement in how she went about it all.

  20. The same Posek whom she relied upon that she can get married is inevitably the one who is of the opinion that she's not committing adultery. If her 1st marriage was a Mekach Ta'os then there is no adultery here. Every married man & woman doesn't need a constant P'Sak that their marriage isn't adulterous. You may disagree with whomever she went to for the P'Sak, but because you disagree doesn't mean she has to disagree. To her this isn't an adulterous marriage, henceforth no need for a P'Sak to remain married. If and when those who Paskened in favor of Mekach Ta'os, Pasken now otherwise, only then does her new marriage become adulterous.
    Your question was based on a premise that was objective, hence a non existent question.
    Also, maybe you should read archives of this blog as it has a treasure trove of everyone involved in the "P'Sak".

  21. Leviticus 20:10:

    “If a man commits adultery with a married woman, committing adultery with another man’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death.”

    The Hertz Chumash on Leviticus 20:10:

    “The repetition of the phrase and the substitution of “another man’s wife” for “a married woman” stress the heinousness of the offense. The consent of the husband is quite immaterial. Marriage is not merely a ‘contract’; it is a consecration, and adultery is far more than merely an offense against one of the parties to a contract. It is an offense against the Divine Command proclaimed at Sinai, and constitutes the annihilation of holiness in marriage.”

    Judge Sarah Wolfson ruled Mendel Epstein the criminal mastermind and goes to jail May 2, 2016 stating:

    “I do find that the criminal conduct for which Epstein was convicted was heinous, regardless whether the act was committed in a religious context. More importantly, Epstein engaged in kidnappings, for the purposes of forced gittin, years before he was arrested; this was hardly a one-time, aberrational act on Epstein’s part.”

    Moe Ginsburg rightly asks

    ‘Who advised Tamar to hire violent goons to assault and beat her husband in the street? Who advised her to involve ORA to publicly embarrass her husband? Who advised her to walk out of the marriage unilaterally and simply take his child with her? Which posek paskened she could hire Mr. Mendel Epstein's hitmen against her husband?”

  22. Ploni you're a wonderful Darshan, but maybe it's better to zip it sometimes because your ignorance is on full display for all to see. Twice you mentioned ״הפקעת קידושין״. Sorry, but never was that the point of contention. So maybe a good start would be to get the facts of the case and what the precise nuances of her P'Sak was before you denounce it.
    You ramble on and on with assumptions as to who told her what about what and hypothesize that it's all about money & Kavod.
    Has it ever dawned on you that you're not Mr. Know-It-All? That you're not even Mr. Know-Partially? Is this blog your only source for information on this case? Have you interviewed everyone involved? Do you know (and I mean honestly, like would you swear with Sefer Torah) each sides version? Of course you haven't so don't jump to conclusions or calling out and shaming people. I'm pretty certain that almost every word of your comment can be disputed not only by Tamar but by Aaron too. I know it might be fun to excessively regurgitate tough talk and cynical opinions along with your "UpTaitch", but that's all it is. A whole lot of vomit.
    Time to get your head out of the toilet, clean yourself off, wash out your mouth, gaze in the mirror and realize who you really are.......just a ordinary Ploni.

  23. What? Do you know that LMS is filled up with mainly the Modern Orthodox croud? (Aside for a few old timers, line Epstein who have davened there from its inception)...
    You have no clue what you are talking about. There are many YU graduates in LMS, who hold Rav Shected in high esteem.
    His speech has absolutely nothing to to with the Epstein family who incidently happen to be members there.

    Ps. LMS is synonymous with MO and YU, not the Epsteins.

  24. And what does your point have anything to to do with the fact that Rav Schecter gave a Pesach drasha in a shul filled with the MO, YU crowd?
    Incidently, it so happens that the Epsteins happen to daven there....
    But this speech had absolutely nothing to do the Epsteins. It was for the Lower Merion frum kehilla....
    So Rav Shcecter should not come speak there Because you know of a one public dinner?
    What about the rest of the town? Should the rest of the Merion frum population miss out?

    What is wrong with you?

  25. To the author of this blog,
    Please explain the intentions for which you have posted about this shiur given in LMS by Rav Schecter about the inyanei hagada.

    Lower Merion Synagogue is a large mainly MO, YU type crowd. Yes, the Epsteins are members but aside from being 'old timers' there, it's not like there are 12 other shuks to choose from (there are 5 community shuls which includes chabad, aish, and the kollel).

    What was your intention of associating the YU Rav, giving a shiur to a YU crowd with the Epsteins and the shul they daven in?

    Did you ever think about the type lashen harah filled comments, your followers will post from the comfort of their keyboards?
    Or do you whipe your bands clean from that achrayis?
    Your blog is your virtual living room, you control and moderate all comments.

    I've seen comments accusing TE of the three cardinal sins, which is ironic because LH is a sin that is worse then adultry, murder, and idol worship.

    I would appreciate if you could explain your reasoning for this post. I would like to know what inyan of daas Torah we can learn from it.
    Thank you.
    A blog follow who is not happy with many self righteous, and hateful comments.

  26. There is something seriously wrong with the way you think.
    It is disgraceful that you think an entire frum community should not get the zechus of hearing Rav Shechter's drasha because the Epsteins happen to daven at a shul he was speaking at.
    What in the world does one have to do with the other?
    Do you have any idea what the shul Rav's connection has to do with Rav Schecter?
    Do you have any idea how many YU graduates daven in LMS?
    Get off your high horse before the wind knocks you down....

  27. Why is EVERYTHING being twisted back to this case?
    This drasha has nothing to do with it....
    Is everyone so blood thirsty, that they can't just leave a simple Pesach drasha as a Pesach drasha?
    Is everything that happens in filly always going to be about the Epsteins??

  28. yes - it is the elephant in the room

  29. do you have any idea of the chilul hashem that Rav Schacter has been involved in? It requires some effort on his part to correct. as a minimum a public apology and statement that he was wrong.

    Or do you think that the Shulchan Aurch only applies to the masses?

  30. Aaron Dovid - before you shoot off your mouth about that which you know nothing about you should be aware that Ploni has been very much involved in this and spent considerable time talking to major figures trying to clarify the issues

  31. your analysis is wrong

    She is and has not been a naive girl who wen to poskim and said "I will accept everything you say". As stated clearly by R Shalom Kaminetsky she asked him to find a posek who would declare the marriage null and void. Despite being repeatedly told that the heter was no good she traveled far from her neighborhood to be married by a posek she knew had not be accurately informed of the facts. She knew that there was a widespread protest by the major poskim of our time - but she said she would rather cling to the psak that she knew was obtained with a false psychiatric report.

    Since she is an intelligent and well -informed woman - both about psychology and the halacha - she chose accept a phony psak rather than make any compromise regarding custody issues. She is well aware that she gamed and corrupted the system and brought disgrace to Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky, Rav Schachter and Rav Greenblatt. This is all part of her entitlement. Having had a life time of gettting what she wanted as well as the attention of gedolim - she knew that she could get away with it. And under normal circumstances she would have.

  32. Kiwin Strawberry - please go back into the archives and read Rav Schachter's shameful involvement in the episode. When he was informed early on that Rav Shmuel's rulings against Aharon Friedman were wrong because the case was still under the Baltimore Beis Din - he got angry and responded that the person should stay out of this. When he acknowledged that Rav Greenblatt had told him that if he had know the elementary facts of the case he would not have issued a psak - he made no efforts to try and correct the damage that he had publicly fully supported.

    If Rav Schachter had been accused of child abuse or embezzlement - would you be asking your question? I am accusing him of supporting adultery and corruption of the Torah process. I am accusing him of making no efforts to correct the damage that he has done.

  33. Still, what is your point? That he should no longer teach Torah anywhere? What does any of this have to do with a shiur about the Hagada that he gave?

  34. Judge Sarah Wolfson convicted Epstein due to massive FBI work, promises of immunity to 2 government witnesses, promises to Wolmark etc. Ordinarily Mendel Epstein would’ve gotten away with his heinous behavior for over 30 years.

    I put Moe Ginsburg’s questions to Rabbi Schacter. I’m a YU graduate 1967 (YC and TI).

    Moe Ginsburg asks 4 questions:

    ‘Who advised Tamar to hire violent goons to assault and beat her husband in the street? Who advised her to involve ORA to publicly embarrass her husband? Who advised her to walk out of the marriage unilaterally and simply take his child with her? Which posek paskened she could hire Mr. Mendel Epstein's hitmen against her husband?”

    Rabbi Schacter testified before Judge Sarah Wolfson. Daas Torah proves that Rabbi Schacter publically fully supported Tamar’s getless divorce: “When he was informed early on that Rav Shmuel's rulings against Aharon Friedman were wrong because the case was still under the Baltimore Beis Din - he got angry and responded that the person should stay out of this. When he acknowledged that Rav Greenblatt had told him that if he had know the elementary facts of the case he would not have issued a psak - he made no efforts to try and correct the damage that he had publicly fully supported.”

    Rabbi Schacter, please answer fully and honestly Moe Ginsburg’s 4 questions.

  35. What are your hocking ah chinik? Your previous comment claimed that Tamar didn't decide on her own or carried forth on her own but rather only acted after receiving a psak. So I am asking you for the name of the posek that have her a psak to hire Mendel Epstein's mafia hitmen to assault her husband in the street. And the posek who paskened she should abscond from her marital home and take his child with her.

    You said she only acted after asking a shaila. So I am simply asking you ego she asked a shaila whether to do the above actions. I don't think she asked a shaila if she may hire thugs to beat up her husband. I think she acted on her own.

  36. Epstein isn't Modern Orthodox?

  37. "About which you know nothing about" - what are you referring to exactly? How would you have any clue as to what extent is my knowledge? For the record, regarding this case I'm immensely informed on many of the intimate details of this episode and I'm related to major Poskim on BOTH sides of the aisle. To lean heavily on assumptions and question my knowledge without 1st researching and examining is not only comical but displays a lack of thoroughness and highlights your negligence when you rush to jump to conclusions and assertions.
    And I'll be the 1st to admit that even having the privilege to be in close contact with numerous close reliable sources on each side, the one thing that I can say with certainty is that there is a vast sea of information that most people are unaware of. And in spite of it all, I don't claim to be Mr. "know-it-all". I'm very aware of the gaping holes and loose ends to even the most minute details. Mr. Ploni may have put forth effort to do his due diligence, but I can guarantee of several major facts he is unaware of. Well, unless he has Ruach HaKodesh of course.........but I'm not afraid to suggest he's not on that Madrayga

  38. Disqus:
    You claim 16 comments, but list nothing??? You are out of synch.

  39. so you are serving as a troll - rather than offering some constructive comments?

  40. you are ignoring the obvious - why?

  41. What does your comment have to do with the observation that he has some serious fence mending to take care of?

  42. I hear your thought process, but I respectfully disagree. Are you insinuating that Rav S step down from his position?
    Is he now not worthy to give a Pesach drasha because he didn't feel the need to justify to the person he got angry with about Rav AF's involvement?
    Should the rest of his talmidim disassociate from him?

    If Rav Shmuel is mesader kedushin at a wedding, should I not attend?
    If Rav Shalom makes kiddush in shul, am I not yotzeinwith him?
    If Rav Greenblat cerifies my matza kosher, am I no allowed to use it at the seder?
    Where do you draw the line?

    At what point do you write off all the deeds of a person.

    I sin too. Does that mean my kitchen is suddenly traif and incant advise my friend in hilchos kasherus?

    He wasn't speaking about inyanei giluei arayos. It was inyanei hagada.

    And he wasn't accused of child abuse. He didn't even paskin on the case. He was a powerful bystander who didn't do enough.

    Do you give mussar to every kid you see engage in lashon harah? Do you tell "couples" in machane Yehuda that their blaten PDA is assur ketorah and a breech of tznuis?
    Do you girls with skirts above their knees that they are wrong according to shulchan aruch?

    Where do you decide where to pick and choose?

  43. What does your observation that he has "serious fence mending to take care of" have to do with this post?
    You are the one who put up a post about a shiur on the Hagada that he is giving. This shiur has nothing to do with the Epstein saga, or anything else of import to anyone other than those who would like to attend the shiur (which, by the way, took place before you posted this). Therefore, the question of "Kiwi Strawberry," specifically, why exactly are you posting this, is on point.
    If you want to write a post blasting R' Schachter for not "mending fences," by all means do it; but that has zero to do with his giving shuirim about the Hagada.

  44. Say it like it is! The Posek she had Shalom Kaminetzky TRICK into granting a psak to her liking is the one she relies upon. That's like saying she could go to a county clerk with false divorce papers to obtain a marriage license and the marriage is valid until the clerk rescinds the license. Sorry ADZ, that's not the case. Once the premise is established as false, as it has been here, the "psak" became worthless no matter what Rav Greenblatt may say. We saw that in the Langer case. Even though Chief Rabbi Goren declared and insisted the Langers were not mamzerim, his declarations and insistence were still worthless.

  45. You know what? I think I really do get your point. But does that mean he should no longer give a drasha on any Torah related topic?
    Is he supposed to be chased with pitchforks from the podium?
    What sin makes a person unworthy from being a public leader? I am sure this is not an original question, do any poskim discuss it?
    For laymen like me, its confusing.

  46. Your argument has so many holes that even the most experienced fishermen couldn't catch anything with it. Whenever someone approaches to ask a Shaylah, it is them who decided that the matter at hand is worthy of questioning. You want to slam on her for "choosing" such people to go to with an agenda in mind, while you yourself pen a comment here on this blog filled with Divray HeVel by your own choosing! You had options as to how to address this matter and your words speak volumes to what you actually know of and degree intellect.
    If one goes to a reliable Posek with a Shaylah regarding Kashrus, if they get a P'Sak that it's Kosher then they are not only not liable if indeed the questionable food was Treif, they don't even have Timtum HaLev. Disagree with the validity of her P'Sak or the Poskim she went to all you want, but your opinion doesn't make her an adulterous women. If the Talmid relays what the Divray HaRav is (a P'Sak Halacha) its inapplicable Divray HaRav V'Divray HaTalmud D'Vray mi Shomim. Maybe you dispute the validity of the Talmud she approached to ask by but she isn't bound by your view. Same applies to every word you wrote. You are looking at the picture with certain lenses and its hindering your ability to be objective.

  47. If Rav Schachter had robbed a bank or conspired to embezzle $1 million from YU would you be asking the same questions? Why is the fact that he was a major supporter of a slander campaign against an innocent man make it different. Why does that fact that his sin involved uncritically publicly supporting the gadol hador in America make the crime an less significant - especially when his support helped enable a severe corruption of the halachic process and adultery?

    minor details?! Something to think about one of these years when you have nothing else to do?

  48. you words beautifully describe what you are doing - thank you

  49. no I do not think that he should be chased from the podium. I do not think he should stop teaching Torah. Even though our Torah teachers need to be pure - I am not saying he should not teach Torah.

    But I do think he needs to be reminded that we have not forgotten that he has made no attempts to repair the damage he did. I think it would be appropriate that he , Rav Greenblatt and the Kaminetsky's wore a scarlet letter until they have made amends

  50. Chasvishalom, but do two wrongs make a right? What is the connection between the two?
    Is taking some one else's hana'as Yom tov, going to give AF back his?
    Many people attending the drasha are ignorant in the whole saga.
    I've been very verbal with the fact that I disagree and do not support the Epsteins actions in this case, but I don't see how dragging a Pesach drasha by a YU Rav in a more YU type shul and insinuating people in filly shouldn't get their Pesach enhanced because the Epsteins stole.AF menuchas Pesach makes any sense....

  51. Lol, not even close.

  52. Balabatish/yeshivish, but more yeahivish then balatatish

  53. Valid valid point. I can not disagree with that.
    How do you think that can be accomplished?

  54. Would you invite Mendel Epstein to your shul to give a Pesach derasha?
    Would you ask Mondrowitz to help out with the shul's youth group?

    Would you ask Dovid Weinberger to volunteer with shalom bayis cases?

    why not?

  55. You make a valid point. I will think about it....
    Adultry and slander are a huge deal. I'm not denying that.....
    I just confused why it was dragged into his hagada shiur.
    Just to clarify I am not justfying his involvement, nor his silence in actions taken against AF. But I don't personally think ousting him from giving a hagada shiur is the way to go.

  56. So that's all you can muster? Just be dismissive of someone without articulating rational reasoning?! If you disagree that's fine, but be intelligent and coherent when you do, if you can't then you're the one who is deeply flawed here. Ever looked in the mirror? Oh right, when you do then your right is your left and your left is your right so you can never get the precise reading of even your own self. No wonder it's difficult for you to outline your thought process and spell out what you take issue with when your whole view is distorted. Actually, maybe you just lack the oratory skills......which one is it?

  57. I suggest you look at Rabbi Hershel Schachter's own words.
    Does it make any difference whether the rabbi "fell" because of his own deviant yetzer harah or because of the money and power wielded by prominent members of the community? Rabbi Schachter may have spoken against the "heter" MRS. Tamar Friedman claims to use but he has not undone the damage he caused by empowering the liars of ORA. He made serious mistakes. Even Rabbi Akiva made a mistake about Bar Koziba. But Rabbi Akiva acknowledged his mistake. Rabbis Hershel Schacter, the Kaminetzkys and Nota Greenblatt must do the same.

  58. Let's grow up from the 3rd grade mentality and actually give reasonable responses and rational to our argument. How am I a "troll"? Because I disagree with some of the comments on this blog? What makes what I wrote not constructive? Because you didn't find them constructive? Perhaps there are plenty of people who do find insight into what I wrote. You're merely stating your opinion and labeling me without clearly and definitively identifying the reasoning behind it. You're a man of accountability, so live up to your own mandate. Instead of recklessly designating me or my comments as being a "troll" and unconstructive, maybe put rational reasoning to your cause. Or can you?

  59. fedupwithcorruptrabbisApril 18, 2016 at 4:09 PM

    You call his shiur a ZECHUS! I call it a SHANDA! If Doeg or Achitofel was giving a shiur today would it also be called a "zechus"? BTW HS is involved in other corruptions involving a GET!.Like he supports ORA which is involved in many cases that they shouldnt be involved? Kiwi, you need to make a decision with which camp do you belong! Are you in the camp of Toras Moshe or the Erev Rav? You cant be in both!

  60. " uncritically publicly supporting the gadol hador in America"

    This is kind of a problematic statement. He relied on what he perceived was the Gadol hador. So it was an error, but not a sin with intention/

    next: "especially when his support helped enable a severe corruption of the halachic process and adultery?"

    He did not support the heter - there is simply no evidence that he supported it. He has completely withdrawn from that enterprise , and it is rumoured that he was totally opposed to it in private.

    I think you are right that we should not just follow the Gadol blindly, but on the other hand, we are often encouraged to do precisely that.

  61. I think the Epstein family is more of a Modern Orthodox background that Yeshivish. Tamar married Aharon Friedman and they settled in MO Silver Spring. I don't think anyone would call Friedman anything other than MO, and Epstein chose to marry an MO husband.

  62. Why do you assume they aren't MO?

  63. That's baloney! You bring a piece of meat YOU know you bought at Acme to a reliable posek and he assumes you bought it at the same reliable butcher your esteemed father bought meat from it doesn't matter if he declares it kosher! THE PSAK IS WORTHLESS! This little spoiled brat brought all the right words to Rav Nota Greenblatt through the grandson of Reb Yaakov, zt'l, to get the answer she wanted.

    What galls me is Shalom Kaminetzsky brought such disgrace to his legacy for what? A few dollars from the Epsteins? Did he not spend enough time with his grandfather?

  64. To Rabbi Schachter's credit he did come out against the "psak" issued by Rabbi Greenblatt. HOWEVER it should be noted that his doing so may have been to support his contention that Aharon Friedman must give a get to his wife. Where Rabbi Schachter errs is his insistence that Aharon do this without Mrs. Tamar Friedman going before the Baltimore Bais Din. Thus Rabbi Schachter's rejection of "the heter" is correct but for the wrong reason as is his continued support for the ORgAnization that celebrated the "heter".

  65. Rabbi Schachter can go to his YU/RIETS colleague Rav Mordechai Willig and ask how he expressed his charota.

  66. Comparing R' Shachter to those chevra is yet but the latest in your string of bizui talmidei chachamim.

  67. The comparisons are not valid.
    Having criminal charges against someone, vs. Not actively coming forward are the same.
    A mechalel shabbat, is juged very differently then a Rav who sees a mechalel shabbat driving and doesn't blast him out....

  68. The only difference is, and as much as it pains me to admit this, Tamar did twist facts and proportions about who AF is.
    While it's possible she was subjective and did not remember properly, she still had no right to label him as having incurable disorder especially since as an ex wife she is biased. At the very least a therapists who dealt with AF directly should have diagnosed.

    In your example Tamar acted like a person who presents the Rabbi with a none kosher animal, which has been kashered, salted with the chelev removed, claiming it's a cow and asking the Rav if she can eat it.

    (And even if some shmuck on the street sold her the horse and told her it's a kashered cow, she should have at the very least gone to a butcher experienced with cows to verify its actually a cow....)

    But if she didn't, and the Rabbi told her it's kosher, she can't blame the Rabbi because she ate a horse....

    If she legitimately believed it was a cow, and found out after she ate it that it was a 'kashered horse' she would immediately do teshuva.

    If one continues to claim, "well it's not my fault since the Rabbi said it's been kashered properly," that is very foolish.

    And for the Rabbi to say it was OK to eat since he did know it was a horse, that is wrong too.

    But this has nothing to do with this post.

  69. The same Posek whom she relied upon that she can get married is inevitably the one who is of the opinion that she's not committing adultery.

    In addition to all Rabbi Eidensohn has answered you, I have one more point. The real person whom she relied upon was Shalom Kaminetzky Yes, yes, Shalom made a little game of supposedly finding a posek that "agreed" to his little stupid "heter." But now, Shalom has publicly declared that his stupid heter is worthless. So yes, she knows quite well that her hocus pocus heter is worthless. What Shalom Kaminetzky has told her privately is not an excuse. Since when do you rely upon someone who you know is being deceptive?

    BTW, is it true that a major possek very recently made a couple redo their Chuppah and kiddushin because Shalom K. had been one of the eidim? Are you going to try and go out on a campaign against the posek for not selling himself and the Torah out?


    Rabbi RNG has been passeled for inyonei Gittin veKidushin at least from this FIASCO on. Business is not as usual anymore. There is still much to do and much more to this story before moving on. In the Hagaddah you have Arba Kushiyos and keneged Arbo'o bonim to be combined with what Mr. Gerald Aranoff quoted Mr. Moe Ginsburg. On what exactly did RHS need government immunity for, and what exactly did he testify before Judge Wolfson *ve'ocheil bei kurtzei* ? The stench of this FIASCO is still betokef ad lev hashomayim, at least as long we hear no directive for the Departure of the open Gilui Arayos still going on as of this very moment and see that they should also follow up on it.

    We yet haven't seen amends so that Aron Friedman should be welcomed full force in those Mikdash Me'at and mevakesh Slichah umechila *Berabim* just like when these ORA Reshaim were Rodef Aron as in "Vehirshiu es haTsadik". Did anyone ask forgiveness, let alone compensate for the beatings, spilling of his blood, ripping his beloved daughter from his arms, destroying his House by making up Sheker Shkarim uma'alil Alilot Dam like the gruim shebeUmos. These are not small potatoes nor dvarim shel ma bekach, there is yet a world to amend before yo can move on. Pulling the wool over everyone's face will not do.

    And Oh Yes, we need to hear et haEmet, ve'Et kol haEmet, ach verak et haEmet! No justice, no peace.
    As the gemara states, "Yesh choresh beTelem achas, veoiver oleho biSHMONA LA'AVIM", by admitting one of them, is not good enough. You have to acknowledge ALL SHMONE. You also must take off the lovush BIGDEI KLAYIM before making amends, else, how is it different from tovel vkipa shel shrotzim beyodo.

    This scandal must be rectified cleaning up this mess in it's entirety before you can air it out in the sun to disinfect. Therefore, you must burn all the Chametz bechorin ubisdakim ad sheyodo maga'as, before Darshening about the HaGaddah and Arba Kushiyos and the Rasha of the Hagaddah from the Arba'a Bonim. Otherwise the Chometz bePesach will turn into Chametz sheOvor olov Pesach veosser beHana'a lekol haolam.

  71. "biggest defenders conceded that she had absolutely no hetter whatsoever to rely on".

    This is neither yeshivish nor balba'atish, not even MO. It's purely OO/aka Openly Unorthodox with heter meah Matir Assurim so called bonim for open season on Gilui Arayos.

  72. Not so fast my friend! First off, she was in cahoots lying through her teeth of Aron being toit meshuge or meshuga of toit, then going to a Sheker Psychiatrist confirming their accusations for a Yahr Eidus. Mamash Metumtemet. As for lav Dogim ganvei elo churei ganvei, we are talking about Big Fish, *Godol BelA"AZ* aka hataninim hagdolim shebeyam, that will never get it through/ get away with it. As the The Gedoilei haPoskim and Gedoilei haDor sheyoshvim al haModin put it, *EISHES ISH LECHOL DOVOR*. The *EMES* has spoken, and spoke very well!

  73. Im harav dome lemalach H' Tzvokos... veim lav prosh haymeno.

  74. We are all well and aware that these so called Heterim were all done in absentia so that the ba'al (tartei mashama) Din has no say. So much for the other side of the isle. Ploni, Almoni as well as all of us know much to much without even hearing anymore. This is the SCANDAL of this Generation, having caught hands in the cooky jar, and not beshogeg elo bimchuven, bezadon, ubisha'at nefesh. Yes, money, Kavod and POWER.

  75. Even RNG said that if the information given to him by the K's, then his heter is understood to be void.

  76. Befeirush a posuk, Im harav dome lemalach Hashem Tzvokos yevakshu Torah mipihu, - veim lav, prosh haymeno.

  77. And what does your point have anything to to do with the fact that Rav Schecter gave a Pesach drasha in a shul filled with the MO, YU crowd?
    Incidently, it so happens that the Epsteins happen to daven there....

    Let's turn your argument the other way.
    Let's imagine Silver Spring , MD three years ago. Let us imagine that there would have been one Shul that would not have excommunicated AF, but would have welcomed him to Daven there and be a part of their kehila.
    Now, let's Imagine that RHS would come and visit Silver Spring, giving speeches in different Shuls.. I guarantee you that RHS would refuse to give a shiur in that one shul that welcomed AF since he would view them as "abetting sinners" and all sorts of similar frum stuff. Just remember, RHS is a big part of the excommunication in Silver Spring.

    Now that it has become abundantly clear who the sinners are, how can he go and give a shiur in a shul that is "abetting sinners" and all that good stuff.Is only get refusal a sin, but adultery is not a sin? If relying on a single rabbi in Memphis is enough of an excuse, then why was AF's reliance on the BBD and Rabbi Gestetner etc not enough? Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. RHS, the Epstins and Kaminetzkys have to man up and begin to reverse their horrible and inexcusable persecution. Now.

  78. yehoshua - you want to coverup reality? Or rather are you claiming truth has value only if it isn't concerned with gedolim?

  79. If the gadol hador was your passenger and he insisted that you drive the wrong way on a one way street - who should be held accountable when it causes a multiple car accident. "I was just following orders" is not acceptable in secular law or Jewish law. The fact that he should have know he had to ask some elementary questions about the facts and he didn't - makes him guilty!
    He was told there was a beis din already dealing with the case - and he refused to retract his support. This is elementary halacha. this makes him responsible for what happened.

    If he took the trouble of signing the psak of the Kaminetsky Beis Din and giving it his unequivocal support - despite the fact it was in violation of the halacha and if success would have produced a get me'usa - he has as a minimum the obligation to publically crticize the heter and demand that the couple separate - as many other poskim did.

    He had no trouble telling people that Aharon should be beaten with a baseball bat because he was not giving a Get - but you claim he had no obligation to publicly condemn the heter?!

    So you claim he is free of obligation because he told a couple people in private that he didn't approve of the heter?!

  80. you are claiming that RHS was not an active participant in hounding AF? Are you claiming that his signature supporting the activities of Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky were merely that of an observer?!

    The stench of this scandal is also found on RHS - he was not just an innocent bystander.

  81. who thinks that what you have written is constructive - besides yourself?

    Unfortunately - you seem to have a problem with rational thought - which is what I have been putting forth all along. I didn't lightly call you a troll.

  82. ADZ - you are simply ignoring the huge amount of material which I and others have posted that supports what I am saying. Despite your claims of really knowing what is going on - you haven't contributed anything useful.

  83. what does our Mesorah tell us about dealing with people who deliberately distort the halacha and aid others in sinning?

  84. Please enlighten us on this "vast sea of information that most people are unaware of".
    Wait - I know it's a secret and you can't say...

  85. I know the family.... They do not classify as MO.

  86. Do you know the Epsteins? Since when is an entire family judged by the religious level of one child. Plus were talking about an out of town family.... It's a whole different cultural. The label differences are not that big of a deal. Yeshivish, kollel, balabatish, MO all get along.

  87. I'm on the side of shulchan aruch.... And sometimes the lines are not so clear cut to me to be honest.... My mind has been affected by my surroundings and galus, but I'm still searching....

  88. I am not saying he is free of obligation , I think he should come out and make a critical statement of the psak, just as he did of the Rackman BD - there is very little difference between the 2 concepts. Does not condemning it equal supporting it?

  89. Moe Ginsberg, Rav Heineman us listed by ORA as a rabbi who supports it. That makes the BBD feminist.

  90. I am not 100 % sure, please enlighten me.
    I'm sure it's not something too kind, although I am not aware of specifics.

  91. Valid point.

  92. The laughable claim that by stating the obvious when probably three thousand not three people know about Tamar's adultery, her going to arko"oys shelo kdin and her being mevayesh berabim Aharon that she is guilty of the three worst aveiros is Loshon Horo is laughable, utterly laughable.

    And she is the one who has publicized this more than anyone else and looked for the publicity.

  93. According to Halocho Herschel Schachter has been not only mevayesh Aharon friedman berabim by putting a fake siruv on him, he has also ignored the serious violations of Tamar Epstein in going to Goyshe Court and living with someone in sin.

    Furthermore this is not the first time he has issued a fake siruv and been mevayesh someone berabim. There is absolutely zero zechus in listiening to a shiur from him. He is worthy of cherem himself. He should not be a llowed to teach Torah publicly. That is the halocho.

  94. When you break it down that way, I can't argue back.
    Again your way with words astounds me...
    So now, what do you propose? Standing with protests in every shul RHS speaks in? Or just the one that allows sinners?
    But what makes one sinner worse than another?
    Don't we all sin occasionally?

  95. There is no dispute in halocho regarding Tamar's status despite the best efforts of those writing here to shoot the messenger. Al pi halocho she is an adulteress and even the Kamenetskys have publicly acknowledged that there is no valid hetter.

    Tamar has only herself to blame. She should not have fled the BBD. She may even have a valid taayneh that she was allowed to move and should have demanded that Rav Elyashiv answer this because this is a question for an Odom Godol as daughters typically go to the mother al pi Halocho.

    But her actions in absconding from Bais Din, absconding from Washington, going to Goyshe Court, getting involved in a fake hetter which she knew herself was garbage since none of her court documents alleged that her husband was mad, and being well aware that a hetter was being sought from so many who all rejected giving it, makes me completely unsympathetic to her cause. She must live with her terrible mistakes.

  96. you still haven't added anything of value to this discussion. You can make all the claims in the world - but why not cut out the nonsense and tell us all one of the tidbits that you claim to possess.

  97. As the Chazon Ish notes - a rav that is widely respected and yet makes a serious error - that error needs to be publicized

  98. You're comments are filled false premises so it's no wonder why you're up in arms and have a distorted view. How do you know with absolute certainty that she was in "cahoots"? Where is your evidence to support this? How do you know your evidence (if you even ever come up with any) is reliable? Do you have proof to it?
    You say she was "lying through her teeth", how do you know what the actual truth is to know what would classify her statement and/or actions as being Sheker? You don't know, and impossible to prove because you didn't experience it yourself. And even if you did, how would you prove it?
    Of course it's easy to yell and scream without any support for any of your claims and assumptions. Especially when there's no way to actually provide adequate evidence to validate your opinion.

  99. ADZ, I've twice asked you, and you've not once addressed the question of, which posek authorized Tamar to hire Mendel Epstein to violently assault hey husband in the street?

  100. They list him because he once wrote a letter of support. However he does not support their current activities. As indicated both from conversations with me and from the BBD's letters, he does not approve of any public shaming campaigns that are done without a BD.

  101. You don't know precisely what Tamar knows about Aaron. You are not her (or are you?). So you are only left to determine with the information that you have been supplied with. So already you're limited to what you can formulate an opinion about. (So is everyone else, myself included). My point is, lack of knowledge (whatever the reason or unattainable info) will inevitably produce a flawed perception (or maybe an accurate perception in accordance with the data at hand), however that isn't the fact or truth of the matter.
    You go on to evaluate the example I presented with different types of details that I didn't author. I didn't state what the Shayla was, what it was being asked on, what type of Kashrus Shayla, or to whom the Shayla was posed to. You decided on your own to fill in as you saw fit. So your critique was inapplicable to what I had written.
    Don't assume what you don't know, or be stubborn to realize that there is more to know.

  102. You display child-like attributes in your comments. "This little spoiled brat", and who are you exactly? Because you call her such doesn't make it actuality or have validity. Were you there in the room when she presented her Shayla? Do you know every detail that was discussed? And you go ahead and rant against her when you can't possibly know all the data. You're comical and irrelevant

  103. It's much more then a "tidbit". But I will not reveal anything until you supply valid support to your claim that what I post has no "value" or is "nonsense". Why is your definition or interpretation of value or sensible the standard by which others have to oblige to? If your too stubborn to get off your high horse and come to the realization that you're not the ultimate authority and know-it-all, and that your assessment of values, logic, rational, common sense, and reason is habitually disfigured - then you will not get any relevant information from me.
    You're allowed to disagree, argue, and dispute someone however you must show respect. Quite with the name calling, don't ever state an evaluation without supporting facts, and show the ability to be Machnia. If you can't adhere to these guidelines you'll be left ignorant.

  104. No, I don't want to cover up reality, and I do think that truth has value. But I disagree with your premise that whatever missteps R' Shachter may or may not have taken 7 years ago somehow disqualifies him from giving a shiur about the Hagada Shel Pesach, and I take extreme offense at your comparing one of the great marnitzei Torah and talmidei chachomim of our generation to rapists, sexual abusers, and criminals.

  105. Why is it so difficult for you to embrace criticism? Are you so insecure that you can't handle being reprimanded? Or is it that the critique hit home and touched sensitive nerves or recalled childhood traumatic experiences which you're too ashamed or frightened to relive? You seem to feel threatened by my remarks and fail to show equilibrium, self confidence, and self certainly in yourself that you can't address any inquiry I've made of you head on. You retort with a question of your own with zero regard for accountability to man up and answer. Do you struggle with staying focused and at attention or is it just to difficult and you're at a loss of words to respond coherently. There's a distinct pattern to your behavior and it's both striking and telling. You think you know what "constructive" is, - please define it. How and where did you arrive at that definition? How can you call out someone for not being rational when you yourself are irrational? Just because you can't detect your own flaws doesn't mean they don't exist. In fact, you repeatedly exhibit illogical conclusions, incoherent responses, and have insufficient relevant facts to your assumptions and assertions. You're blinded and biased in a black hole of arrogance, too small to man up and articulate when called upon yet hold others to such a standard that if its not to your liking they are name called and unworthy. You're a living hypocrite who's shortcomings are on display on a constant basis and is mightily shallow in intelligence, knowledge, and Middos. Are you man enough to stand tall through the boxing ring when you're hit hard to reset your footing, realign your balance and counter with a dignified, logical arguments with authentic proofs to your claims or you're too weak and mentally handicapped to face the music? Humbleness and Hachna'ah are indications of strength while haughtiness and Gayvah represents weakness. Your temperament displays one who's lacks maturity. It may not be your fault for the childhood experiences you've been through which has shaped your emotions to conquer your intellect and hinder your ability to think straight.

  106. All your gloating about being in the know while at the same time not providing any proof to such a claim only serves to delegitimize the very point your trying to make.

    A lot of people have entered this forum claimed they are in the know and don't actually produce anything of substance.

    Now is your opportunity.

    And if your unwilling then why even mentioned how well connected you are?

    You are posting anonymously and no one has any reason to take what you are saying at face value.

    As has been previously pointed out your attacks on Mr Ploni who is a highly respectable Psychologist and Talmid Chochom is out of line especially when you provide no counter proof of information to the contrary. He is intimate with some of the key information and players in this saga. And he has provided proof to that claim to boot.

    You have not.

  107. aside from calling others various names - you are not contributing anything

  108. you conveniently ignore the diary entry. the claims about AF before Beis Din. the claims she made in secular court. What else do you claim we don't know?

  109. ADZ you are wrong. this is my blog and it runs by my rules - not yours

  110. cut out the psycho babble. After writing many comments - you still have not said anything of substance

  111. “Lowert Merlon Synagogue presents Kollele Yom Rishon A project of Yeshiva University Center for the Jewish Future Sunday, April 10, 2016…Rabbi Hershel Schachter Rosh yeshiva, RIETS and Rosh Kollel, Marcus and Adina Katz Kolell Inyanei Haggadah”

    April 10, 2016 was 2 days before the release of: Pacer: “Filed & Entered: 04/12/2016 Memorandum Opinion Docket Text: OPINION as to MENDEL EPSTEIN, BINYAMIN STIMLER. Signed by Judge Freda L. Wolfson on 4/12/2016.”

    Epstein and his supporters are still fighting, now in appeal. I see: At sentencing, Epstein tells the judge: "I guess I got caught up in my tough-guy image."

    Epstein claims he was only joking to the FBI agents. What did he actually do these 30 years? Where’s the proof? Is it heinous [the word of Judge Sarah Wolfson] that he gets into quarrels taking the woman’s side?

    I quote:

    “A passerby who gets embroiled in someone else’s quarrel Is like one who seizes a dog by its ears. Like a madman scattering deadly firebrands, arrows, Is one who cheats his fellow and says, “I was only joking.” For lack of wood a fire goes out, And without a querulous man contention is stilled. Charcoal for embers and wood for a fire And a contentious man for kindling strife. The words of a querulous man are bruising; They penetrate one’s inmost parts” (Prroverbs 26:17-22).

    We need prosecution for perjury on all the witnesses before Judge Sarah Wolfson, including Rabbi Schachter. Why? For all the truth to come out. Why is that important? For the Jewish future.

  112. You really need to calm down.

    I've read through every single comment of yours and you don't seem to have added any new information to this Parsha.
    Rather you have just critiqued other for their lack of knowledge, told the to zip it, that they spit vomit and that they are baalei gaava. While at the same time have boasted about your insider knowledge. Yet you have not revealed, or even slightly disclosed any new information that would turn any discussion in this forum into something constructive.

    Nobody knows you, and yet you are incredulous that we don't take you as an authoritative voice.

    You seem to enjoy being verbose, but your verbosity is parse with actual information.

  113. Since you are applying a "guilt by association" to RHS, how comes none of the letters opposing the heter have been directed at him?

  114. Eddie - why is that a serious question? How many of the letters against the heter have been directed at the Kaminetskys or Rav Greenblatt?

  115. If you go back to the archives you will find Rabbi Willig's support of a child molester, Baruch Lanner, and his Bais Din hiding this from the public for over a decade until the story broke in the media and Lanner was finally arrested. Yet you posted a link to his shiur just last week? Rabbi Willig apologized 13 years later only after he was threatened with losing his job and only after the story became public. When confronted about it in a local shul in Teaneck he read from his prepared statement, never directly apologizing to the dozens of victims. But you still accept his Torah? Do you have any idea the devastating affect all those extra years Lanner was at NCSY had on his victims? And they became victims again when they testified before Willig's Bais Din and were called liars? How many lives were ruined during all those years he knew about the abuse and did nothing. How many suicides? Please help me understand the difference here? Justice was finally had in the secular court, not in Willig's Bais Din. Has everyone forgotten the victims? They still live with this every day.

  116. ADZ, I've been asking you kindly to support your insistence that Tamar consistently only did what a posek advised her to, by identifying which posek authorized her to hire Mendel Epstein to assault and beat her husband in an attempt to physically coerce a Get from him.

  117. One again you declare blanket statements without explanations. (Because you have none!) At least you acknowledge your corrupt nature and your narcissistic mentality of "my blog" and "my rules", with blatant disregard for His Rules. There are rules of how one must conduct themselves which supersede your rules and your blog. You're the epitome of a Ba'al Gayva. The reality is that when you are called out you retreat. You never present a coherent argument. You are what we refer to when we Daven for those who need a Refuas HaNefesh. Get well soon

  118. Your words so eloquently and precisely describe what you are doing constantly.

  119. Incorrect. There are more pages to her diary that I have access to. Plus audio of a conversation she had with R' Kaminetzky (younger) and video from a 6 hour meeting which both parties were present before R' Belsky Z"L.
    You want me to release this information? Acknowledge your flaws, apologize sincerely for your words and actions, and display that you have the ability to be Machnia. If you fail to meet these requirements you'll get nothing.

  120. So you're doing this lishaim shamayim....

  121. Makes sense though

  122. no I am not Tamar. There is way more that I don't know, then I actually know. For the more I learn, the more I realize how much I actually don't know....

  123. why are you wasting your time reading this blog?

  124. I am jealous at your writing skills and the way you put your thoughts on paper.
    I'm very serious. Your English and writing is phenomenal.

  125. wow. And if I stand on my head and spit wooden nickles you will reveal the day Moshiach is coming!

    Considering your track record - I will pass up your offer

  126. ADZ you are wasting everyone's time. You are simple a troll. I am not publishing any more of your "gems" unless you have something to contribute.

  127. We see it from the so-called "rabbis" who can admit no wrong even when it slaps them in the face. R. Peretz Steinberg was gently told by a Bais Din his testimony was incorrect (we wasn't even identified as the aid-echad) yet he adamantly refuses the criticism to the extent he committed PERJURY to a secular court! Aim your criticism where it belongs!

  128. And your points are spot on. I do not agree with the way the Epsteins handled things in this saga, but I never once underestimated their pain as well. Yes AF has been through hell, but the Epsteins have not been living it up either.
    But as they say, all is fair in the game of love and war....

  129. Don't forget that she even tried to get the Greater Washington Bais Din to adjudicate and she was told by Rabbi Winter, zt'l, and Rabbi Klavan to go back to the Baltimore Bais Din. Her actions were those of someone who knew she was wrong and instead of accepting it she compounded it and dragged others down with her.

  130. Laytzanus Doche Es HaTochachos.......You're too weak to acknowledge your shortcomings and commit to change. Pretty sad. Your internal struggle of wanting to get all the info possible yet at the same time maintaining your arrogance - you chose to protect yourself imagine over all else. You're a low-life. Could have had loads of new data including the name of the Doctor who diagnosed Aaron (his office and home phone & address with proof that he was involved. The actual report written is confidential but the audio I have has many unknown details). Contemplate your decision, you can still repent...............

  131. It doesn't take knowing "every" detail to see what a spoiled brat little miss Tamar is. She confirmed she is one with the flagrant details she has presented. Especially by her running to Memphis to get a fake heter instead of going to Baltimore to end her marriage al pi halacha.

  132. I've been wondering the same thing!

  133. What are you a mafia boss?

    Release the info. If you think that TE is being smeared than don't you have an achrayus to clear her name publicly?

    How could you sit back and allow this hotzaas Shem rah when you have information that could clear her to the contrary? Or at least as a smach that she is not a boeles znus.

  134. The Rabbi quoting R' Akiva Eiger in code RED giving a sweeping permission for everyone to force bealot uvmaklot extracting a Forced Get, afilu beShabbat. The comparison to Psak of R' Akiva Eiger is Pathetic.

  135. I'll gladly provide plenty of information - including all sources, that I have access to, provided that the publisher of this blog adhere to the requirements he has been notified of. So as long as he refuses to do his part, I will not disclose anything.

  136. ROFL!!!!!!!!!! Ta'ane leksil keivalto. Gevaldig!

  137. "Epstein claims he was only joking to the FBI agents"
    So did Yishmael ben Hagar hamitzris claim as well, *Metzachek*. Pere odom, yodo bakol, veyad kol bo.

  138. They all have, although not by name. They have attacked the heter, whose authors you name.

  139. "And let's not forget that the Baltimore B"D remains the ONLY B"D MUTUALLY agreed upon by the parties!"

    Not only that, Rabbi Kalman Winter, Zt'L and Rabbi Hillel Klavan both signed a letter saying that the Baltimore B"D remains the ONLY B"D with jurisdiction in the case! For the woman in this case to dismiss the explicit answer to the explicit request SHE had made to the Washington Vaad because they wouldn't give her what she wanted makes it brutally clear that such a person was not interested in mishpot!

  140. From the 1/5/12 Jewish Exponent: "local institutions came out publicly in their support for Epstein. Torah
    Academy of Greater Philadelphia, where Epstein's daughter is a student;
    Lower Merion Synagogue; and Young Israel of the Main Line each
    publicized a December rally in Silver Spring, Md., and the New Year's
    Day rally in New York."

    The entire Philadelphia community owes an apology to Aharon Friedman. Especially the 2 synagogues that publicized the rallies against him, Lower Merion Synagogue; and Young Israel of the Main Line.

  141. Pure stupidities.

    1) You keep on changing your usernames. Nothing new here.

    2) You keep on making a bunch of false claims.

    2B) You keep on claiming that you have evidence. This has been going on for five months. The reality is, that all evidence has shown that it's a big lie. RDF rejected all of Shalom's supposed evidence.

    3) You're not the first. So many of those exposed on this site have played your exact game. Sof dovr, the truth comes out. A bit of light pushes away a lot of darkness and lies.

  142. 1) He is.

    2) To answer your original question, it all depends on the circumstances. But in an exact situation of where RHS, the Epsteins are continuing to persecute - then their hypocritical behavior deserves to be exposed, precisely through the rules that they themselves have created.

    Yes, hopefully, at a certain point they will feel the morah bosor v'dom to bring them to morah Shomayim.....

  143. I'll gladly reveal everything I know. All I ask is for the Mesader of this blog to comply with a few simple requirements. His stubbornness to act in accordance is the sole reason for withholding the information.

  144. So much for loshon medaberes gedolos, e.g. Vomit, in need of toilet training. As for poseach al shnei haseifim, to each seif a nick. So much for fact finding.

  145. There is no need for all the vast information you claim to be privileged to, you yet haven't put up any valid coherent defense on behalf of TE with everything put on the table, outside of firefighting against the winds of war.

  146. I like Rabbi Eidensohn's trademark use - of the hyphen.

  147. " Whenever you have a Halachic Shaylah or any Shaylah for that matter, do you 1st ask a Posek to Pasken which Posek you should go to to present your inquiry?

    Point being, that the way one presents their case, dilemma, or Shaylah, and to whom to approach for guidance is very key to what outcome, solution, answer, or advice they will be told. Obviously, one has to exercise good judgment of their own and be honest with themselves before presenting their ordeal if their objective is true Daas Torah and authentic reliable Halacha. "


    " * is very key to what outcome* "

    Mikilei Beis Shamay umikilei Beis Hillel rosho!

    Once a Posek paskens on a shayla, you do not and may not continue to pursue for another Posek until you hit Bingo for a Heter. This is precisely what they did, went on a Shopping Spree. When they didn't get their desired Psak, they moved on at their convenience, and the proof was/is out there of those rabonim that refused to sign and consent. This is kegonev daas Elyon.

    You can turn your Chutzpa down a notch together with your privileged information. R Daniel Eidensohn can teach you a thing or two and much more. His brother R' Dovid has been in the forefront of this FIASCO and privileged with all the information necessary first hand from the GEDOILEI UPOSKEI haDOR hayoshvim al haModin, AND AS A *POSEK* and Mumche highly recommended by R' Elayashiv Z"L baki Betiv Gittin veKidushin. Maybe if you had access to Tamar's hand notes in reading the page numbers doesn't give you the right to be the know it all. Had you been a little honest you would come up with something worthy of kechudo shel machat to back up your *medaber gavohah gevohah*. What is your expertise in betiv Gitin veKidushin? Huh? Outside of belittling anyone in sight bechol shemot shel gnay, you contributed nothing, and absolutely nothing in defense of TE, her Gilui Arayos, lo tzayes ledina, chilul hashem just to name a few.

  148. Why not let us in on what he testified before Judge Wolfson? Don't you know talmid chochom shesorach yarchik dalet Amot leachoirov, vekoifin olov Keili.

  149. I appreciate the compliment. I've been writing for over 20 years

  150. I'll gladly expose all the evidence I have at my disposal, however its contingent on the Mesader of this blog complying with a few simple requirements. So far he's been too stubborn to oblige. Take it up with him.

  151. I'll gladly reveal all the information I have on condition the Mesader of this blog fulfill a few simple requirements. His failure to comply is the cause of my withholding the scoop I have. Take it up with him.

  152. You're clearly a da'as yachid in your appraisal of my comments not containing "substance" or is "psycho babble", as others have responded and corresponded with vast contrast to your approach. Time for a self evaluation - introspection. All the name calling is just making you look more and more foolish. Wake up

  153. Incorrect. I could and am willing to reveal everything I know including all my sources. However it's all depending on if the Mesader of this blog complies with a few simple requirements. You want the scoop - take it up with him.

  154. See my response below

  155. What are Mr. Ploni's credentials? From where did he receive his degree in psychology, does he have a PH.D., how many years experience? From where did he receive Semicha? What Yeshivos did he attend and who is his Rebbe? I'm willing to examine him personally on his proficiency and expertise on both Halacha and psychology. Don't underestimate someone you haven't met or know nothing about.

  156. Please get off your soapbox. Why don't you just have a discussion with Ploni ?

    Who are you to "examine him personally on his proficiency" - you haven't demonstrated any competence yourself.

  157. You're either mentally impaired, inflicted with a terminal disease, or atrociously addicted to the deplorable Midda of Gayva. Either way your disorder should be addressed immediately if there's any hope of being healed/cured. You have no self control, hostilely & aggressively snap & name-call - never substantiated with any logical arguments.
    I will not comply with any requests of yours until you accept and fulfill what is incumbent upon you to undertake & achieve. Don't fall to despair, you can do Teshuva Shelayma. You have tremendous talents KN"H, however your awful Middos are impeding your potential and digging your pit deeper and deeper. Turn the page of your past, and start fresh with earnest to live and act with Derech Eretz. Dig deep and you'll find it astonishing that you really do have the Kochos within to transform & reconstruct into a new person. Along with heartfelt Tefilous and a heavy dose of S'Yata D'Shmaya, you'll overcome & conquer what is beyond your imagination. The past will all seem as a confabulation. Believe in yourself!!!!!! Muster up the courage!!!!!!! You could do it!!!!!!
    Once you do, I'll be happy to converse with Mentchlachkiet with you and be as open, honest, and forthcoming as I can. I'll supply you with all the knowledge I'm aware of, articulated clearly with every source (names, dates, addresses, documents, audio, video, and eye witness accounts). The choice is yours. I suggest making the right one. You have no idea how much Nachas you'll give to הקב״ה!
    Before that happens, you'll have to wait patiently on all your desires and requests. Maybe Mr. Ploni - who so desperately wants to be in contact with me - can assist and encourage you on your road to recovery, so this way not only will you benefit & have a Yeshua, but he'll obtain colloquy as well.

  158. Where is your semicha from? What are your credentials? Before you start questioning someone else, prove your own competence. That you haven't done. What you have done is proved you are like those people I knew in Washington DC who kept making irrational excuses for the oddities of Barry Freundel. They stopped making those excuses for him when it was their wives he peeped at.

  159. Let's assume the statements you have just made are true and not the fantasy you have conjured up. Why haven't those pages of Tamar's diary and your supposed video been presented to the Baltimore Bais Din? THAT is only place evidence like that regarding the status of her marriage matters. This was stated by Rav Kalman Winter, zt'l, and Rav Hillel Klavan on behalf of the Bais Din of the Vaad Harabonim of Greater Washington in response to her request by her for them to adjudicate.

    Here's a challenge for you. You claim to have video of a 6 hour meeting of both parties before R. Belsky. Present a 30 second clip here that proves your video exists. Put up or shut up.

  160. Invalid rebuttal for myriad of reasons. #1 There is more pages to her diary that you're unaware of - which I have a copy of. #2 the sequence of events as you describe is inaccurate - you're news feed must be limited, nevertheless woefully inadequate and immensely fragmented. You don't know who spoke to whom when, about what, what was discussed, & how it was said. Tidbits of a synopsis doesn't qualify. #3 you don't know who diagnosed Aaron's condition, his level of authority & acclaim in the field, and how he produced such a report - I do. #4 you're ignorant of Aaron's self testimonies - I have audio, video, and written statements of his.
    There's much more pieces of the puzzle you're missing, but you already have a lot on your plate.
    I've repeatedly said I'll release everything I know, however on condition that the Mesader of this blog adhere to a few simple requirements. Apparently his ego is too domineering -obstructing his ability to comply. Take it up with him if your desire to be informed is overbearing.
    When you lack intelligence and feel insecure of your imperfections, you feel threatened and insulted when enlightened that there are others who know more then you - hence your final paragraph. When the "ba'al ha'blog" becomes worthy of respect he'll be treated accordingly. Your self-obsession and delusional self-image is directly related to your usage of the term haughtiness. You can't fathom that there exists superiority to you in education, intelligence, comprehension, mental acuteness, eminence in cognition, and one who's more sophisticated, au fait, & au courant in matters you think you're "informed" of. Carry on with your ramblings if you wish, just know that it carries no weight - whether you realize it or not.

  161. Aaron David Z writes:

    “#1 There is more pages to her diary that you're unaware of - which I have a copy of. #2 the sequence of events as you describe is inaccurate - you're news feed must be limited, nevertheless woefully inadequate and immensely fragmented. You don't know who spoke to whom when, about what, what was discussed, & how it was said. Tidbits of a synopsis doesn't qualify. #3 you don't know who diagnosed Aaron's condition, his level of authority & acclaim in the field, and how he produced such a report - I do. #4 you're ignorant of Aaron's self testimonies - I have audio, video, and written statements of his.”

    Yes, that’s Susan whom I divorced on her initiative 2/17/1993. Susan used other aliases on this blog, such as Frum Sarah, to express her anger at Wolmark making a deal with Judge Freda Wolfson. Susan is the answer to Moe’s 4 questions:

    ‘Who advised Tamar to hire violent goons to assault and beat her husband in the street? Who advised her to involve ORA to publicly embarrass her husband? Who advised her to walk out of the marriage unilaterally and simply take his child with her? Which posek paskened she could hire Mr. Mendel Epstein's hitmen against her husband?”

    Happy and Kosher Pesach to all Israel including to Susan. I truly bless her with long life and good health and happiness even though I’m “fighting” her in NYS courts. I’m a כהן I bless everyone.

  162. Fair game. Going by the guidelines you set forth, one must prove they are competent to reserve the right to question other people's mastery & prowess, and subsequently are certified to offer critique. Since you conjured up these principles, be the first to present your best crack at validating yourself. Let's see what you can come up with. Only evidence that's beyond a shadow of a doubt will suffice. And by the way, who's the judge & jury here on who determines if you are "competent"? They too would be required to provide their own credentials as being qualified to preside over your demonstration. You picked an impossible path to travel on, already hinting at being egregiously incompetent. Once you sort out your own malformations, I'll supply everything I have to back up my claim, including personal information and references.
    Helpful tip - before you challenge someone, take a moment to self reflect if you yourself are up to par and qualified to be doing the questioning. Live by the standards you hold others to live by. Failure to do so is hypocritical and you won't get anywhere.

  163. Just to clarify

    Who has given you reshus to publicize the information that you have? (Assuming you have information)

    If this information is so top secret that seemingly even the major poskim have not been privy to (as evidenced by no such references to them by either R Shlomo Miller, R Ahron Feldman) what or who gives you the mandate to use this top secret information as a carrot to demand teshuva shleima from people or for hachnaa?

    So far you have given nothing to in any way even slightly give credence to anything you claim. Yet you demand the world from people you don't know.

  164. Hey, you're the one who first demanded validation of Mr. Ploni. So by your rules, you should validate yourself first. And you have, as a hypocrite.

    As for me, I have more than enough validation. Start with these,!537&authkey=!AG-u_3g_JN7Zwes&ithint=file%2cdoc

  165. Ha ha ha ha! You'll release the information when the Mesader of this blog adheres to a few simple requirements? Ha ha ha ha!

    What a phoney you are! You claim to have information that will vindicate poor little Tamar from her status as a conniving adulteress who destroyed the legacies of the Kaminetzkys and Rav Nota Greenblatt and you're waiting for the blogmaster to genuflect before you? Why do you add to Tamar's continued torment?
    Oh boo hoo hoo! Everyone will continue to believe poor little Tamar would rather live with a fake heter that not even Rabbi Hershel Schachter accepts than to do what the Torah requires.all because Mr(?) ADZ doesn't want to show the proof he (claims he) has.

  166. @Aaron Dovid Z: You made a statement a few days ago that Tamar always followed a psak before she ever acted in her conflict with her husband. I therefore inquired of you which posek she followed before she hired Mendel Epstein to beat her husband in the street outside her mother's home after he dropped off their child. You thus far have ignored several requests for a response.

    Please either clarify or withdraw your earlier assertion. In addition to the above, I'd be interested in knowing which posek advised her she may simply walk out of the marital home and take their child with her away from their home.

  167. Such naarishkeit. Information (if it exists) that isn't strong enough to be released before an apology is worthless.

  168. Such horrid רשעות. The mattirim are going through terrible בזיונות of the worst kind: בזיון התורה. You can defend them and refuse to do so.

    Even if you do so now you will have to answer why you didn't do so till now.

  169. Sorry to break the news but I'm not Susan.

  170. I've replied numerous times however the Mesader of this blog has decided against publishing it. Take it up with him. I have the answers to all your questions and will express them when the Mesader does his part 1st.

  171. Assumptions assumptions.........You don't know what exactly I know or the people to whom the information is relevant to know, how much they know, etc. among many other things. So scream & yell all you want but you have no basis for your comments.

  172. Call me a bluff to your hearts desires, doesn't even make the radar. You think you know of other's legacies (who defines them exactly?!) or the emotional state of mind of Tamar. You're the definition of a laughingstock

  173. ADZ - you are a sad joke. If you have evidence to defend Tamar as well as the Kaminetsky's and Rav Greenblatt - blaming me for not producing it is not just nonsense but rishus.

  174. Silly. And a demand from the author of this blog towards certain people public without relevant knowledge of the case is warranted? Pretty hypocritical in my book. Besides, his apology is the least of my concerns, it's his Middos which need to be addressed ASAP.

  175. I would also like to know which posek told her to NOT return to the Baltimore Bais Din after her request to the Washington Vaad was explicitly answered by them that ONLY the BBD had jurisdiction for her case.

  176. If you claim that your points aren't being posted here please put them up somewhere else on the internet, maybe on another blog. It will be seen by many and will not be able to be ignored by the mesader of this blog. If you don't do that than I say you have nothing of value to present.

  177. NO! You aren't? And here we thought we solved the mystery of the fantasy diary pages and imaginary video.

  178. I would like to express my appreciation to you for being such a perfect example of הרוצה לשקר ירחיק עדותו. Thank you! Your lies are obvious. Your continued game of making claims, but refusing to reveal them until.... is old. But there is new lesson every time you do it. For that, I thank you!

  179. Do you have an email you can share to be contacted?

  180. You couldn't control yourself even for just once to reply without hostility and ridicule - you call others a "sad joke". Beyond ludicrous. You clearly have internal issues including but limited to being submerged in negative emotions which hampers rational reasoning. That is what we call sad & nonsense.

  181. There is no weapon of WMD's in his pocket. All he has is the Davidke on display at the Junction of R' Yafo in Yam that use to make a lot of noise. Not even the stones of David haMelech in his Yalkut. ROFL, in milchemet Atsmaut Israel had one downtrodden submarine from days of Terach. Every night it was brought to shore of Eilat and repainted to a different color so the enemy should think israel has an endless bound and resource for Mashchetet. Wouldn't R' Dovid and the K's utilized it if it had any worth? Al tezabel li bamoach.

  182. Can you not at least share a small tidbit of your secret information with the people of this blog so that we can establish you are not total sheker. Otherwise, you must realize that nobody believes a word you say and you are wasting everyone's time.

  183. It's eating away at you that my information has eluded you. Poke fun and accuse of being "fantasy" & "imaginary" to your heats content. The reality is that it exists and I have it. This isn't a scam or fabrication. All your dismissive comments won't change the facts of existence. Swallow this pill, digest it, and advocate to the Mesader of this blog to follow his instructions and you'll be enlightened. Until then you'll be left ignorant and discombobulated with nothing other then contemptuous declarations which are not pertinent in the slightest.

  184. ROFL! Ledovid beshanoisoi es ta'amo.

  185. You're entitled to your own set of guidelines of how things should be conducted however others aren't bound by your authority. So to make deductions and evaluations based on the way others deem as a fitting approach & conduct when it runs in contrast with your perception of right, wrong, of value or valueless, is quite preposterous. Just as the Mesader of this blog is unwilling to comply with my stipulations (he has B'Chira and his own train of thought) so too I am not bound to your or his code of conduct.

  186. Incorrect, I haven't refused or am unwilling to reveal what I know. I reserve the right to do things my way just as the Mesader of this blog has chosen (so far) to do things his way.

  187. Just FYI, in 2012, there were no Epstein children in Torah Academy....
    And pps, that's not Tamar in the picture,
    And ppps. Not everything you read or see on the internet is true.

  188. Uchsil Lo Yavin Es Zos! FunDesVaygen............
    There's two ways I can retort:

    1) B'Derech Yisroel Sabah Shel HaBa'al HaBlog - to name call and be dismissive of your comments without offering any rational or reasoning and refer to you as: "incompetent", "sad joke", "nonsense", "rishus", "shoot off your mouth", "you're a troll", "I didn't lightly call you a troll", "unconstructive comments", "your words beautifully describe what you are doing - thank you", "who thinks that what you have written is constructive - besides yourself?", "you seem to have a problem with rational thought", "you haven't contributed anything useful", "you haven't added anything of value to this discussion", "aside from calling others various names", "you are wrong", "cut out the psycho babble", "after writing many comments - you still have not said anything of substance", "you are wasting everyone's time", "please get off your soapbox", and "you haven't demonstrated any competence yourself". V'ain Tzarich L'Faraish - HaLo Davar Hu!

    V'od Yesh LoMar
    2) An in-depth and thorough undressing of every word you penned - exposing your psychological & intellectual deformities, dismembering your every thought, argument, & reasoning, unmasking the essence of your ignorance and lack of knowledge (Bain B'Inyani Halacha, Bain B'Inyani Chachma) all in great detail, along with the application of all the Divray Chazal pertaining to back up every charge and how you personify it. (It is already written, 19 pages).

    Being that you're a supporter and endorser to the Ba'al Ha'Blog, the first option should suffice. Your case is well rested.........

  189. You sound like, "Ani Koheles hoyisi melech biYerusholoyim", trying to promote and sell the goods but nobody is willing to pay the price for it. If fair market value doesn't justify, then eat it or sit on it. It is you against the world that has the motive to promote your alleged stuff if you only have any, to be matir sheretz bekif nun ta'amim in Tamar's defense. After a while screaming Wolf, nobody would care to listen to you anyway. It will be Etrogim achrei Sukkot, ve'ein koineh. As the saying goes, if you know something, say something, if you don't, then forever hold your peace. For all of us Klall Yisrael, according to the Torah haKdosha, she is a chonte mechutzefet bereish gli without any future in sight. Vekol mi sheyesh lo lelamed zchus aleha ad arboim yom yovo veyelamed. Yovo Ba'al haShor veya'amid al shoiro. By now your time is up. With such Sanegoria you claim to have mitachas chaguro but cannot show for it is worth Bopkes sheovor olav haKlach, ve'ein lo hofchin, kapish?

    Are you trying to tell me that R'DF, the K's, RNG, BBD don't know what you know? Even they put this behind them and concluded that this FIASCO has no place in Das Moshe veYisrael, what then are you hucking a tsheinik. Tse ubasser lasussim vachamorim. Other than that have Kosher Pesach.

  190. You obviously have trouble following a dialogue and are pretty discombobulated. My asking for Mr. Ploni's credentials wasn't prefaced by the rule of one cannot question others without prior qualification. That was your constitution. I had questioned the relevance of Mr. Ploni when Mefaresh had referenced him as support to his argument, simple as that.
    You tripped on your own feet - watch your step

  191. You don't know what other people know. Perhaps people who the information is relevant to are aware of it? You arguments are built on quicksand like PiSom & Ra'amsais. That's besides that fact that you're delusional that you're a Man DeOmar here B'Chlal. Nothing of what I have access to is opinion based rather hard cold facts. There's way more to this saga then you know and will ever know.

  192. We know quite well that much on the internet is false. is a prime example of that.

  193. Never blamed you. Who said Tamar, the Kaminetzky's, & R' Greenblatt don't already know the information I have? All I said was that if you would like to be informed (and I'm open to share everything I have in a Mentchlachdika manner) you know precisely what you have to do. It's not so difficult or above your means. You have a fascinating drive of Mevakaish HaEmes which if you alter certain parts of your character you can achieve lofty heights. Nobody is perfect or is expected to be, however we must always be looking to Shteig. We can move on from past altercations and start anew. It's up to you.......

  194. If you indeed have information that no one has that would validate the heter, why didn't you present it to Rav Dovid Feinstein?

    And if you did present it, (which means your first name is Sholom?), and Rav Dovid rejected this information, then of what use it?

  195. This type of talk that "there's much more to the story that you don't know" has been the Kamenetzky response from the beginning.

    It may have worked with some people, but it ultimately failed when the "big file of evidence that no one knows besides us" was finally presented in the BD of RDF. They were not impressed, and neither should anyone else.

    Of course there's lots of information that no one knows - no one is claiming lo zozo yodeinu mitoch yodo - but the question is: what relevance does it have to the validity of the heter?

  196. Hayad H' Tiktzor? You claim to have dire information to put Tamar in the clear where the whole wide world erred. As you claimed, that Tamar is aware and knows of the same, The K's, hours and hours of the secret tapes, the frank diary in it's entirety submitted in Court, Aron's own statements, and on and on and on. It is only YOU big moish that is able to interpret and decipher that can outdo the Biggest Poskim of the world lahfoch ka'ara al piho. You put conditions on the ba'al haBlog to be machnia before you, to korea umishtachave before your Highness, apologize etc., maybe even add some tears and what not.

    Tell me sir, with all due respect, is this the only blog in the whole wide world that is a repository for your privileged Tzofnas Paneach earth shattering pisron hachalom?! Did you try Hagaon R' Moshe Shternbuch vesiyatom? There are endless posts and letters from the Biggest Poskim mearba kanfos kol ha'aretz veyoshvei tevel right here on this very Blog that Tamar is living in sin, comes you lil pipsqueak and knows better, privileged to soidos meachorei haPargod that no other entity has been able to fathom. Mamash ish asher ruach elokim bo, huh? Add to it, Eminent Domain in Cognitive & intuition, Superiotiy in higher Education, Intelligence, Comprehensive mental acuteness, Psychology, Astrology, Sophisticated auto da fe and rest au rant , vechol minei shemos hanirdofim asher lo yodu avoisenu meolam, sheva chochmos, a Superstar one of a kind.

    R' Aron Feldman of BBD has put out a bakoshe lchol man dehi asher yesh lo meida shel eize dovor veafilu chotzi dovor benogea this Parshat Tamar ve'Ester sheyovo veyagid, did you apply? If not why not? Why in the world would you insist only on this particular Blog you are willing to disclose rofl the secret of the ATOM BOMB? Defending Tamar veEster is regardless of this blog, where is your rachmonus?

    I will tell you why you sit on it. Because you have a bag full of hot air and in need of Attention, and that only goes as long as you claim to have something that others don't. I won't hold my breath for one moment. What I would suggest is to seek out professional help, a Psych and in person first hand, up front not like those voodoo abracadabra kind. Maybe there is still hope for you out there H' yerachem. Wishing you a refuas hanefesh urfuas haguf bimheiro didan. Have a Kosher un listigen pesach bekorov mamash, Amen.

  197. Dear Ehud, Can't you tell Aaron Dovid Z is Tamar's mother? She may well imagine she's only helping her baby who's not a baby, just nuts, nuts as her mother. She crossed a red line with the $60,000 payment to Mendel Epstein to take a baseball bat to Tamar's husband. I can't understand how is possible Tamar's mother and Tamar get support from Rabbi Schechter and so many others !?? The $60,000 payment Tamar's lawyer testified he made to Mendel Epstein is what made Judge Freda Wolfson rule Mendel Epstein the master criminal mind doing heinous behavior many years.

  198. Ve'ein hatzor shove benezek....


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