Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Talmid chachom needs an attractive wife

Orchos Chaim (Hilchos Kesuba) And a Talmid chachom needs an adorned woman (Shabbos 25b). The reason he needs her is so that he won’t desire another woman because he has greater lust than other men as our Sages (Sukkah 52a) said whoever is greater than others has greater lust than they because the yetzer harah threatens to overwhelm him everyday. It would seem from this that it is prohibited for a talmid chachom to allow his wife to be unattractive ever – even if she is in mourning. This is so he isn’t repelled by her because he might become overwhelmed with lust for another woman, While this is a problem all men have but since a talmid chachom has greater lust it is particularly said about him.

Ohr HaChaim (Bereishis 29:18) And Yakov loved Rachel Not because of her beauty but because they were a predestined couple or alternatively as our Sages (Shabbos 25b) say that a talmid chachom should have a beautiful wife to protect against lust. So even though Yakov was a very spiritual man who defeated his lust nevertheless the Torah  teaches a person to have common sense

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