Sunday, December 13, 2020

NYC City Hall failed to stop massive Satmar funeral

 City Hall and the NYPD knew in advance that an Orthodox synagogue would hold a massive funeral in Williamsburg Monday, and begged leaders to comply with COVID-19 restrictions — to no avail, The Post has learned.

In pleas before the event, Mayor de Blasio’s representatives, including Pinny Ringel, the mayor’s liaison to the Orthodox Jewish community, asked the Yetev Lev D’Satmar temple at 152 Rodney St. to hold the funeral more safely outside, or at least require that everyone wear masks. The Satmar sect leaders refused, agreeing only to announce that masks were available at the door, sources revealed.

When officials threatened to shut down the funeral, the synagogue leaders dared them to do so, saying in essence: “Go ahead, make a spectacle,” a source said.

1 comment :

  1. I recently read an article detailing all the times the Satmar Rebbe dealt with the state of Israel. Contrary to the official history where he even refused to touch Israeli money, it turns out he handled quite a bit of it for his purposes. The article also referenced all the other episodes of hypocrisy he engaged in throughout his career.
    So when Satmar shouts "We oppose Zionism because we have to be subservient to the nations!" and then does something like this, it seems they're just following his minhag.


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