Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Even Fox’s ‘Hard News’ Shows Don’t Want to Book Trump’s Favorite New COVID Adviser

Dr. Scott Atlas, a neuroradiologist and fellow at the conservative Hoover Institution, joined the White House in August as one of President Donald Trump’s top coronavirus advisers. He was tapped largely due to the president’s affinity for what the doctor said during Fox News appearances, in which he espoused views that made him—as one White House official characterized—the “anti-Fauci” in Trump’s eyes.

 Among the “hard-news” division shows at Fox, Atlas is viewed with skepticism by senior staff at many of the programs, as they view him as lacking credibility during the coronavirus crisis, and as someone who isn’t even a medical expert in the relevant field.

“Atlas has a background in radiology, not infectious diseases,” one of the sources said. “It makes no sense to have him on to discuss a contagious respiratory virus that continues to spread through parts of this country like wildfire.”

1 comment :

  1. Let's start a betting pool - how ling until this guy gets fired and Trump announces he's a terrible guy? I give him 3 weeks.


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