Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Trump’s Misguided Tweet Seeking Wallace Apology for Noose ‘Hoax’
President Donald Trump misdirected blame when he questioned why NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace had not “apologized to all of those great NASCAR drivers & officials who came to his aid … only to find out that the whole thing was just another HOAX.”


  1. It wasn't a classical hoax. The mood in the country is that racism lurks under every stone is a hoax. The "discovery" of a "noose" just played into that mood.

    The noose was in fact not a noose. It was a small loop at the end of a rope; again, not a noose at all. A noose is a certain type of knot. This was not that knot. A noose is usually made to fit around a neck, not to be of a size more fitting for a finger.

    And in fact that was the purpose of the loop. To facilitate the pulling down of a garage door, one could reach up with a stick or rod with a hook on the end, engage the loop, and pull down the door.

    In Trump World, this incident is a way to illustrate how White folk are constantly being villified. Trump will likely lose in November. But his brand of standing up to the rising tide of Marxism and anti-Americanism will prevail.

    I'm on social media with White people, some of whom are required by the companies they work for to take diversity/inclusivity/sensitivity training or something like that.

    But these men are homophobic and racist. If they don't have a President willing to stand up for them, they'll find some other means to get their way. They are not going to roll over and change who they are.

    All the Left is accomplishing is bringing closer the day when some Whites are so fed up that they rebel en masse.

  2. Apologetic for Nazis and KKK
    Are you serious?

  3. I don't understand what you wrote.

    But if what you mean is that do I justify civil war, the answer is that I merely point out that the war we find ourselves in is based on more than racial hatred.

    The same conflict would be brewing if all the Blacks and Whites had the same color skin, but embraced different approaches to life.

    You don't find any places in the U.S. where Whites are slaughtering Whites, and where Whites riot when a cop justifiably kills a White suspect. But if we did, the dynamic of civil war would also be there.

  4. I don't think it's that. The actual neo-nazis and KKK are a very small number. however, the way the Left is working today, there is a significant number of Whtie men who are being told in all the various forms of the media that they are naturally evil, guilty of "original sin" for being born White men. Everything they have is stolen or acquired by violence. They have "privilege" which is unearned.
    This is what happened with Brexit, where a large number of people who were swaying in their vote expressed sane concerns about remaining in the EU and were immediately told they were bigots, racists, gynophobes, homophobies, Islamophobes, etc. And they got mad because they were and they didn't like being insulted repeatedly and told that they're stupid.
    Reb Orlow is noting the possibility of something similar happening in the States. A large group of people, Whites, have been turning into the scapegoat for every problem the US has. And they're really not but they're going to resent being told they are. The right demogogue on the Right could turn that into a force.

  5. Tremendous insight and now we know how bigots are made and can be justified. I think the Nazis got there first. Of course it also explains anti-antisemitism. All those gentle goyim being blamed for harming Jews

  6. You got that 100% right. Now we know how bigots are made. They are made by you and others like you who keep telling people over and over they are bigots until one day you find out you are right.

    Basically the nrwly minted bigots are like, "Who needs this?"

    Yitzchak told Esau his day would come. Jacob would shirk his duty. Then Esau can rise up.

  7. Wow
    classic blame the victim!
    So those nasty dummies who critized the Nazi treatment of Jews caused the holocaust and the Germans behavior resulted from the criticism?!

    So your reasoned advise is never criticize wrong doings because it causes it to increase.

    we can also conclude that criticism of the Tamar Epsrein heter was counter productive?

    strange that the halacha reflects none of your "wisdom"

  8. Joseph Orlow “Yitzchak told Esau his day would come. Jacob would shirk his duty. Then Esau can rise up.”

    Beautiful. Esau is the wicked brother. Jacob has a duty to constrain Esau.

    “Isaac answered, saying to Esau, But I have made him master over you: I have given him all his brothers for servants, and sustained him with grain and wine. What, then, can I still do for you, my son? And Esau said to his father, Have you but one blessing, Father? Bless me too, Father! And Esau wept aloud. And his father Isaac answered, saying to him, See, your abode shall enjoy the fat of the earth And [Others be away from the fat of the earth and from] the dew of heaven above. Yet by your sword you shall live, And you shall serve your brother; But when you grow restive, You shall break his yoke from your neck.” (Genesis 27:37-40).
    Esau looks like the victim. No. Esau is the perpetrator (a person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act."the perpetrators of this horrific crime must be brought to justice"). Jacob and the whole world are the victims. Jacob will rule over Esau. Esau will have plenty and will live by the sword. When Esau grows restive Esau will break the yoke Jacob puts on Esau’s neck. Esau will revolt Jacob’s rule and go back to plundering Jacob and the whole world.

    Hertz Chumash p. 100 “ they sword shalt thou live, i.e. by campaigns of plunder. The life of marauders dwelling in mountain fastnesses will be his. He will raid his brother’s borders, and cut off the merchants travelling with Caravans (Ryle).”

    The Black Lives Matter, Progressive Left are the perpetrators. See
    “Beinart’s call for a new Yavne—a reference to the place where Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai built a yeshivah where Judaism could be revived after the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in 70 C.E.—is also deeply symbolic. The real-life Jews of today are not defeated, but are flourishing in their reconstituted Jewish state. But that’s meaningless to Beinart because he believes the Palestinian refusal to accept Israel is a good enough reason to abandon the whole project. So he’s prepared to throw in the towel and with it, not only Jewish security but also the revival of Jewish life and culture that was made possible by Zionism.”
    No. Jacob must never shirk his duty. Jacob and all good people must constraine all perpetrators. Thanks Joseph Orlow.

  9. I have Halacha on my side.

    When the Nazis arose the Jews should have done a massive repentance like by Purim.

    Same here. Enemies rising on the Left and Right. We need to repent. And yes some are taking current events to heart like recognizing that talking in Shul and supporting gay rights are wrong and leading to calamity. And certainly I can recommend the archives of this blog to others who want to know how Jews are out of order, as in the Tamar Epstein episode.

    But the Tshuva has to be on a more fundamental level. Torah Jews need to stand up in the most public way possible and say liberal Jews are destroying the world.

    I do this on a small scale. Imagine if everyone else joined in.

  10. nope!
    gedolim were mchallel Shabbos to try and help.
    According to you their only option was to call for repentance!

  11. and you know this because of ruach hakodesh or you read it in the Torah?!

  12. Some gedolim, who were attacked by others for doing this.

  13. But the actual threat of violence from extreme Right Wing violent White men has been exaggerated by the media. Much of the media have played on some Jewish people's fears of blonde haired blue eyed Aryans being the bogeyman. The actual incidents of attacks on Jews in America from the Right are certainly important -- especially to the person bearing the brunt of the attack -- but in actuality they are few and far between.

    I can't think of one incident where anyone would conclude that the imperative to protect the community from an onslaught of White men means those under attack should be Mevatel a Mitzvah to defend fellow Jews.

    Maybe that will be in the future. But we are not there yet.

  14. Daas Torah “and you know this because of ruach hakodesh or you read it in the Torah?!”
    No. The Black Lives Matter mobs, Progressive Left are the perpetrators I know from, e.g.: 11594336504?mod=opinion_lead_pos8

    “Within days of the 2018 election, an unnamed House Democrat bragged that the incoming majority was loading a “subpoena cannon,” aimed at more than 80 different areas of Trump investigation. The president’s tax returns, his firing of former FBI Director James Comey, his discussions with foreign leaders, security clearances, the Trump family business, Stormy Daniels, the reassignment of executive branch employees, the Mueller report. Ad nauseam. No one disputes the House has oversight authority. But courts have always made clear that this power must be firmly tethered to a “legislative purpose.” Prior Congresses at least attempted to hew to the spirit of that phrase. Mrs. Pelosi’s committee chairmen—driven by fury over the Trump presidency—embarked on an extended fishing expedition. In doing so, they exposed how easy it is to abuse the legislative-purpose doctrine. Case in point: Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal in the spring of 2019 demanded six years’ worth of Mr. Trump’s tax returns, from 2013 to 2018. Mr. Neal knew he needed a legislative purpose, so he claimed his committee was conducting oversight of the Internal Revenue Service’s policy on auditing presidents. In case the pretext wasn’t already painfully obvious, he didn’t bother to ask the IRS about its audit policy, he didn’t ask for information about any other president, and he asked for Trump tax returns from four years before he was president. The Democratic House also tossed overboard an established system of compromise. Congress and White Houses have long fought over documents and generally worked it out. Republicans as recently as 2017-18 spent more than a year using threats to pry documents out of the Justice Department about its Trump-Russia investigation and finally reached an accommodation. The Pelosi Democrats cared more about generating “obstruction” headlines than getting results. They refused to negotiate; they moved instantly to hold officials in contempt and file lawsuits.”
    DT, you do too much political left racial attacks. See
    “Others focused on his interracial marriage. A self-described Ivy Leaguer cited Justice Thomas’s originalist legal principles to imply he’s a hypocrite because “the laws in 1776 did not allow a Black man to get an education, become a lawyer or marry a White woman.” One tweet that now seems to have been deleted along with the account was this: “Clarence Thomas—the one black life that doesn’t matter.” People have the right to disagree vehemently with the Justice’s opinions, and we understand that Twitter is often a free-speech sewer. But these tweets reveal the sorry fact that many on the political left think racist attacks are fine as long as they’re levied against a black conservative who has the nerve to think for himself.”
    I agree with Joseph Orlow “But the actual threat of violence from extreme Right Wing violent White men has been exaggerated by the media.”

  15. I think I didn't understand this point when this thread was active. On review I think you were pointing out that it is permitted to violate Shabbos to save a non-observant Jew who might, for example, be in danger of attending a seminar where he will be pulled into a cult.


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