Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Trump excoriates Inslee, Seattle mayor over autonomous zone


Trump has fixated over the past week on demonstrators living in what has been dubbed the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in downtown Seattle, ridiculing the movement as a group of radical anarchists. He has focused his ire on Inslee, a former Democratic candidate for the White House who has previously tussled with Trump, and Durkan, accusing the two leaders of being weak. 

But when pressed for specifics, the president demurred. He suggested he could do "about 10 different things" to disperse the gathering, then launched into a diatribe accusing the news media of failing to give the protest adequate attention.


  1. Let's say you lived in this new CHAZ. Let's say you don't agree with Antifa and that you don't feel comfortable with the streets being patrolled by armed vigilantes instead of uniformed police officers. Let's say you don't like the hippie atmosphere, graffiti, trash on the streets, and so on. You pay your municipal taxes. You except certain things from the city which the city is no longer providing, having ceded control of your neighbourhood to a group of thugs. Would you really be okay with that?

  2. let's say you are a Trump supporter and don't like Blacks or Democrats or you belong to KKK and dont like Black policemen. would you be OK with America as it is now?

  3. fake news!


  4. America has a population of 330,000,000 people. That's 330 million.
    The KKK membership in the US is what? 1,000 people?
    At most.
    It is an insignificant nothing, yet you propagate a hysteria as if it is widespread. 99.9% of people in America think the KKK is disgusting. You continue to misrepresent Americans, Republicans, and Trump supporters (half the country).

  5. If they called themselves Nazis would you say the same?. only if they call themselves ANTIFA would you get concerned

  6. Your question doesn't even make sense. The KKK is a neonazi organization.


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