Sunday, April 19, 2020

Trump's approval rally has disappeared

Trump's approval rating is down significantly from 49% in March, while his disapproval rating is up 9 points from 45%.
What's the point: Trump received a clear boost in his approval rating as the coronavirus pandemic began to grip the country. His net approval rating (approval - disapproval) among voters shot up to its highest point since the first month of his presidency. But now, just weeks later, Trump's popularity has been dropping.
Looking at the data, Trump seems to have had one of the fastest retreats of a rally around the flag effect in modern polling history.
Trump's net approval rating stood at -10 points among voters in an aggregate of polls as late as March 11. Less than three weeks later, it got up to -4 points on March 27. Today, it's back down to -8 points.



  1. The virus seems to have possibly escaped from a Chinese lab funded in part with U.S. government dollars.

    Curioser and curioser.

    Let's get it straight. The virus was not engineered according to the latest reports. It escaped from a research lab, not a biological warfare lab, or a rogue laboratory.

    But this must be attacked as a conspiracy theory because otherwise President Trump's investigation of this theory may make him look like something less than the "worst president ever."

  2. "The virus was not engineered according to the latest reports. "
    If only there was real evidence to indicate this!
    The reality is, we don't know.
    It may have been a gain of function experiment that accidentally leaked or escaped. The ethics of such experiments have been hotly debated for many years, until the world suddenly got amnesia about this topic after the wuhan SARS-COV2 breakout. Because forgetting that piece of history, which was never controversial to DISCUSS and debate previously as real and major issue, is convenient for labeling an uncomfortable present-day topic as "conspiracy theory" that we therefore don't need to discuss. But we do need to discuss it. This type of work is particularly dangerous. It should not be allowed by the international community to happen in China. Perhaps more reasonably, not anywhere in the world!

    Aside from societal amnesia about gain of function bioethics debates from years and years ago, if you think the Wuhan Virology lab wasn't doing work for the Chinese govt (military), you have to be one very naive soul.

    All the highest level biolabs in the US do DOD work. You really think the communist party was not instructing at least some of the work in Wuhan Level 4 lab? Give me a break. If anything, it is a "conspiracy theorist" level of absurdity to claim Wuhan Institute of Virology did no work for the Chinese communist government. That is a laughable claim.

  3. “Trump's approval rally has disappeared” No.
    Trump: Don’t take us back to where we were. God sent this Coronavirus. God sends everything. I like Tzvi Fishman today. Surely, we all want to go forward. Trump, with God’s help, can make America go forward to a better future. See
    “We don’t want to go back to a Jewish State which allows enemies to fire hundreds of missiles and incendiary balloons at its Jewish citizens and then hardly responds. We don’t want to go back to a Jewish State which hands away millions of shekels each month to the Palestinian Authority to be distributed to terrorists. We don’t want to go back to a Jewish State which promotes Tel Aviv as a homosexual haven and encourages teachers to teach children that a home with two fathers is perfectly normal. We don’t want to go back to a Jewish State which subsidizes TV and radio channels which brainwash the public with pluralistic ideas and anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist messages from morning till night. We don’t want to go back to a Jewish State with a Department of Culture which gives a fortune of money to post-Zionists to make anti-Israel movies. We don’t want to go back to a Jewish State which allows the Supreme Court to place the freedom of the individual to do whatever he wants over public health and welfare. We don’t want to go back to a Jewish State which can indict a Prime Minister for smoking cigars and drinking champagne. We don’t want to go back to a Jewish State which encourages the army to put women in combat roles alongside of men. We don’t want to go back to a Jewish State which doesn’t provide affordable housing for young people. We don’t want to go back to a Jewish State in which the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. We don’t want to go back to a Jewish State which allows public transportation on Shabbat. We don’t want to go back to a Jewish State which doesn’t manage to bring home its fallen soldiers. We don’t want to go back to a Jewish State which allows Jonathan Pollard to remain imprisoned in America. We don’t want to go back to a Jewish State which allows Arabs to decide who becomes Prime Minister and what laws are passed in the Knesset. We don’t want to return to what was – we want to go forward. A great many of us, Mr. Prime Minister, believe that Hashem hasn’t created the Corona havoc throughout the world just to have humanity return to business as usual. Don’t take us back to the past. Take us forward to a more moral, Jewish, and hope-filled future.”

  4. I think you are missing Joe orlow's sarcasm here. If you read his post at face value, then yes. However, I've read many of his posts, and he seems to be mocking the pro-Chinese mob, who are dan b'kaf zchut everything the communists do, but blast everything the president of the USA does.

  5. First, I want to thank you for practicing social media distancing and putting a kerchief mask on your avatar.

    Of course, we can speculate about why and how the virus came to be in the first place. I was merely pointing out that there is a lack of evidence that this particular virus was genetically manipulated, or that it was being studied in order to be made into a weapon.

    A simple explanation, still unproven, was that the pandemic may have originated from a bat that was in the lab in order to isolate the viruses it harbored.

    Now, if that basic fact can be verified, then we can begin wondering what the other circumstances that surround the lab may be and what types of experiments the researchers do there.

  6. Yes, paragraph 4 was sarcastic; but I'm not sure if the lab where the virus allegedly escaped from was anything other than a pure academic setting, so I noted that to avoid inciting those who might write me off a conspiracist.

    Turns out, I'm a conspiracist for acting naive. Can't win!

  7. Fair enough.
    Just doing my part to help protect the community here.


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