Sunday, April 19, 2020

President of Taiwan: How My Country Prevented a Major Outbreak of COVID-19

Taiwan is an island of resilience. Centuries of hardship have compelled our society to cope, adapt, and survive trying circumstances. We have found ways to persevere through difficult times together as a nation, and the COVID-19 pandemic is no different. Despite the virus’s highly infectious nature and our proximity to its source, we have prevented a major outbreak. As of April 14, we have had fewer than 400 confirmed cases.

1 comment :

  1. Because of China, Taiwan is much like Israel used to be: a prosperous democracy with a potential to be a much bigger player in the world but which has been isolated and boycotted due to quisling desires to appease its greatest enemy.
    Taiwan is the model that everyone should be following. Immediate travel ban. Immediate testing. Immediate quarantining and isolation. And it worked. But because of China, the WHO will not acknowledge Taiwan's existence, let alone its success and use its model to help other countries.


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