Sunday, April 19, 2020

King Trump asks you to liberate America

After being insulted by "experts", telling him that contrary to his claims he lacks absolute powers to do what he wants - Trump said he would show everyone that he has more power than they could imagine and has brilliantly retaliated by asking residents of three  states run by Democrats to liberate them from the restrictive health measures suggested by his own federal health experts to stop the Chinese virus
I protest strongly why just these 3 states? 
All of America needs to revolt against the Democracy run by the deep state Democrats Leftists and the Fake media  to liberate it and appoint Trump as king.
All Americans should have this freedom to be stupid and not be told what to do by Nanny state agents. Only the stable genius- appointed by Divine decree- should guide us over the cliff. It is inherent in nature that Man was created to be free to be stupid. Only the Science worshiping Democrats insist on taking away this freedom. Join Trump the Republican party and Fox News and all true lovers of freedom in returning Mankind to its intended state of freedom and moral purity! Trump 2020 and forever!

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