Sunday, April 19, 2020

White House Advisor Reportedly Compares Protesters Fighting States' Stay-at-Home Orders to Rosa Parks

Conservative economist Stephen Moore compared protestors demonstrating against states’ stay-at-home orders to the Civil Rights Era icon Rosa Parks, according to a Washington Post article published Friday night.
Groups of protestors have reportedly rallied in at least six states this week to demand state governments lessen orders requiring the closure of nonessential businesses and schools in an attempt to stem the spread of coronavirus.
In a statement to the Washington Post, conservative economist Stephen Moore reportedly said, “I think there’s a boiling point that has been reached and exceeded.” Moore belongs on the White House council focused on “re-opening” the country’s economy and as well as a coalition of conservative leaders advocating for steps to lessen the country’s lockdown, according to the Post.
“I call these people the modern-day Rosa Parks — they are protesting against injustice and a loss of liberties,” Moore said about the protesters, according to the Post.

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