Wednesday, March 18, 2020

2020 Time Capsule #4: Trump Is Lying, Blatantly

During press questioning at the White House today, Donald Trump was asked whether his tone about the coronavirus challenge had suddenly changed. For weeks, he’d been mocking the virus threat—at rallies, in tweets, and in press remarks. But both yesterday and today, he’d suddenly shifted to warning that the public-health and economic problems were real, and would remain so for a long time.
What changed?
Trump denied there had been any shift in tone, and said (as you can see here):
“I have always known. This is a real pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic....
“I’ve always viewed it as very serious.”
This is a flat-out lie.


  1. Donald Trump doesn't lie. He takess the truth snd molds it. He's,a fact-shaper, not a liar.

  2. don't see any halachic exemption FOR SOMEONE deceiving others by shaping truth rather than lying THEY ARE ALL TREATED THE SAME a liar is a liar is a liar even if your name is Trump he is still a liar

    making such a dumb excuse even if it truth shaping is still wrong

  3. Why would Drump play down a life threatening emergency and now deny ?
    I Guess he is colluding with China and the socialist Dems "its all a rich mans trick "

  4. Do non-Jews have any Halachic obligations as far as lying, aside from lying to effect stealing, or lying in a legal setting?

  5. Any covid illnesses in Russia?
    Haven't heard of any.
    Of course, referring to Putin's opponents.


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