Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Don’t Get Mad if a Doctor Says They Need to Screen Your Child for Abuse


If a doctor notices bruising on your child, you might be surprised to find yourself accused of abuse. The real-life drama that ensues from such encounters is playing out in doctors’ offices and emergency rooms across the country. Here are some of the things we’ve heard from our patients:


  1. All the more reason for parents to wear cameras at all times to protect themselves.

  2. “Don’t Get Mad if a Doctor Says They Need to Screen Your Child for Abuse”
    Here’s related:
    Mishna - Mas. Makshirin Chapter 2

    “Mishnah 7. If an abandoned child was found there, if the majority [of the inhabitants] were heathens, it may be deemed a heathen [and may be given food forbidden to an Israelite]. If the majority were Israelites, it must be deemed an Israelite. If they were half and half, it must [also] be deemed an Israelite. R. Judah says: we must consider who form the majority of those who abandon their children [and these as a rule are non-Jews].”
    Our Sages say that the majority of those that abandon their children are non-Jews. Whew. I live in Israel in Bnei Brak. Wow the streets, side-walks, life here, so very beautiful, all teeming with children and couples. Yesterday I took my wife on my Kawasaki 500 to refill at a Bnei Brak gas station. Such heavy children and couples traffic, ב"ה.
    Surely, also, the majority of those that abuse their children are non-Jews. Surely, also, the majority of those that abuse their spouses are non-Jews. Horrible all abuse of children. Horrible all abuse of spouses. Extremely rare Jews abandoning their children. Extremely rare Jews abandoning their spouses. Yes, I’m still fighting the רשע ערום abandonment charge in SCOTUS 18-9390 and NYS COA 649. Wish me luck, thanks friends.

  3. At this point Gerald Aranoff, the only person you're abusing is yourself. I wish that you will forgive your ex-wife and that you will move on with your life

  4. Joseph Orlow says “At this point Gerald Aranoff, the only person you're abusing is yourself.”
    Thanks, maybe I shouldn’t have done SCOTUS 18-9390 and NYS COA 649. Yesterday I took a test in Jerusalem to be a rabbi. Tomorrow I’ll be taking another test. If I pass, I’ll get a certificate from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, rabbi. Wow, ב"ה. I keep seeing in my studies: my daf hayomi, this blog, etc; so much that relates to SCOTUS 18-9390 and NYS COA 649. No. I have no regrets on doing SCOTUS 18-9390 and NYS COA 649: without a lawyer and practically free, just UPS shipping. I love seeing my stuff on this blog. What’s new with the fake/phony PhD psychology letter concerning Aaron and the K-G garbage heter and ORA? Bravo https://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Kushner-will-invite-Arab-leaders-to-a-summit-in-Camp-David-without-Netanyahu-597205
    I love Trump and Netanyahu.

  5. I give you a Bracha that you should excell in Torah studies and pass the exams!


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