Monday, June 6, 2016

Growing fear inside GOP about Trump

CNN   Top Republican officials and donors are increasingly worried about the threat Donald Trump's attack on a judge's Mexican heritage could pose to their party's chances in November -- and about the GOP's ability to win Latino votes for many elections to come.

Trump is under fire for repeatedly accusing U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is overseeing a lawsuit involving Trump University, of bias because of his Mexican heritage. Those concerns intensified Sunday after Trump said he would have the same concerns about the impartiality of a Muslim judge.

House and Senate GOP leaders have condemned Trump's remarks about Curiel, while donors have openly worried that losing Latino voters could doom them in key down-ballot races. Other important party figures, including former Speaker Newt Gingrich, are urging Trump to change his combative, confrontational style before it's too late.

Veteran Republican strategist Rick Wilson warned this weekend that GOP leaders who have endorsed Trump "own his politics."

"You own his politics," Wilson wrote in a column for Heatstreet, adding later, "You own the racial animus that started out as a bug, became a feature and is now the defining characteristic of his campaign. You own every crazy, vile chunk of word vomit that spews from his mouth."

The GOP's deepest fear: A Barry Goldwater effect that could last far longer than Trump's political aspirations.

Goldwater, the Arizona senator who was the 1964 GOP nominee and a leader of the conservative movement, alienated a generation of African-American voters by opposing the Civil Rights Act -- opening the door for Democrats to lock in their support for decades. Republicans fret that Trump could similarly leave a stain with Latino voters.

"I am concerned about that," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, said Sunday.

"America is changing. When Ronald Reagan was elected, 84% of the electorate was white," McConnell said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "This November, 70% will be. It's a big mistake for our party to write off Latino Americans. And they're an important part of the country and soon to be the largest minority group in the country."

"I hope he'll change his direction on that," said McConnell, who first made the Goldwater comparison last week in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper.[...]

House Speaker Paul Ryan, just a day after announcing his endorsement of Trump, bashed him on a Wisconsin radio station.

"Look, the comment about the judge, just was out of left field for my mind," Ryan said Friday on WISN in Milwaukee. "It's reasoning I don't relate to, I completely disagree with the thinking behind that."

The criticism from McConnell and Ryan was predictable: Both preside over GOP majorities that are threatened thanks to competitive races in Latino-heavy states like Arizona, Nevada and Florida.

More surprising was the condemnation from Gingrich, who has transparently jockeyed for a spot on Trump's ticket.

"I don't know what Trump's reasoning was, and I don't care," Gingrich told The Washington Post. "His description of the judge in terms of his parentage is completely unacceptable."

Gingrich was even sharper on "Fox News Sunday," calling Trump's remarks "inexcusable."

Trump responded to Gingrich's critique on Monday, telling "Fox and Friends" that the former
 House Speaker's comments were "inappropriate."

This is one of the worst mistakes Trump has made," Gingrich said.

Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, the Foreign Relations Committee chairman who has provided key Republican support for Trump's foreign policy stances and is also often named as a prospective vice presidential candidate, rebuked Trump's comments about the judge on ABC's "This Week."

"I think that he's going to have to change," Corker said of Trump's overall behavior and campaign tactics.[...]


  1. Why are you reporting all the smears from the Leftist slanted websites? Do you want Hillary, chas veshalom? This Leftist slant from this website is very concerning.

    Rick Wilson, McConnel and Corker are among the biggest losers in the current Rino establishment. Wilson is a deranged, foul mouthed idiot. Corker greased the skids for the Iranian deal. McConnel is an ongoing Obama slave. Their opinion means less than zero.

  2. The judge is a member of La Raza.

    Although it's from a conrtroversial source, here is a little bit about the truth of La Raza.

  3. This claim has been repeatedly denied that he is a members. Where is your proof to the contrary?

  4. Please send me material from reputable sites that disagree with what I have posted? There seems to be general agreement that Trump is making a big mistake. Please what are his reputable big name supporters saying?

  5. Here is proof of Curiel's membership in La Raza

  6. Here is a response to the criticism of Trump and support for the validity of his claim

  7. He is not a member of La Raza. However he served on a La Raza scholarship board that proudly awarded scholarships to illegal immigrants. Trump does have reasons to be concerned about impartiality, but his comments on this matter were way out of line, imo. I say this as someone who favors Trump over Clinton, as the lesser evil by far.

  8. no it is not proof. The La Raza which you complain of being a racial organization is not the one the the judge has been associated with. There is a lawyers group which he had been involved.
    Bottom line - Trump is spouting claims that he doesn't bother checking . If he really believed that the judge was biased he should have filed a formal complaint. Why is he simply going to the media with unsupported allegations of what he thinks might be true? Does he think he can intimidate the judge into giving him a favorable judgment?

  9. Matzav has published a Washington Post article favorable to Trump for questioning the judges motives.

    The truth in America today is much of America is being destroyed by daynei Sedom. Take for example the gay judge that overturned California's law against recognizing gays. What about the horribly biased and corrupt judge Linda Reade who ruled against Rubashkin? How many of the pro toeiva decisions were biased opinions of corrupted judges? No one elects judges and they are picked purely on a politically ideological basis.

  10. I don't know what state this case is in, or the federal rules, but in NY, a judge is not allowed to be a member of an obviously partisan organization like 'la raza'. But he / she can serve on a subcommittee like a scholarship committee that is (supposedly) non partisan (provided he does not anticipate having a case in front of him with this organization.)

    The rules are honored more in the breach than in honesty. There are alot of gray areas in this, and not all judges recuse based on an 'appearance of impropriety', despite popular misconception.

  11. Alsn, trump claims the rulings in this cas were going for him under the previous judge. Thus, he has reason to see bias.

    Also, his opponents in this case were going public when they filed this case. They can't turn around and claim judicial privacy. The judge knew this, and should have declined the case (not so easy, and not necessarily proper, but he could have worked it out.

  12. If batei din can be corrupt, why can't the (secular) judiciary?

  13. First of all, it is not an article, it is an opinion piece. There is a big difference. Second of all, if you read it, it is not "favorable to Trump for questioning the judges motives." It basically says that if Trump were to use a different line of attack than the one he chose then that would be acceptable.

  14. acknowledging the existence of corruption is not the same as a particular judge being corrupt

  15. forgot to mention: if the scholarship requirements are that the recipient's political opinions are a factor, then he can't / shouldn't be a member of this committee.

  16. This was a rhetorical statement.

  17. I'm wondering why you keep focusing on Trump's supposed unfitness but are totally ignoring Clinton's unfitness to be president. Clinton was in the executive branch for 4 years and was a disaster from start to finish.

  18. "Clinton was in the executive branch for 4 years and was a disaster from start to finish." That is your personal opinion. The fact that Trump has zero qualifications to be president is about as much as a fact as one can have. See the countless quotes from the varied Republicans who ran against him in the primary.

  19. Ok. Tell me some world situation she helped or improved during her term.

  20. What is the difference? All the information is quoted from people who have an ax to grind or are tainted except for Gingrich.

  21. Clinton had facts on the ground negatives such as exposing top secrets to the general public with her totally insecure and illegal server which would have made her eligible for the death penalty if she were not being protected, destroying Libya after putting in the ambassador to provide arms to ISIS and then lying about it openly with a baloney movie story, destruction of the entire mideast scenario with her new arab spring disaster, and last bur not least engineering the sale of at least 33% of America's uranium to Russia through her corrupt Clinton foundation.

    It would take an awful lot of willful destruction for Trump to catch up with that.

  22. Libya, arab spring, benghazi, negotiated with iran, opposed afghanistan ramping up, began instability in ukraine, stablished iran as the dominant power in iraq, permitted china to control rest of far east. Did not follow up on north korea, keeping it as a potential problem for the future. Even the fragmented european union didn't let her do anything serious there.


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