Tuesday, December 15, 2015

R Shalom Kaminetsky rumored to be coming to Jerusalem soon for a student's chasuna

Just received a call that R Shalom Kaminetsky is coming to Jerusalem and that there is talk about demonstrations against him. Don't have any more information now - will post it as it comes in.


  1. Really? The guys coming for a private function and people are going to harangue him?

  2. Let's get out the pitchforks and torches in protest!

  3. What's good for the goose, is good for the gander, buddy. He went all out in his illegitimate effort to harass the Yehsiva of Staten Island, AF etc. Now that the tables have turned, there is no room for misplaced "mercy" for him.

  4. You've made this pointless comment twice. You can stop now.

  5. That's his partner's methodology. Family, family functions, even interfering in the meager visitation.

  6. I heard he received a lot of kovod when he was in Florida last shabbos.

  7. You just wasted time typing ten words on your keyboard.

  8. So was Aron when he brought back his daughter. On whose side are you today? Just leave it to the Yerushalmi Sabralach, they have plenty of time on their hands. When you mess around with private lives in Public, you can expect them to reciprocate. What goes around comes around

  9. a few years back, there was a Rackman -Morgenstern BD for agunot. R' Moshe Morgenstern was a talmid of Rav Moshe Feinstein, and was supposedly using RMF's psak as a device to free agunot. He was beaten up in the street by a bunch of Hareidi strongmen. Are these protests being organised with the intention, or tacit agreement that the same will happen to the Ks and the G?

  10. What type of "kovod," exactly, did he receive in North Miami?

  11. Very nice. What is your point?

    Is this it....?

  12. If harassment is illegal in din d'malchuto, then this is assur to do. Why not use scholarly criticism instead of thuggery?

  13. All that we fine elegant gentlemanly behavior of ours, allows this crook space and comfort to continue his crooked lowdown behavior . Maybe we took to Longview and realize that after we're gone our children will have to deal with the problems this man has left us you might want to write and you will don't marry any of XYZ children . This person is leading us with huge intractable issues for Temporal monetary gratification, yes he deserves some discomfort

  14. amen to that brother!

  15. please post the details, the younger generation learning in yerushalayim needs to know what awaits them in the good old usa , they are all of marriageable age and they need to be informed to choose wisely a rav that is trustworthy and is loyal to the shulchan aruch

  16. Eddie when is a demonstration prohibited in our society?! We are not talking about hiring goons to beat up anyone nor are we talking about putting rattlesnakes in mail boxes. This is a peaceful protest.

    Do you consider all types of chastisement as harrassment? If so you have a severe problem with the Torah

  17. Politically IncorrectDecember 16, 2015 at 4:34 AM

    I understand that Dina d'malchusa only applies when it doesn't clash with the din of the Torah. .....

  18. I hope someone lets the Eidah Hacharedis know of Sholoms visit and his schedule. I can tell you that when Sholom was in Lakewood to speak at a small function there was a demonstration and Sholoms son got physical ( accepted philly talmud behavior) and Sholom had to leave through a back entrance. He never was and most definitely is now not wanted in Lakewood.

  19. It is ILLEGAL to interfere with freedom of ones family life according to Dina Demalchusse in the USA or any civilized nation. It is in the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of the United States amongst many others that this bar nash violated. All Aron wanted is just to shep a little nachas from his only daughter in the ocean of tsorois rabois they inflicted on him, and this rav achzar mechutsef had the Gall sending his goons to beat him up. Nothing wrong in refuting such advances, hen midinei demalchusse, vehen miDin Torah. In addition, this demonstration to show the Nevolo of this man and rightfully so, one that Klall Yisrael expelled him mikol kitsvos tevel is in any case in Yerushalayim. Bemakom sheyesh chillul Hashem ein cholkin kavod larav. Oich mir a rav! Not only did he give nebech T'E'E atsas Achisofel, he trampled on Kodshei Yisrael veKodsho beresh Gli uBresh kol Chutsot, and still thinks he outsmarted all, in trying to laugh it off. I don't think anyone advised other than demonstration, thuggery man dechar shmei. At the rate he is going, he soon will be the last one to close the lights and close up shop, Kmo shene'emar, Veal Yevakshu Torah mipihu. Even his back seat driver will not be able to take over, *UK*var hoyo dovor meoilom. It is not a hefker velt. Epstein and goons inc. just took a hit and sunk his ship, so will ALL involved in this Esek Bish hen miDinei Odom vehen beDinei Shamayim vegam miDinei Demalchusse. veda"l

  20. Having hundreds of people come every time he spoke with no protest and having the rabbanim and roshei kollel come out to greet him probably qualifies as kovod

  21. I think your last comment is not an inference from my comments. The Torah says and adulterer and adulteress should be put to death. I don't have a problem with the Torah, but if i chose to implement this on , say TE and Adam F., you would obviously call me crazy!

    I hope there is no violence. And i also oppose the protests organised by ORA etc.

  22. OK, thanks for clarifying.

  23. Also, need a formal Bet Din , which includes the accused appearing and defending himself, before any official Torah punishment can be administered. So these actions are done by a Kangaroo BD!

  24. Having hundreds of people come every time he spoke

    That's a lie, and I'll call you out on it. When and where did he have "hundreds of people" attend? Just name one speech.

    and having the rabbanim .... come out to greet him

    Which rabonim? Names please.

    and roshei kollel

    We've been through this before.

  25. I'm not sure where you are from but feel free to do your own research. I apologize it took me so long to respond; I needed to call someone from Miami (and then a second one to confirm) that when he spoke Thursday night in a Shul that holds over 300 there was not a seat in the house as well as by the Friday night oneg. I'm not familiar with the roshei kollel or rabbanim in north miami and I have no interest in having you say that they are not important anyway so I'll leave it at that.

  26. I'm not sure where you are from but feel free to do your own research.

    You make a false claim that hundreds went to hear his speeches and then, when called out about it, you don't have the decency to admit error (or lying)?

    Yes, at the Chanukah mesibah that he attended, there were indeed many people. But, they did not come for him. They all came last year as well.... Reminds of Barak Hussain Obama. In 2008, there was a free rock concert in Germany. 75,000 people did show up - since it was a free rock concert. BHO spoke for a few minutes at intermission. His campaign team claimed that 75,000 people came to hear his speech; much like Arthur claims "hundreds" came to hear K.


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