Thursday, December 3, 2015

Dr. Thomas Szasz - psychiatry and mental illness


  1. This really isn't necessary. Dr. Szasz has a well-earned reputation as one of the most prominent critics of psychiatry. The knowledgeable המון עם will just say that every field has its critics, which is true.

    The real problem that we face in relying on clinical evaluations do פסל and stigmatize is that those doing so are MISUNDERSTANDING & therefore MISUSING the tools of MH. This, according to the most prominent ADHERENTS / Chasidim of the field, namely the architects of the DSM and the heads of NIMH, which is the largest funder of MH research in the WHOLE WORD.

    The architects aren't bashful in discussing among themselves that they know much, much less about what underlies MH than say a cardiologist knows about the heart.

  2. This is an important discussion! Is there a public forum where we can analyse and discuss this further, in the Jewish context?

  3. I totally agree that this a crucially important discussion, and I also wish there was a public forum .

    The closest I found was at

    The problem is that their site is not set up as a forum, but rather as a repository of blogs from frum therapists.

    If you'd like to talk off line, feel free to contact RDE for my email address.


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