Saturday, May 17, 2014

Baruch Leibovitz finally pleads guilty to sex abuse after 6 years

NY Daily News       A Brooklyn cantor pleaded guilty Friday to molesting a teenage boy a decade ago, putting an end to a protracted and politicized case.

Baruch Lebovits, 62, will be sentenced to two years for the 2004 sex abuse, but will likely do about six months in jail after good behavior and time served.

The resolution — coming after a trial, a lengthy prison term, a reversal on appeal and years of bitter litigation — is in line with the average punishment for these type of crimes, a judge said. [....]

Anti-abuse activists responded in disbelief and were quick to denounce the plea agreement and Brooklyn district attorney Kenneth Thompson. [...]

The sordid Lebovits saga dates back to his arrest in 2008, when he was charged with abusing three boys. He eventually went to trial in 2010 regarding one victim, who was 16 at the time of the repeated sexual abuse.

Lebovits was convicted and sentenced to up to 32 years in prison.

But, a year later, he was sprung pending appeal after prosecutors arrested Samuel Kellner on allegations that he extorted the Lebovits family and bribed a witness. Lebovits’ conviction was overturned in 2012 for prosecutors’ failure to disclose a document and a new trial was ordered


  1. He will be only serving six more months in jail after being credited with good behavior and his serving some time before his plea.

  2. He can get out in as little as three more months.

  3. Vehoelokim ino leyodoMay 18, 2014 at 1:47 PM

    He will never get away with it.These molesters never stop. At least now that he admitted of being one, the next parsha hashem yishmerenu, he will be incarcerated for the rest of his miserable life.

  4. The same person who got paid off this time will get paid off the next time. Children are very nice, but money and politics is more important.

  5. With divine intervention, he will be put out of commission, just like Epstein uprodosoi. He has had paid the victim a hefty melon ( and I don't mean melon ) belechishiso, for the victim not to pursue the charges of MBP. Velav kol yome israchish nissa. Vesof ganev letliyah.


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