Saturday, November 16, 2013

Police drop Rabbi Chaim Halpern investigation

Jewish Chronicle   A police investigation into alleged sex abuse of women by prominent Golders Green rabbi, Chaim Halpern, has been dropped.

The Metropolitan Police said today that a file passed to the Crown Prosecution Service "regarding allegations of sexual assault has resulted in no charges being brought against a 54-year-old man".

It said that officers from Barnet's sexual offences, exploitation and child abuse command, who investigated the allegations, "confirm that all allegations have been fully investigated".


  1. B"H another anti-semitic attack against rabbonim shlita has been defeated and proven false.

    1. Proven false or no sufficient evidence?

    2. What happened to the 32 ladies that came to testify to Padwa's Beit Din? And the other lady with the tape that warned him to get out of town within a week?

      "confirm that all allegations have been fully investigated", all find and dandy, but what where the findings, the woman that came to testify was mum. Why, first thing that comes to mind is they gave her an offer she couldn't refuse. She well could have, but if she knows what's good for her, she zipped up. I could also see the ksus enayim that wen't along with it. The public has to pay for his pleasures. And that is how we brought up generations of molestees, turning into molesters as well. Loshan hora, messiro, prods, mamzerim Rachmono litslon. Of course with their self produced hechsherim. Time to throw in the towel. Torah is sold out, our children are sold out, our daughters are hefker along with wives. What's next? Kol kore's, destruction of Rosh Yeshiva's, Yeshivas, back in time to dor hamabul, dor haflogo, sodom and gomorrah. Please count us out.

  2. From what I have heard - no one wanted to actually testify against him. He has not been proven innocent. The next step is up to the London Rabbonim who have heard the complaints as to whether he should be restored to his previous status or not.

    1. Is there such a charge as "innocent" .Let us be honest.Once somebody is simply accused they have been ruined.They will never get their good name back. Don't kid yourselves despite the fact that there are authentic victim who have suffered awful damage there are also malicious people who provide false accusations. It might be a small minority but even so every human being is to be protected.Whether it is an injured person or one who is accused falsely. This is turning into an ugly hysteria already.

  3. Neither. The burning question begs for why didn't they want to testify. Has anyone coached them to do so. If so, why? The only other news we heard from there, is that R' Padwa collapsed. Your guess is as good as anyones.

  4. Neither. The burning question begs for why didn't they want to testify. Has anyone coached them to do so. If so, why? The only other news we heard from there, is that R' Padwa collapsed. Your guess is as good as anyones. What is your guess about mendel epstein, will the masses withold from testifying?

  5. I guess once accused, even falsely, you can never be found innocent, Only "unproven". Once accused, always tarred. What an easy way to destroy someone. Just accuse him. Then everyone can always say he is guilty, it just wasn't provable.

    Like Raymond J. Donovan famously said, "Where do I go to get my reputation back?"

    1. Anyone who tries to testify against a mafia will be destroyed that is the simple reason.Most of the victims have families.
      Why did the local Beth-Din not deal with it? Had they dealt with it as they should wouldn’t come to חילול השם
      Can anyone tell me after Rabi Hager called to police for the telephone harassment
      why didn’t he want to testify when it has gone to court. Why??
      Simple! He was afraid of the mafia so are all the victims!

    2. 32 plus one? Killay hay VEILAY???November 17, 2013 at 4:14 PM

      @ Reb Preb of November 17, 2013 at 4:19 AM

      Do you really think "Istatis hi zi", women from all over the place ganged up on him to accuse him so as to rob his reputation and destroy him? After long debates, Rav Padowa initiated a Beis Din, received an army of women that testified, paused the caboose, Lakewoodised the session just as they disband molester sessions in it's midst, and you know the rest of the story, of what happened to him toch kedei dibur of Barnet's non-results. What happened to the guy in fakewood who chased out an innocent Talmid chacham a true maise eishes poitifar, he himself disclosed in public how poga bo midas hadin, ve'ein tsorich lehaarich. Oh yes! 'Is din veis dayen', they quote the Chafetz Chayim that the punishment for motzi shem ra is L' oleinu cancer, and read the latest news how tremendously the rates went up recently R'L'. They are making yom tfilos all over, form women's tehilim groups, hashem yishmirenu veyatsilenu. The Talmud says, hachoshed biksherim loke begufo, therefore, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Who knows if chas vesholom it got to a point of, kivan shenitan reshus lemashchis eino mavchin bein tov lera.
      As for, Raymond J. Donovan famously said, "Where do I go to get my reputation back?" Look at Yosef haTsadik, he became the Viceroy of Egypt! Harbe drochim lamokom. And THAT IS why we need an antidote Like this blog "DAAS TORAH" against orgs like ORAH vavizerayhu Y'S'V that try destroy the OLAM HATORAH, a VOICE for all the nirdofim, exposing the mi vomi hamerimim yad beToras Moshe. Many many thanks to Rabbi Eidensohn for enabling recourse! Time to wake up, stop machlokes Korach vedoso, veoz yanuach veyishoket ho'oretz.

    3. I remember how very awful the story about Raymond Donovon was at the time. Where does one go to get his reputation back? Isn't the whole idea behing learning about the awful misery that Yosef endured because a false accusation suppossed to each us something. You know the very worst part of this is that the "advocates" try to shut you up when you even bring the subject up.You are not negating true allegations. You are only pointing out the possibility that there is some percentage that aren't true. The problem is that victims who are often not believed when they tell the truth go to the other extreme and believe everybody.That allows for a situation in which evil extortionists and others who are simply malevolent to take advantage of the climate of hysteria.

    4. It is known that the weberman factory extorted big bucks in order not to disseminate a "hoitzois shem ra" on someone in particular when it did have merit, as well as to disseminate Bilbel and alilat dam for something that was made up by a soineh and was willing to pay anywhere from 10 to $30,000 Dollars to destroy him through their services. The common denominator was, provided they were people of means. This was part of the income to pay for weberman's and his naz. capo's maintenance. There are real people that experienced such, but were helpless until they caught weberdrek with same kind of issues as CH, with the only difference that webershmutz had no preference be it male, female or a minor. Yosef haTzadik had his proof as "vayaazov bigdo beyodah vayanas vayetze hachutzo", and if Eishes Potifar's story had been true, it would have been the other way around, Yosef would have held on to HER beged. Since Potifar was a Minister, he had weberpower regardless of the truth, therefore, they were able to reverse and do away with Yosef. When you have 32 ladies given testimony to a Beis Din along with a Tape recording that was threatened to be given over to the Barnet's sexual offences, and I firmly believe it HAS been given over before the Trial began, don't ever believe for one moment that the Beis Din would have not seen through endless contradictions amongst them. Indeed, based on the 32 victims testimony, they did relieve CH of all public services, outside of his own shtibel. That did not suffice for the 32++ victims and took it to Court. In the courtroom when asked what transpired, she started to cry but has not uttered a word. It does not take Chochmas Shloime to understand that she had been THREATENED OUT OF HER WITS, should she utter one syllable. WHAT happened to THE SAID TAPE? That in itself talks VOLUMES louder than words, more than anything she could have said in her entire life. Why wasn't anything mentioned about the Tapes??? Yes they did a thorough investigation, AND THEN WHAT? WERE IS THE CONCLUSION OF THE INVESTIGATION, huh? There had to be Askanim making weberman deals and wheels backdoors in order to HUSH HUSH with lot$a Pounds and lotsa Dough. We have the same Askanim & Ra banim victimising the Tson Kodoshim, because our Yossef's ARE expendable and the Ra banim ARE pi kama vekama ikay "Beshuke", have too much at stake and have too much to lose, Veal do ko ani bochineh! Who knows of what might be going on behind the backdoors of the Prod gittin Goon Squad, these gedoilem oilem even have way more to lose. These same mashtikei kol are the same henchmen working in Australia, UK, USA, Israel and where not. In Bnei Brak they declared bou mayim ad nofesh, kimat she'ein bayis asher ein shom nifga. Stand up and be counted, Mi Lashem Elay, Bou le'ezras H' Bagiboirim. THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES. ALL PLEASE RISE!!! Use your influence, go and get'em, before they get you.

  6. Thank you Da'as Torah,
    One detail is that the women all admitted to having lied in Beis Din.
    Perhaps that would explain their reluctance to press charges...

  7. Thank you Da'as Torah,
    One detail is that the women all admitted to having lied in Beis Din.
    Perhaps that would explain their reluctance to press charges...

  8. @ F. SARAH 2X r u serious

    Did that devastating tape that contained CH's voice and damming conversation submitted to Barnet's sexual offence team also admit to the Highness court, that it is all lies, Hakol shkarim? Huh??? Where is the TAPE? Did it perhaps go bm lebo's way? RUBBISH, utter nonsense, or shall we say Rebish way. As the good book says, SHEKER ein lo raglayim.
    pretty, please
    The more you lie, the deeper you weberman yourself in, ma noymar und mayne
    vayber. Now, that's what you call Guilty with explanation, Guilty as charged, Your Honour, I rest my case.


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