Saturday, November 12, 2016

Donald Trump is about to face a rude awakening over Obamacare

After reiterating his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare, Donald Trump has indicated he may keep two of the law’s most popular provisions. One is straightforward enough — children up to the age of 26 being allowed to stay on their parents’ plan. The other — preventing insurance companies from denying covering because of pre-existing conditions — offers a perfect illustration of why Trump and most of the other Republicans critics of Obamacare don’t understand the health insurance market.

Let’s say that in the beautiful new world of “repeal and replace,” insurers are required to sell you insurance despite the fact that your kid has a brain tumor. Insurance companies know what to do with that. Their actuaries can calculate that kids with brain tumors typically require (I’m making this number up) about $200,000 a year in medical care. So they’ll offer to sell you a policy at an annual premium of $240,000.

At this point your response will probably be that such an outcome not fair. When the law says insurance companies can’t discriminate on the basis for pre-existing conditions, surely what it means is that they have to charge roughly the same price for health insurance, irrespective of your pre-existing condition. In the language of insurance, that’s called “guaranteed issue at community rates.”

Unfortunately, in the states that have tried guaranteed issues at community rates, the insurance markets have collapsed. That’s because if you guarantee everyone the right to buy health insurance at community rates, then some consumers will game the system. The young and healthy ones won’t buy any health insurance at all—they’ll go without until they are diagnosed with diabetes or a brain tumor or get hit by a truck crossing the street. And when that happens, they will immediately call up Aetna or Anthem and exercise their right to buy health insurance at the low community rate, irrespective of their medical condition. It won’t be long before insurance companies begin losing a ton of money and are forced either to raise premiums through the roof or stop writing policies altogether.

So how do you prevent that kind of gaming of the system by consumers? Well, that’s easy. You require that everyone buy at least some minimal level of insurance at the beginning of every year, so they can’t buy insurance only after they get sick. Let’s call that an” individual mandate.” But because you can’t expect poor people to pay $1,000 a month, they will require subsidies to keep their out-of-pocket costs to something like 10 percent of income. To pay for the subsidies, a new tax will be required.

So let’s review what just happened. To guarantee that people with pre-existing conditions can get affordable health insurance, you need to have rules requiring guaranteed issue and community rating. To keep insurance companies in business because of guaranteed issue and community rating, you need to have an individual mandate. And because poor people can’t afford health insurance, you need subsidies. Combine all three, and what you have, in a nutshell, is ... Obamacare.

Yes, it’s a bit more complicated than that, but not much. It’s possible to allow insurance companies charge twice or three times as much, to people who are older or sicker. You can let healthy people buy somewhat more barebones “catastrophic” policies to satisfying their obligation under the individual mandate. You could even avoid community rating by sending sick people into “high risk pools” where their premiums would be subsidized by a tax on everyone else’s health care premiums.

But at the end of the day, once you decide that everyone, regardless of age or medical condition, should be able to buy health insurance at an affordable price, you have essentially bought into the idea that young and healthy people have an obligation to subsidize the older and sicker people in some fashion. And once you do that, it’s sort of inevitable you end up where every health reform plan has ended up since the days of Richard Nixon. You end up with some variation on Obamacare.

Of course, if you want to scrap guaranteed issue, scrap community rating, scrap the individual mandate and scrap the subsidies, as Republicans, propose, then you end up where the country was in 2008—with a market system that inevitable gives way to an insurance spiral in which steadily rising premiums cause a steadily rising percentage of Americans without health insurance.

There are no easy solutions here, no free lunches. You can’t have all the good parts of an unregulated insurance market (freedom to buy what you want, when you want, with market pricing) without the bad parts (steadily rising premiums and insurance that is unaffordable for people who are old and sick).

At the same time, you can’t have all the good parts of a socialized system (universal coverage at affordable prices) without freedom-reducing mandates and regulations and large doses of subsidies from some people to other people. Anyone who says otherwise – anyone promising better quality health care at lower cost with fewer regulations and lower taxes—is peddling hokum.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Kaminetksy-Greenblatt Heter: Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky explains why Clinton lost to Trump: "Those people who do not act with integrity and with telling the truth will not be successful"

Kikar haShabbat

הרב קמינצקי מסביר: למה עולם התורה לא תמך בקלינטון?

חוסר ההתנהלות ביושר ואי אמירת האמת - של קלינטון, לעומת התנהלות טראמפ באמת וביושר - זו הסיבה שהביאה את ראש ישיבת פילדלפיה להוביל תמיכת עולם התורה ב... דונלד טראמפ (חדשות)

הגר"ש קמינצקי הורה לכל עולם התורה ובני הישיבות בארה"ב, להצביע עבור טראמפ לנשיאות. בשיחה עם "יתד נאמן" הוא מסביר כי הדבר שהכריע יותר מכל לתמוך בו היה בשל העובדה ש"בצד שכנגד לא התנהלו ביושר די הצורך".

הרב קמינצקי התבטא עוד כי "אנשים שאינם מתנהגים ביושר ובאמירת אמת אין ההצלחה מנת חלקם לאורך ימים". לעומת זאת, אצל המועמד הנבחר, "מלבד האנשים הקרובים שהינם קרובים באהדתם ליהדות ולעולם התורה בארצות הברית, התנהלותו תמיד היתה ביושר ובאמירת אמת וישנה חשיבות שאם אנו צריכים לנקוט עמדה שנעשה זאת גם אנו בדרך האמת בלבד".
ראש הישיבה הורה לכל שואליו וכמוהו יתר ראשי הישיבות וגדולי התורה ברחבי ארצות הברית להצביע עבור המועמד הרפובליקני, שכאמור, לבסוף הפתיע את העולם ונבחר למשרה הרמה.

Honesty comments on the above
The irony has no words. You see, we can review what the Rosh Yeshiva has said. What is the Rosh Yeshiva's definition of dishonesty?
Does it mean promising to listen to Rav Dovid Feinstein, but in reality making a joke out of that?
I called Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky and asked him to confirm that he had told Tamar to separate from her second husband. He told me, "I never told anyone to separate." That is an exact quote.

Anyone can call him to verify it.
Same the actual "heter" shopping trip.
3) Rabbi Greenblatt wrote that he completely relied on rabbi Kamenetzky for the details. (Can't find the link now.)
Wow. Hillary Clinton is bad because she surrounds herself with dishonest people. In fact, so bad that all precedent of Roshei Yeshiva not taking a public stand on presidential elections had to be broken, all because of Clinon surrounding herself with dishonesty.
On the other hand, as seen from the adultery fiasco, we are people of absolute honesty, um, yep, err, oops........
The irony has no words!

Why it's difficult to predict what Trump will actually do as president

Donald Trump's populist campaign didn't always square with his past statements.

And that makes his agenda as president anybody's guess.
That could give the businessman an edge in making legislative deals in a town unaccustomed to surprises. Or it could halt action in Washington completely if he finds himself at odds with both Republicans and Democrats.

Here's a look at key issues, in which, his campaign statements don't sync with opinions he expressed in the past:

Trump's incendiary rhetoric aimed at undocumented Mexican immigrants and calls to build a massive border wall and deport those here illegally were the central pillar of his presidential campaign. But in the immediate years leading up to his 2016 campaign, Trump described himself as "down the middle" on the issue of illegal immigration, and spoke forcefully against deporting undocumented immigrants who had lived in the US for many years.

Speaking about undocumented immigrants on CNBC in June 2012, Trump said, "I also understand how, as an example, you have people in this country for 20 years, they've done a great job, they've done wonderfully, they've gone to school, they've gotten good marks, they're productive — now we're supposed to send them out of the country, I don't believe in that, Michelle, and you understand that. I don't believe in a lot things that are being said."

Eight months earlier, in an interview on "Fox and Friends," Trump had said he supported "amnesty" for some undocumented immigrants, saying, "how do you tell a family that's been here for 25 years to get out?"

And following Mitt Romney's 2012 defeat, Trump called Romney's position on self-deportation for undocumented immigrants "maniacal" and "mean-spirited." A month later, again on "Fox and Friends" in December 2012, he implored Republicans to take the lead on immigration reform or it would "never win another election."

Foreign policy
Trump's views on foreign policy, and specifically intervention abroad, are also difficult to pin down. He has claimed he opposed interventions in Iraq and Libya, and that his opposition to those conflicts are a sign of his foreign policy expertise. Many have taken his claims of opposition to mean Trump is non-interventionist.

But Trump did offer tepid support for the Iraq War on Howard Stern in 2002, and in writings and interviews before that, expressed how he wished President George H.W. Bush had "finished" the job in Iraq during the First Gulf War. Trump would turn against the Iraq War in 2004, and despite publicly calling for the immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq in the 2006, 2007 and 2008, Trump has throughout his campaign criticized President Barack Obama for withdrawing troops to quickly. [...]

Health care
On the issue of health care, President-elect Trump has vowed to repeal and replace Obamacare. A partial or full repeal is likely, but what a Trump administration would replace it with is less clear. Trump praised the Canadian single payer system — an anathema to conservative Republicans — as late as 2015 in the first GOP primary debate.

"As far as single payer, it works in Canada. It works incredibly well in Scotland. It could have worked in a different age, which is the age you're talking about here," Trump said at the debate, before talking about his proposals for a private system.

In 1999, Trump forcefully argued for universal health care, telling CNN's Larry King, "If you can't take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it's all over. I mean, it's no good. So I'm very liberal when it comes to health care. I believe in universal health care. I believe in whatever it takes to make people well and better."

With Republicans now controlling the executive and legislative branches of government, tax cuts are on the table. Trump's current plan has offered major tax cuts for individuals and businesses, but Trump in the past has shown a willingness to impose higher taxes on the wealthy.[...]

Trump has largely been consistent in his fierce opposition to what he has called unfair trade deals, but he has spoken about the forces of globalization in the past much differently than he does now.

In a 2013 op-ed for CNN, for instance, Trump wrote, "we will have to leave borders behind and go for global unity when it comes to financial stability."

Even in some of his recent books, Trump has seemingly admitted globalization is here to stay.

"Globalization has torn down the barriers that have formerly separated the national from the international markets and one result is that affluent foreigners have been drawn to real estate in the United States," Trump wrote in Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success, a book from Trump University.

"The important thing to consider is that more and more there is an interdependence of world economies," he adds. "No one can afford to be isolationist anymore.

I want to believe in the tooth fairy, killer clowns, Satanic abuse rings, the Kaminetsky-Greenblatt heter and that Donald Trump is the Saviour of America

update: An example of concerns which motivated my publishing of this post is an email I just received in response to this post. My unwillingness to accept that Donald Trump is the Saviour of America - is viewed as undermining my credibility that has been established by what I have published here - most of which is carefully documented. I find it unsettling that belief in Donald Trump as Saviour is the litmus test of a person's integrity and intellectual achievement. We are not talking about Donald Trump as a possibly competent president but as Saviour! 

This response is similar to those of the true believer's in Satanic Abuse Rings and Killer Clowns. It is similar to those who have criticized me because I don't believe that a Gadol is beyond my ability to criticize - no matter how strong the proof I have. We are not talking about belief in Moshiach but an imperative to have a very strong belief in a mortal being.

 A Warning
Rabbi, conflating the hope people have for Donald Trump, the President Elect of the United States with belief in ‘killer clowns, the tooth fairy Satanic abuse rings, and the Kaminetsky-Greenblatt heter’, damages your credibly vis-à-vis the Heter. With the Heter issue, you have been careful to distinguish between opinion and fact. As certain as you are that Trump is ‘insane’, unfit for the Presidency; your certitude is just an opinion. On a subtextual level, the above mentioned conflation relegates a Halachic certainly, i.e., the worthlessness of the Heter, to the realm of speculation. 

This was reinforced by Harry's comment

Rabbi Eidensohn
I trusted your facts and agreed with your conclusion. But every once in while when I see your position about certain other things and your unwillingness to budge even in the face of anything of merit that might be presented, it makes me doubt you, and also my own judgement on the Kaminetsky-Greenblatt heter, because I based my judgement on facts which I know only through you.. After all, the Torah world still considers RSK ה'מרא דאתרא' בארה"ב. So maybe I'm mistaken. I now feel that way specifically because I don't anymore feel that I can rely on your judgement or even your facts.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

One president, two Americas

The transformation of Donald Trump begins Thursday.

The freewheeling, acerbic, often vulgar and offensive maverick of the campaign trail has 70 days to become a president.

Trump will begin the process with a remarkable meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House, an encounter between antagonists who never bothered to hide their visceral dislike for one another.

After his stunning election victory over Hillary Clinton, Trump also has a dizzying list of tasks to fulfill, and the White House meeting is only the start of his hectic agenda before Inauguration Day.
First, the President-elect must make a stab at uniting the country, after a scorched-earth campaign in which he consciously tore at the nation's gender, racial and economic fault lines to build a movement to win power. He's practicing some unusual humility.

"I pledge to every citizen of our lands that I will be the president for the American people," Trump said in his victory speech Tuesday. "For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, for which there were a few people, I'm reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so we can work together and unify our great country."

But his challenges were on clear display Wednesday as protests broke out from Boston to Los Angeles.

Trump's meeting with Obama promises to be one of the most awkward encounters ever between a president and his successor. The President-elect's agenda is diametrically opposed to Obama, including the repeal of his signature health care law.

Trump built his political career and appeal to what eventually became his base with his crusade to prove that Obama was not a natural born citizen and was not therefore eligible for the presidency. Many Democrats found his antics racist and deeply offensive to the first African-American president.
Partly spurred by his contempt for Trump, Obama used the power of his office like no other president before him to make the case on the campaign trail that his potential successor was essentially un-American, unfit for the presidency and too risky to be trusted with the nuclear codes.

"The president made a forceful argument and he stands by that argument, but the time for making that argument has passed," White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Wednesday. "The American people rendered their judgment, and President Obama doesn't get to choose his successor, the American people do, and they did."

Preserving the integrity of American democracy makes it incumbent on Obama to ensure the peaceful transition of power, despite his own deep reservations and antipathy toward his successor.

Trump is also under immediate pressure to build a relationship with Republican leaders, including House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell, who have often viewed him with deep skepticism but are now crucial to his agenda .

Trump must build an administration that is ready to hit the ground running January 20. And perhaps his most daunting assignment is building a national security structure from scratch, and bringing his own sketchy foreign policy and national security credentials up to speed.

Every president who walks into the Oval Office faces an adjustment to the inhuman demands of the presidency. Obama is fond of saying that only problems that no one else can solve reach the President's desk.

But Trump is the only man ever to win the presidency with no political, diplomatic or military executive experience, so his learning curve to becoming the most powerful man in the world will be even steeper.

Trump is no longer on the campaign trail and is not therefore subject to the same pressures that a candidate faces. So in a sense, the transition allows him to reset and at least attempt to adopt a more presidential posture.

His task will be exacerbated by the fact that he appears on track to lose the popular vote to Clinton, even though he won the electoral college -- a factor that undercuts any claims of a mandate.

Clinton's 2008 campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle, a CNN contributor, said Trump needs to make amends to Americans insulted by his conduct -- including African-Americans, women and Hispanics.
"I think he needs to start with an apology — honestly," she said on CNN's "The Lead." Given the President-elect's reluctance to admit he is wrong, that step at least seems unlikely.

Trump's new audience stretches beyond Washington and the United States. US allies were alarmed by Trump's victory, given his criticism of US alliances overseas and hazy knowledge of defense and nuclear doctrine.

Adversaries like Russia and China will already be gaming out how best they can take advantage of their inexperienced new counterpart in Washington.

While Trump has the advantage of a ready-made domestic program given Republican control of Congress, he has no such luxury when it comes to national security policy.

Trump's foreign policy team also lacks a diplomatic heavy hitter respected abroad: speculation is mounting that he will bring in someone who is a known quantity overseas as Secretary of State — someone like Sen. Bob Corker, who heads the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

He has just over two months to staff the State Department, Pentagon, his White House National Security staff, install new leadership at the Intelligence Agencies and begin to install top diplomatic envoys overseas.

It would be a daunting task for any president. Trump is further handicapped by the fact that a huge chunk of the Republican national security establishment, alarmed by his volatile temperament and rudimentary knowledge, defected en masse to Clinton.

But the most fundamental question facing Trump may be his own temperament.

The idea that the President-elect was too erratic and volatile to be commander-in-chief was at the center of Clinton's campaign, and many Americans and foreigners alike worry that his inauguration will usher in a period full of danger and risks.[...]

The question is whether he will be the version of Trump who vowed to throw Clinton in jail or someone with a personality more becoming of a commander in chief.

"Is this the Donald Trump who wanted to ban all Muslims coming into America?" CNN contributor Matt Lewis, a conservative author, said on CNN Wednesday. "Or is this the Donald Trump that sounded a much more conciliatory last night?

He added: "I hope that he was sort of fronting a little bit to win the election and that he will actually govern in a more statesmanlike manner."

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Lech Lecha -Vayeirah - Love Your Kids and Believe in Them ! by Allan Katz

Guest post by Allan Katz

In our parasha , God recognizes Abraham's dedication to the people of the world and bringing them closer to God- Hashem by changing his name. God changes his name – from Abram to Abraham .This change represented his new status, as no longer only being the Father of Aram, but becoming the Father of a multitude of nations. Abraham served God through the characteristic trait of 'chesed', generosity, acts of hospitality and kindness, building caring communities of God fearing people. He ' touched their ' hearts and souls ' and the 'souls he made in Haran ' decided to join him on the journey where God would lead him. Abraham both loved and believed in the potential of people to change, no matter how evil were their ways. He prayed and pleaded on behalf of the people of Sodom who faced destruction. He believed a righteous community of 10 people could impact positively on a whole city whose inhabitants were wicked and evil. By being ' upright in his ways = ya'shar, he showed honor and respect to all people and at the same time 'hated evil'. People would change their ways if he could make a personal connection with them, show that he loved them and cared for them and then help them connect to God and His ways. Abraham's and the other fathers – Isaac and Jacob are called – y'sharim, the upright ones because of their personal interactions = halichot olam with people and for this reason the book of Genesis = Be'reishit is called Sefer ha'yashar – the book of the 'upright '.

In our parasha there are 2 incidents where Abraham is criticized for lacking faith in God. The first incident is the meeting between the king of Sodom and Abraham to deal with the spoils of the war – the booty and prisoners after Abraham's victory in the war between the kings of Canaan. The king of Sodom offers Abraham to take the booty-money and he, the king will get back his subjects. Abraham refuses the offer - he does not want any personal gain – both no booty-money and no prisoners. He does not want the King of Sodom to feel and say that it is he and not God that has made Abraham rich. Because Abraham refused to take the prisoners, he is criticized for preventing them from becoming converts and entering beneath the wings of the Shechinah = Divine presence.

The second incident is Abraham questioning and doubting God's promise that his descendants will inherit the land of Israel. He asked how can I know that my descendants will be worthy of inheriting the land of Israel? As a result, to fix and repair this minute flaw of faith at the 'root and source ' of the nation's faith, the descendants of Abraham would be exiled and be slaves in Egypt.

Abraham's lack of faith seems to be more about a lack of faith in people - the prisoners= subjects of the king of Sodom to connect to God and the descendants of Abraham to repent and do Teshuva and reconnect to God rather than a lack of faith in God. When one lacks faith in man one is limiting the potential belief in God in the world, declaring that God can only connect with certain and a limited amount of people. One also ignores the answer that God gave to Abraham - ' your descendants will be worthy of inheriting the land of Israel because I have given them sacrifices to help them repent and atone for their sins. In fact, the covenant - brit that God made with Abraham included sacrifices similar to ones offered on Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement. One is also lacking faith in God if one does not have faith in people - that God created people who have been made in his image that can do Teshuva and repent.

Abraham has proved to be the example and epitome of ' loving man and believing in mankind.' So what went wrong? The Dalai Lama has an insightful saying - people ' Love Money and Use People, instead they should Love People and Use Money. The King of Sodom offered Abraham a deal – take the money and I will take the people. Abraham replied that he did not love money or use people – so he refused, all personal gain - taking no money and no people. Instead he should have answered. I don't love money and don't use people – I love people and believe in their ability to do Teshuva – repent and connect with God. I, as the victor in this war am going to exercise my rights and keep the people so I can invest in them and contribute to their lives by bringing them close to God.

The exile and redemption from Egypt fixed and repaired this flaw. Although Moses initialy showed that he lacked a belief in the Israelites to be deserving of redemption, the redemption process restored a love for man and a belief that man could do Teshuva and repent ' even if they had reached the 49th level of impurity and contamination. It also enabled them also to accept and embrace those Egyptians who wanted to join the Israelites and so give them the opportunity to enter under the wings of the Shechinah- Divine presence and become close to God . The laws of loving converts, inviting non-Jewish residents to participate in the Temple service and the ' Hakhel ' ceremony are examples of ways to make amends and rectifying the minute mistakes and flaws in Abraham's behavior towards the prisoners of war.

When it comes to our children and students we have to unconditionally love and accept them and believe that they have a place close to God and the ability to connect to God, holiness , the Torah and Mitzvoth. Too often kids get the feeling and impression that it is only the outstanding students, the ones that are well behaved, love to learn and have good concentration and thoughts when praying are the only ones that have a place near God and are able to connect to him. All kids need to feel that they are worthy of God's attention, love and connection. We have to emulate Abraham who believed that people don't need punishment but to experience the beauty of Judaism, feel accepted and appreciated and live in a caring community. Parents and teachers who focus on punishment have essentially given up on their kids and students. What these kids and students need is help and have concerned parents and teachers who care about meeting their needs for their emotional, religious development etc. The lesson of Abraham – love and believe in people means that people and especially children are less interested in how much we know but how much we care about them . If we believe in our children , we will love them and if we truly love them, we will believe in them.

Absorbing the Impossible by Maureen Dowd

I sat watching in astonishment. The one who couldn’t bear to show up to concede was not, as expected, Donald Trump, but Hillary Clinton.

I thought the hard-core support for Trump had dwindled down to a hardy band of loyalists: Rudy, Newt, Chris, Sarah, Kellyanne, Omarosa, the kids, Melania — the woman who told him “If you run, you’ll win” — Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Matt Drudge, Ann Coulter, Jeff Sessions, Corey Lewandowski, Steve Bannon, Hope Hicks, David Bossie, Alex Jones, Bill Mitchell, Mike Pence and my brother, Kevin.

The Republican establishment couldn’t stand Trump. The Democratic establishment mocked him. The Republican nominee didn’t even really seem to have much of a campaign. He spent more on “Make America Great” hats than on polling. When I visited his campaign headquarters this summer, there were more pictures, paintings and cardboard cutouts of Trump around than Trump advisers. If you don’t count Newt Gingrich — and I don’t — only one major political historian, Allan Lichtman, had predicted that Trump would win.

But then the impossible happened. As Salena Zito had presciently written in The Atlantic: “The press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.”

“As flawed a candidate as Trump was, he had his finger on the pulse,” Kevin said. “The polls were off because nobody wanted to admit that they were going to vote for him. But it’s a populist revolt and a lot of people believed in Trump’s message: too much regulation, too much government. The whole thing is a bunch of guys getting rich on Capitol Hill and not paying attention to the people who elected them. They stay in Congress a couple years, then move on to K Street and call on the same people who replaced them.”

Kevin had his moments where he wanted to desert Trump, who was not his first, second or third choice in the Republican primary. He was tempted to bail when Trump had his abominable fight with the Kahns, the gold-star family, after the Democratic primary.

My sister did desert Trump in the end, disgusted with his demeaning tweets about women and his inability to focus on issues rather than his own petulance. But she couldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton either, unable to condone the Clintons’ miasma of financial and ethical cheesiness. She did not understand why the president discouraged Joe Biden — someone she could have supported — from running.

Trump was like Rasputin, being declared dead time after time, but living on. The thought of another President Clinton kept Kevin on board, and yesterday he went to the polls in suburban Maryland and voted for Trump, as did his sons.

“Hillary was the status quo and one of the most flawed candidates in history,” he said. “This is a complete repudiation of President Obama, the man who pushed Hillary and deemed Trump a clown.”

It is unthinkable to imagine the most overtly racist candidate — and head of the offensive birther movement — driving in the limousine to the inauguration with the first African-American president. What would they discuss? How Trump plans to repeal Obamacare? How Trump will appoint Supreme Court justices that will transform America into a drastically more conservative landscape over the next 20 years? How Trump plans to undo the Iran deal? When will Trump begin deporting Hispanics? When will Attorney General Rudy Giuliani pardon Chris Christie and put Hillary in jail?

Hillary’s closing line in the campaign was that she was the only thing standing between her and the abyss. But to my conservative family, Hillary was the abyss while Donald was the baseball bat to smash Washington.[....]

When Trump beat 16 seasoned pols in the Republican primary, Kevin wrote, that should have sent a clear message that the public was fed up with political insiders, including Hillary, who “has been in the public eye for 25 years,” with an image “cast in concrete.”

I was in Europe the night before the Brexit vote and no one thought it could possibly pass. But I woke up the next day and it had. And last night in America, no one ever thought they would see a Times headline “Trump Triumphs” but at about 2:40 a.m. they did. While Democrats were calling it a national disaster and many women were freaking out, Trump came onstage at the Hilton looking subdued — and perhaps terrified? — with a calm and conciliatory speech about dreaming big and bold, about dealing fairly with everyone and avoiding hostility and conflict.

But, I asked my brother, would there be buyer’s remorse, as with Brexit?

Kevin was unconcerned, celebrating quietly at home through the wee hours because, as my colleague Binyamin Appelbaum tweeted: “After months of chatter about the implosion of the Republican Party, we are instead witnessing the obviation of the Democratic Party.”

“With Brexit, the markets went down and bounced right back,” Kevin mused at 3 a.m., sounding serene as Democrats keened and Hillary failed to show up at her party at the Javits Center. “Trump voters did the country a service. Anybody but Clinton.

“The Clintons remind me of the Universal horror movies where you thought the monster was dead and then the monster would show up in a bad sequel. I’m glad now that they’re finally gone.”

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Clinton-Trump Election and the Kaminetsky-Greenblatt Heter: Rav Kaminetsky - the Gadol of America - says to vote for Trump


ראש ישיבת פוניבז': הגר"ש קמינצקי הוא ה'מרא דאתרא' בארה"ב

חבר מועצת גדולי התורה הגרי"ג אדלשטיין הורה לתלמידים מארה"ב שבאו לשאול אותו עבור מי להצביע - לפעול כהכרעותיו של ראש ישיבת פילדלפיה, שהורה יחד עם מרבית ראשי הישיבות בארה"ב לתמוך במועמד הרפובליקני דונלד טראמפ

עולם התורה האמריקני בעד טראמפ אך בחצרות החסידיות הדעות חלוקות: תלמידי ישיבת פוניבז', תושבי ואזרחי ארצות הברית, פנו לראש הישיבה וחבר מועצת גדולי התורה הגרי"ג אדלשטיין כדי לקבל את הדרכתו באשר לאופן הצבעתם. 

הגרי"ג השיב להם כי ה'מרא דאתרא' של ארה"ב הוא ראש ישיבת פילדלפיה הגאון רבי שמואל קמינצקי, חבר מועצת גדולי התורה דאמריקה וכי עליהם להישמע להוראותיו. 

ואכן, ראש ישיבת פילדלפיה הגר"ש קמינצקי הורה להצביע עבור המועמד הרפובליקני לנשיאות ארצות הברית דונלד טראמפ, כך גם הורה ראש ישיבת לייקווד הגאון רבי ירוחם אולשין. להוראה זו הצטרפו מרבית ראשי עולם התורה בארצות הברית. 

חשוב לציין כי באופן מסורתי החרדים מזוהים תמיד עם המפלגה הרפובליקנית בשל הדגש השמרני שלה, לעומת הרוב היהודי חילוני המזוהה עם הדמוקרטים. עם זאת למפלגה הדמוקרטית בכלל ולהירי קלינטון בפרט קשרים הדוקים מזה שנים ארוכות עם חלק מהחסידויות הגדולות בארצות הברית, כולל חסידות סאטמר. 

עם זאת בחלק מהחצרות החסידיות הורו להצביע עבור המועמדת הדמוקרטית הילרי קלינטון. בשתי החסידויות של סאטמר הכריזו על כך לפני מספר ימים והורו להצביע לקלינטון משום שטראמפ ידידותי מדי לישראל. כך גם הוכרז בחסידויות סקווירא ובחסידויות נוספות. לעומת חסידות חב"ד ברובה שתצביע עבור טראמפ דווקא בשל יחסו החיובי לישראל ובשל ציפייה שיגמול בשחרורו של רובשקין.

Anti-Semitism unleashed by Trump followers chills Jewish voters

Jewish Americans have never been ones to sit out an election, whether it comes to voting, political fundraising or dinner table punditry. But even for a community grown used to the political fray, the 2016 campaign was different.

The stakes are so high, the differences so stark, the language so overwrought that Trump vs. Clinton seems to overwhelm everything else.

But there is also a specific Jewish component to this election that some voters are sensing, one that has them reassessing their view of what it is to be Jewish in America.

Rabbi Daniel Bogard, 33, of Cincinnati, said he had never personally encountered anti-Semitism until this election cycle. He has now been called a Christ killer twice on social media — once each from the right and the left, when he was defending Israel.

“There’s been permission that’s been given to say these things we didn’t used to say,” said Bogard, who with his wife, Rabbi Karen Kriger Bogard, was installed recently as an associate rabbi at Adath Israel, a Conservative synagogue.

That has led him to radically alter a view he once held that the established Jewish community was too quick to charge others with anti-Semitism.[...]

Donald Trump, the Republican nominee who has made broadsides against Muslims, Hispanics and other minorities a part of his campaign — recklessly, say his critics; unintentionally, say his defenders — has drawn into the light racists and anti-Semites who once occupied the margins of American life.

In turn, that has coaxed out of the closet an otherness that some Jews, especially millennials, had never sensed or thought they would experience.

The Anti-Defamation League has warned about anti-Semitic imagery among Trump’s followers throughout the campaign, and implored the candidate to renounce the purveyors, with occasional success. Over the last couple of days, the Trump campaign released a closing television ad about an “international global power structure” that the ADL and other Jewish groups said trafficked in classic anti-Semitic themes.

Jordana Merran, 28, a foreign policy consultant in Washington, DC, said she had been blithe about warnings from her parents’ generation that Jews could again face the privations of what seemed a distant past.[...]

“We are still a minority in this country, and that position of comfort and being at home can’t be taken for granted,” she said. “Seeing that vitriol against Jews is so shocking and disheartening. It makes you wonder, ‘Are we lucky today? What does the future hold?’”

What the future holds is not a theoretical question to some voters raised on stories of their parents or grandparents fleeing persecution.

“My sister and her son didn’t have passports, but I pushed her to get them this summer,” said Suzanne Reisman, 40, a New York City-based writer who has been harassed by anti-Semites on Twitter. “My grandparents were Holocaust survivors. I hope it won’t come to it, but if we have to flee, we are ready.”[...]

But there are also Jewish pundits on the political right who are worrying about the darker forces being unleashed by Trump’s intentional or collateral appeal to anti-Semites.

Jews should not “ignore the rekindling of right-wing anti-Semitism simply because its next-of-kin — left-wing anti-Zionism — remains so potent on college campuses and in progressive political circles,” wrote Bret Stephens, the Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for The Wall Street Journal and a critic of Trump. “The GOP’s conversion to being a powerfully pro-Israel and philo-Semitic party is a relatively recent development. No law dictates that it is destined to be a lasting one.”

For its part, the Trump campaign insists that the campaign is neither anti-Semitic nor trying to appeal to the racist far right, as a top aide said Sunday in response to ADL’s criticism of the “global power structure” ad.

“Mr. Trump’s message and all of the behavior that I have witnessed over the two decades that I have known him have consistently been pro-Jewish and pro-Israel and accusations otherwise are completely off-base,” Jason Greenblatt, the top attorney for the Trump Organization and the co-chair of the campaign’s Israel advisory committee said in a statement Sunday to CBS News. “The suggestion that the ad is anything else is completely false and uncalled for.”[...]

Some older Jews said they recognized the patterns from events they had seen fresh in their youths.

The tell for Norman Gelman, 87, a retired consultant on public policy who lives in Potomac, Maryland, was that “white supremacists and neo-Nazis quickly recognized [Trump] as their champion. His demeanor and his narcissism quickly reminded me of Mussolini.”

William Berkson, 72, a writer who lives in Reston, Virginia, said that if anything, Trump posed a greater danger than earlier demagogues because he had as a tool the instant delivery guaranteed by social media.

“Today, leaders can have even more of a catalytic effect on followers because of the magnifying power of social approval,” Berkson said. “When a leader says something is OK, millions of followers can reinforce one another with the same message on social media.”

Micah Nathan, 43, a writer who lives in Newton, Massachusetts, said Trump was shocking only because he was saying plainly what Republicans had been insinuating through code for years on topics like immigration, the Muslim community and the threat from globalization.

“Trump didn’t create his base. He gave them a unified voice, minus the softening rules of public discourse,” Nathan said.[...]

Monday, November 7, 2016

Hillary Clinton - contrary to Trump supporters - has always been involved in helping others

Fox News  by Lanny Davis is a regular weekly columnist for The Hill. In 1996-98, Davis served as special counsel to President Bill Clinton. He attended Yale Law School with Hillary Clinton in 1969-70 and has remained friends with her ever since.

There are three simple facts about Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy that should not be disputable — even by supporters of Donald Trump.

There are undisputed facts about Trump as well — that he has used bigoted words about Mexicans, questioned the integrity of a federal judge because of his Mexican heritage, mocked a disabled reporter, used misogynistic words while bragging on tape about conduct that is the functional equivalent of criminal sexual assault and recommended the spread of nuclear weapons — but these are for another column.

First, Hillary Clinton has spent her life involved in public service and has a public record and voting record that is progressive.

I first met Hillary at Yale when I was in my third year at Yale Law School in September 1969, and she was an incoming first-year student. I was standing in line to register for classes, and I turned around and saw her right behind me. I recognized her from her photo in a national news magazine that I had seen the night before about a highly regarded speech she had given at her Wellesley College commencement the previous June.

I introduced myself and asked her whether there was any advice I could offer her about Yale Law School — what courses to take, what professors were best, how to read cases and study, etc. Her response: “You could help me — where is the nearest legal services clinic that I could volunteer for?”

When I questioned whether she would have the time, she responded:

“The reason I came to law school is to help me do public service.”

Wow, I thought. This person is unusual — she is going places. The more I got to know her that year, the more I thought she would someday be president. I kid you not.

Hillary’s life’s work has been devoted to public service and helping others, especially helping children and healthcare policy — that is a fact. Through the years as first lady of Arkansas and in the White House, as well as her eight years in the U.S. Senate, her position on all the major issues has been as a progressive Democrat with a reputation of working well with Republicans.

Her one mistake — shared by 26 other progressive U.S. Democratic senators and many others — was supporting the Iraq War resolution in October 2003. She has since said she made a mistake - as she also said she made a mistake and apologized for using a server for her emails while Secretary of State. This contrasts with Trump, who never admits to a mistake even when he challenged the sincerity of a Gold Star Muslim mother.

Fact two is Hillary’s unquestioned superior experience and qualifications to be president. As President Obama said at the Democratic National Convention and has reiterated many times since then, there is no one who has ever — ever — been as qualified to be president of the United States in the history of our country, and he included himself and President Clinton on that list. Trump says his lack of experience in government and his experience as a businessman — including bankrupting four companies in two years — is an advantage.

Fact three is her compassion and empathy for those who are less fortunate than she. Hillary is a person who has spent her life helping children, the poor, those less fortunate, and those who are the object of discrimination suffering an absence of equal opportunity. In other words, she meets the definition of a moral leader eloquently defined by former Senator and Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey:

“It was once said that the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped.”

That is the Hillary Clinton I have known for 47 years. That is the Hillary Clinton who I know — who I am certain — will make a great president of the United States.

How the FBI might have processed 650,000 emails in Clinton probe

Donald Trump and his aides are expressing skepticism at how quickly the FBI was able to review hundreds of thousands of emails in the latest probe in the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

The FBI revealed Sunday that it had found nothing new in the emails from top Clinton aide Huma Abedin that were found on the laptop belonging to her estranged husband, Anthony Weiner. In a letter to lawmakers on Capitol Hill,

During a rally Sunday, however, Trump said it’s not possible that the FBI was able to review so many emails in just nine days.

“You can’t review 650,000 new emails in eight days,” He continued. “You can’t do it, folks.”

A report from Wired, however, said that Trump is wrong and that the FBI can review that amount in just a week, if not sooner.

“This is not rocket science,” Jonathan Zdziarski, a forensics expert who’s consulted for law enforcement, told Wired. “Eight days is more than enough time to pull this off in a responsible way.”

The technology news outlet also interviewed an anonymous former FBI forensics experts who said the agent reviewed larger collections of data even faster than the current case.

“You can triage a dataset like this in a much shorter amount of time,” the agent told Wired, according to the report. “We’d routinely collect terabytes of data in a search. I’d know what was important before I left the guy’s house.”

The former agent also said that the FBI has tools that can sift out classified documents, which the agent said is similar to software used to detect plagiarism.

Both sources told Wired that investigations can filter out emails by targeting “to” and “from” as well as filtering out duplicates.

The review of the emails found in the new batch found that most were duplicates, CBS News confirmed Sunday.

“The Department of Justice and the FBI dedicated all necessary resources to conduct this review expeditiously,” a Justice Department spokesperson said in a statement [...]

Convicted pedophile Stefan Colmer arrives in Ramot Gimmel- greeted with posters warning parents to watch their children


ההורים בחרדה: תוקף ילדים מארה"ב הגיע לשכונה

תוקף ילדים מארה"ב, שסיים לרצות את ענשו, עשה עליה והגיע להתגורר בשכונת רמות בירושלים. בימים האחרונים הופצו מודעות אזהרה ברחבי השכונה, ותמונותיו הופצו • ההורים חוששים • כל הפרטים

תוקף ילדים מארה"ב, שסיים לרצות את ענשו, עשה עליה והגיע להתגורר בשכונת רמות בירושלים. בימים האחרונים הופצו מודעות אזהרה ברחבי השכונה, ותמונותיו, בו הוא מופיע עורך קניות בקניון רמות ומתהלך סמוך לבית הכנסת זכרון אברהם, הופצו בשכונה. 

המודעות מגיעות לאחר שבשבוע שעבר שיגר הארגון האמריקני - J C W - ארגון שהוקם למיגור תופעת תקיפות הילדים במגזר החרדי, מכתבי אזהרה לרבני הקהילה ולרשויות בארץ. במכתב שכותרתו "אזהרה לתושבי ישראל", נמסר כי הארגון קיבל מידע ממקור אמין שהתוקף המוכר מתכנן לחזור לארץ בתחילת נובמבר ובכוונתו לגור בשכונת רמות בירושלים. 

כאמור, ל"בחדרי חרדים" נודע כי התוקף המוכר כבר מתגורר בשכונה ובימים האחרונים הוא נצפה עורך קניות בחנויות באזור.

ממידע שהגיע לידי "בחדרי חרדים" מתברר כי האיש התמקם באזור רמות ג', זאת למרות שמודעות נגדו עם תמונתו, שמו ופירוט מעשיו הופצו בכל בתי הכנסת בשכונה ובמרכזים המסחריים ותחנות האוטובוסים.

More bad news for Trump: FBI: Review of new emails doesn't change conclusion on Clinton

FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Sunday the agency hasn't changed its opinion that Hillary Clinton should not face criminal charges after a review of new emails.

"Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July," Comey wrote in the new letter to congressional committee chairmen.

Comey dropped a bombshell on the presidential race last month when he sent a letter to Congress saying the FBI had discovered emails in a separate investigation that could be connected to the now-closed probe of whether Clinton mishandled classified information. The move infuriated Democrats and emboldened Republican nominee Donald Trump.

It's impossible to know before results are tallied what impact Comey's actions -- first raising a vaguely worded red flag 11 days out, and then lowering it two days from the election -- will have on the contest. But the news could help Clinton put to rest a controversy that has dogged her in the 2016 race's closing days, helping Trump narrow a polling gap nationally and in key battleground states. [...]

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Man falsely accused of having a gun at Trump rally - is an anti-Trump Republican and was man handled because of it

CNN Trump has falsely claimed it was an assassination attempt

CNN   Donald Trump was rushed off a stage here Saturday by Secret Service agents during a campaign speech after an incident in the crowd near the front of the stage.

A Secret Service spokesperson said in a statement there was a commotion in the crowd and an "unidentified individual" shouted "gun," though no weapon was found after a "thorough search."

A man, who later identified himself to reporters as Austyn Crites, was then immediately detained and led out by a throng of police officers, Secret Service agents and SWAT officers armed with assault rifles to a side room.

A law enforcement official later told CNN no charges were filed against Crites.

After he was released from custody, Crites told reporters the incident started off when he raised a "Republicans Against Trump" sign.

Crites said he was then assaulted by a group of people around him before anyone shouted anything about a gun.

"All of a sudden, because they couldn't grab the sign, or whatever happened, bam, I get tackled by all these people who were just, like, kicking me and grabbing me in the crotch and just, just beating the crap out of me," Crites said, according to KTNV. "And somebody yells something about a gun, and so that's when things really got out of hand."

The alleged assault against Crites is just the latest such incident to occur at a Trump rally, where other protesters have previously been roughed up.

Trump was unharmed and returned to the stage minutes later to finish his speech.

"Nobody said it was going to be easy for us, but we will never be stopped. We will never be stopped. I want to thank the Secret Service. These guys are fantastic," Trump said, before returning to his stump speech. [...]

Ivanka visits grave of Lubavitcher Rebbe

As the elections to determine the next US President quickly approach, Ivanka Trump, the daughter of Republican nominee Donald Trump, could be seen last night with her husband visiting the grave of the Lubavitcher Rebbe in New York.

According to Kikar Shabbat, there was no press accompanying the couple; their visit was documented by others who had come to pray by the grave of the Rebbe.

Satmar: Vote for Hillary

According to those Satmar leaders, Republican candidate Donald Trump is pro-Israel and works to strengthen the Jewish state, and it is therefore forbidden to vote for him. Satmar believes that it was forbidden to create a Jewish state until the coming of the Messiah as the Talmud says that Jews in exile must not antagonize the non-Jews.

In the notice sent to thousands of hasidim, the group justified their decision on other grounds as well, stating that Clinton "has stood with the haredi sects for several years, when she was First Lady, New York Senator, and Foreign Minister."

Rav Avigdor MiIler claims conservative candidates, police brutality, stern justice and capital punishment are indispensable for the welfare of society

Subject: Rav Avigdor Miller on Election Day 2016 - Halacha Li'maisah

     Is it a proper opportunity for the Rav to advise us on who to vote for in the upcoming election?

     Is it advisable for me to recommend voting for one individual over another? Yes, absolutely. It's certainly advisable for Jews to back conservative candidates. Now, exactly which conservative candidate is the best choice is a matter that requires deliberation. But there's no question that the Jews have for too long carried on an affair with the liberals and it has caused them a great deal of suffering. And as long as the liberals will continue to have power we are going to have a continuation of the present disorder of society.

     All the theories of the liberals as to how to improve society are garbage. The plain truth is that forty years ago, without any of these theories, society was relatively stable. And it was based on one easy to understand principle - and that was that there has to be stern justice. And that's all! Now, the liberals will say, "No, that's nothing. It's not true. Capital punishment only increases crime." But that's baloney. It's sheker vi'kazav. There's one thing wrong with this country and that's it. Now, don't say that I'm oversimplifying things. Because they oversimplified in the olden days and we were able to walk in the streets. Everyone was afraid of the police. Until Mayor Lindsay came along and emasculated the police, everyone was afraid of a policeman. And that's what we need. We need more police brutality. And although innocent people might suffer sometimes, it pays. We need tough police who don't care what you say about them. We need police who have headquarters with bosses who disregard the complaints. In the olden days if you walked into headquarters and complained, the Police Captain would bark at you, "What do you want?!" That's what he said to you. He didn't listen to you polititely. "What do you want?!" he said. And you walked out with your head down.

     Capital punishment is the best rehabilitation for criminals. There used to be a Sing-Sing and it was a perfect educational institution for criminals. Anyone who went to Sing-Sing and worked on the [garbled] rock pile, when he got out  he had learned that crime doesn't pay. In [garbled] you didn't have television. All you had was an iron mallet and you stood in the sun in [garbled] and you banged and you banged and you cracked rocks and you sweated. And you were thinking all the time, "Why was I such a fool to get into this?"

     It's nothing but yir'as ha'onesh. And even tzadikim need it. The best people need it. And it would solve almost all crime. But instead they make a crime-study commission and they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and they bring scientists together and the result is that there's more crime than ever. And you know why? Because it's the scientists who cause crime. Scientists are causing crime. They're the ones who say that we should do away with harsh punishment and that we should listen to the complaints of the criminals. So when the prisoners recently made an insurrection in the prison and they killed some guards and they demanded to be heard, what happened? So the Governor appoints a commission and the members of the commission come to the prison to listen to the complaints of the felons. Instead of taking them and putting them into solitary for ten years on bread and water. That's what they used to get in the good old days. That's what they got and that's why we didn't have crime. You didn't have crime! What kind of stories are they telling us that there was always crime?! There wasn't crime. I remember, I walked home from Mesivta Chaim Berlin every night, summer and winter, through black neighborhoods. Who ever heard of somebody snatching a woman's pocketbook in broad daylight. In the olden days - [At this point the tape ends vi'chaval al di'avdin]
 TAPE 125

Saturday, November 5, 2016

What Trump has already cost America: And how much steeper the price will grow if he wins

NY Daily News   by Tom Nichols is a professor of national security affairs at the Naval War College and teaches in the Harvard Extension School.

At this point, the brief against Donald Trump becoming President of the United States has been well rehearsed. There is no point in rehashing Trump's positions or policies: He doesn't have any.

And so rather than make the case that Trump would be a bad President (something accepted even by many of those nominally supporting him), we should look at the damage Trump has already done to our nation even by running. We need no clearer warning of a Trump presidency than to look at what he has already inflicted on us as a country and as a people.

Let's start with foreign policy, something most voters don't usually care about very much. Insofar as Trump has a foreign policy, it is based on an almost complete and fawning adoption of Russian President Vladimir Putin's anti-American view of the world.

Trump claims that Hillary Clinton would start World War III, but it is Trump who has already shaken and endangered our friends and allies with his reckless and stupid rhetoric.

This fall, I had the chance to talk with ordinary citizens, students, journalists, and others in cities and towns in Central Europe. Almost all of them expressed the same fear: that America was going to elect Donald Trump and abandon them — our NATO allies — to the same fate Russia has inflicted on Ukraine, Georgia, and especially Syria.

They found it incomprehensible that the United States of America could even think of electing a man so obviously enamored of Putin, whom they fear for good reason. They were mystified at the rise of right-wing nationalism, a problem they assumed was localized to Europe but to which America, at least at the level of presidential politics, seemed immune.

Worst of all, they were disappointed and scared. These are people who once lived behind the Iron Curtain. They hoped in us, believed in us, and admired our system of government. It's partly why they bound their fate to ours. Even if Trump loses, they will never look at us the same way, because they know what we're capable of tolerating in a presidential candidate.

At home, the Trump campaign has scarred us in ways that no future President will be able to heal soon. Trump's entire campaign was based on exploiting divisions in American society, flooding our public debate with fantasies and statistical fakery, from the myth of a rising crime rate to the promise of a wall that will never be built.

Underlying it all was a crass appeal not only to race, but to religious, ethnic, regional, and class prejudices. He has tried to inflame every one of the basic differences in American society that our system of federalism and our charter of universal liberties has overcome since the Civil War to bind us as a republic.

Through all of this, I was determined not to vote for Hillary Clinton. I am a Republican, but I could not mark a ballot for a family I have been hoping for over two decades would leave our political life. That all changed, however, when Trump turned from trying to exploit our differences as a nation and directly attacked our system of government itself.

When it became clear to Trump that he was likely to lose, he decided to lash out and see how many of our constitutional traditions he could take down with him. He made wild claims of electoral "rigging," trucking in conspiracy theories usually relegated to the darkest (and stupidest) corners of the internet. Heedless of the consequences, his bloated self-esteem demanded the destruction of the American electoral system if it would not produce the results he wanted.

Trump might well be too ignorant to understand the danger he was courting, since he seems unable to understand anything that is not directly and immediately about himself. But the various hangers-on around Trump knew exactly what they were doing. People who had once sworn an oath to protect and defend the Constitution gleefully abetted attacks on our most sacred traditions so scurrilous that even Moscow's propagandists were left in the dust trying to keep up.

Trump's deep corrosion of our national identity, both at home and abroad, has been immediate and it will be lasting. Trump has ground away at what was once the basic decency of American voters, trying to erode their faith in their own institutions rather than risk any affront to his spun-glass ego.

While I was overseas, I had to explain over and over that elections in the United States are administered locally, and that most Americans did not really have the stomach for accusing their own friends and neighbors of fraud.

I said that because I believe it, but also because I need to believe it.

Trump's boosters tell voters not to worry, that a new and more responsible Trump would emerge from the Oval Office, that his staff and other Republicans can moderate his behavior. This is a lie. There is no better Trump. A man willing to set over two centuries of constitutional tradition ablaze is not going to find sudden depth and new respect for our system once he is sitting at its pinnacle. [...]

A President should inspire us and encourage us to be better than we are. Trump has degraded us, urged us to be as bestial as we wish, and to immerse ourselves in the kind of hatreds and prejudices that would make our lives in a community and as a nation utterly impossible. He has encouraged us to abandon our duties as citizens of a republic, our heritage as Americans, and our very souls as human beings.

Electing him President will convince him that he was right, and that his coarse, bitter appeals are the right path to power. On Election Day, we must fight back, and tell Donald Trump that we and our country will not be sold so cheaply after being bought, long before he descended a glittering escalator, at a price greater than even a rich man can ever imagine.

Police dog ordered to ‘get him’ as officers kick man in a case of mistaken identity

A St. Paul police officer has been suspended and a second placed on unpaid leave after an arrest that left a man hospitalized for two weeks and prompted an apology from the city’s police chief.

Chief Todd Axtell released a graphic dashcam video of their actions on Friday -- more than four months after the June 24 arrest -- following a use-of-force review and internal affairs investigation. It shows Frank A. Baker, 53, of St. Paul, writhing and screaming as a police dog named Falco bites down on his right leg.

“As St. Paul’s police chief, I’m disappointed and upset by what the video shows,” Axtell said at a news conference. “I’m profoundly saddened. I’m releasing this video today because it’s the right thing to do.”

The video shows six officers standing around Baker, whom they believed matched the description of an armed suspect. Officer Brett Palkowitsch kicks Baker in the midsection three times as Baker is given orders and cursed at.

“Get him, buddy,” an officer says at one point, presumably to Falco. “Get him, buddy. Good.”

Police reports released Friday said the officers were called at 10:08 p.m. that day to the 1800 block of 7th Street E. on a report of people armed with bats, golf clubs and at least one gun. They arrived to find several people standing outside some apartment buildings, but “none of the people appeared to be alarmed, arguing, or fighting,” said a report written by officer Joe Dick. “None of the people were holding bats, golf clubs, or guns.”

Brian Ficcadenti, the first officer to encounter Baker in a parked car behind a building and the one who deployed Falco, was put on a 30-day suspension beginning Thursday.

Ficcadenti wrote in his report that he ordered Baker out of the car because he matched the description of an armed suspect. Baker obeyed. When he ordered Baker to put his hands up, Baker put one hand up and then down and shifted “back and forth” toward his vehicle and another to his left, said Ficcadenti’s report.

“Because of this I was unable to determine if he had anything in his hands or if he was reaching for anything,” Ficcadenti wrote. He said Baker refused to walk to him, so he released Falco. The dog gripped Baker’s leg for about 70 seconds, said a settlement letter written by Axtell.

In the Nov. 3 letter, Axtell wrote that Ficcadenti’s actions violated seven department policies. “Once you did engage [Baker] verbally, you gave him less than 20 seconds to completely comply before releasing your K-9 and running toward the citizen,” Axtell wrote. “This decision created unnecessary risk and was not consistent with policy or training.”

Ficcadenti will not be allowed to return to the K-9 unit. Palkowitsch was placed on unpaid leave starting Thursday. Police confirmed that he is the subject of an ongoing internal affairs investigation. State law prohibits the department from divulging more, said police spokesman Steve Linders.

Palkowitsch wrote in his report that he kicked Baker in the midsection two times because he was moving and stopped complying with Ficcadenti’s orders.

“Again I fully believed that Baker was armed with a firearm and I wanted this now progressively evolving use of force encounter on a gun call to end as fast as possible for the safety at the scene,” Palkowitsch wrote.

Baker stayed prone after the second kick, then reached toward the dog, Palkowitsch wrote, so he delivered a third and final kick.

Along with Dick, the other officers at the scene were Brian Nowicki, John Raether and Anthony Spencer. Spencer is on personal leave, and the others are actively assigned to the Eastern District.[...]


The theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking angered supporters of Donald J. Trump on Monday by responding to a question about the billionaire with a baffling array of long words.

Speaking to a television interviewer in London, Hawking called Trump “a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator,” a statement that many Trump supporters believed was intentionally designed to confuse them.

Moments after Hawking made the remark, Google reported a sharp increase in searches for the terms “demagogue,” “denominator,” and “Stephen Hawking.”

“For a so-called genius, this was an epic fail,” Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, said. “If Professor Hawking wants to do some damage, maybe he should try talking in English next time.”

Later in the day, Hawking attempted to clarify his remark about the presumptive Republican Presidential nominee, telling a reporter, “Trump bad man. Real bad man.”