Monday, October 21, 2024

Trump Works McDonald’s Fry Station/ Peter principle - rising to level of incompetence


Kiruv for non-Jews with Jewish Identity II

I am raising an issue of great importance for the future of the Jewish people. There seems to have been a major revolution in the last few years in the approach to dealing with both intermarriage and the non-Jewish children of intermarriage - and yet very few rabbonim seem aware of it. My purpose in writing the following is to provide intelligent discussion of these issues as well as to establish a literature that can be utilized by others. As Rav Sternbuch has noted - halacha depends upon accurate written discussions of issues that can be analyzed and debated. A statement by a rav - no matter how big - which doesn't provide the critical issue of context and sources is very problematic for use by others.

The issue was raised one Shabbos when I received some guests sent by a well known kiruv organization. In the course of discussing how each one of our guests had come to be interested in this particular program - the guest who was most interested in Yiddishkeit stated. "I was raised as a Methodist because my mother is a Methodist - but I am Jewish because my father is Jewish." To put it mildly I was shocked - how could this obvious fact not have been checked prior to admitting this young man into the program. The program is involved in bringing Jews with no Jewish education to Israel where there have a great time - and also learn about Yiddishkeit. The expenses of the participants are heavily subsidized by wealthy benefactors. I said nothing but after Shabbos I called the director to inform him of the problem. His response was, "We know that he is not Jewish but we were told to accept him since he has a Jewish identity."

In the subsequent months I have mentioned this to various rabbonim - who have all expressed shock that this is officially sanctioned. No one knew any teshuvos written on the subject which justify this approach. However I have found that this is not simply a quirk with one kiruv organization - it represents a major conflict between different kiruv organizations. The big money seems to be going in the direction of kiruv for non-Jews (with some kind of Jewish identity) with the hope of converting them. A friend of mine told me that on three separate occasions he was sent guests for Shabbos from a Russian kiruv program here in Jerusalem and found out that they were all non-Jews. When he complained, the program simply stopped sending him guests.

Similarly there has been a major effort to actively pursue intermarried couples and using various techniques - representive of the best American marketing techniques - convince the non-Jewish spouse to convert. This latter approach is spearheaded by R' Leib Tropper of Yeshiva Kol Yaakov in Monsey. See his website [Eternal Jewish Family - Convert to Judaism, Jewish Conversion, Universally Accepted Halachic Conversions for Intermarried Couples ] - especially the videos of testimonials from satisfied customers. It has the official backing of Rav Eliyashiv, Rav Dovid Feinstein, Rav Reuven Feinstein as well as many others important rabbis. I have not been able to locate any written teshuvos dealing with this either - even though it also represents a major change in the traditional approach to this issue.

I mentioned this information to Rav Moshe Sternbuch who found my revelations disturbing and he wrote a letter which he asked me to translate and distribute. He personally read and approved the translation. The original letter and its translation can be found at the following links.

Some of the discussion aroused already can be found at the following link

One of the assertions being made is that Rav Moshe Feinstein has approved kiruv for non-Jews who have a Jewish identify. This assertion has been made by one of America's most widely respected poskim who was a very close talmid of Rav Moshe who said it was an oral psak that he received. I have combed the Igros Moshe and there is no support for this in the Igros Moshe. However recently I was challenged by a certain rosh yeshiva who asserted that what the hetar for this type of kiruv is inherent in the clearly stated teshuva of Reb Moshe regarding the Falashas. I rechecked this teshuva and - contrary to my challenger - it seems clear that this teshuva not only does not support this assertion but seems to directly contradict it. My translation of the teshuva is as follows:

Igros Moshe Y.D. IV. #41 page 271

After much investigation it appears that if the Falashas are not given a Jewish education they will deteriorate even more and will refuse to convert and this can possibly cause – G‑d forbid! –intermarriage between Jews and the Falashas. Therefore l’maaseh they should be given a Jewish education and be influenced through this education to convert as they need to do - as I have written to your brother R’ Mordechai Tendler. One should not be concerned by the fact that we are teaching Torah to people whose status as Jews is in doubt. Since it is actually possible that they are Jews and since there is a reason for this education - it would appear there is no prohibition to teach them Torah. But you should not teach them false halachos - an act which itself is prohibited. In other words, don’t tell them that we in fact view them as definitely Jewish.Instead tell them that while in fact there is a doubt about their status as Jews nevertheless we are prepared to educate them in G‑d’s Torah and His mitzvos. Please note that until they are actually converted they are not to be considered as definitely Jewish even in regards to counting them as part of a minyan or to receive an aliya to the Torah. They are not to be shamed or embarrassed but on the other hand they should not be deceived with false flattery. On the other hand l’chumra they are required to keep all the mitzvos because maybe they are in fact genuine Jews.

Reb Moshe is acknowledging the danger of intermarriage from a non-Jew who views himself as Jewish. However he allows the teaching of Torah only because the person is a "questionable Jew". It follows that if the person is definitely not Jewish he would not have given this heter. Otherwise Reb Moshe would have simply said "any non-Jew who has a Jewish identity should be educated in Torah and converted".

'Apprentice' faked Trump's success

Rav Moshe Feinstein and the History of Thanksgiving

Nevertheless, Sokolow correctly points out that thanksgiving is indeed a Jewish value. Without resorting to invented traditions or ahistorical myths, Jews express gratitude to God every day in prayer. Much like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, which cohere with the Jewish value of honoring one’s parents, Thanksgiving reflects ideas in our own texts and traditions. As Rav Moshe reminded us, American Jews should express gratitude for the religious liberty we have enjoyed in America. May it be God’s will that America continues to serve as a safe haven for Jews.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

US investigates leak of Pentagon documents on Israel’s plans to attack Iran

Pentagon's classified documents were posted publicly online over the weekend and deal with Israel's preparations for an attack against Iran; "The leak is very worrying," an American official told CNN, which  confirmed the documents are authentic

Probe underway into intel leak of Israeli plans for Iran strike — US house speaker

IDF says it targets Hezbollah intelligence command post, underground arms factory * Likud blasts opposition chiefs for not condemning ‘Iranian assassination attempt’ on PM

Pro-Iranian account leaks alleged U.S. intel on Israel's attack plans

U.S. officials are extremely concerned about a potentially major security breach after two alleged U.S. intelligence documents about Israel's preparations for an attack on Iran were published by a Telegram account affiliated with Iran.

Israel's Iran Plans Allegedly Leaked

Axios reported on Saturday that two alleged U.S. intelligence documents with details of Israeli preparations to hit back at Iran appeared on a Tehran-affiliated channel on messaging app Telegram. The channel's administrators said in a statement on Sunday that it was not linked to Iran, but run by a "tight-knit team of fully independent journalists."

The documents were marked "top secret," and dated October 15 to 16. The documents purport to show "key munitions preparations and covert UAV [uncrewed aerial vehicle] activity" and were described as being linked to a possible Israeli attack on Iran. At least one document appears to bear markings from the U.S.' National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

Religious tolerance

Before Christianity became the state church of the Roman Empire, it encouraged conquered peoples to continue worshipping their own gods. "An important part of Roman propaganda was its invitation to the gods of conquered territories to enjoy the benefits of worship within the imperium."[7] Christians were singled out for persecution because of their own rejection of Roman pantheism and refusal to honor the emperor as a god.[8] There were some other groups that found themselves to be exceptions to Roman tolerance, such as the Druids, the early followers of the cult of Isis, the Bacchanals, the Manichaens and the priests of Cybele, and Temple Judaism was also suppressed.

Trump blames Zelensky for the war in Ukraine. He rarely blames Putin.

On Thursday he turned more than a few heads by effectively blaming Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for Russia’s invasion. Trump said Zelensky “should never have let that war start.”

It was a remarkable statement in and of itself; Zelensky was the one whose country was invaded, but it’s his fault? Was he supposed to just give Russia the territory it wanted and cave to its threats that it would invade?

Harvard donations drop; alums cut ties over anti-Israel protests

Harvard University, the nation’s oldest and richest university, saw donations tumble 15 percent after wealthy alumni expressed anger at the school’s handling of antisemitism on campus.

Donald Trump's Arnold Palmer Comments Baffle Social Media

Former President Donald Trump prompted shock and confusion after opening his Pennsylvania rally on Saturday with a baffling 10-minute ramble about golf legend Arnold Palmer.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Religious Tolerance- Netziv

 העמק דבר בראשית פרק יב פסוק ב (פרשת לך לך)

ואגדלה שמך. אפי' מי שלא יהיה באמונתו לעבוד את ה' המיוחד, לא יהיה כמו שארי אמונות שונות דכל כת מבזה ומכחיש ומקטין אמונה השניה, אבל לא כן תהיה אמונת אברם, דאפי' מי שלא ירצה לעמוד באמונתו, ידע ויבין כי אמונת אברם לאל עליון גדולה, אלא שטעונה פרישות מתאוה וכדומה שלא הכל נתרצו לכך, וא"כ נתגדל בזה שמו של אברם שזכה לאמונה ועבודת אל עליון:

Netziv (Bereishis 12:02) G-d said to Abraham I will make your name Great - Even among those who don't share your faith in serving G-d, This is not like the various other religions  which every one degrades and insults other religions, The religion of Abraham was different in that he did not attack those who did not accept his religious beliefs but even so they were all aware that Avrahan had a superior religion. In this sense his name was made great in that he had a superior religion in serving G-d

Spot cleaning on Chol Hamoed

What kind of cleaning clothing is permitted on chol hamoed?

1) Spot cleaning by hand with soap if there is dirt/grime? Does one have to take care just to wash that exact area and not any other parts of the garment?

2) What about cleaning the whole garment by hand for smell?

3) What is the difference between children and adults?