Friday, June 14, 2024

Tzadik without Sin is like G-d?

 Sanhedrin (65b) Raba said: If the righteous desired it, they could [by living a life of absolute purity] be creators, for it is written, But your iniquities have distinguished between etc. Rabbah created a man, and sent him to R. Zera. R. Zera spoke to him, but received no answer. Thereupon he said unto him: ‘Thou art a creature of the magicians. Return to thy dust.’R. Hanina and R. Oshaia spent every Sabbath eve in studying the ‘Book of Creation’, by means of which they created a third-grown calf and ate it.

Yad Ramah (65b) Raba said, If the righteous desired it they could create a world. These are the Tsadikim who if they wanted to be freed from all iniquity they could create a world by their merit Because G-d fulfills their decrees. It is said that Your sins distinguish between you and your God, So if they didn’t sin There would be no difference between the servant and his Master, but the Master  fulfills his decrees as He does His own.

Half a million in damages | Man who broke into shop and ruined 'immodest' wigs indicted

Chief Superintendent Lior Ben-Shalom, the investigations and intelligence officer at the Lev Habira station, said of the case: "This suspect acted through ideological motives that he believes in which prohibit the use of wigs by haredi women, and carried out criminal acts by breaking into a business and causing substantial damage. Our investigation efforts, which began immediately after receiving the report about the incident, bore fruit after we carried out various investigatory actions to locate and arrest him. The detectives from the Lev Habira station arrested the suspect and the station investigators managed to gather an evidential basis which led to the indictment against him."

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Jewish problem with Trump supporters saying his guilty verdict was ‘rigged’

Namely, that delegitimizing American courts out of personal or partisan sentiment is pulling not just the rug but the very floor out from under the republic. Just as the results of elections — whoever wins — must be respected by the citizenry, the decisions of courts, especially when there is the option of appealing to higher courts for proper redress, are, or should be, sacrosanct.

It might be too much to ask of any of us to not feel upset at losing a court case. The Talmud asking a losing litigant to sing happily is describing only an ideal, after all. But disappointment in any particular verdict is mere bathwater. It’s essential to hold the baby tight.

Joe reacts to Trump's speech: This is why Biden campaign wants Trump on the trail

Shouting match ensues between senior Arab officials at Blinken meeting

Towards the end of the meeting, the UAE's foreign minister, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed, responded by saying that he had not seen any significant reform in the Palestinian Authority, the sources said.
At the meeting, the Emirati foreign minister called the Palestinian leadership "Ali Baba and the Forty Bandits" and claimed that senior officials in the Palestinian Authority are "useless" and therefore "replacing them with each other will only lead to the same result."

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Bas Kol goes against Halacha

 There is a common phrase that is used to imply that a particular view is the halacha by stating that it is as if a Bas Kol has announced that it is the correct view

The Chasam Sofer(Toras Moshe Tzave page 65) points out a major problem in that in most cases describing the halacha and Bas Kol, the Bas Kol is against normative halacha. 

Sorry, MAGA, Gun Criminal Hunter Biden Is Good for Joe

But House Republicans have spent years dedicating committee investigations and even launching an impeachment inquiry to go after the alleged wrongdoing and both have continued to come up short. To date the inquiry has consisted of dozens of interviews and over 100,000 documents released to the committee and Republicans have been unable to prove a crime that involved Joe Biden. Fox News’ Steve Doocy called out the effort saying he had heard from countless Republicans on Capitol Hill who said they had seen zero evidence of a crime committed by Biden.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Ohio: A-G blocks college from selling rare Jewish books

Ohio’s attorney general obtained a court order this week prohibiting the financially strapped Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion from selling off books from its Cincinnati library, which holds a significant collection of rare and precious items from throughout Jewish history.

Attorney General Dave Yost’s request for a temporary restraining order came in response to recent reporting in Cincy Jewfolk, a local outlet that published an in-depth article in April on the struggles of the educational institution, a seminary and university affiliated with Judaism’s Reform movement.

Why Two Simple Words Bother Trump So Much

A high-ranking Trumpworld strategist, meanwhile, said Trump’s fury over the Biden campaign’s use of the “suckers” and “losers” comments pointed to perhaps Trump’s biggest fear: being called a “loser” himself.

“The biggest insult to him to get under his skin is that he lost in 2020, he lost his court case and he’s convicted now” on 34 criminal charges, the strategist said.

In comparison, the strategist said, “You can call him fat, call him an insurrectionist, call him a racist [but] that’s just not gonna stick.”

Going to the molten core of Trump’s ego—that’s how Democrats can provoke the strongest response, the GOP strategist said.

But according to the Republicans who spoke to The Daily Beast, Trump’s blow-up over the Biden ad revealed that despite the perceived professionalism of his current campaign team, the candidate’s insecurities have only gotten worse with time.

While none of the Trumpworld figures were certified psychologists, what they were describing effectively amounted to projection. Trump’s favorite insult is also the one he fears most when applied to him: being called a “loser.”

Trump did not sign an order to deploy 20,000 troops on Jan. 6

CLAIM: Former President Donald Trump signed an order to deploy 20,000 National Guard troops before his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, but was stopped by the House sergeant at arms, at the behest of Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. While Trump was involved in discussions in the days prior to Jan. 6 about the National Guard response, he issued no such order before or during the rioting. Speaker Pelosi does not control National Guard troops.

THE FACTS: New footage released Thursday of House lawmakers on Jan. 6 has sparked a resurgence of false claims and conspiracy theories about the insurrection.

Knesset approves: Government will advance Haredi Draft Law initiated by Gantz

The Knesset plenum approved early Tuesday morning the continuous application of the Draft Law that will exempt haredim for whom "Torah is their craft" from service in the IDF.

63 members of the Knesset voted in favor of the bill, and 57 voted against, including Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. Besides Gallant, all Knesset members from the coalition voted in favor of the law.

Alito, Roberts secretly recorded at historical society dinner

Secret recordings published Monday showed Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’s and Justice Samuel Alito’s thoughts on the politics of the court, with Alito predicting no easy solution to the country’s political polarization.

Alito appeared to embrace his role as a partisan, which liberals have long accused him of being despite the nominally nonpartisan nature of the court.

Gaza Chief’s Brutal Calculation: Civilian Bloodshed Will Help Hamas

For months, Yahya Sinwar has resisted pressure to cut a ceasefire-and-hostages deal with Israel. Behind his decision, messages the Hamas military leader in Gaza has sent to mediators show, is a calculation that more fighting—and more Palestinian civilian deaths—work to his advantage.

Cognitive dissonance

In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is described as the mental discomfort people feel when their beliefs and actions are inconsistent and contradictory, ultimately encouraging some change (often either in their beliefs or actions) to align better and reduce this dissonance.[1] Relevant items of information include peoples' actions, feelings, ideas, beliefs, values, and things in the environment. Cognitive dissonance is typically experienced as psychological stress when persons participate in an action that goes against one or more of those things. According to this theory, when an action or idea is psychologically inconsistent with the other, people do all in their power to change either so that they become consistent. The discomfort is triggered by the person's belief clashing with new information perceived, wherein the individual tries to find a way to resolve the contradiction to reduce their discomfort.[1]