Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Severe Mental anguish is considered Pikuach Nefesh

 Mordechai Shabbos (424): A sick person who says that he needs to eat on Yom Kippur but the doctor says that it is not necessary. R”i bar Sholom explains that all the cases in the gemora where the choleh says it is necessary is to be understand to mean that it appears to choleh that he will die if they don’t feed him because he thinks that he is in a life threatening condition. There are also commentaries which write concerning the matter of Rav Yannai where the choleh says necessary where it is understood that it talking about possible life threatening circumstances…. 

Mordechai Shabbos (424) All the cases which are brought in the gemora, our Sages were experts in medicine and they knew these cases were life threatening such as lighting a candle when a blind women requested it, or breaking down the door when a child was locked in. It would therefore seem that we are not considered experts in the issue of when to feed a choleh while the choleh is. Therefore if the choleh says that his life is not endangered if he doesn’t eat - it is prohibited to feed him. This is the same for the question of profaning Shabbos to save someone. For example Avoda Zara (28b) states that if an eye is severely tearing it is permitted to put medicine in it on Shabbos. The gemora explains that this is permitted because there is a connection between the eye and the heart and thus it is life threatening. Consequently if the only concern is for the loss of the eye but we don’t consider it to be life threatening - it would not be permitted to put the medicine in the eye on Shabbos. 


Rabbeinu Tam has issued permissive rulings in actual cases even when it is not life threatening. This is what he said: Are the sick people prophets or experts in medicine [that we rely on their judgment to permit violating Shabbos or Yom Kippur]? The fact of the matter is that since the sick person or one who recently gave birth is aware that it is Shabbos or Yom Tov and nevertheless says they need to eat or have Shabbos profaned for them – that means they are not able to bear the pain and discomfort which results from their condition. That is why we feed them on Yom Kippur. And this is true even if they are not in life threating conditions. 

Rabbeinu Tam For example, how do we consider that being bitten by a mad dog is life threatening or the case of Rav Ashi and Mar Zutra (Kesubos 61a)? Therefore even though the majority of sick people will recover but nevertheless we are lenient when there is even a possibility of danger or severe mental illness (tiruf daas). The expression “that they are going to die” should not confuse you because that is the expression used by the Talmud and you would want to know then what does “a possibility of death mean.” In fact when the Talmud talks about the concern that these people will die it is not to be taken literally. The term death in these cases is a fear that the person will get sick or deteriorate in some way. This understanding is obviously correct. Thus if the sick person asks to eat or drink it is permitted to feed him or give him drink because the lack of food causes him pains in the heart and because of that he will faint and there are times he won’t recover. Thus even there is only the loss of a limb, I would call it a danger and would therefore permit Shabbos to be profaned. 

Rabbeinu Tam We also see this concerning an injury to the interior of the body where the majority of such cases do not die and similarly the case of pregnant women who smell food - we see that they don’t die and yet we are permitted to feed them. Consequently all cases which involve a lost to the body or loss to a limb or embryo is a danger. We learn this from the case of the mother who recently gave birth or a pregnant woman or someone who is bled and becomes chilled – that it is permitted to make a fire even during the summer even though we have no concern that they will die from this condition So if Shmuel who was a doctor as well as the Sages who were familiar to some degree about medicine and they said that an individual is knowledgeable about his own suffering. So if they literally meant dying that means that all men are experts in this matter for themselves and the statement can’t be reversed. But in fact even if a person screamed out - that he wasn’t going to die from this condition that we have evaluated that he can’t bear – it is permitted ignore him to profane Shabbos according to our judgment….

   מרדכי (שבת תסד): חולה אומר צריך ורופא אומר [תסד] אינו צריך ר"י בר שלמה היה מפרש כל האי צריך דשמעתא שנראה לו שימות אם לא יאכילוהו דסבור להסתכן בכך וגם יש ספרים שכתבו אמילתא דר' ינאי חולה אומר צריך כו' עד פשיטא ספק נפשות הוא מהו דתימא איבעותי מיבעית סבר אי לא אכיל מיית קא משמע לן וכל הני דמייתי בגמרא הם היו בקיעים ברפואות וידעו שהיה סכנה בדבר כגון הדלקת נר ושבירת דלת לתינוק ונראה דאין אנו בקיאין בענין האכילה כמו החולה ואם אמר החולה לא אסתכן בכך למות אם לא אוכל אסור להאכילו ודכוותה לענין חילול שבת תדע מדאמרינן [ע"ז (כח:)] גבי עין שמרדה מותר לכוחלה בשבת ומפרש משום דשורייני דעינא בלבא תליין אבל משום איבוד העין לא ור"ת נחלק עליו והורה הלכה למעשה להיתר וזה לשונו וכי חולים נביאים הם או בקיאים הם אך כיון שיודע החולה או החיה שהוא שבת או יום כפורים ואומר צריך ואינו יכול לסבול מחמת החולי מאכילין אותו ואפילו סבורים החולים שאינן מסוכנין שהיכן מצינו סכנה לנשיכת כלב שוטה למות או כההיא דרב אשי ומר זוטרא [כתובות סא.] ואע"פ שרוב חולים לחיים הקילו בפיקוחם מספק וכן בטירוף דעת ולישנא דמיית אל יטעך שכן לשון התלמוד דא"כ דדייקת לישנא מאי ספק נפשות אלא האי מיית שמתירא לחלות ולהתקלקל ודבר פשוט הוא שאם שואל לאכול או לשתות שמותר להאכילו ולהשקותו כי חסרון האוכל מכאיב הלב ומתוך כך הוא מתעלף ופעמים אינו מתרפא ואפילו דאבון אחד מאיבריו אני קירא בו סכנה ומחללין עליו את השבת כדאמר גבי מכה של חלל אע"פ שרובן אינם מתים בכך וכן עוברות המריחות אנו רואין שאינן מתות והתירו להאכילן אלא כל חסרון הגוף וחסרון אבר ועובר סכנה הוא צא ולמד מחיה ועוברה ומקיז דם ונצטנן שהתירו לעשות מדורה להם אפילו בימות החמה אע"פ שאינו סבור למות בכך ואם שמואל רופא היה ג"כ חכמים ידעו ברפואות קצת ואמרו לב יודע מרת נפשו ואם מיתה דוקא כל אדם בקיאים בכך וחזור בך מלהפוכי מימרא אלא אפילו עומד וצוח שלא ימות כיון שאנו אומדים אותו [שאינו יכול לסבול] מותר ונפלא בעיני רבי אבי"ה שפסק אפילו בדאבון אבר אחד שיש להשיב עליו מעין שמרדה ובתלמוד מפרש:

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

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Monday, February 5, 2024

Russian Media Hypes Tucker Carlson Visit: 'Americans Are in Shock'

On Thursday, Russian news outlet Mash reported that Carlson had been spotted recently at various places around Moscow, including a visit to the Bolshoi Theater. While Carlson himself has yet to comment on the visit or confirm the reason for the visit, many have speculated that he might be there to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin for his current series, which he shares directly to X, the platform previously known as Twitter. Carlson has, in the past, frequently shared stances that were complimentary or supportive of Putin and Russia, especially amid its invasion of Ukraine, with some opponents accusing him of echoing Russian government propaganda.

Friday, February 2, 2024

The Taylor Swift ‘Psyop’

One internet pundit has posted a video, with hundreds of thousands of views, claiming that Ms. Swift’s relationship with Mr. Kelce is a fake “psyop.” This yarn involves the CIA, because of course, as well as George Soros, because of course. The story is that the Super Bowl on Feb. 11 will be rigged so that the Chiefs win in a dramatic fashion. Ms. Swift and Mr. Kelce will get engaged. That way they’ll be at peak influence to cut a joint October ad for Mr. Biden.

Trump Explodes After Being Ridiculed In God Parody Ad

Former Trump Advisor Praises Joe Biden's Economy: 'I Was Wrong'

"Today we learned that the U.S. economy grew 3.1 percent over the past year while adding another 2.7 million jobs, and with core inflation moving back down towards the pre-pandemic benchmark," Biden said in a statement last week. "As a result, wages, wealth, and employment are higher now than they were before the pandemic. That's good news for American families and American workers. That is three years in a row of growing the economy from the middle out and the bottom up on my watch."

Commenting on the new GDP data on January 25, Kudlow said: "If I were he, I would be bragging about it too."

Trump campaign donors footed the bill for more than $50M in legal fees last year

Former President Trump's political fundraising apparatus spent more than $50 million on legal costs last year as he faced a barrage of lawsuits and criminal charges in multiple jurisdictions.

Why it matters: The stunning new campaign finance reports reveal the financial damage the GOP presidential frontrunner has sustained while facing a colliding campaign and courtroom calendar.

The Importance of a Friendly Greeting

Rabbi Irving Bunim, a noted Torah educator of the 20th century, discusses the importance of initiating a greeting, and he writes:

"There is many a person whose petty conceit will not permit him to recognize anyone unless he is recognized first. The other person must make the first move. This is his way of establishing and maintaining his 'dignity,' he believes. Others will hesitate from a sense of insecurity to be the first to extend a warm greeting to those they meet. They are afraid to give a token of friendship and receive only an icy stare in return. They will therefore insist on waiting until the person they meet takes the 'emotional risk,' while they 'play it safe.' Whatever the reason, such behavior is wrong. Take the initiative, says our Sage. Do not seek a sense of conceit or importance, or an illusion of security, at the expense of another's feelings. Give him a friendly greeting with a warm smile, and inquire, if you will, after his welfare." (Ethics from Sinai - a Commentary on Pirkei Avos by Irving Bunim)

Social Invisibilty

 This is an idea proposed in the book the Invisible Man. People who are different are treated as being invisible. socially.

This is experienced by Jews in a population of non-Jews, the elderly in a young population, widows and unmarried in a population of married couples even children of divorced parents become sopcially invisible.. It also applies to people with cancer or other debilitating conditions/ It strongly exacerbates the difficulties the person has by being excluded from personal interactions - even as simply as being not greeted with a simple "good morning" because they are invisible to the typical members of the group. This is described by our Sages as a form of theft - you rob the person of their dignity by not acknowledging their existence.

Simple solution you need to at least acknowledge the existence of everyone you encounter during the day. Including the elderly, the widow, the janitor and sanitation workers. A simple good morning greeting eliminates social invisibility

Berachos (6b)And Rabbi Ḥelbo said that Rav Huna said: One who is aware that another person is accustomed to greet him is not only obligated to return his greeting, but he must greet him first, as it is stated: “Seek peace and pursue it” (Psalms 34:15). If the other person extended his greeting to him and he did not respond, he is called a robber, as it is stated: “It is you who have eaten up the vineyard, the spoils of the poor is in your houses” (Isaiah 3:14). The only way to steal from a pauper who owns nothing is to rob him of his dignity by refusing to return his greeting.

A U.N. Agency Is Accused of Links to Hamas. The Clues Were There All Along.

Besides providing schooling and healthcare, Unrwa maintains streets, sewage and water systems in the sprawling neighborhoods of refugees that it oversees. Israeli officials say that by taking care of such municipal tasks, the U.N. agency freed up Hamas, Gaza’s de facto authority, to expand its terrorist capacities over the years, including construction of an estimated 300 miles of underground tunnels. 

Donald Trump's Fundraising Plummets

Trump's official presidential 2024 campaign reported that it received $19 million between October and December, and ended the year with more than $33 million in available cash, FEC filings show.

This haul is down from the $24.5 million that the Trump campaign reported receiving in the third quarter, which includes July, August and September.

The latest fundraising figure from the presumptive 2024 GOP presidential candidate is also lower that that of President Joe Biden's campaign, which reported receiving $33 million in the fourth quarter and has around $46 million in cash heading into the election year.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Donald Trump Falsely Suggests He ‘Won’ New York Court Battle

Trump’s response was especially detached from reality.

“I didn’t do anything wrong. I mean, that’s been proven as far as I’m concerned. And actually, we won in the Court of Appeals. You probably saw that. That case has been largely won in the Court of Appeals,” he insisted, though nothing like that has happened in either case.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Teaching children about sin

 The gemora Shabbos (149b) states that it is allowed to lend money to one's children with interest in order to give them the experience of usury

Shabbos (149b) One may lend to his sons and household on interest, in order to give them experience thereof.

Rashi explains that it is not actually usury  since the father owns the money lent and that used to payback

Rashi (Shabbos (149b) to give the experience of usury – so they will know how difficult it is. However since everything belongs to the father it is not actually a sin

GOP Blames Biden for Border Crisis That GOP Refuses to Solve 

Republicans are clearly taking their marching orders from Trump at this point, and are counting on voters to punish Democrats for border issues—and just trust that Republicans, if given the opportunity with Trump, would do something about the issue, even if they previously placed politics before policy.