Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Eliyahu - who was he?

 According to Rabbi Moshe de Leon he was an angel this was accepted by the Arizal as cited by Chida

Pardes Rimonim(24:14) שוב מצאנו בשם ר' משה דליאון ז"ל ועל מה ששאלת בענין אליהו שעלה למרום מה שלא עלה אדם אחר. תדע לך כי בסתרי תורה ראיתי סוד נפלא עד מאד. אליהו לא תמצא לו בכל התורה אב ואם ולא שכתוב בו בן פלוני אלא אליהו התשבי מתושבי גלעד. ואמרו כי קודם לכן ירד מן השמים ושמו ידוע בסתרי החכמה. ועוד שאח"כ נראה אל החכמים בהרבה מקומות בהרבה דיוקנין ולזמנים בדמות טייעא לזמנים כפרש לזמנים כא' מגדולי הדור בהרבה עניינים דמותו ותוארו. על כן אל תתמה בענין הזה בהיות אליהו במדרגה עליונה על כל שאר בני אדם. וא"ת היאך היה כל אותם השנים וכל אותו הזמן דמותו ותארו דמות אדם כי המלאך אם נראה הוא לשעה או יום, ולא יותר, אמרו שבשעה שבקש הקדוש ברוך הוא לברוא את האדם אמר למלאכים נעשה אדם אמרו לפניו רבונו של עולם מה אנוש כי תזכרנו הושיט אצבעו עליהם ושרפם. קרא לכת שניה כמו כן עד שקרא לפלוני וסיעתו א"ל נעשה אדם אמר לפניו רבש"ע אם לפניך מוטב לפני לא כ"ש ואם טוב בעיניך אני ארד ואהיה שמש לפניו א"ל הקב"ה מכאן ואילך לא יקרא עוד שמך פלוני כ"א פלוני ואע"פ כן לא ירד באותו הזמן אלא ירד לאחר זמן והאמין בעולם כי ה' הוא האלהים בענין אחאב. ולימים מועטים שהאמין זה בעולם העלהו המקום לשמי מרומים. ואמר לו הקב"ה אתה אפוטרופוס טוב לבני האדם חייך תרד ותאמין אמונתי בעולם וע"ז כתיב (מ"א יח) ענני ה' וכו' ובדברך עשיתי וגו' ובדברך קודם שארד לעולם. וזהו אז"ל מיכאל בא' גבריאל בשתים אליהו בג', כי הסבה על היותו במדרגה שלהם. וא"ת והא כתיב כי לא טוב אנכי מאבותי ואם הדבר כן מפני מה אמר הדברים האל'. אלא ודאי מה שבקש על זה בהיותו נמשך אחר בני אדם מכמה שנים ואמנם כי לא היה טובתו מצד אב ואם זכות בעולם כי לא היתה טובתו ועמידתו מהם בעולם ולפיכך אמר כי אין זה דרך להתעכב בעולם מי שהוא כמוני עכ"ל.

However the Pardes Rimonim who cites this view acknowledges it as a minority view not found in Chazal or midrashim as well as the Zohar

Pardes Rimonim(24:14)והדעת הזה בטל מעצמו מתוך דברי הרשב"י ע"ה שדעתו הוא שאליהו היה בן אדם וכן דעת כל חכמי הגמרא דעד כאן לא פליגי אלא מאיזה שבט היה אבל לומר שהיה מלאך שנתגשם אין מי שיסכים בזה. ודברי הרשב"י ע"ה בענין זה הוא בפ' ויגש (דר"ט) וז"ל דאמר ר"ש כל נשמתין דעלמא כלהו נפקין מההוא אתר דנגיד ונפיק וכלהו נקיט לון צרורא דחיי, וכד נוקבא אתעברת מן דכורא כלהו בתיאובתא דנוקבא לגבי דכורא וכד תאובתא דדכורא נפקא ברעותא כדין אינון נשמתין בקיומא יתיר בגין דכלא בתיאובתא ורעו דאילנא דחיי. ואליהו בגין דהוה מההוא רעותא יתיר מב"נ אחרא אתקיים. ובג"כ כתיב (מ"א יט) אל נפשו ולא כתיב את נפשו דהא את נפשו דא היא נוקבא. ואי תימא אל האשה אמר. כללא דדכר ונוקבא כד איהו בגו דכורא כדין אל האשה אמר. את האשה נוקבא בלחודאה בלא כללא דדכורא. כג"ד אל נפשו דכר בלחודוי, את נפשו נוקבא בלחודאה בלא כלילו דדכורא. ובגין דאיהו בסטרא דדכורא יתיר מכל בני עלמא אתקיים בקיומיה יתיר ולא מית כשאר בני עלמא. בגין דכולא איהו מאילנא דחיי ולא מגו עפרא ובג"ד אסתלק לעילא ולא מית כאורח כל בני עלמא דכתיב (מ"ב ב) ויעל אליהו בסערה השמים. ת"ח מה כתיב והנה רכב אש וסוסי אש וגו'. דהא כדין אתפשט גופא מן רוחא ואסתלק דלא כשאר אורח בני עלמא ואשתאר מלאכא קדישא כשאר קדישי עליונין ועביד שליחותא בעלמא והא אוקמוה דניסין דעביד קב"ה בעלמא על ידיה אתעבידן עכ"ל. 

Rema M’Pano (18) Even though there are some of our rabbis that say simply that Pinchas and Eliyahu are the same person this is not the view of most rabbis who say that Pinchas never died and he changed his name and that Eliyahu was a descendant of Rachel 

מתוך שבחם של פנחס ואליהו בתקון נשמותיהם של נדב ואביהוא בכל פרט ופרט משגיאותם מדה כנגד מדה מורה חטאים בדרך איך תשתלם להם תשובה נאמנה... ואף על פי שיש מרבותינו אומרים בפשיטות פינחס הוא אליהו, אין הדבר כמחשבת המון החכמים שפינחס לא מת ושקיים בעצמו שנוי השם, אך אליהו מבני בניה של רחל היה ואביו שמו אביה מבני בכר איש ימיני שנזכר בריש ספר דברי הימים, ואליהו גם הוא נזכר שם בסמוך. ופלפולא בעלמא הוא דקאמר ליה רבה בר אבוה ולאו כהן הוא מר, בפרק המקבל, ועוד שנתכהן בהר הכרמל, אלא מעשה פינחס משלימים לאליהו ומעשה אליהו משלימים לפינחס, ושבין שניהם הושלם התקון לאצילי בני ישראל אלה דעלייהו קאימנא, כי הם הגיסו דעתם כלפי מעלה, ובאליהו כתיב וילט פניו באדרתו. הם עברו ונענשו על שהקריבו לפנים ממחיצתם, ופינחס פירש מן הכהונה הגדולה כמה שנים ועלי נכנס תחתיו. ואף אליהו לא שמש בהר הכרמל אלא במצות ה' להוראת שעה, כדכתיב "ובדברך עשיתי". ועל ההקרבה חולין לעזרה הוא הקריב קדשים בחוץ על פי הדבור, כדאמרן. וטרם יזכה לזה תקן שגיונו של פנחס בימי יפתח שלא רצה לילך אצלו ולהתיר נדרו, ונסתלקה ממנו שכינה, עכשיו הלך אליהו לבקר את חיאל בית האלי שושביניה דאחאב, כדאיתא בחלק, ושרתה עליו רוח הקדש לקדש שם שמים ברבים... כדאיתא פרק הנחנקין... (שם פרק יח)

Belief that a Rebbe is like an angel and Emunas Chochomim

 Kol Mevasser (Chelek 3 Emunas Tzadikim #1): If the rav is like an angel of G-d  then Torah should be sought from his mouth… This raises the obvious question, who amongst us is familiar with angels so that he can know whether his rav is like an angel? This question was once brought up when the students of Rav Bunim of Preshicha were discussing how wonderful their rebbe was and each one described some praiseworthy characteristic. One of them said that he had heard that anyone who did not believe that when their rebbe shook his hat he was shaking the seven heavens  - had no emunas chachomim. At that moment the Rebbe himself entered the room. He asked the students what they were doing? They told him all the details in response. The Rebbe noted that it says in this gemora that if the rebbe is like an angel… and then Rav Bunim asked the same question that we stated above. He answered the question by saying that it means that just as a person knows that he has no comprehension of what an angel is, he also has to believe that he doesn’t have any comprehension of who his rebbe really is. It is only when a chasid has this belief, that he is able to learn from his rebbe Torah and Chassidus.(Imrei Emes of Gur collected from comments to Mo’ed Koton).

Brandeis University president apologizes for ad which offended Orthodox Jews


But in a letter sent to the Orthodox group late last week, the school’s president, Ronald Liebowitz, wrote that the school did not intend to offend Orthodox Jews but that “Clearly, the execution of this ad missed the mark.” He noted that he had met with members of the group last week.

Dangerous times - G-d's anger

 Netziv (Bereishis 19:26) And his wife looked back – It is astounding that the punishment is blamed on looking back. However this is an expression of a major concept.  At the time of Divine anger Demons (mazikim) are most harmful to important people. Similarly our Sages say that a talmid chochom should not go alone at night because Satan is jealous and harms him. Consequently at that time when G-d was expressing anger while Lot was traveling and Satan was dancing after him but not in front , when his wife looked back she was attacked by the demon (mazik). 

Fmr. Trump Press Secretary: I watched him show documents to people at Mar-a-Lago

Trump’s Law-and-Order GOP Sure Seems Confused by How Law and Order Works


 As too many conservatives have it, crime is something only bad people do and good people get falsely accused of by crusading haters.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Trump-Appointed Prosecutor Pushes Back on Republicans' Hunter Biden Claims


"First, the Department of Justice did not retaliate against 'an Internal Revenue Service("IRS") Criminal Supervisory Special Agent and whistleblower, as well as his entire investigative team... for making protected disclosures to Congress,'" Weiss wrote.

He also disputed testimony from Shapley, who previously told the House Ways & Means Committee that U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland was not telling the truth when he said Weiss had the authority to file charges against Hunter outside of his jurisdiction in Delaware.

Eliyau was always an angel according to Kabbala

 Ency Judaica According to *Moses b. Shem Tov de Leon, Elijah belongs to the angels who advocated the creation of man (Cordovero, Pardes Rimmonim, 24:14); accordingly, Elijah is an angel who dwelt only temporarily on earth as a human being, before again ascending to heaven. Moses *Cordovero compares Elijah's life with the fate of Enoch (ibid., 24:13), as the two are the only biblical personages who were carried off from earthly life in an extraordinary manner. The further fate of Elijah and Enoch in heaven is imaginatively described by Jewish mystics. While Enoch's body is consumed by fire and he himself is changed into *Metatron , the highest angel, Elijah remains after his ascension in possession of his earthly shape, which is why he can maintain his association with the human world and, when necessary, reappear on earth. Though his body is not made from dust like that of human beings but came from the tree of life, it enables him to carry out God's commands and miracles (ibid.; Zohar, 1:29a; 2:197a; Yalk. R. 27). Therefore, unlike Enoch who is known only as the archangel Metatron, Elijah keeps his name under which he intervenes in the fate of the Jewish people. The *Zohar , like the Talmud, tells of devout men to whom Elijah is supposed to have revealed himself. In the later mystic literature, Elijah's comments on the secrets of the Torah are extremely frequent. Elijah prophesied the births of Isaac *Luria and *Israel b. Eliezer Baal Shem Tov to their parents. He appeared frequently to Israel Baal Shem Tov, and also played an important part in the legends of the ẓaddikim. 

Varieties of hashgocha protis

 Netziv (Shemos 34:10): There are four varieties of hashgocha protis which are derived from two basic modes. There are two types mediated by an angel. 1) The angel is given the job of providing protection while on another mission… However this low level is not common for the Jewish people. 2) A particular angel is given the job to provide protection … In these two cases it is possible to make a request of the angel who was entrusted with the job - as we see happened with Lot. There are also two types involving G-d  directly. Concerning livelihood, G-d  is directly in control just as a father gives to his son. In contrast concerning protection and war - even though G-d  is involved - the actual deeds are carried out by an angel. In cases where G-d  Himself is involved, it is prohibited to make a request of Him. Nevertheless the two issues of livelihood and protection are independent of each other. This split has been from the days of Yehoshua - with livelihood arranged by G-d  and protection provided by an angel… It is also important to know that when an angel is in charge by himself, he has no power to alter nature - unless was part of his mission. On the other hand when G-d  Himself is involved, it can be either in a natural way e.g., the livelihood of Jews in Israel or it can be in a miraculous manner. Also the Jews were promised when they formed a covenant with G-d  that they would not be completely exterminated by another nation…

Aguda's twisted path regarding abuse & calling police

There have been a number of anonymous individuals who have repeatedly insisted - without offering any evidence  - that the Aguda's policy on reporting child abuse is identical with Rav Eliashiv's written teshuva on the matter. For someone who has patience and a strong stomach - I would suggest rereading the posts linked below. 1) Rav Eliashiv deals with the issue of tikun olam as a justification for allowing things such as reporting molesters to the police. He mentions the issue of mandated reporting but then says that he is dealing with the issue of tikun olam. 2) He clearly states that if it is definitely a case of molesting that the police can be called. 3) He says the police can be called if there is raglayim ledavar ( reasonable evidence). The Aguda claims that only a rabbi can determine whether the level of raglayim ledavar exists (Rav Eliashiv does not write that). 4) He does say if there is no raglayim ledavar then the police can not be called. 5) The Aguda claims there is no conflict between having a rabbi decide whether you can go to the police and the requirements of mandated reporting. Rav Eliashiv does not say that and says that if there is justification from tikun olam to call the police one does not need the heter that the king ordered it (mandated reporting) in order to call the police. He indicates based on the Ritva that it is necessary to obey the mandated reporting law if it exists which is also the position of Rav Moshe Feinstein based on BM 83

Rav Eliashiv's position

Rav Eliashiv(Kovetz Teshuvos 3:231): We learn from the Rashba’s words that when action is needed for the well being of society (tikun olam), that the Jewish sages have the ability in every generation to act to preserve the society and to repair breaches – even when there isn’t a specific order from the king. The Ritva (Bava Metzia 83b) has stated that this order of the king is “if the king says to capture certain criminals, even though the government will judge without witnesses and warning [as required by Torah law] and there is no functioning Sanhedrin [as required by Torah law] – it is still permitted since he is acting as the agent of the king. Since it is the law of the land to execute criminals without the testimony of witnesses and warning - as it states [Shmuel 2’ 1:5-16] that Dovid killed the Amalekite ger who had acceded to Shaul’s request to kill him -the agent of the king is like him.”  However according to what has been said, in a matter which is needed for the well being of society

Rav Eliashiv(Kovetz Teshuvos 3:231): It is permitted to notify the government authorities only in the case which it is certain that the accused has been sexually abusing children. Informing the authorities in such a case is clearly something for the well being of the society (tikun olam). … However in a case where there is no proof that this activity is happening but it is merely a conjecture or suspicion, if we permit the calling of the authorities - not only would it not be an improvement (tikun olam) - but it would destroy society. That is because it is possible that allegations are being made solely because of some bitterness the student has against his teacher or because of some unfounded fantasy. As a result of these false allegations the accused will be placed in a situation for which death is better than life – even though he is innocent. Therefore I do not see any justification for calling the authorities in such circumstances.

Rav Eliashiv(Nishmas Avraham 4:208-211): Rav Eliashiv told me that there is in fact no difference in halacha between a teacher who is molesting boys or girls since in both cases we are talking about severe mental damages and danger to the public. He cited the Beis Yosef who cites the Rashba regarding R’ Eliezar ben Rav Shimon (Bava Metzia 83a) who reported thieves to the government… Regarding this Rav Eliashiv said that we learn from this that surely in the case of child abuse which is more severe then theft that it would be permitted to first report it to the principal of the school and if he doesn’t do anything to report the matter to the police even in the Diaspora.

Rav Eliashiv(Nishmas Avraham 4:208-211): Rav Eliashiv told me that it is permitted for a doctor to report the life threatening abuse to the authorities even when there is a possibility [in the Diaspora] that the child will be sent to a non‑Jewish family or institution. However the doctor is then required to the best of his ability to see that the child is transferred to a Jewish family or institution.





Agudah's Position















After taking down Pride flags at request of 2 synagogues, NJ town puts them back up


For decades, the Orthodox world has struggled with whether and how to accept LGBTQ people. Nearly all modern interpretations of Orthodox law forbid same-sex relations, though recently a number of Orthodox public figures have come out as queer. On the other side of the coin, some of the most prominent anti-LGBTQ voices on the internet, including Chaya Raichik, creator of the social media account Libs of TikTok, are also Orthodox Jews. Raichik is one of the most prominent purveyors of the slur that LGBTQ people seek to “groom” or otherwise harm children.

IDF launches large-scale op. in Jenin, 7 suspected terrorists killed


The IDF on Sunday night launched its largest operation in Jenin since the Second Intifada with a series of airstrikes and moving brigade-level forces into the northern West Bank Palestinian city.

GOP’s ‘dereliction of duty’ impeachment argument gets skeptical reviews


“It sounds quasi-official — it has a sort of military ring to it. But it’s not as though high crimes and misdemeanors and dereliction of duty go together. … It’s not traditionally one of the impeachment concepts that you would find in the panoply of presidential mistakes,” said Claire Finkelstein, a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania who specializes in national security law and democratic governance. 

Shame Went to Die at Moms for Liberty’s Philadelphia Summi


“I’m telling you these people are sick,” former President Donald Trump said, earning laughter from the audience. “Moms for Liberty is no hate group… You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to America.”