Monday, October 24, 2022

Mishna Berura vs. Aruch Hashulchan

Reb Moshe did prefer the AH over the MB. It is cited here:

“Two Sons, Two Views, One Vision – A Conversation with the Legendary Sons of Rav Moshe Feinstein…” Mishpacha Magazine – 4 Sivan 5769 5.27.09″

Ari Enkin


“The Rosh Yeshivah once commented that the decisions of the Aruch HaShulchan — who was a full-time Rav — take precedence over many poskim who were not active rabbanim. A Rav takes into consideration more than just the abstract and black-and-white concepts of the halachah when rendering a halachic opinion.

Genetic test finds couple are not biological parents of mistakenly implanted embryo

A genetic test has ruled out the parentage of a couple who had been presumed to be the biological parents of a fetus mistakenly implanted in another woman.

The error occurred during fertility treatments at Rishon Lezion’s Assuta Medical Center. After whittling down the list of potential parents, Assuta notified one couple that it was the most likely to be the fetus’s biological parents, pending a genetic test.

This led to a very public fight between the two couples, with the supposed biological parents saying they would seek custodianship of the child, while the pregnant woman and her husband vowed to fight to keep it.

Evil Eye endangers Windfalls

 Eruvin (64a) should he who took possession of the property of a proselyte do that he shall be worthy of retaining it? Let him purchase with it a scroll of the Law’. R. Shesheth said: Even a husband [should act in a similar manner] with his wife's estate. Raba said: Even a man who engaged in trade and made a large profit should act in a similar manner. R. Papa said: Even he who has found something [should act in the same manner]. R. Nahman b. Isaac said: Even if he had only arranged for the writing of one pair of1 tefillin.2 In connection with this R. Hanin [or, as some say: R. Hanina] stated: What is the Scriptural proof?3 It is written: And Israel vowed a vow etc.

Rashi (Eruvin 64a) Any large gain acquired without effort should be used for a mitzva to protect it from the Evil Eye

מזעזע: מיסיונרים נוצרים פועלים כאן במרץ ויש להם הצלחות לא מבוטלות יהודים הגיע הזמן להתעורר! - TOV

Evil Eye - concern?

Beis Yosef (OC 141:5) כתוב בא"ח שאין לקרות בתורה ב' אחים או אב ובן זה אחר זה מפני שהם פסולים לעדות זה לזה וכתיב עדות ה' נאמנה עכ"ל והכלבו בסי' כ' והמרדכי בהלכות קטנות כתבו בשם הר"מ שיכולים לקרות ב' אחים זה אחר זה והבן אחר האב ואין מניחין לעשות כן בשביל עין הרע :

Shulchan Aruch (O.C. 141:6) Two brothers may be called up for an aliyah, one after the other, and so too a son after a father. But the accepted custom is to refrain from doing so only because of Evil Eye. And even if one was called up for the seventh aliyah and the other was called up for maftir we do not call the second by his name because we are concerned for the Evil Eye.

Aruch HaShulchan (OC 141.8)Two brothers may be called up for an aliyah, one after the other, and so too a son after a father. But the accepted custom is to refrain from doing so only because of Evil Eye. And even if one was called up for the seventh aliyah and the other was called up for maftir we are concerned for the Evil Eye. But this is only for Shabbos but not Yom Tov or Shabbos Rosh Chodesh and Chanuka and the 4 Pashas because maftir is read from a different Torah scroll we are not concerned with Evil Eye and not for hagba If a person isn’t concerned about the Evil Eye he can do what he wants

Mishna Berura (141:19)Even those who say they are not concerned about the Evil eye are not allowed

Igros Moshe (Even Ha’ezer 3, 26) With regards to an Ayin Hara, one should certainly take it into account, but one shouldn’t be overly concerned, because about these kinds of things the rule is: “One who is not troubled by it, will not be troubled by it” (Pesachim 110b).

Russian TV presenter says sorry for call to drown Ukrainian children

 Russian TV presenter says sorry for call to drown Ukrainian children

A Russian TV presenter apologized on Monday for calling for Ukrainian children to be drowned, as Russia's state Investigative Committee said it was probing his remarks.

In a show last week on state-controlled broadcaster RT, presenter Anton Krasovsky said Ukrainian children who saw Russians as occupiers under the Soviet Union should have been "thrown straight into a river with a strong current" and drowned.

Ukraine said on Sunday that RT was an inciter of genocide and should be banned worldwide. Margarita Simonyan, the channel's editor-in-chief, said she had suspended Krasovsky because of his "disgusting" comments, adding that no one at RT shared his views.

מרגש: המיסיונרית הנוצרית המצליחה שחזרה בתשובה ונלחמת במיסיון - רק בערוץ TOV

At 3:20 - mentions the fake "Michael Cohen".

ABOUT - Beyneynu - Confronting Missionary Influence
Shannon Nuszen
Founder and Director

A former Evangelical Christian missionary, Shannon Nuszen grew up steeped in the study and analysis of Christian scriptural polemics. The daughter of a former Assemblies of God minister, she was immersed in the Evangelical Christian movement from an early age, even traveling with her father as an evangelist in his ministry. Her involvement in this movement acquainted her with the inner workings and behind-the-scenes tactics and manipulation used to convert Jews to Christianity.
As a young adult Shannon became engrossed in the Christian messianic movement and affiliated with some of the most deceptive missionary organizations ever to penetrate the Jewish world. Today she is Jewish, and although she wholeheartedly regrets these associations, she knows they provided her with an intimate knowledge of the Christian missionary agenda, a knowledge that enables her to educate the Jewish communities in Israel and the Diaspora about the dangers this agenda poses to them.

 After her conversion to Judaism some fifteen years ago, Shannon began working in various roles within the counter-missionary field. However, it is only recently that she began speaking publicly about her personal Jewish journey. Since then, her story has appeared in The Jerusalem Post, has been featured by Aish HaTorah and the Orthodox Union (OU), and has been carried by a host of other print and online publications.  

 After moving to Israel, Shannon founded Beyneynu, an organization that monitors missionary activity in Israel and abroad and works to bring awareness of the missionary agenda to Jewish leadership and the worldwide Jewish community. Beyneynu has successfully dealt with some of the most high-profile cases that have rocked the Jewish world in the recent past and is frequently quoted in the news as the go-to source on missionaries.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Mishpacha magazine - Trump is a major asset for Democrats

BUT ALL the damage wrought by Trump’s role in handing the Senate to the Democrats in 2020 and to Republican chances of retaking the Senate this year pales in comparison to the impact of his running again in 2024. He is, at least at present, the only Republican who would likely lose to Joe Biden or whomever Democrats substitute in his place. Even with polls showing voters disapproving of Biden’s handling of the issues of greatest concern by margins of 20 percent or greater, he still narrowly defeats Trump in polls of those same voters.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Ben Shapiro Says Republicans Are ‘Cruising for a Bruising’ in Midterm Elections Thanks to Trump

Conservative staple Ben Shapiro thinks Republicans need to start detaching from Donald Trump if they want to have a shot in the 2022 midterm elections. According to Shapiro, the party is “cruising for a bruising” by continuing to make the twice-impeached former president the “centerpiece” of conversations.

Conservatives Crushed by Durham Probe Failure: 'Unbelievably Disappointing'

The Durham probe, which former President Donald Trump once said would uncover "the crime of the century"—a massive conspiracy to defame him and impede his victory in the 2016 election—ended up being a flop this week, much to the disappointment of MAGA Republicans.

The three-and-a-half-year investigation led by special counsel John Durham into the origins of the 2016 FBI Trump-Russia report ended with a second trial loss on Tuesday, as Russian analyst Igor Danchenko was acquitted of all remaining charges against him, after a federal judge dismissed the first count against him on October 14.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Donald Trump supports Kanye West after another antisemitic rant

It didn’t matter that West’s rant took aim at Trump’s own son-in-law, Jared Kushner. West, who now goes by the name Ye, asserted that Kushner, a former White House adviser to Trump, only brokered the Abraham Accord peace deal between Israel and some Arab states because he hoped to benefit financially.

Ye insisted, “We’re not going to be owned by the Jewish media anymore” and warned “these people” could end the career of anyone who isn’t aligned with ”the agenda.”

Rabbis can damage with evil eye

 Bava Metzia (85a) When R. Zera emigrated to Palestine, he fasted a hundred fasts to forget the Babylonian Gemara, that it should not trouble him. He also fasted a hundred times that R. Eleazar might not die in his lifetime, so that the communal cares should not fall upon him. And yet another hundred, that the fire of Gehenna might be powerless against him. Every thirty days he used to examine himself to see if he were fireproof. He would heat the oven, ascend, and sit therein, but the fire had no power against him. One day, however, the Rabbis cast an envious eye upon him, and his legs were singed, whereafter he was called, ‘Short and leg-singed.’

Bava Basra (75a) R. Johanan explained when he once sat and gave an exposition: The Holy One, blessed be He, will in time to come bring precious stones and pearls which are thirty cubits by thirty and will cut out from them openings ten cubits by twenty, and will set them up in the gates of Jerusalem. A certain student sneered at him: Jewels of the size of a dove's egg are not to be found; are jewels of such a size to be found? After a time, his ship sailed out to sea where he saw ministering angels engaged in cutting precious stones and pearls which were thirty cubits by thirty and on which were engravings of ten cubits by twenty. He said unto them: ‘For whom are these?’ They replied that the Holy One, blessed be He, would in time to come set them up in the gates of Jerusalem. When he came again before R. Johanan he said unto him: ‘Expound, O my master; it is becoming for you to expound; as you said, so have I seen.’ He replied unto him: ‘Raca, had you not seen, would not you have believed? You are then sneering at the words of the Sages!’ He set his eyes on him and the student turned into a heap of bones.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Dangerous vision

 Rekanti (Vayikra 19:4)  You should know that there is a power within the sense of vision to cause both good and bad. That is why the evil eye causes damage. And thus if a tzadik curses and looks with an evil eye the damage can only be repaired if another tzadik does the opposite. From this reality it is possible to understand that there is a power in the senses to cause good and bad. This is why G-d  prohibited the Jews not to even look at idols as this provides power to the yetzer harah and surely they are not to enter temples of idolatry since the spirit of impurity resides there. A proof to this assertion is from Eliezer the servant of Avraham who did not want to enter into the house of Lavan until he removed all his idols.