Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Trump: ‘Fox & Friends’ has gone to the ‘dark side’


Former President Trump tore into Fox News’s flagship morning program on Monday, lashing out at its hosts for their coverage of his polling as he eyes another run for president in 2024.

“@foxandfriends just really botched my poll numbers, no doubt on purpose,” Trump wrote in a post on Truth Social, the social network platforming he started after leaving office. “That show has been terrible — gone to the ‘dark side.’ They quickly quote the big Turning Point Poll victory of almost 60 points over the number two Republican, and then hammer me with outliers.”

Gilboa prison pimping affair: New sexual assault allegation emerges


Judge Michael Karshan from the Lod District Court overturned the decision, allowing for some details to be published from Lahav 433, the National Crime Unit, Ynet added.
"If I could only tell you how terrible the acts committed against this poor soldier, you would be horrified," tweeted Levi after the news got out.

"They fought tooth and nail to stop this case from getting out. I wish they would fight that way for sexual assault victims."

Ben Shapiro and Har HaBayis: Why He Was Wrong to Go Up


Recently, it was widely reported that Ben Shapiro and others travelled to and entered he Temple Mount. While the sentiment that lies behind his action is certainly admirable in that he wishes to ensure Jewish sovoreignty over har habayis, the action itself lies in stark contrast to the position of the great poskim of the generation, Rav Edelstein shlita, Rav Elyashiv zatzal, Rav Chaim zatzal, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt”l, and so many others. What follows is a halachic analysis of why we should not, at this point, be praying on the Har Habayis. The author feels bad because Ben Shapiro is someone that the author admires greatly.



Weinberg was a talmudic scholar of the first order, and his published volumes quickly assumed canonical status in the eyes of the Orthodox rabbinic elite. His halakhic rulings were closely attended to by all sectors of Orthodox Jewry, and as such played an important role in the evolution of Jewish law in the twentieth century. Weinberg’s death in 1966 was mourned by Orthodox Jews around the world as the loss of an exemplary religious personality. How is it then that this rabbinic giant penned a series of letters that give voice, as Schacter describes it, to a “lonely, frustrated, bitter, and tragic life?” How is it that this pillar of the Orthodox establishment wrote letter after letter in which, to quote Schacter again, he lashed out against the “hypocrisy, extremism, and unethical behavior he found within Orthodoxy”? Clearly there is a puzzle here, one that badly needs solving.

The conservative component in Weinberg’s stance as a rabbinic decisor is strikingly evident in his refusal, as late as 1960, to issue an unambiguous ruling permitting women’s suffrage. Here was an instance of rank discrimination against women. Here also was a situation in which Weinberg saw no direct halakhic impediment to a permissive ruling. Still, when he took up the issue in a published responsum, he waffled, taking note of those decisors who opposed suffrage for women on grounds of “female modesty.” Under the circumstances, Weinberg was only willing to suggest, as Shapiro puts it, that the “matter be left alone as it would eventually be worked out by itself.”

The Legacy of Yehiel Jacob Weinberg


In the course of presenting the opinions for and against a lenient ruling, Shapiro informs us that Wein­berg’s opponents were, in large part, motivated by what he calls “meta-halachic” considerations. His use of the term, however, is so unclear as to be misleading.
Initially he characterizes “meta-halacha” as representing wider, subjective considerations, which are normally brought to bear in halachic decision­making: “Because such non-formal considerations are not grounded in explicit texts and cannot be refuted in the fashion of traditional halachic arguments, they may be referred to as ‘meta-halachic’ considerations.” Yet it is not long before Shapiro begins charging the term with a negative connotation: He distinguishes “meta-halachic” considerations, which are essentially “emotional and political,” from “pure halachic analysis.” The reader is left with the impression that Weinberg’s critics manipulated the halacha according to their own agendas, in disregard of the straightforward meaning of the textual sources.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Extra-legal Factors in R. Weinberg's Pesak


R. Weinberg’s halakhic responsa frequently bring meta-halakhic factors to bear, a trend noticed and discussed by Marc Shapiro. This is not surprising, since Jewish law reflects ideals and values and not just formal rules. But while similar sentiments appear in the writings of other poskim, R. Weinberg introduces such factors on a more consistent basis and in an admirably forthright manner. Sometimes communal needs or ethical concerns motivate him to rely upon a leniency he would not otherwise have allowed. In other scenarios, meta-halakhic factors motivate stringency, even if the practice in question does not entail any legal violation.

Hindu Temple, Previously A Jewish Synagogue, Will Become the First in Rhode


The loss of the synagogue has not been easy for the Jewish community. They have reached out to the Hindu Temple Society to allow them to share the space, and Veltri reports that they are still waiting for a response.

Conservative Media Turns on Donald Trump Amid January 6 Hearings Fallout


Around the same time on Friday, the New York Post's editorial board also condemned the former president saying he was "unworthy" to ever be president again.

Trump's only focus on January 6, 2021, was to "find any means... to block the peaceful transfer of power," the Post's editorial said.

"There is no other explanation, just as there is no defense, for his refusal to stop the violence.

"It's up to the Justice Department to decide if this is a crime. But as a matter of principle, as a matter of character, Trump has proven himself unworthy to be this country's chief executive again."

Both editorials were far more critical of Trump than Murdoch's biggest megaphone: Fox News. "It's really just a cheap, selectively edited political ad," host Sean Hannity told viewers of his show.

Greer Seeks New Sex-Abuse Trial


Incarcerated sex offender Rabbi Daniel Greer left his prison cell Wednesday to come to a New Haven courtroom — where one of his alleged victims testified that Greer had indeed had sex with a former student … but waited until the boy was over the age of 16 years.

COVID-19 vaccines reduce the risk of death from COVID-19; the vaccines don’t alter our DNA


Canadian data shows vaccinated people more likely to die from COVID-19; COVID-19 vaccines alter our DNA; hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin cure COVID-19

Ben Shapiro visits Temple Mount with his father - report


Ben Shapiro had said earlier in his visit that "you can't visit Israel without going up to the Temple Mount."

Right-wing media personality Ben Shapiro went up to the Temple Mount with his father and prayed the afternoon prayer (Mincha) on Sunday, according to the Joint Headquarters of the Temple Mount Organizations.

An 'imposter Christianity' is threatening American democracy


One of the banners spotted at the January 6 insurrection was a replica of the American flag with the caption, "Jesus is My Savior, Trump is My President."
Erasing the line separating piety from politics is a key characteristic of White Christian nationalism. Many want to reduce or erase the separation of church and state, say those who study the movement.
One of the most popular beliefs among White Christian nationalists is that the US was founded as a Christian nation; the Founding Fathers were all orthodox, evangelical Christians; and God has chosen the US for a special role in history.

Marjorie Taylor Greene to GOP: 'We Should Be Christian Nationalists'


"We need to be the party of nationalism," the Georgia lawmaker said during the interview. "I'm a Christian, and I say it proudly—we should be Christian nationalists."

Putin Ally Viktor Orbán, Praised by Tucker Carlson, Bashes Mixing of Races


Orbán's speech was meant to address the local Hungarian minority in Romania, according to Jonathan Eyal, an associate director at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) for Defence and Security Studies.

"Hungary's Viktor Orban each year goes to Romania's Transylvania to deliver nationalist speeches designed to galvanise the considerable local ethnic Hungarian minority. Few governments would allow such an open appeal to irredentism, but the Romanians have tolerated this," he tweeted Sunday.