Monday, March 28, 2022

Large-Scale Study Reveals Strange Link Between Antibiotics And Cognitive Decline

A study involving a total of 14,542 women has found an as-yet-unexplained link between taking antibiotics for at least two months in midlife, and a dip in cognitive score assessments taken several years later.

The team behind the research, led by epidemiologists from Harvard Medical School in Massachusetts, says it shows how important it is to carefully monitor antibiotic use – and also how important it is that we understand the link between what's going on in our guts (which antibiotics can affect) and what's happening in our brains.

Plenty of previous studies have highlighted the link between the gut microbiome and the brain, but it's not clear exactly what the relationship might be. This new research adds more data points in a much-needed field of study.

Making of a godol - mesorah versus gadol --- the authority of Chazon ish

The official view of Orthodox Judaism. There was the revelation of Torah to the Jewish people at Sinai through Moshe Rabbeinu. Torah is no longer in Heaven. Additional elements came from Prophets and the Talmudic Sages (Chazal). This is all filtered to us by Rishonim and Achronim. In other words halacha is a process that took many people many years to develop. Along the way there have been collections such as the Rif, Rosh Tur, and Shulchan Aruch. Basically Halacha is validated by widespread acceptance of the extensive analysis of these sources by contemporary poskim. The above should not be seen as a chidush.

A person who issues rulings based primarily on his personal beliefs or social norms without relying heavily on this Mesorah will generally be ignored or denounced. This has changed in recent years.

When I was a young yeshiva bachor, Rabbi Friefeld once said to me. "People think the Chazon Ish is strange but he liked me." Later the rulings of the Chazon Ish were viewed as chumrahs. Now they are not only main stream - but are considered the only valid view. All this in spite of the fact that Chazon Ish often ignores Mesorah and the widely accepted views of predecessor. He also did not like debating his views with others. His success seems to be the result of having talmidim who are very influential.

My point is that halacha also is dependent on successful PR

Rav Heinemam told me that his rebbe Rav Aharon used to carry a Mishna Berura with him to give greater authority to the Mishna Berura which was not so important prior to WWII.

Similarly Rav Diskin, son in law of Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky told me that Rav Hutner had once said to him "Your shver will have to give a din v'cheshbon for making Rav Moshe the gadol.

The father of a friend of mine was a Rav in California. His aguna cases all went to Rav Moshe. After Rav Moshe was niftar he had a new case but similar to previous cases that he took to Rav Eliyashiv. The response he got was different, "While Rav Moshe was big enough to rely on for his heter but I disagree with him." Rabbi Riskin also claimed he was poskening like Rav Moshe but he wasn't accepted because he is not a gadol.

In recent years there has been cultivated the idea of a gadol whose rulings transcend Mesorah.

Times seem to be changing. I recently asked two of my grandchildren who are very successful members of the yeshiva world. If a beis din of three rabbis from Lakewood or Bnei Brak disagreed with the gadol hador concerning something like vaccination - who do you listen to? Both responded if it is a field that they are familiar then it is three against one.

So on the one hand Chazon Ish is becoming the final authority because he is a gadol but at the same time the concept of gadol seems to be disappearing.

Clapper: Biden’s Putin comments may have been intended for a specific audience

Biden's declaration that Putin 'cannot remain in power' was not a gaffe

    Putin -- whom Biden has rightfully called a "war criminal" -- should not remain in power given his horrific attack on Ukraine, his role in slaughtering civilians in Syria and his efforts to undermine Western democracies, including during the 2016 US presidential campaign.

    Two Border Police officers killed, 6 seriously wounded in Hadera terror attack

    Border Police officers Yezan Falah and Shirel Abukarat were murdered in Sunday’s terrorist attack in the city of Hadera.

    Falah, 19, from the Druze town of Kisra-Sumei, enlisted in the Border Police about a year ago. He is survived by his parents, a brother and a sister.

    Abukarat, 19, a resident of Netanya, enlisted in the Border Police about six months ago. She is survived by her parents and a brother.

    Four other fighters were lightly wounded during the shootout between the Border Police fighters and the armed terrorists and were evacuated to Hillel Yaffe Hospital.

    Chris Wallace Says 'No Longer Felt Comfortable With the Programming at Fox'

    "I'm fine with opinion: conservative opinion, liberal opinion," Wallace told the Times. "But when people start to question the truth—Who won the 2020 election? Was January 6 an insurrection?—I found that unsustainable. I spent a lot of 2021 looking to see if there was a different place for me to do my job."

    Sunday, March 27, 2022

    Fourth vaccine reduces COVID-19 deaths by 78% - study

    The fourth coronavirus vaccine resulted in a 78% decrease in COVID-19 related deaths in adults aged 60-100, according to a new study by Clalit Health Services.

    The study, conducted by Clalit, Sapir College and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, examined the effect the second booster shot had on mortality rates of the population eligible to receive it in Israel. The research was led by Dr. Ronen Arbel, a health outcomes researcher at Clalit Health Services and Sapir College. The paper is currently awaiting peer review.

    At the time of its introduction, the fourth vaccine was controversial due to a lack of epidemiological and large-scale clinical evidence on the efficacy of a second booster shot. As a result, uptake of it among eligible populations was significantly lower than it had been at the start of the first booster distribution.

    Can Clarence Thomas Be Impeached Over Wife's Trump Texts? A Senate Veteran Explains

    Trump's Lawsuit Against Clinton, DNC Slammed by Legal Experts: 'Garbage'

    Legal experts quickly knocked former President Donald Trump's lawsuit filed Thursday targeting former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and a number of others—calling it "absurd" and "garbage."

    Trump's attorneys filed the lawsuit in the Southern District of Florida, claiming that Clinton and other members of the DNC "orchestrated an unthinkable plot—one that shocks the conscience and is an affront to this nation's democracy." The alleged plot in question involved falsifying records and manipulating data in an attempt to "cripple Trump's bid for presidency" during the 2016 election, they contend.

    Researchers decipher oldest known Hebrew inscription on 'cursed' tablet

    Researchers say they have deciphered a 3,000-year-old formulaic curse inscription recovered on a small, folded lead amulet found on Mount Ebal, making it the oldest proto-Hebrew text ever found in Israel.

    In the 23-word English translation of the inscription, the word “curse” appears 10 times and the word “YHWH,” the biblical spelling of God’s name, appears twice, the Associates for Biblical Research (ABR) said in a press conference on Thursday night.

    Saturday, March 26, 2022

    Orthodox petition urging people to report child abuse reopens for more signatures

    A kol koreh (declaration) that was originally opened in 2015 to prevent abused children from having their situation be ignored within the orthodox community was reopened for a limited time to allow for more people to sign it.

    When it first opened in 2015, it was signed by over 100 rabbis around the world.

    The declaration states that "any individual with firsthand knowledge or reasonable basis to suspect child abuse has the religious obligation to promptly notify the secular law enforcement of that information."

    Friday, March 25, 2022

    Anti-missionaries cry foul as Messianic Jews aid Ukraine refugees, Bibles in hand

    Jews for Jesus and other Messianic groups are helping Ukrainian refugees in Europe and in Israel, and are combining religious outreach with their relief efforts, drawing fire from anti-missionary activists.

    The Messianic groups see their religious message as beneficial to those in distress, and say they offer it unconditionally, apart from essential aid, while critics say the groups are exploiting vulnerable people in a compromised situation.

    “We give people food and medicine and Bibles and gas for their cars to get them moving. We see the Bible as just as practical as all these other things,” said Susan Perlman, one of the founders of Jews for Jesus.

    Rabbi Tovia Singer, the head of the counter-missionary organization Outreach Judaism, said Messianic groups were “weaponizing humanitarian aid in order to share the gospel.”

    Wednesday, March 23, 2022

    In spat over pistol, police threaten to arrest man who shot Beersheba terrorist\

    Police confiscated pistols from two civilians who shot a terrorist attacker in Beersheba on Tuesday, leading to an altercation between one of the men and an officer at a police station.

    Police threatened to arrest one of the men after he refused to leave the police station without his pistol, and a crowd gathered outside the station to demonstrate in support of the men.

    An Arab Israeli knifeman killed four people in the southern city of Beersheba before the two civilians confronted him with pistols, urged him to lower his knife, then shot him when he lunged at one of them.

    Police said they took the pistols for ballistics tests after the incident as part of standard investigation protocol, and will return the weapons to the men after the tests are complete.


    • BS"D

    • 20 Adar II, 5782 / Parshas Shemini (Lev. 10:19 ) / 23 March, '22

    • Leaders,

    • ALERT: Please alert the public to urge CT Legislators: Vote NO on SJR 30 {Abortion-license legislation}.

    • This is state level legislation. That means we have much more of ability to actually make a real difference.

    • For our Jewish audience, just imagine the impact on Jewish babies alone. Additionally, we all know that millions of dollars are expended on ostensibly "combating antisemitism," while the actual goals of Jew-hatred - I.e. physical and spiritual decimation of the Jewish People - are being quietly advanced - with support of anti-Torah-values "Jews" in office -, via abortionist, homosexualist, and transgender legislation - all without much of a peep from most of those pompously raising money to ostensibly defend Jews against our enemies. It's not so much that they raise money to grandstand, it's that they then abandon the most important work that their own self-adulatory mission statements mandate.

    • Let's leverage the Heavenly Assistance with which we may be graced in this Adar Sheini" (second month of Adar), and rally against those who rebel against G-d by drawing His People and others away from Him, by providing state sanction of evil.

    • ~~

    • »»» To register for the Zoom meeting, to be able to speak, by tommorow 3pm:


    • The bill:


    • Please post/ share ASAP. Thank you all,

    • Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter,

    • Executive Director,

    • Help Rescue Our Children

    • / personal account

    • USA: 845-642-1679* «»

    • * for calls and texts, but not WhatsApp

    • Israeli Helpline: 03-721-3337