Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Year After Trump's Loss to Biden, Ex-President Still Clings to His 'Decertify' Push


One year after losing the 2020 presidential election to current Democratic President Joe Biden, former Republican President Donald Trump is still asking Arizona and other states to "decertify" Biden's win.

‘We’re Headed Toward One of the Greatest Divisions in the History of the Jewish People’



The question of Jewish pluralism becomes even more complicated in a global context. Increasingly, Israel’s ultra-Orthodox Jewish leaders do not recognize the validity of liberal, American forms of Judaism, including some aspects of Conservative Judaism. In the last month alone, the Knesset, or parliament, has signaled plans to move ahead with a bill which would give the Orthodox rabbinate sole authority over conversions in Israel. The rabbinate helped quash a long-standing plan to create a gender-mixed worship space at the Western Wall, a sacred site in Jerusalem which is currently divided into men’s and women’s sections. And it recently released a list of rabbis who performed conversions that were later challenged, which included several dozen American rabbis and prominent Orthodox clergy. Outraged critics in America have referred to it as a blacklist.

Complicity- Was Soros a Nazi Collaborator


 Complicity is the participation in a completed criminal act of an accomplice, a partner in the crime who aids or encourages (abets) other perpetrators of that crime, and who shared with them an intent to act to complete the crime.[1]: 725–804  A person is an accomplice of another person in the commission of a crime if they purpose the completion of a crime, and toward that end, if that person solicits or encourages the other person, or aids or attempts to aid in planning or committing the crime, or has legal duty to prevent that crime but fails to make an effort to prevent it properly.[2]

 Some one keeps insisting that Soros was complicit in confiscating Jewish property with the Nazis\

This obscene claim regarding a Jewish child who to save his life posed as the non-Jewish son of the goy who did the confiscation and was present. Did he encourage or help the Nazi - no!

Don't know any legal system outside of the right wing conservative haters of Soros  who would make such a claim

Some also suggest he must be at least as sociopath for not feeling guilty about staying alive in this manner. He also claims I am a liar for denying this nonsense claim because of his misunderstanding what Soros said in the interview

A similar nonsense claim is that anyone who gives aid in any manner to anti-Israel groups has the status of rodef. Such a claim led to the assassination of Rabin. I also heard it applied to Meir Kahane. Basically if you don't support the right causes or support the wrong causes you are a rodef. Is Bennet a rodef according to your definition, was Begin or Ben Gurion?

Monday, November 8, 2021

Breakaway hassidic leader greeted joyfully in US


 The head of a breakaway faction of the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Gur hassidic community has been greeted rapturously in America, where he is currently visiting, with thousands lining the streets to greet him and participate in celebrations about his visit.

In a dramatic sequence of events in 2019, Rabbi Shaul Alter, first cousin of the Gur hassidic dynasty’s Grand Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh Alter, split away from the main Gur community following years of tension between the two, with some 300 families in Israel following him at the time.
The split was striking because of Gur’s status as the largest, wealthiest and most influential hassidic community in Israel. As one of the largest hassidic movements in the world, the schism dealt a serious blow to its prestige.

Brooklyn bride discovers her Chabad groom is Muslim after the wedding


 A Sephardic Jewish woman in Brooklyn got the shock of her life when she discovered that her new husband, who studied at a Chabad yeshiva and claimed to be a Lebanese Jew, was actually a Muslim of Palestinian Arab descent, Haredi media reported.

Before the wedding, the groom, who went by the name Eliya, had studied for seven years at a Chabad center in Texas. He spoke fluent Hebrew and did not arouse any suspicion.

According to sources involved in the affair, when the young man was asked about his family, he always had 'stories' as to why they were not involved in his life - and why they did not come to his wedding either.

How covert Christian missionaries profoundly hurt Jewish communities


 For years, members of the Bukharian Jewish community, who trace their roots back to the former Soviet republic of Uzbekistan, heard whispers about Rabbi Michael Aminov.

The Phoenix, Arizona-based rabbi was widely believed to have signed off on quickie conversions to Judaism, in exchange for hefty fees of up to $50,000.

Lapid: They call me Hitler, threaten to shoot me


 Foreign Minister Yair Lapid on Monday revealed the threats sent to him and his wife, Lehi, in light of coalition chairman Idit Silman's claims she was attacked near a gas station.

"I do not know if you saw the article about Amit, the child from Rishon Lezion who was abused at school," the foreign minister said, referring to eeports about a boy who was beaten at his school. "Months of beatings, cursing, humiliation. Do you really think it is unrelated? Our children see us and hear us. Whoever grows up in poison and violence will be a toxic and violent person."

U.S. Covid Deaths Get Even Redder


The brief version: The gap in Covid’s death toll between red and blue America has grown faster over the past month than at any previous point.

In October, 25 out of every 100,000 residents of heavily Trump counties died from Covid, more than three times higher than the rate in heavily Biden counties (7.8 per 100,000). October was the fifth consecutive month that the percentage gap between the death rates in Trump counties and Biden counties widened.

Attacks on George Soros is nothing new for Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu


Just four days earlier, at a meeting of Likud ministers, Mr Netanyahu said money from Mr Soros was financing the campaign in Israel against his plan to deport 30,000 African migrants in the coming months.

A spokesman for Mr Soros’ Open Society Foundation promptly denied this and later in the day Mr Netanyahu changed his story, this time accusing the New Israel Fund of being behind the anti-deportation drive.

His interior minister Arye Deri, meanwhile, was blaming Reform Jews in the United States.

Whether or not he still believes the Hungarian-born billionaire is somehow involved in trying to block the deportations, Mr Netanyahu already has form when it comes to Soros-bashing.

Debunking the myths surrounding George Soros | Reality Check with John Avlon

How Vilification of George Soros Moved From the Fringes to the Mainstream | NYT News

Israeli families of Ethiopian Jews stranded in war-torn country demand action


Despite the clear and immediate danger, a recently reveled classified report by the National Security Council said that any attempt to rescue or open a dialogue on evacuating Falash Mura members to Israel is ill-advised as it could lead to political fallout with the Ethiopian authorities.
Integration Minister Pnina Tamano Shata lambasted the document as an attempt to "torpedo the rescue of the rest of Ethiopian Jewry."


Rescue of remaining Ethiopian Jews may lead to coalition crisis - report


 A crisis is brewing with Aliyah and Integration Minister Pnina Tamano-Shata (Blue and White) over the continued delay in bringing Ethiopia's remaining Jews to Israel, Army Radio reported on Monday morning. This is due to Tamano-Shata's unwillingness to compromise on the issue, and claims that she will not remain in the government if action is not taken.

According to the report, a classified document compiled by the National Security Council claimed that it is not clear to what extent the 8,000 remaining Jewish are indeed Jewish and to what extent they are actually in danger. The document added that bringing them to Israel without a proper investigation could be a demographic mistake and that a rescue operation may create tensions with Ethiopian authorities.
On Sunday, Haaretz revealed that Israel had already airlifted dozens of Ethiopians out of the war-torn country but then learned that they were not, in fact, Jewish.



 We have undertaken a comprehensive study of halakhic penology throughout Jewish history. In the course of our studies we have been stymied by two major problems: the utter impracticality of the criminal law of the Torah as a means of maintaining law and order, and the strangeness of the kippah penalty.

He discusses these fully issues in his major work Jewish Penology Magnes  press 2013


We intend to point out that there was more than one system of Jewish penology. We will elaborate upon the existence of a classical system – retributory and expatiatory – related to a self-perfecting society. Only such a society would ordain a painless penalty for death for criminals guilty of the most serious crimes with malice and forethought and a painful punishment with immediate restoration to one's community for criminals guilty of lesser crimes. Criminal penalties for the purposes of deterrence (private or public) or of social rehabilitation are minor considerations.

 In addition to and alongside the classical penological system, we will be detailing other systems of a more practical nature: one governed by the King's law and others emerging from rabbinical ad hoc urisdiction and communal legislation. These systems are less governed by the classical motivations of strict retribution and religious expiation (which continue to play a role – albeit a relatively minor one); deterrence and social rehabilitation, law and order, are their dominant considerations. Moreover the varying degrees of judicial autonomy granted to the Jewish community by the non-Jewish governments resulted invariations in penal practices among the various communities themselves.