Saturday, September 25, 2021

Making of a Godol

 Is  anyone interested in purchasing a genuine new copy of  2 volume set - Making of a Godol for a reasonable price? Only restriction is it can only be obtained in Jerusalem - there is at present no shipping and supplies are limited. contact me by email


At present it is being sold on Amazon for $1200!  $3500 on ebay

Friday, September 24, 2021

Number of intubated coronavirus patients tops 200

Children under 11 years of age constituted 40% of this week's new coronavirus cases, and on Thursday it was reported that the positivity rate among students is 6.1% - higher than that of the general population.

COVID: Overcrowded and short on ECMOs, Israeli hospitals are in crisis

 The majority (about 40) of the country’s “heart-lung machines” are being used by unvaccinated COVID-19 patients. According to hospital staff, when about six or seven more patients are put on ECMO machines, hospitals will be forced to turn away others who need them.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Battle for cable car crash survivor reaches court

First hearing on guardianship of Eitan Biran, sole survivor of Italy cable car crash, held in Tel Aviv court on Thursday.


But it is especially Samḥazai and Azael of whom the fall is narrated. In Targ. Pseudo-Jonathan to Gen. vi. 4 they appear as the "nefilim" (A. V. "giants"), undoubtedly in consequence of an incorrect interpretation of this word as "those that fell from heaven." The story of these two angels is found in brief form in Yalḳ., Gen. 44; it has been published by Jellinek ("B. H." iv. 127; originally in Midrash Abkir; comp. Rashi, Yoma 67b; Geiger, "Was Hat Mohammed aus dem Judenthume Aufgenommen?" p. 107).


Angels lack free will

 Rambam 13 Principles

The fifth principle That He is the One that is fitting to serve and to exalt and to make His greatness known and to do His commandments; and not to do this to that which is below Him in existence - from the angels and the stars and the spheres and the elements and what which is composed of them. As they are all designed and there is no judgement and no free choice in their actions - only to Him, may He be blessed. And so [too], it is not fitting to serve them in order that they be intermediaries to bring them closer to Him, but rather to Him alone should they direct their thoughts and leave everything besides Him. And this fifth principle is that idolatry (worship of others) is prohibited, and most of the Torah prohibits this.

Declare that all Rabbinic mitzvos are really Torah Mitzvos


Chasam Sofer[i](Kovetz Teshuvos #58): I wrote to you previously that “Innovation is prohibited by the Torah.” [chadash assur] I did not write that Orlah or Kelayim…but innovation. That is because I understood from our Sages that it is required to be one who preserves the Torah. They warned against those who provide an opening and seek leniencies for the radicals of our people who desire them. If these radicals find a minute crack, they will greatly expand it into a breach…. Therefore, it is best to elevate and exaggerate the nature of the prohibition [and say that Rabbinic prohibitions are Torah prohibitions]… That is because due to our many sins there is a great increase today of people who say they have no concern with Rabbinic prohibitions since G‑d did not command them… We find the wicked writing on Shabbos because they claim it is only a Rabbinic prohibition. They have no concern with anything which has been commanded only by our Sages and not by G‑d Himself…

[i]  חתם סופר (קובץ תשובות סימן נח): על מה שכתבתי במכתבי הקודם החדש אסור מן התורה הנה לא כתבתי ערלה וכלאים ופגול לא ירצה, כי אם החדש, כי מזקנים אתבונן שראוי להיות ממקימי התורה, ונזהרו מלפתוח פתח ולחפש קולות לפריצי עמינו, אשר אותם הם מבקשים, ואם ימצאו סדק כמחט של סדקית, יפרצו פרץ על פני פרץ,... וטוב להעלות האיסור.... כי בעוה"ר רבו אלו בזמנינו עד שיאמרו אין אנו חוששין לדברי רבנן ה' לא צוה... והרשעים כותבים בשבת על דעת שהוא דרבנן, והם אינם חוששין לאיסור דרבנן ה' לא צוה...

Alarmed by COVID spike, Orthodox move to make the sukkah safer

A sukkah is something of a paradox.

It’s a symbol of safety. In prayer, the word is literally translated as shelter — often, a shelter of God’s peace, spread over the supplicant.

Yet its occupants are also not supposed to feel too safe. The roof of a sukkah must be sparse enough to see the stars, and it must be a temporary structure. In this way, it’s a reminder of the fragility of life, and the human need to rely on the Almighty.

Indeed, a sukkah usually has such an airy feel that Orthodox Jews thinking about sitting in one during a pandemic might have reasonably thought that it would be safer than sitting in synagogue. But they would have been wrong.

To Save a Stranger’s Life

 Kidney donations are on the rise among Orthodox Israelis

 One day more than a decade ago, Rabbi Yeshayahu Heber, an Israeli school principal and yeshiva teacher, suddenly felt too weak to walk up the stairs. He went to his doctor, who sent him to the hospital, where he soon learned that both of his kidneys had stopped working. He began dialysis, a time-consuming and painful process that was brightened only by his roommate, a teenage yeshiva student named Pinchas Turgeman. After about a year on dialysis, Heber received a kidney from a friend. Then, as he recovered, he helped locate a willing donor and match for Turgeman, who had also lost his brother in Israel’s Second Lebanon War in 2006. But Turgeman passed away a few weeks before the scheduled transplant. The loss hit Heber hard.

“I decided I needed to do something,” he recalled, and he thought up the idea of forming an organization to help encourage and facilitate live kidney donation. “So the day that Turgeman died is also the day Matnat Chaim was born.”

Covid disbelief amongst Chareidim

 I heard an eyewitness that Hadassah hospital is filled with young unvaccinated Chareidim with Covid. The minyanim have very few who wear masks. The following was recentlty published in Family First of Mishpacha magazine - no mention of masks or vaccination


Against minhag of Arizal Rav Moshe Feinstein

 שו"ת אגרות משה אורח חיים חלק ד סימן צט

וגם בלולב שנוהגין הרבה מדקדקין לברך קודם התפלה, תמיהני מהא דתדיר קודם, ואולי טעמם הוא מהא דהביא המג"א בסימן תרנ"ב סק"ג דהשל"ה כתב שינענע בסוכה וכשיחכו עד אחר חזרת הש"צ דשחרית יהיה טירחא דצבורא גדול לצאת מביהכ"נ להסוכה ולברך שם, שלכן דחו מעלת תדיר מפני מעלה זו, אבל תמוה לדחות מעלה המפורשת במתני' וילפינן מקרא, מפני מעלה זו דלא תניא במתני' ובשני התלמודים. אך אולי כיון שיש מעלה לאחוז הלולב כל היום שזה הוזכר בגמ' סוכה דף מ"א ע"ב שאר"א בר' צדוק מנהגן של אנשי ירושלים, והרמ"א כתב בסעי' א' שהוא גם לאחוז הלולב כשנכנס מביתו לביהכ"נ וגם בשעת התפלה, שודאי הוא כוונה לאחוז כל הד' מינים כאופן קיום המצוה, וממילא מוכרח לברך קודם לעשייתן, שבשביל זה לא קשה מתדיר קודם, שדין הקדימה הא פשוט שאינו למנוע מעשיית מצוה שהוא בכל היום אף שהוא רק מעלה בעלמא ולא לחיובא, אלא להקדים למצוה שג"ז נעשית רק פעם אחת ביום אף שהיא דאורייתא, שבתדיר איכא רק ענין קדימה ולא בטול בשביל זה אף מזמן קטן למצוה אחרת שאינה תדירה שנוהגת כל היום. אבל א"כ בזמננו שאף המדקדקים במצות אין נוהגין במעלה זו של אנשי ירושלים לבד יחידי סגולה הרי יש לאלו שאין נוהגין במעלה זו לברך על הלולב אחר חזרת הש"צ קודם ההלל מדין גמור דתדיר קודם, ואולי זהו כוונת המחבר שכתב ועיקר מצותו בשעת ההלל
To appreciate this properly it is important to know that Rav 
Moshe apparently held the view if the Gra that the Arizal was not Divrei Kabbalah as opposed to the Bal HaTanya

Dedication of Hebrew Yad Yisroel


Sunday, September 19, 2021

Rabbinic Halacha - Consequence of violating or ignoring?

 Recently was asked whether aside from Rabbinic lashes there are consequences for violating or ignoring Rabbinic halacha. For example not keeping the 2nd day of Rosh HaShanna or a gambler serving as a judge or witness

Friday, September 17, 2021

Israeli study:3rd shot gives 10 times more antibodies protection

A serological study carried out at Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan has found that the antibodies levels in people who have received the third dose of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine are ten times higher than in people who received the second dose.

The study was conducted by the Weizmann Institute of Science, the Ministry of Health, the Technion, the Hebrew University, the Gartner Institute at Sheba Medical Center and the KI Institute, and measured antibody levels a week after the administration of the vaccine.

The findings were published today (Thursday) in The New England Journal of Medicine.

 According to the study, the third dose restores the vaccines effectiveness against the coronavirus to 95% after the level of protection drops in the months following the administration of the second vaccine dose.