Monday, January 11, 2021

House Democrats introduce impeachment resolution, charging Trump with 'incitement of insurrection'

 House Democrats formally introduced their resolution to impeach President Donald Trump on Monday, charging him with "incitement of insurrection" for his role in last week's riots at the US Capitol.

The impeachment resolution that the House is poised to vote on later this week is the Democrats' first step toward making Trump the first president in history to be impeached twice.

House article of impeachment against Donald Trump

 The US House of Representatives has released its resolution to impeach President Donald Trump, charging him with "incitement of insurrection," an article for which the House is expected to vote on this week.

Read the document:

A pardon for Lakewood's Eliyahu Weinstein? Alan Dershowitz is talking to Trump | Stile

Among the names jumping out of the speculation mill for a possible last-minute pardon from President Donald Trump is one of the most notorious Ponzi-scheme swindlers in New Jersey history.

The New York Times reported last month that Alan Dershowitz, the celebrity law professor and Trump ally, is exploring applying for a pardon on behalf of Eliyahu Weinstein, a Lakewood man who was sentenced to 22 years in prison in 2014 for running a real-estate scam that cost investors more than $200 million in losses.



Israel’s Covid-19 Vaccinations Hold Lessons for U.S.

 Israel has rolled out the fastest Covid-19 vaccination campaign in the world, inoculating 20% of its population in three weeks. The small country—with roughly nine million people, about the same as New York City—now aims to inoculate the majority of its population by March.

 While Israel’s vaccination campaign is relatively simple compared with the mass mobilizations needed by countries such as the U.S. that have many more people spread over a greater sweep of geography, the effort offers some clear lessons.

Israel and the shameful, dangerous final days of Donald Trump

 As of last Wednesday, when Trump inflamed the assault on the US Capitol, and continued to indulge it even as the deadly consequences became clear, that complex reality became immensely more problematic. Israel’s White House ally is a figure of shame, and all who have celebrated associating with him are at risk of being stained. 

 As of last Wednesday, when Trump inflamed the assault on the US Capitol, and continued to indulge it even as the deadly consequences became clear, that complex reality became immensely more problematic. Israel’s White House ally is a figure of shame, and all who have celebrated associating with him are at risk of being stained.

Tapper: Will there be any consequences for the politicians who incited this violence?

'Our First Martyr.' How Ashli Babbitt Is Being Turned Into a Far-Right Recruiting Tool

“The most salient thing for me is the degree to which your bread-and-butter GOP supporter, who fills out rallies and events, seem to be intermingling with extreme far-right factions: accelerationists, neo-Nazis, white nationalists, people who believe there is no political solution at all,” says Michael Hayden, an investigator at the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks militia and far-right extremist activity. On Jan. 6, Hayden says, it became apparent how much those “soft barriers” had collapsed, allowing extremists to leverage a larger crowd to carry out their own agenda, using shared outrage over the lie that the election had been stolen from them.


Records show fervent Trump supporters fueled violent takeover of US Capitol

 The insurrectionist mob that showed up at the president’s behest and stormed the US Capitol was overwhelmingly made up of longtime Trump supporters, including Republican Party officials, GOP political donors, far-right militants, white supremacists, members of the military and adherents of the QAnon myth that the government is secretly controlled by a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophile cannibals. Records show that some were heavily armed and included convicted criminals, such as a Florida man recently released from prison for attempted murder. 

The evidence gives lie to claims by right-wing pundits and Republican officials such as Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida that the violence was perpetrated by left-wing antifa thugs rather than supporters of the president.

 Steven D’Antuono, the assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Washington field office, told reporters that investigators had seen “no indication” antifa activists were disguised as Trump supporters in Wednesday’s riot.

Trump faces shameful prospect of second impeachment with Democrats set to move quickly this week

Donald Trump is facing the shameful, imminent prospect of becoming the first president to be impeached twice as Democrats warn he poses an unacceptable danger to the world after inciting a mob assault on Congress.

With Washington still in deep trauma as horrific new details emerge from last week's outrage, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Democrats will first implore Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to declare the President unable to fulfill his duties. If, as expected, Pence and the Cabinet balk at that step, Democrats will again unleash the inexorable machinery of impeachment less than a year after Trump's previous acquittal of high crimes and misdemeanors in a Senate trial.


There are two terrible bills on the table to be voted on tomorrow.


Do you live in N.J.?
There are two terrible bills on the table to be voted on tomorrow. Please call your elected officials to voice your strongest opposition and to insist that they shouldn't vote for them.

May Hashem Have Rachmonus on all of us.




What's crucial now is to alert everyone in NJ to escalate pressure on BOTH of your NJ Assemblyman to do everything they can to oppose these two bills.  We must leverage the fact that the entire Legislature is up for election in less than a year. 
ACTION ITEM: Tell BOTH of your Assemblyman that you will NOT vote for those who vote to exploit our most vulnerable - EITHER by (a) indoctrinating children in Public Schools with immoral propaganda - OR by (b) subjecting residents of long-term healthcare facilities to deviants seeking to victimize them, with the sanction of the State.
Specifically, Passaic Assemblyman Gary Schaer (D) needs to be pleaded with to kill both of these bills.  He is a powerful Democrat, in a highly influential position, which is an advantage to be used precisely for these types of monumental spiritual threats.


NJ Legislative Info For Senate & Assembly:

v: 609-847-3905 or (800) 792-8630 




Click Here to Email the NJ State Assembly to voice your opposition to the Bills and to ask them to do what it takes to make sure that the two Bills don't pass tomorrow Jan 11, 2021.
About the Bills:

Bill A4454 is a Toaiva propaganda bill that is packaged as "Education" legislation.
It would escalate the existing mandate to teach Public School children Toaiva propaganda - starting from Kindergarten r"l.
Some of the reasons this is so important to oppose:

1. This is precisely how the Gezairas HaChinuch started in N.Y., with passage of the Dignity of All Students Act in early 2010, requiring schools to teach Toaiva propaganda.

2. Moreover, that there are MANY Jewish children in the public schools. 

3.  The Chillul HaShem of Jewish legislators, like sponsor senator Loretta Weinberg (Teaneck), is indescribable. 
4.  The fact that legislators representing frum districts support it or fail to oppose, compounds the Chillul HaShem be'farhesia beyond comprehension.
NJ must not repeat the disaster unfolding in New York. We must stop it now, before it reaches our Yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs

Dani Dayan: Trump was a political miracle for Israel but a car wreck for the US

Dayan pointed out that Trump was very good for the people of Israel, but was problematic for the Americans. "I've said that Donald Trump was a political miracle for the State of Israel but a car wreck for American diplomacy and these two things do not contradict one another. As far as the State of Israel is concerned, he was without a doubt the best and most sympathetic President in terms of the American dividends we received during his reign. It does not contradict the fact that the discourse of culture, the accuracy of the facts and what it has done to American democracy - has been defined by me as a car wreck."


Colin Powell: Trump Should ‘Just Do What Nixon Did And Step Down’ | TODAY

Trump branded “embarrassment to his country” as he shuns Biden inauguration - BBC News

How Trump led Republicans to historic losses

 The Democratic wins in the Georgia Senate runoffs this week ensured President Donald Trump's place in electoral history. While much has been written about Trump's ability to pull off electoral victories in spite of conventional wisdom, the actual record shows something considerably different.

The Trump-led Republican Party suffered historic losses on the federal level in a short four-year span that has rarely, if ever, been duplicated in modern American history.