Tuesday, January 5, 2021

'Traitors and patriots': Republican push to keep Trump in power seems doomed


“It all recalls what Ulysses S Grant once wrote in 1861,” Jake Tapper said on State of the Union, before quoting a letter the union general wrote at the outset of a civil war he won before becoming president himself: ‘There are [but] two parties now: traitors and patriots.’

“How would you describe the parties today?” Tapper asked.

The attempt to overturn Trump’s defeat seems doomed, a piece of political theatre mounted by party grandees eager to court supporters loyal to the preside

As Georgia votes, Trump tries to destroy America's faith in democracy


 Desperate, deluded and dangerous, President Donald Trump drove America deeper into a political abyss on Monday night in his zeal to steal an election he lost and to destroy faith in the democracy that fairly ejected him from office.

The President spewed lies, conspiracy theories and nonsensically false claims of vote fraud before an angry crowd in Georgia on a trip scheduled to help two Republicans in toss up run-offs Tuesday set to seal the Senate balance of power.
But as usual, and as it has been for the last four years, including during the fast-worsening pandemic that he ignored, the outgoing President's primary concern was himself.
Trump created a nightmarish picture of a ranting, demagogic commander-in-chief, wallowing in fantasies of the political fringe -- a frightening prospect since he retains the awesome powers of the presidency for another 15 days.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Yichud with daughter after conversion

Igros Moshe (E.H. 04:064.1): 1. Is it permitted for a father to have yichud with his biological daughter after they convert to Judaism? Those that convert with their children it is reasonable to say that there is no problem of yichud because there is no natural lust for his mother or daughter. It is irrelevant that according to halacha they are not considered relatives after conversion. Therefore is also no problem of living together with one’s mother or one’s daughter. But the situation is different regarding a brother and sister, even though there is also no natural lust but that is only because of the actions of the Men of the Great Assembly to weaken lust for relatives. Therefore there is still the possibility of pleasure and slight lust even though it is not overwhelming but yichud should only be occasionally and it is permitted to sleep in the same house at night. It is not permitted to live together permanently. The same applies to his father’s sister or mother’s sister This is true for Jews and non Jews.

Read the full transcript and listen to Trump's audio call with Georgia secretary of state


 CNN has obtained the full January 2 audio call between President Donald Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. Trump is joined on the call by White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and several lawyers.

CNN obtained the audio from a source who was on the call and had direct knowledge of the conversation. CNN has redacted the name of one individual about whom Trump made unsubstantiated claims.
Here is the full transcript and audio of the hour-long call.

'Worse than Watergate': Bernstein says Trump tape the ultimate smoking gun

MSNBC Morning Joe 1/4/2021 6AM | MSNBC Breaking News Today Jan 4, 2021

Perdue says Trump call with Georgia secretary of state won’t affect runoff


Perdue, who was a guest on "The Next Revolution," said he was "shocked" that a member of the Republican Party would tape a sitting president and leak it to the media.

"It’s disgusting in my view," he said. "But what the president said is exactly what he’s been saying the last few months."

Perdue said that Trump has been consistent with his claims that there were voter irregularities and said Trump just "wants some answers."

Trump's deranged phone call with Georgia secretary of state reveals a desperate man


 The latest turn in loser Donald Trump's campaign to overturn the 2020 election reveals a desperate man willing to say almost anything to get what he wants but instead getting rebuffed by officials who are made of finer stuff. As he pressures them to abandon their duty and come over to the dark side of politics, their refusal makes Trump's corrupt methods all the more obvious.

To their shame, nearly a dozen Republican senators and senators-elect and more than 100 House Republicans say they are going to challenge the vote certification. This will not alter the result but it will, like that call Trump made to Georgia, affirm what we already knew: Trump is a corrupting force who will reveal a politician's character.

Concern as virus rages in Israel's yeshivas after Hanukkah


Health Ministry memo seen by Ynet says religious seminaries have lost control over outbreak, no longer isolate infected students and allow many to learn with rest of student body; father of one student says no one in authority willing to speak to parents

Trump's Republicans have dumped Lincoln – they're the Confederacy now


On Wednesday, the Republicans’ transition to the party of the Confederacy will be complete. A day after Georgia’s runoff elections, at least a dozen lawmakers in the Senate and more than half of the party’s House membership will seek to overturn the results of the 2020 election and disenfranchise the majority of US voters. A coup attempt in all but name, this is how democracy dies.

President Trump, in Recorded Call, Urged Georgia Election Official to ‘Find’ Votes to Overturn Biden’s Win


 President Donald Trump pressured Georgia’s Republican secretary of state to “find” enough votes to overturn Joe Biden’s win in the state’s presidential election, repeatedly citing disproven claims of fraud and raising the prospect of “criminal offense” if officials did not change the vote count, according to a recording of the conversation.

The phone call with Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on Saturday was the latest step in an unprecedented effort by a sitting president to pressure a state official to reverse the outcome of a free and fair election that he lost. The president, who has refused to accept his loss to Democratic president-elect Biden, repeatedly argued that Raffensperger could change the certified results.

Breaking Trump News 1/3/2021 9PM | MSNBC News Today Jan 3, 2021

Trump tells Georgia election official to 'find' votes to overturn Biden win


US President Donald Trump has been recorded telling Georgia's top election official to "find" enough votes to overturn the election result.

"I just want to find 11,780 votes," Mr Trump told Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in a recording released by the Washington Post.

Mr Raffensperger is heard replying that Georgia's results were correct.

Joe Biden won Georgia alongside other swing states, winning 306 electoral college votes to Mr Trump's 232.

Since the 3 November vote, Mr Trump has been alleging widespread electoral fraud without providing any evidence.

COVID haredi unit head: Enforcement ineffective


 The head of the Health Ministry’s coronavirus department for the ultra-Orthodox community, Roni Numa, said on Sunday that there was a lack of coronavirus enforcement in the sector because of its political power and the upcoming elections.

Numa denied, however, that the COVID-19 infection rate in the yeshiva system is out of control, although he said that several factors had led to an increase in the number of students being infected.