Tuesday, September 29, 2020

New York Times obtains President Trump's tax returns

Gutfeld on the phony outrage over Trump's tax returns


 Another day… another media bombshell… that lands with a thud.

Imagine a loaf of bread hitting the pavement from the roof of your house. -- That’s the New York Times’ report on Trump's old tax returns.

Oh, Pillsbury Cronkite, aka CNN's Brian Stelter, is this one of the most important stories of the past 5 years?

He thinks it is, because here's what he said about it, "This is one of the most important stories of the past 5 years. Not one of the most important stories of the past year, but one of the most important stories of the past five years.” (I'd say his hair is on fire, but too late.)

Ivanka Trump got paid millions as a 'consultant' on family hotel deals in move which saved her father tax, Trump returns reveal


 Ivanka Trump appears to have been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in 'consulting fees' that helped reduce her father's tax bills while she was working as an employee of the Trump Organization.


Don't miss the Ivanka Trump bombshell buried in the Times tax story


 The big bombshell in The New York Times tax returns story is, obviously, the fact that President Donald Trump paid just $750 in federal income taxes in each 2016 and 2017 -- and for 10 of the 15 previous years, paid no federal income taxes at all.

But there's another massive revelation contained in the Times' reporting that isn't getting nearly enough attention: Trump wrote off $26 million in unexplained "consulting fees" between 2010 and 2018, with almost $750,000 apparently going to his daughter, Ivanka, in one disclosure.

Six key findings from the New York Times' Trump taxes bombshell


 The president pays little, faces hefty audit costs as well as loans coming due soon, and Ivanka is not in the clear

NY Times Exposes Trump's Tax Returns: Crimes, Conflicts & National Security Implications

CDC director concerned Atlas is sharing misleading information with Trump


 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield is concerned that White House Coronavirus Task Force member Dr. Scott Atlas is providing President Trump with misleading information about Covid-19, a federal official told CNN.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Here's Why Trump Will Lose ALL Court Battles Contesting the Election.

HE'S DONE!!! Trump Scammed America - He Only Paid $750 in Income Taxes in '16 & '17!!!

Trump Avoided Taxes For Years, Paid $750 In 2016: Report | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Whispers II

Trump on defense after NYT publishes tax info, says he is 'entitled' to credits 'like everyone else'


President Trump on Monday defended his tax history, saying that he paid “millions of dollars” to the Internal Revenue Service and argued he is "entitled" to tax credits "like everyone else" in the wake of a New York Times report that said he paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years.

Tax bombshell reveals Trump's image is a sham



 It was the moment when Donald Trump's "Art of the Deal" fabulism, billionaire tycoon bluster and populist standard-bearing for forgotten Americans was revealed to be what it always looked like: a sham.

A stunning New York Times exposé of the President's tax returns Sunday revealed a pitifully inept businessman and a serial tax avoider crushed by massive debts that could expose him to conflicts of interest given his position as President and power to help undisclosed lenders.


Sunday, September 27, 2020

Making Abusing Black Jews Great Again



9 Tishrei, 5781 °°  Sept. 27, '20 (Erev Yom Kippur, Parshas VeZos HaBracha)

By Binyomin Feinberg

Rivka bas Soroh, an orphaned Ethiopian Jewish woman, approximately 24, is reportedly being medically abused by the Israeli Army, military prison, and Military Justice System, in the wake of her refusal to enlist in the Israeli Army.  We just received confirmation of key details regarding the medical abuse of this young Ethiopian Jewish woman, recently arrested over her refusal to enlist in the Israeli military. Although we await more details, we have confirmed the following.

Rivka bas Soroh was initially drafted into the Israeli Army several years ago, and ultimately fled, apparently serving time in Military Prison at the time. After her release, in line with the position of Jewish Law, she refused to enlist, as she had been ordered.

About a month ago, in an apparent attempt to resolve her issues with the Draft Offices, she was arrested and incarcerated in Israeli military prison four. Our most recent information is that prison authorities have been intent on holding her throughout some of the holiest days the year, until after Sukkos.

She suffers from a medical condition, and has a very low body weight, reportedly about 70 pounds (although precise details unconfirmed).  Nevertheless, about two weeks ago, the Army staged a "health hearing" determining that she's fit to be drafted. Reportedly the Army arrived at that conclusion without the luxury of a physical exam, but based on questioning her. This medical abuse will G-d willing be challenged by a private attorney recently hired.

General Background:

The Israeli Army forces its female citizens to serve in the military. It's been doing so in flagrant violation of Torah law, for about 70 years. All leading Rabbis from across the spectrum prohibit girls and women from enlistment in the military. Leading Rabbis have even deemed refusal to enlist as Yaihoraig v'Al Ya'avor, a prohibition we're obligated to sacrifice our lives to avoid.  Additionally, the Israeli Army is also known for exploitive and abusive treatment of women and girls, for decades.

G-d willing, we hope to post updated information as it becomes available. Please check the update link for the latest posts.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ey5iw7jZJlcK1LtV5I8ODRVJTr2-FGw7th4s8C74v34/edit?usp=sharing (Ellul 5780 link) 


By Binyomin Feinberg

"... And if someone, like Pinchos, is one among a multitude, and every man is against him when he dares to speak out for truth and to fight for the Law --  the more lonely his stand, the greater the number of his adversaries, the more powerful is his word, the mightier his deed."

--  Rav Shamshon Raphael Hirsch OB"M (1808-1888), (writing on Pinchos, and those who follow his lead, in "Judaism Eternal," vol. 2, p. 293)