Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Trump suggests 'some very stupid rich people' are funding protest groups, rioters at RNC and across US


President Trump told Fox News' Laura Ingraham in an exclusive interview Monday night that he believes demonstrations outside the White House on the final night of the Republican National Convention last week were bankrolled by "some very stupid rich people."

Trump added on "The Ingraham Angle" that an RNC attendee had traveled to Washington "on a plane from a certain city, and in the plane it was almost completely loaded with thugs wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms with gear and this and that."

The president declined to say who had told him the story, but promised Ingraham he would reveal it "sometime."


Biden Has Eight-Point Lead Nationally Over Trump In New Polling | Morning Joe | MSNBC

US election 2020 polls: Who is ahead - Trump or Biden?


 At the moment, polls in the battleground states look good for Joe Biden, but there's a long way to go and things can change very quickly, especially when Donald Trump's involved.

The polls suggest Mr Biden is ahead in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin - three industrial states his Republican rival won by margins of less than 1% to clinch victory in 2016.


Pompeo nixed filming campaign ad in Israel after Jerusalem speech furor – report


 Plans were scrapped for US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to film a Republican campaign ad in Israel in the wake of criticism surrounding his speech from Jerusalem to the Republican National Convention, according to a Tuesday report.

Channel 12 news cited sources with knowledge of the discussions, who said plans for Pompeo to participate in the campaign by the Republican Party in Israel — primarily to target local voters in the US election — were canceled after strong criticism over his recorded message last week.

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Rep. Scalise promoted doctored video of Joe Biden on Twitter

Murphy Reacts To Trump's Defense Of Teen Charged With Killing 2 Protesters In Kenosha | MSNBC

Mike Flynn & Bill Barr Lose in DC Appellate Court, Case Returned to Judge Sullivan for a Hearing

Trump Card? Surprise Legal Loss For Flynn, Trump, AG Barr | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Monday, August 31, 2020

Watch: Heads ROLL as Michael Moore predicts Trump win


 The Rising" talk show discussed the possibility of another come-from-behind Trump election win as radical activist Michael Moore predicted it would come to fruition.

The talk show hosts pointed out that Moore had been the only "pundit" on the left to have predicted Trump's victory in the 2016 elections.

In a call-to-action tweet, Moore questioned whether Democrats were prepared to again taste the misery of defeat and urged people to go out and vote, telling them that "[they] had to get rid of Trump."

Twitter labels Scalise tweet of Biden interview about police funding 'manipulated media' before he took it down


 Twitter labeled a video promoted by House Minority Whip Steve Scalise of a progressive activist interviewing Joe Biden about police funding "manipulated content," and Scalise later deleted the tweet Sunday night.

DC Circuit court rules against Flynn case dismissal


The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in an 8-2 decision that D.C. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan does not have to grant prosecutors' motion to dismiss the criminal case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

 The 8-2 decision restores power to a judge to question the Justice Department's moves in the politically divisive case, when Attorney General William Barr dropped charges against President Donald Trump's former national security adviser earlier this year despite twice pleading guilty to lying under oath to lying to the FBI.

 The en banc review by the full court (minus Judge Gregory Katsas, who recused himself) reverses the decision of a three-judge panel, which had issued a writ of mandamus ordering Sullivan to toss the case. Flynn had argued that Sullivan overstepped his authority by appointing a third-party amicus curiae (friend of the court) to argue against dismissal, even though Flynn and the Justice Department agreed to dispose of the case.

Appeals court denies Michael Flynn and Justice Department's effort to end his case

Fact check: Kamala Harris is “a cop whose family owned slaves in Jamaica” claim is missing context


 The New York Times wrote about the shift in her stance from her career in California to the summer of 2020, when Black Lives Matter protests spread across the United States and outlined her position on various high profile cases and her criminal justice work in California during career (here).  

The Atlantic argued in an op-ed that she doesn’t say enough when pressed about criticisms about her track record, “like that she fought hard to keep innocents in prison and failed to fight hard against corrupt cops.” (here

While it is true that Kamala Harris’ father claimed to be a descendant of a slave owner, Harris and her family’s relationship to Hamilton Brown remains unclear. 

 These in-depth Fact Checks by Snopes and Politifact (here) have determined that while there is no clear evidence to prove Kamala Harris is a descendant of slave owners, it is likely that she is a descendant of both slaves and slave owners. 

As explained by the Atlantic (here), “the overwhelming majority of African Americans have white male ancestors, largely because of white male slave owners who raped Black female slaves.” 

This dark historical fact undermines the point this claim tries to make - that having a white slave-owner in her ancestry makes Harris or any African American less Black.