Friday, August 28, 2020

Chris Wallace calls Trump RNC address 'far too long' and 'surprisingly flat' despite 'some good lines'

 While "there certainly were impressive fireworks" on the National Mall following the conclusion of the Republican National Convention Thursday night, "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace said he was "surprised at the lack of fireworks" in President Trump's speech.

"Then he went after Joe Biden, and he had some good lines ...,'" Wallace said, "but I have to say .... his delivery -- and we have seen the president turn on a crowd --  was surprisingly flat and it didn't seem to have the bite that he usually does have in his speeches."

 Wallace added that the speech was "far too long -- 70 minutes exactly" and resembled a State of the Union address.

 "One other thing we have to note," Wallace concluded, "and that is the event itself. The fact that there were 2,000 people in close quarters on the Soth Lawn there with seemingly very few of them with masks, no social distancing, ignoring all the public health recommendations, I suspect that's gonna get a lot of comment in the next few days.

Trump Wants Drug Tests Before The Debates | Morning Joe | MSNBC

OK To Not Vote For Trump If You're GOP, Christian: Fmr. DHS Official | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Here's Donald Trump's most irresponsible theory yet about Joe Biden

 President Donald Trump has spent a lot of breath -- and tweets -- attempting to cast former Vice President Joe Biden as a doddering old man who doesn't really know what's going on.

"Biden can't put two sentences together," Trump told "Fox News Sunday" anchor Chris Wallace last month. "They wheel him out, he's goes up, he repeats -- they ask him questions, he reads a teleprompter, and then he goes back into his basement."
In the wake of a strong speech by Biden at the Democratic National Convention last week, Trump appears to have swapped out the "Biden's out of it!" attack for one even more bizarre.
Just to be clear as to what's going on here: The President of the United States is suggesting that the Democratic nominee against him -- and the man who spent almost a decade as the vice president -- is (or was) using some sort of drugs to enhance his debate performances. Pressed by York on a) what, exactly he was saying and b) what proof he had to make such a bold claim, Trump responded this way:

 "I don't know how he could have been so incompetent in his debate performances and then all of a sudden be OK against Bernie. My point is, if you go back and watch some of those numerous debates, he was so bad. He wasn't even coherent. And against Bernie, he was. And we're calling for a drug test ...


Fox News host Tucker Carlson stuns with comment on Kenosha shootings

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Wednesday suggested it was not surprising that a teenager arrested in connection to a shooting allegedly took up arms and tried to "maintain order" during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

"How shocked are we that 17-year-olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would?" Carlson asked on his prime time television program.
"He just justified murder," added Nikole Hannah-Jones, the New York Times Magazine reporter who won a Pulitzer Prize for her work on the 1619 Project.



The Use Of The White House In The RNC: ‘Defiled’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Doc Rivers Delivers Emotional Speech On Jacob Blake

John Bolton on RNC from the White House: It's a destruction of standards

Trump Promises Pardons to DHS Officials if They'll Violate U.S. Immigration Laws to Keep People Out

Here are 5 takeaways from the RNC's third night

 Uniform through-lines have sometimes been hard to detect at this week's convention, which has veered between fatalistic warnings about Democrats, denial about coronavirus and general economic optimism.

One consistent, however: every speaker has offered a view of the President that, no matter how divorced from reality, is the view he's always wanted to see depicted on television.
"I've watched Donald Trump charm the Chancellor of Germany," Trump's former ambassador in Berlin, Richard Grenell, said -- a bold claim for arguably the most powerful woman in in the world.
If the claim stretched credulity, it was nonetheless exactly the person Trump wants to be.

Jacob Blake is not a ‘child rapist’

If Your Time is short

  • Jacob Blake, a 29-year-old Black man, was shot in the back by a white police officer in Kenosha, Wis., on Aug. 23. There is no evidence that Blake is a “child rapist.”

  • Court records show that Blake has been charged with one felony count of third-degree sexual assault related to an alleged incident of domestic abuse. Under Wisconsin law, sex with a minor is not one of the offenses included in that charge.

Why Did The Police Shoot Jacob Blake? | The Daily Social Distancing Show

Daniel Dale on RNC claims: Hard for me to know where to start

Pence reinvents Trump's presidency on a disorienting night of crises

 Even by the standards of 2020, it was a disorienting night. Adding to the awfulness of another police shooting of a Black man and the shooting of two protesters (by an apparent Trump supporter) and the pandemic about to claim its 180,000th American victim, a monstrous hurricane tore towards the Gulf Coast.

The RNC has had some effective moments -- especially in highlighting the stories of regular Americans from lobstermen to farmers who say they have benefited from Trump's economic policies. Democrats may have missed an opportunity in not doing more to highlight such inspiring stories.
But for the third night in a row the convention offered a vision of a far different country than the one currently staggering through a cataclysmic year. It was a tale of a resurgent economy, a deadly virus defeated and a benevolent and wise President who was a champion of Black Americans, an empathetic counselor of professional women and a guardian of constitutional values worthy of mention in the same breath as the Founders.