Tuesday, July 28, 2020

'Shame on you': Democrats attack Barr for carrying out Trump agenda


Democrats clashed angrily with Donald Trump’s attorney general on Tuesday, over the aggressive deployment of federal agents to US cities three months before a presidential election.

The attorney general denied the interventions were motivated by Trump’s re-election.


Don Lemon, Chuck Todd make cameos at Barr hearing when Jim Jordan plays video of 'peaceful' protesters

A variety of MSNBC and CNN hosts made cameos during Attorney General William Barr's testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday when Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, used his opening statement to put an emphasis on mainstream media’s efforts to paint sometimes violent protesters as “peaceful.”
“I want to thank you for defending law enforcement, for pointing out what a crazy idea this defund the police policy ... whatever you want to call it, is, and standing up for the rule of law,” Jordan said. “We have a video we want to show that gets right to this point.”
 Jordan then played a powerful video montage featuring a variety of mainstream media members referring to recent protests as “peaceful,” which included everyone from CNN’s Don Lemon to NBC News’ Chuck Todd dismissing violence amid images of burning buildings and attacks on law enforcement.

Twitter restricts Donald Trump Jr. for sharing coronavirus misinformation video

Trump Spreads False Information About Coronavirus “Cure” | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Bill Barr to Testify Before Congress. Here’s How I’d Cross-Examine Him.

Chris Hayes Puts The Scale Of Coronavirus Deaths In Perspective | All In | MSNBC

Trump Pushes Fake COVID Cure From Fringe Doctors, Banned by Facebook


At least one of the accounts the president retweeted on Monday night was from a follower of QAnon, the conspiracy theory that alleges a “deep state” cabal of pedophiles is plotting against Trump.

Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube scrub platforms of viral video making false coronavirus claims


 A video featuring a group of doctors making false and dubious claims related to the coronavirus was removed by Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube after going viral online Monday.
The video, published by the right-wing media outlet Breitbart News, featured a group of people wearing white lab coats calling themselves "America's Frontline Doctors" staging a press conference in front of the US Supreme Court in Washington, DC.
President Trump shared multiple versions of the video with his 84 million Twitter followers Monday night despite the dubious claims running counter to his administration's own public health experts. Spokespersons for the White House did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Donald Trump says Dr. Fauci misled the public on hydroxychloroquine and shares a video of a doctor saying the drug can prevent the virus in Twitter spree


  • President Donald Trump retweeted a slew of posts praising controversial drug hydroxychloroquine for treating COVID-19 on Monday night
  • He shared a retweeted that slammed Dr. Anthony Fauci for 'misleading' the country by dismissing hydroxychloroquine, and supporting drug Remdesivir
  • He shared video of Dr. Stella Immanuel's speech outside Capitol Hill on Friday where she claimed the anti-malaria drug is a 'cure' for the virus
  • She slammed 'fake doctors' who doubt the efficacy of the drug and said to the public 'you don’t need a mask'
  • Trump shared videos of her speech twice, and both were removed

Seattle Mayor: Looks Like Trump Is Rehearsing For Martial Law | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Trump Ditches 'New Tone' On COVID-19, Pushes States To Reopen | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Georgia Republican senator removes ad that made Jewish opponent’s nose bigger


Republican Sen. David Perdue of Georgia has taken down a digital campaign ad featuring a manipulated picture of his Democratic opponent Jon Ossoff, who is Jewish, with an enlarged nose. Before being removed, the Facebook ad showed grainy pictures of Ossoff and Sen. Charles Schumer of New York, who is also Jewish, above a banner reading “DEMOCRATS ARE TRYING TO BUY GEORGIA! HELP DAVID PERDUE FIGHT BACK.”  

A spokeswoman for Perdue said in a statement Monday that the image has been removed from Facebook, calling it an “unintentional error” by an outside vendor, without naming the vendor.
“Anybody who implies that this was anything other than an inadvertent error is intentionally misrepresenting Senator Perdue’s strong and consistent record of standing firmly against anti-Semitism and all forms of hate,” the spokeswoman said.

How Tom Cotton accidentally told an appalling truth


It's a belief likely held by millions of White Americans and also by a number of white historians. It's just that Cotton said it more plainly and directly than most. It's that ability -- White Americans' penchant for compartmentalizing and rationalizing when it comes to issues of race -- that has made it possible for a president as inept and racist as Donald Trump to have any chance of being re-elected.

How the 1619 Project slandered America

No one challenges the proposition that US history is bound up in a history of repression and exploitation of minorities, from the slaughter and dispossession of Native Americans to slavery and Jim Crow laws. But to assert, on the basis of zero historical evidence, that its very foundational motivation was the persecution of those minorities is a conscious effort not to provoke academic debate but to inculcate the entire country, its people and its institutions in a continuing crime against humanity.