Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Kellyanne humiliated BY FOX NEWS as her defense of Trump backfires ON AIR

Democrats Are Being Much, Much More Careful About the Coronavirus Than Republicans


There’s been a fair bit of polling showing that, in general, Democrats were much more concerned about the threat of the coronavirus than Republicans, who were presumably taking their early, lax cues from the White House and Fox News. Now, a new survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that Democrats have generally been taking more precautionary measures as the pandemic burns on, suggesting that the differences in outlook may also be having real-world, public health consequences.

Cabinet approves new coronavirus restrictions

The Cabinet on Monday night approved the new emergency regulations in a way that would further restrict the civilian population as part of the efforts to fight the spread of the coronavirus.

Forty-four rabbis in diaspora have died since coronavirus outbreak


  Forty-four rabbis have died as a result of coronavirus, most of them located in the New York City metropolitan area. While the majority of the rabbis came from the Orthodox Jewish community, there is one known case of a Reform rabbi who passed away as a result of coronavirus.

Shaping the truth:Danon: UN must condemn Abbas’s false charge that IDF is spreading COVID-19


“At this time, despite Israel's aid to the Palestinian Authority, we hear inciting comments coming from the Palestinian prime minister, who accuses IDF soldiers of spreading coronavirus to the PA,” Danon said. “There is no place for such senseless statements by the leadership of the PA. The UN must condemn these remarks.”

Coronavirus: US death rates v China, Italy and South Korea

Residents of ultra-Orthodox cities diverted from ER of major Israeli hospital


Arriving at Sheba Medical Center, people from virus hotspots Bnei Brak, Modiin Illit and Elad reportedly to be taken straight to side area for treatment, unlike rest of population


Acosta reads Trump his past remarks downplaying virus

The missing six weeks: how Trump failed the biggest test of his life


“The US response will be studied for generations as a textbook example of a disastrous, failed effort,” Ron Klain, who spearheaded the fight against Ebola in 2014, told a Georgetown university panel recently. “What’s happened in Washington has been a fiasco of incredible proportions.”

Nancy Pelosi: Trump fiddles as people are dying

Trump's self-congratulatory presence marks stark contrast with death toll

The comment suggested that at the end of a national disaster that has been exacerbated by his leadership failings, he will bill himself as a victorious wartime President who rescued many Americans from death.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Trump says keeping US Covid-19 deaths to 100,000 would be a ‘very good job’


Speaking in the White House Rose Garden, the US president claimed that, if his administration keeps the death toll to 100,000, it will have done “a very good job” – a startling shift from his optimistic predictions of a few days ago when he said he hoped to restart the economy by Easter.

China had 3000 deaths Italy 12k  and Trump claims 100k deaths is "a very good job"! ?

No gatherings of 2 or more people, weddings with guests


Netanyahu noted that from now on, crowds of more than two people and outdoor prayers will be banned. In addition, weddings will only be allowed if no guests are present.
Exceptions will be made for funerals and circumcisions. 20 people will be allowed to attend a funeral and ten at circumcisions. "All of this will take place in open spaces where people maintain social distance from each other," Netanyahu said.

This Anti-Trump Ad Made Him Cry