Thursday, January 10, 2013

R Amnon Yitzchok projected to win 4 seats

Times of Israel   The right-wing bloc will hold a 22-seat advantage in the Knesset over the center-left after the upcoming elections, Israel Radio projected in a poll published on Thursday. The most surprising aspect of the survey was its projection that the Koah Lehashpia (Ability to Influence) party, headed by evangelical telerabbi Amnon Yitzhak, would win four seats.

Yitzhak, who founded and leads an organization that advocates spiritual revival among secular Israelis, remarked in an interview this month on Channel 10 that the Holocaust was a punishment for Jewish sins, and in November that Superstorm Sandy, which struck the United States, was a message to Israel to cease its dependence on its biggest ally.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Boro Park reacts to "chassidic" actors on 13th Ave

Fascinating to see the consternation when they realized they couldn't differentiate goyim dressed as chassidim and the real thing.

Weberman juror:Facts caused conviction not religion

NY Daily News    "It wasn't religion, it wasn't their background, it wasn't revenge," said the 42-year-old man, who asked not to be identified. "It was a young girl and an old man alone in a room."

Weberman’s lawyer George Farkas had claimed after the conviction that Hasidic Jews do not have “the same shot with a jury as anyone else."

But the juror said he had no preconceptions about Weberman's community, adding the panel didn't view him as "a monster."

"We realized we couldn't make a flippant decision and ruin a man's life," the juror recalled. "It was, 'Oh boy, we have a serious job.'"

The juror said the panel accepted the victim's "emotional" testimony, which stretched over four days, but didn't want to rely solely on her words.

“Something else” came in the form of social worker Sara Fried, who testified she diagnosed the girl with post traumatic stress disorder over the years of molestation.

"That's what clinched it," the juror said during an hour-long interview at a Brooklyn diner last week. "We took the vote and everyone was unanimous."

He also noted there were multiple locks in Weberman's home, that he admitted to driving the girl upstate alone and that he housed other runaway teens.  [...]

R Amnon Yitzchok defends himself / attacks opponents

זוועה! דברים מבהילים מהרב אמנון יצחק מנתיבות
RaP wrote:
12 minutes in Hebrew, where it seems perhaps planted interviewers-questioners ask him soft-ball questions in his favor about the elections, why he split from Shas and about Rav Ovadya Yosef and then AY launches into his diatribes and self-justifies himself:

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

State: Draft of charedim too expensive for IDF

YNET  In brief filed with High Court over petitions demanding the immediate draft of yeshiva boys State argues that expanding current draft 'is not feasible'; will strain IDF's resources and may impede primary missions

In the brief, obtained by Ynet, the State said that the complex preparations required from the IDF ahead of the draft strains the military's current resources and that a larger draft "is not feasible and will hurt the military."

The State argues that a universal draft will force the IDF to invest considerable funds in infrastructure which most likely will be rendered useless within a short while.

The brief explained that Tal Law stated a draft goal of 2,400 haredim by 2015; but the military now has to induct 19,500 ultra-Orthodox recruits in the same time period. [...]

Absorbing such numbers into the military required the IDF to build more dedicated bases, so to accommodate the haredi soldiers' demand for the separation of men and women, as well as create new men-only battalions, for the same reason.

Another challenge, according to the State, is the IDF's own ability to screen haredi candidates – a process which also mandates the formation of all-male teams in every level of the induction bases: interviewers, doctors, placement coordinators and so on.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Liability for making Defamatory comments on Internet

Time Magazine   Jane Perez, a retired captain in the military from Fairfax County, VA, was not happy with her home contractor, so she wrote reviews on Yelp and Angie’s List explaining why. She said he had done a poor job on her renovations and billed her for work he did not perform — and that he may have stolen her jewelry. She warned readers: “Bottom line: do not put yourself through this nightmare of a contractor.”

The contractor, Christopher Dietz, filed a $750,000 defamation suit and got a judge to order Perez to rewrite the reviews. The Virginia Supreme Court recently reversed that decision, saying that reviews should not be censored — and that if they were defamatory, Dietz should focus on getting money damages.

The ruling is being hailed as an important victory for freedom of speech on the Internet, which it is. But it is also a reminder of the risks that come with being an online critic. Sites like Yelp! and Amazon give ordinary people the power to write reviews that have a major impact on other people’s reputations and livelihoods. But it also means that they can be held legally responsible if what they write is defamatory. [...]

Under federal law — 47 U.S.C. § 230, to be specific — websites like Yelp and Angie’s List are shielded from being sued for defamation, but the writers — people like Perez — are legally responsible for what they write and lawsuits can be filed against them. That may not be what a lot of people are thinking when they go on Angie’s List or Amazon to air grievances. In fact, Perez told the Washington Post that when she posted her reviews it never occurred to her that she might end up in court or on the hook for thousands of dollars in legal fees — not to mention the monetary damages. Dietz is suing for $750,000, and awards can go far higher than that. In 2006, a jury awarded a Florida woman $11.3 million in damages against a woman who made defamatory comments on an Internet message board.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

R Amnon Yitzchok: Love Rav Yosef but vote for me

Rabbi Akiva: Talmid Chachom should not be a politician

With the Israeli elections coming up soon, Avraham has pointed out an interesting gemora. The following sources clearly indicate that a talmid chachom should not be the political leader - whether it is mayor or president - but rather should be an advisor or clarifier of the appropriate Torah values or approach. This was also the arrangment in Europe where typically the community was run by the tovei haIr who were generally the respected or influential activists and the rav was consulted regarding Torah issues and principles but was not involved in the day to day issues.

Pesachim (112a) : Our Rabbis taught: Seven things did R. Akiba charge his son R. Joshua: My son, do not sit and study at the highest point of the town; do not dwell in a town whose leaders are scholars... Rashi explains because a talmid chachom is preoccupied with his studies and therefore does not attend to practical matters.
Igros Moshe (Volume 8 Introduction page 27): Active involvement of gedolei Torah in politics - also in Israel - aroused [Rav Moshe Feinstein’s] opposition. He used to say that greatness in Torah is not combined with expertise in politics.
Berachos (3b) R. Aha b. Bizana in the name of R. Simeon the Pious: A harp was hanging above David's bed. As soon as midnight arrived, a North wind came and blew upon it and it played of itself. He arose immediately and studied the Torah till the break of dawn. After the break of dawn the wise men of Israel came in to see him and said to him: Our lord, the King, Israel your people require sustenance! He said to them: Let them go out and make a living one from the other.19 They said to him: A handful cannot satisfy a lion, nor can a pit be filled up with its own clods.20 He said to them: Then go out in troops and attack [the enemy for plunder]. They at once took counsel with Ahithofel and consulted the Sanhedrin and questioned the Urim and Tummim.21
Yad Ephraim (14:7):  Regarding the position of mayor

ז. משרת ראש העיר
חכמי ישראל בנסיונם הרב בניהול תפקידים צבוריים, לימדו אותנו לא לבחור לתפקיד צבורי אחראי ובמיוחד לראש העיר (ש"כל מילי דמתא עליהו רמיא") אדם, שהוא בעל מקצוע בשטח אחר, כגון: תלמיד - חכם, מלומד, רופא וכו', כיון שהאישים הללו מטבעם קשורים הם, אם להספר, ואם למקצועו הרפואי וכו'. ממילא יסבלו עניני העיר והציבור, על כן אמרו: אל תדור בעיר שראשיה ת"ח (פסחים קי"ב א') וכן שם (קי"ג א'): אל תדור בעיר דריש מתא אסיא (רופא). כי קשה להאמין שאנשים מלומדים הללו, יפסיקו מהיום עבודותיהם במקצועות העבר וירכזו מעתה כל כוחותיהם וכשרונותיהם רק בניהול עניני העיר והצבור.
לפי פי' התוס' (ב"ב ק"י א' ד"ה ולא), היא גם כעין אזהרה לת"ח שלא לקבל עליו תפקיד צבורי אחראי כמשרת ראש העיר וכדומה, כיון שעל ידי זה יתבטל מתורתו. מכאן, שחכמינו הקדמונים לא ראו "ברכות בהרבה מלאכות" ולא חבבו חצי מלאכה ורבוי תפקידים. מאידך - אם קרה ותלמיד חכם קבל עליו תפקיד צבורי, אין לו בתקופה זו, לעסוק באופן קבוע, אף לא בתורה, אלא להתמסר כולו לתפקיד הצבורי שהוטל עליו. כך מספרים חז"ל: אמר ריב"ל ששים הלכות למדני ר"י בן פדייה בחרישת הקבר וכולם נשתכחו ממני בשעה שהייתי עוסק בצרכי צבור (מ"ר וארא ו' ז') ובתנחומא שם: מכאן, שהעוסק בצ"צ משכח תלמודו.
כנראה, משום מתן פיצוי ועדוד לעוסקים בצ"צ, על שעליהם להזניח את תורתם אמרו בירושלמי (ברכות פ"ה ה"א): העוסק בצ"צ כעוסק בתורה (מובא גם בתוס' ל"א א'). יוצא דעת חכמינו שאם מישהו משמש בתפקיד ראש העיר, נשיא המועצה, ראש הקהילה וכדומה שבידו הופקדו עניני העיר והצבור, אין עליו לעסוק בשום דבר אחר, זולת שקידה על מלוי תפקידו לטובת עניני העיר והאוכלוסיה.
יתכן שמשום זה, מוצאים אנו שבחלקם הגדול שמשו כפרנסים ומנהיגי צבור לאו דוקא תלמידי חכמים. לדוגמא בקדושין (ע"ו ב'): הילכך, רב ביבי דגברא רבה הוא ליעיין במילי דשמיא (עניני צדקה בבית הכנסת) ומר (דלא הצטיין כגברא רבה בתורה, ראה שם) ליעיין במילי דמתא (בצרכי צבור, רש"י) ובפיהמ"ש להרמב"ם (בכורות פ"ד) דבבחירת ראש הגולה "אין אנו חוששים לתורתו", וראה תשו' הרא"ם לרבנו אליהו מזרחי (סי' נ"ג) דטובי העיר שעוסקים בצ"צ אין הם חכמי העיר, וראה שם אריכות גדולה בכל עניני קהילה וצבור וכן ברדב"ז (הל' מתנות עניים פ"י ה"ח) שנוהגים למנות גבאים אף על פי שאינם חכמים. קהילות ישראל בבחירתם של פרנסים, ראשי ועסקני צבור, זכרו כנראה בכלל הנ"ל של חז"ל "אל תדור בעיר שראשיה תלמידי חכמים".

R Amnon Yitzchok stands against the whole world

 Kikar Shabbat

הרב שלום כהן: "הוא מאבד את עולמו", הרב עובדיה: "מצווה הבאה בעבירה"

לאחר ספקולציות והערכות שונות אמש זה קרה: הגאון הרב שלום כהן והרב עובדיה יוסף יצאו בקריאה נגד מפלגתו של הרב אמנון יצחק 'כח להשפיע' • הרב שלום כהן: "מהרסייך ומחרבייך ממך יצאו, אני אמרתי לרב בעדני שהוא מאבד את עולמו, צריך להחזיר בתשובה את מי שמחזיר בתשובה" • הגר"ע יוסף: מצווה הבאה בעבירה הוא רוצה לעשות, למה, לא חבל עליו" (חרדים

Kikar Shabbat

הרב אמנון יצחק על הרב פנגר: ליצן, משת"פ של הטמבלויזיה

אחרי שהרב יצחק פנגר התבטא בראיון לערוץ 2 כי הרב אמנון יצחק "מפחיד אותו", באה התגובה החריפה: ארגון "שופר" מפרסם קטע וידאו ובו מתקפה חריפה על הרב פנגר מפיו של הרב יצחק: "רב ליצן עם כיפה וזקן. עד היום לא היה בעולם מי ששימח אותם עד שהגיע הרב ליצן ומשמח את הבריות" (חדשות)


Kikar Shabbat

הגראי"ל שטיינמן על הרב יצחק: אין לי שייכות איתו

ביום חמישי הגיע חבר מועצת החכמים, הגאון הרב שלום כהן, אל ביתו של מרן הגראי"ל שטיינמן ושוחח איתו על מפלגת "כח להשפיע" של הרב אמנון יצחק. הבוקר, נחשפת ההקלטה מהפגישה הדרמטית: "לא דיברתי אף פעם על זה", אמר ראש הישיבה על כח להשפיע (ארץ

Kikar Shabbat

מכתב תמיכה בר' אמנון יצחק: "יצאו נגדו בחרב"

לאחר מכתבים רבים נגד הרב אמנון יצחק, 'כח להשפיע' זוכה לרגעי נחת: הרב אברהם שלמה ליבוביץ מפרסם מכתב תמיכה מיוחד ברב אמנון יצחק, ומבקר את החלטת ש"ס לצאת נגדו ללא לנסות לשמוע את טענותיו. "יצאו נגדך בחרב ובחנית". בכיר בש"ס: הגר"ע הורה לא לדבר אתו עד שיסגור את המפלגה (חרדים)



Forgiving a Daughter's Killer:Restorative Justice

NYTimes   About an hour earlier, at his parents’ house, McBride shot Ann Margaret Grosmaire, his girlfriend of three years. Ann was a tall 19-year-old with long blond hair and, like McBride, a student at Tallahassee Community College. The couple had been fighting for 38 hours in person, by text message and over the phone. They fought about the mundane things that many couples might fight about, but instead of resolving their differences or shaking them off, they kept it up for two nights and two mornings, culminating in the moment that McBride shot Grosmaire, who was on her knees, in the face. Her last words were, “No, don’t!” [...]

Most modern justice systems focus on a crime, a lawbreaker and a punishment. But a concept called “restorative justice” considers harm done and strives for agreement from all concerned — the victims, the offender and the community — on making amends. And it allows victims, who often feel shut out of the prosecutorial process, a way to be heard and participate. In this country, restorative justice takes a number of forms, but perhaps the most prominent is restorative-justice diversion. There are not many of these programs — a few exist on the margins of the justice system in communities like Baltimore, Minneapolis and Oakland, Calif. — but, according to a University of Pennsylvania study in 2007, they have been effective at reducing recidivism. Typically, a facilitator meets separately with the accused and the victim, and if both are willing to meet face to face without animosity and the offender is deemed willing and able to complete restitution, then the case shifts out of the adversarial legal system and into a parallel restorative-justice process. All parties — the offender, victim, facilitator and law enforcement — come together in a forum sometimes called a restorative-community conference. Each person speaks, one at a time and without interruption, about the crime and its effects, and the participants come to a consensus about how to repair the harm done.[....]

Baliga had been in therapy in New York, but while in India she had what she calls “a total breakdown.” She remembers thinking, Oh, my God, I’ve got to fix myself before I start law school. She decided to take a train to Dharamsala, the Himalayan city that is home to a large Tibetan exile community. There she heard Tibetans recount “horrific stories of losing their loved ones as they were trying to escape the invading Chinese Army,” she told me. “Women getting raped, children made to kill their parents — unbelievably awful stuff. And I would ask them, ‘How are you even standing, let alone smiling?’ And everybody would say, ‘Forgiveness.’ And they’re like, ‘What are you so angry about?’ And I told them, and they’d say, ‘That’s actually pretty crazy.’ ” The family that operated the guesthouse where Baliga was staying told her that people often wrote to the Dalai Lama for advice and suggested she try it. Baliga wrote something like: “Anger is killing me, but it motivates my work. How do you work on behalf of oppressed and abused people without anger as the motivating force?”  [...]
The Grosmaires said they didn’t forgive Conor for his sake but for their own. “Everything I feel, I can feel because we forgave Conor,” Kate said. “Because we could forgive, people can say her name. People can think about my daughter, and they don’t have to think, Oh, the murdered girl. I think that when people can’t forgive, they’re stuck. All they can feel is the emotion surrounding that moment. I can be sad, but I don’t have to stay stuck in that moment where this awful thing happened. Because if I do, I may never come out of it. Forgiveness for me was self-preservation.”

Still, their forgiveness affected Conor, too, and not only in the obvious way of reducing his sentence. “With the Grosmaires’ forgiveness,” he told me, “I could accept the responsibility and not be condemned.” Forgiveness doesn’t make him any less guilty, and it doesn’t absolve him of what he did, but in refusing to become Conor’s enemy, the Grosmaires deprived him of a certain kind of refuge — of feeling abandoned and hated — and placed the reckoning for the crime squarely in his hands. I spoke to Conor for six hours over three days, in a prison administrator’s office at the Liberty Correctional Institution near Tallahassee. At one point he sat with his hands and fingers open in front of him, as if he were holding something. Eyes cast downward, he said, “There are moments when you realize: I am in prison. I am in prison because I killed someone. I am in prison because I killed the girl I loved.” [...]

No Religious Exemption When It Comes to Abuse

NYTimes   Just as we think we know what an abuser looks like, we think we know what an abusive religious community looks like. We may think it is highly insular — like the Satmar Hasidic community in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, a prominent member of which was convicted last month of sexually abusing a young girl sent to him for help. Or it is hierarchical and bureaucratic: if the Roman Catholic Church did not have so many bishops and archbishops who refused to dismiss or defrock molesters in their ranks, would so many pedophile priests have been able to carry on for so long? 

But we don’t know a thing. Consider Yeshiva University.

As Paul Berger reported last month in the Jewish newspaper The Forward, two rabbis at the Modern Orthodox high school run by the university were accused of sexually abusing students in the 1970s and ’80s. Leaders, Mr. Berger wrote, responded by “quietly allowing them to leave and find jobs elsewhere.” The university president at the time, Norman Lamm — until last month a titan of contemporary Judaism — told Mr. Berger that he had let the staff members “go quietly.”

“It was not our intention or position to destroy a person without further inquiry,” Dr. Lamm said.  [...]

Friday, January 4, 2013

Eli Weinstein pleads guilty to $200 million scam

WOBM   Four days before the start of his federal trial, Eliyahu Weinstein of Lakewood has admitted running a $200,000,000 real-estate investment scam and laundering the money. [...]

His plea bargain leaves him at risk for up to 25 years in prison at his scheduled April 2 sentencing. He’ll also be required to serve three years supervised release, submit an accounting of all money accrued in the scam, pay restitution to victims, and give up seized property valued at $2,000,000. [...]

Prosecutors contend that Weinstein initially targeted members of the Orthodox Jewish community to which he belonged, using his knowledge of customs and traditions to enhance his credibility in what legal experts call affinity fraud.

According to investigators, Weinstein took advantage of the Orthodox practice of trust-based transactions, convincing investors that they money was being rolled over into new ventures. He spread beyond the Orthodox circle, authorities contend, in April 2010 when mounting losses sank his reputation.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

הגר"ע יוסף על הרב אמנון יצחק: "הקדיח תבשילו"

Kikar HaShabbatמרן פוסק הדור הרב עובדיה יוסף בהתייחסות ראשנה - חריפה בעוצמתה - על הרב אמנון יצחק     : "הקדיח תבשילו".
זו הפעם הראשנה בה מתייחס הרב עובדיה יוסף  לרב אמנון יצחק, מאז  רץ  האחרון  באמצעות מפלגתו 'כח להשפיע' לפוליטיקה. ריצה שבמהלכה תקף בחריפות רבה את בני משפחתו ומקורביו של הרב עובדיה יוסף.
במכתב ששלח הרב יגאל כהן מבני ברק למרן הגר"ע יוסף, השיב הרב בנחרצות. אנו מגישים את המכתב והתשובה במלואו:

שאלה: "לכבוד מורינו ורבינו פאר הדור מרן מלכא שליט"א, שלום וברכה וכל טוב סלה. ב"ה זכינו לפני כשנה לפתוח בית מדרש ובית כנסת ע"ש ספרו הגדול של מרן "יביע אומר", כשמטרתנו לחזק הקהילה הספרדית בבני ברק, ולהפיץ את תורתו של מרן. וב"ה יש כולל  אברכים המונה כשלושים אברכים, ושיעורי תורה לבעלי בתים ולנשים במשך כל שעות היממה.

"ובמקביל, לפני כשנה, התחיל למסור אצלנו הרב אמנון יצחק שליט"א, שיעור המתחיל בשעה  ארבע וחצי בבוקר עד לתפילת הנץ, בנושא חובת הלבבות שער הביטחון. והנה לאחרונה פונים אלי אנשים מאנשי בית הכנסת והקהילה תלמידי מרן, ושואלים האם ראוי שימשיך למסור שיעורים במקום הקרוי על שם מרן שליט"א. ואני חושש על נפשי להפסיק שיעור תורה המחזק אנשים רבים, ולכן באתי בשאלה למרן שיכריע  בנושא גורלי זה, ויורה לנו הדרך אשר נלך בה. בתודה ובברכת ימי על ימי מלך תוסיף
בהכנעה תלמידו אוהבו בלב ונפש - יגאל כהן".
תשובת מרן הגר"ע יוסף: "בזמן האחרון הנ"ל הקדיח תבשילו, ומצווה  להחליפו באדם ירא שמים, שאם דומה הרב למלאך ה' צבאות, יבקשו תורה מפיהו- עובדיה יוסף".
הרב אמנון יצחק מסר בתגובה ל'כיכר השבת': "על פי דעת תורה של אחד מגדולי הספרדים שקבלתי הרי תגובתי:
כל מי שיוצא נגדי בדבור או בכתב מבלי לברר את דברי בבית דין עובר על איסור דאורייתא של "שמוע בין אחיכם ושפטתם צדק" חשן משפט סימן יז. וכל המדבר כנגדי סרה או לשון הרע ומאמין לשמועות מבלי לבררן עימי אין לו מחילה עולמית".