Charisma From the Torah
Posted by Rabbi Tropper Posted in torah Posted on 17-10-2009
I really enjoyed your words and comparative study regarding a topic not often discussed. I want to ask you about Charisma. Again is there any meaning from a Torah perspective to this 'thing' called charisma?Nosson Velvel A.
I understand that you were gifted with a tremendous amount of charisma, so I guess you are probably aware of it's spiritual value?
Miami Beach, FL
Rabbi Tropper Responds:
Thank you for the generous remark. I do not believe that I possess charisma.
A Torah Jew believes in 'Chayn' or 'Nesias Chayn' which in most cases represents virtue though in of itself is not a virtue. Charisma and its seductive power do not even represent virtue. Charisma and it's power to create social revolutionary change can be extremly dangerous. Hitler, ym'sh had charisma. He used it to become the planet's worst criminal.
Moralists have discounted charisma as 'deplorably superficial'.
Psyhcologists have said that the proverb 'familiarity breeds contempt' has a corollary "foreign breeds charisma".