Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Suicide rates among America's young people continue to soar, study shows

Suicide rates among young people have continued to soar in recent years -- so much so that the rate among 15- to 24-year-olds climbed in 2017 to its highest point since 2000, new research has found.
An increase was especially seen among 15- to 19-year-olds and young men, according to a research paper published Tuesday in the medical journal JAMA.

Trump’s biggest impediment to winning in 2020? His personality

And that’s the problem for Trump. When you talk to people who think Trump will be reelected they point to conventional rules about how a good economy makes voters want to stay the course. That’s superficially plausible, but it leaves out the single most important fact of the political landscape: Trump’s personality. A good economy doesn’t necessarily speak for itself. Normal presidents stay on message to deny the press the ability to talk about more interesting stuff. The only talking point Trump can be counted on to stick to is himself. Hence, his claim to Stephanopoulos that no one has been treated worse than him.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

ה'תלמיד חכם' שלא הרכין את ראשו - גם כששרפו את ספרו

ספרו של הגר"נ קמינצקי שנפטר לאחרונה, 'עשייתו של גדול', עורר חרם רבתי וטקסי שריפה המוניים, ויצר סערה אדירה גם בתוך משפחתו; הכל, לטענתו, משום שנגע במונח הרגיש שנקרא 'גדול' 

it is important to know that he revealed a very important fact i.e.,

that there are two different and distinct traditions

that of gadolim and that which is constructed for the masses

The making of a gadol is simply an account of what he personally heard from his father and other gadolim as Rav Nossen himself said in reply to Rabbi Breurer critique that it was not history. His crime was that he revealed this version to the masses

Chao Corruption Shocking Even For Scandal-Plagued Donald Trump Cabinet | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

McFaul: Absolutely Shocking If Intel Officials Are Holding Back Info From Trump | MTP Daily | MSNB

NYT: Intel Officials Hesitant To Tell Trump Details On Russia Operations | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

Nobody Believes Trump Admin’s Story About Iran

Monday, June 17, 2019

VIDEO: Trump Caught Knowing Nothing, Mumbles Word Salad

Why are we headed for a blowup with Iran? It began when Trump scrapped the nuclear deal

How did we get here and, more troubling, exactly where are we going? Amidst all the hype, spin and storytelling from both sides, here are some harsh truths about the Trump administration and its Iranian adversaries.
The Iranian regime is authoritarian, ideological and repressive, a serial human rights abuser and regional troublemaker. But we now find ourselves in a dangerous situation largely as a result of a great unraveling begun by the Trump administration's unilateral decision last year to withdraw from the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement.
The accord — known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) — was flawed, to be sure, and didn’t address Iran’s aggressive regional behavior or its ballistic missile programs. Even so, it was still a highly functional arms control agreement that imposed significant constraints on Iran's nuclear program for at least for a decade or more.

Campaigning hard against the agreement, candidate Trump vowed to renegotiate or leave what he deemed the worst agreement ever negotiated. Then as president, he pulled out of the agreement and launched his "maximum pressure" campaign. The administration reimposed sanctions on banking and petrochemicals and, in the past several months, has made a major effort to reduce Iran's lifeblood — its oil exports — to zero. As intended, all of this has wreaked havoc on the Iranian economy.

On-Line Web Resources

1 | P a g e
Rabbi Anthony Manning – – revised March 2017
On-Line Web Resources
Index to the List
Topic Page
Important Notes 1
Audio Shiurim 2
Halacha /Jewish Law 3
Medical Ethics 5
Jewish Philosophy and Hashkafa 5
Chumash/Tanach 5
Contemporary Issues 6
On Line Torah Journals and Periodicals 7
Israel/Religious Zionism 8
Kiruv and General Torah Education 8
Rabbis’ Personal Sites 10
Rav Soloveitchik 13
Jewish History 13
On-line Sefarim and Articles English 14
 Hebrew 15
Teaching and Educational Materials 17
Talmud 18
On-line aids to Tefilla, Nusach and Jewish Song 18
On-line Learning 19
Kashrut 19
Miscellaneous 20
Marriage and Relationships 21
Encyclopedias, Dictionaries and
General Jewish Knowledge 21
Manuscripts 22
Academic Sources 23
Blogs and current issues 24
Links to Links 26
Other Lists 27
Important Notes
1. This List of almost 400 sites has been prepared in response to requests from students for
information on what’s ‘out there’ on the web, so as to help them to take forward their Jewish
education following some intensive Jewish learning, usually post high school or post college.
Although many of the sites on the List are geared to such students, many others are in truth
more suitable for the more experienced scholar seeking to make use of web resources for the
purpose of shiur preparation or advanced study. Rather than prepare two separate lists, I leave
it to the intelligence and discretion of the user to discern which sites are most helpful for them. I
believe that most people can gain something from almost all of the sites on the list, but you’ll
hopefully find the ‘niche’ that fits you best.
2 | P a g e
Rabbi Anthony Manning – – revised March 2017
2. The List primarily comprises sites in English. Although there are many excellent Torah sites in
Hebrew (a few of which are included in the List), my assumption is that most users will read
more quickly and comfortably in English and my aim here is to assist in the acquisition of a
broader and wider general Jewish knowledge. Since time is very limited and the task is
momentous, speed is an important factor. However, it is critical to appreciate the Hebrew
resources out there. Searching on Google in Hebrew will yield a goldmine of extra results!
3. The List should not be taken as an endorsement of all content on the sites mentioned. Whilst
most of the sites broadly represent Jewish Orthodox thought1
, they span a range of
contemporary hashkafic approaches. I make no attempt to label the sites according to modern
hashkafic labels; the discerning reader should be able to work that out for themselves. Some of
the sites are by academic writers and thus reflect academic perspectives and styles which may
not accord fully with today’s religious sensitivities.
4. In most cases, sites contain further links to other resources which may (and often do) fall
outside the spectrum of Orthodox thought. As with all internet use, care must always be taken
and considerable discretion used when ‘surfing’. The unexpected and often undesirable may only
be one click away!
5. Some sites may be controversial in certain circles and the reader is urged to use thought and
discretion when reading all material and to seek appropriate Rabbinic guidance wherever
necessary. I have consciously chosen to include controversial issues and Rabbis on the basis that
those using the web will be exposed to such issues anyway. Again, I do not personally endorse
or support every view expressed, but, as Chazal state, only through debate can one arrive at
6. Sites that I personally recommend strongly are marked with a star “*”. A few sites are listed
in more than one section to make them easier to find.
7. Websites are sometimes shut down and links become broken. My apologies if this happens to
any entries on the List. You can help me to keep the list up-to-date by letting me know if links
are broken –
8. Finally, the list can no doubt be enhanced and improved. I would be very happy to hear from
other people with suggestions as to what they feel could be added (or should be deleted!)
Audio Shiurim *
A goldmine of Torah – 65,000+ audio shiurim, many with source notes, from the top YU
Hundreds of shiurim with audio and source notes from the OU.

מזעזע: חבריו של הנאשם סייעו לו ואמרו לילדה - "מגיע לך

לאחר כתב האישום נגד הפלסטיני מדיר קדיס שתקף באכזריות ילדה בת 7, עולה כי שני חבריו הטיחו בה - "מגיע לך", מנעו מנה לכאורה לברוח וטרם נעצרו. בן גביר קורא ל"גזר דין מוות" (חדשות, בארץ)

Matthew Karelefsky: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Matthew Karelefsky has been identified as the man accused of arson and attempted murder after police say he set a fire in Brooklyn targeting a rabbi he held a deadly grudge against. The four-alarm fire burned three homes on Thursday, June 13, and injured 13 people, including a baby, authorities in New York say.
Karelefsky, a 41-year-old former teacher from McKeesport, Pennsylvania, who also goes by the name Menachem Karelefsky, has a tattoo on his arm reading, “Never let go of the HATRED — KILL Rabbi Max.” Rabbi Jonathan Max lives in one of the homes burned in the fire, the New York Times reports. He was not injured.
Karelefsky had long expressed hatred for the rabbi online, including on social media pages and Jewish websites. He accused the rabbi of sexual abuse — without any evidence — in apparent anger over personal dealings with Max. “He’s been making threats against Rabbi Max for years,” a friend said. “As a last resort, he told a friend that he was gonna spread false rumors that he was molested by him. They are completely false.”