Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Tropper Kiruv. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Tropper Kiruv. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, January 19, 2008

R' Tropper - proselytizing non-Jewish spouse is necessary for Jewish spouse to be observant

Rabbi Leib Tropper gave an interview recently which is published in the current edition #838 of Mishpacha (Hebrew) – January 17, 2008 pages (62-63). The following is my translation of part of the article.

“In working with kiruv organizations I discovered the shocking reality. Those who were trying to become more observant and wanted with all their heart and power to become fully observant - unexpectedly revealed to us the frighting truth – that they were married to a non-Jewish woman. Consequently if they wanted to live according to the halacha they would obviously be required to leave their non‑Jewish wife and to break up the family. Many were not able to take such a drastic step and continued living their lives as before. In other words they continued living as an intermarried couple and obviously their children were not Jewish. The gedolei hador paskened for us to proselytize and convert the non-Jewish spouse in order to facilitate the Jewish spouse to live as a fully observant Jew. In other words if those who were intermarried knew that they would have a problem [with being married to a non-Jew] after becoming observant they would not be interested in becoming observant. At Eternal Jewish Family we prepare these non-Jewish spouses for conversion. We monitor their progress in understanding the process of observing Torah and mitzvos. We teach them the path of Judaism. As a result of conducting these conversion courses we discovered an astonishing thing. During their studies these non-Jewish spouses become so involved with the course until they truly accepted upon themselves the yoke of Torah and mitzvos - out of their genuine knowledge of Judaism. Consequently it is only when we see that they are ready that we send them to be tested by a beis din for conversion. It is important to note that we do not decide if they are to be converted or not. Following the guidance of gedolim, we have not set up new courts of our own. We simply send those who have been prepared for conversion to existing courts and only those courts which have been recognized by the gedolim.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

EJF declares world-wide war on intemarriage

Eternal Jewish Family Blog

The Eternal Jewish Family International (EJF) has launched a major initiative on three continents to stem the tide of soaring intermarriage in Jewish communities in the US, Israel and Europe. Eternal Jewish Family is partnering with the largest and most successful kiruv (outreach) organizations, such as Ohr Somayach — Jerusalem, Hidabroot, Lev L'achim and Nefesh Yehudi in reaching out to large numbers of Jewish youth "with a direct message on the threat of intermarriage to themselves, their families, and the Jewish future". In the US, Eternal Jewish Family will team up with Gateways in reaching vulnerable youth. "This epidemic of intermarriage can only be confronted with 'straight talk' about the dangers of intermarriage", said Rabbi Leib Tropper, Rosh Yeshiva of Kol Yaakov/Horizons and the chairman of the Rabbinical Board of Eternal Jewish Family. "We can no longer afford to beat around the bush in the hope that the anti-intermarriage message will somehow penetrate". In many instances, Eternal Jewish Family will be cosponsoring seminars and Shabbatonim for the Jewish youth where special sessions will be devoted to the dangers of intermarriage. The first such Shabbaton in March was held in Baden, Austria in a joint program with Nefesh Yehudi for more than 100 Israeli medical students in Central and Eastern Europe. Eternal Jewish Family will be joining the outreach (kiruv) organizations in many similar seminars in the coming months.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Table of contents for Daas Torah Selected Blog posts

 Introduction 18

Dedication 19

The impact of the Daas Torah Blog 20

A person should always strive to be like others - Me'urav im habrios? 21

Abuse: If your child reports being abused - What would you do? 22

Abuse:Children are valid witnesses I 23

Abuse:Does a victim have to forgive abuser if he asks three times? 24

Abuse:Emotional abuse - Embarrassing with strong praise? 26

Abuse:Emotional abuse in Jewish sources: Reish Lakish 27

Abuse:Emotional abuse produces overly fragile children? 28

Abuse:Frum halachic concerns about abuse 29

Abuse:Verbal abuse is prohibited only if the person is helpless 30

Abuse:Verbal abusers mistakenly feel superior to Jewish victim - Alshech 32

Agada & Kabbala - learning things beyond comprehension 34

Agada must be accepted as true? 35

Age of the Universe 37

Aguna - What happens to celebrity media star liars when the truth comes out? 38

Altering Torah laws when they become a problem 39

Angels: Belief in Angels is required 40

Angels:Conscious beings with free will 41

Angels:Fallen 42

Angels:Free will and punishment 43

Angels:judge and kill 44

Angels:Natural forces 45

Angels:Not always intermediaries 46

Angels:Rav Tzadok 47

Angels:Worshipping angels is prohibited 48

Angels:Praying to Angels? 49

Ascertaining Ratzon HaShem: How do we know what G-d wants us to do? 50

Assisted martyrdom:Desirable or is it murder? 51

Astrology: Stars are intelligent beings 52

Astrology:Effort is worthless against mazel ! 53

Astrology:Jews - Meiri 54

Astrology:Jews not absolutely determined by Mazel 55

Astrology:Mazel is changed by G-d 56

Astrology:Stars are conscious beings? 57

Authority:Accepting G-d's authority is difficult for Jews 58

Authority:An Amora had the potential right to disagree with a Tanna 59

Authority:Chazal because of their superior knowledge of truth. 60

Authority:Gedolim  Because they are accepted - not because of their knowledge 61

Authority:Making up sources 62

Authority:Midgets standing on giants 63

Authority:Obeying Rabbinic authority even when they are wrong? 64

Authority:Obligation  to accept everything said by the tzadik of the generation 65

Authority:Psak is different for post-Talmudic authorites who lack ruach hakodesh 66

Authority:Rabbinic authority today? 67

Authority:Scientific statements of our Sages 68

Authority:Shmuel in his generation is like Yiftach in his generation 69

Authority:Shulchan Aruch is the default view only when Achronim are deadlocked 71

Authority:Words of our Sages are from G-d 72

Avraham and his descendants were punished 73

Avraham as source of magic 74

Banning a posek who errs and tells a married woman she can marry another man - Does it matter if the facts presented to the posek are not true? 75

Bar Kochbar - most doubted that he was Messiah 76

Bein adam l'chavero sins - only if done to hurt & vanquish the other 77

Belief that a Rebbe is like an angel and Emunas Chochomim 78

Believability 79

Beracha "Didn't make me a woman" - Magen Avraham 80

Best not to study Hashkofah but to have simple faith 81

Between a rock and a hard place 82

Bitachon 83

Blessing of Tzadikim 84

Brain Death - Rav Shabtsai Rappaport reports his discussion with his grandfather Rav Moshe Feinstein 85

Breslover Joke from Rav Yaakov Meir Schechter 86

Brothers and Sisters in Silver Spring - Wake up! It is deal time for Tamar and you are messing it up big time 87

Calling police for Jewish owned house of prostitution 88

Capital punishment:Rav Moshe Feinstein & Maharam Shick 89

Challenges are good or to be avoided? 91

Chanifa:Acting differently than what you feel is viewed by Chazal as a serious sin - So why do they require being me'urav im habrios (acting like everyone else) even while your true thoughts and feelings are never revealed? 92

Chanifa:Why flattering the rich is not only permitted but required 93

Chareidim and the reality of propaganda 94

Charity given with wife's assistance - still considered giving secretly/ Heter of Chazon Ish to speak lashon harah to wife 95

Chasam Sofer:Ruach Hakodesh of poslkim - is not binding authority 96

Chasam Sofer:Seek truth - don't be concerned to please others and win their approval 97

Chasam Sofer: Women superior to men? 98

Chasam Sofer:Explanations need to agree with scientific reality 99

Chazal believed in existence of demons and evil eye 100

Chazal have disputes only on correct viewpoint - all they say is true 101

Chazon Ish: Ruach Hakodesh is intellect joined with the Divine 102

Chazon Ish: True moderation can only be achieved as failure to achieve perfection 103

Child abuse:Bringing out the crazies 104

Child's education vs honoring father? 105

Chofetz Chaim:Chazon Ish & Rav Kook 106

Chofetz Chaim:Disagrees with Rabbeinu Yona about lashon harah said in public 107

Chofetz Chaim:Disapproved of the Netziv's criticism of the delegitimzing of religious maskilim and religious Zionists 108

Chofetz Chaim:Speaking lashon harah when angry at assailant? 109

Christianity:Avoiding 111

Commonsense is subordinate to Tradition 112

Commonsense morality and empathy can be corrupted by religion and theology 113

Consequences of religious anti-intellectualism 115

Contradiction between new 9th vol of Igros Moshe & older volumes regarding Magen Avraham & Shema 116

Conversion - Why Minor Mitzvos dissuade conversion 117

Conversion can be declared invalid 118

Conversion of intermarried couples is very problematic 120

Corporal Punishment & Gedolim 121

Corporality: Rambam's inconsistent views 122

Daas Torah A layman  can never ever criticize a Rabbi. Even it causes some to sin 124

Daas Torah first failure 125

Daas Torah means not only total obedience but an inability to judge gedolim 126

Daas Torah: Divrei Chaim claimed heretic mislead gedolim to write that they agreed with him 127

Daas Torah:Ramchal - knowledge obtained through ruach hakodesh is infallible 128

Daas Torah:Wife disagreed with Daas Torah 129

Dan l'chaf zechus - What is the obligation to judge favorably? 130

Dangerous times - G-d's anger 132

Dangers of losing grasp of G-d's personality is worse than dangers of corporality 133

Dating:Don't play house: Rav Moshe's advice for shidduchim 134

Dating:Social Dating 135

Daughters inheriting: Forcing the involvement of secular courts instead of beis din 136

Dedication Hebrew Yad Yisroel 137

Dedication of Child Abuse Book to Mrs. Judy Young A”H 138

Demons 139

Demons:Abaye banished demons 140

Demons:Beis Mamikdash and demons 141

Demons:Going out alone at night is prohibited today because of demons? 143

Demons:Kotzer Rambam's psak eliminated demons 144

Demons:Nonsense 145

Demons:Rav Tzadok 146

Demons:Three weeks are period of danger from demons 147

Destroying Television to Stop Sin? 148

Disagreements are bad in Torah study? 149

Divine Providence 150

Divorce Tragedies - Letter to Jewish Press 151

Divorce:Who gets custody of Kids? 152

Divorcee covering head 153

Doctors:Are only a minhag 154

Doctors:Obligation to use 155

Does effort in observing tznius guarantee parnasa? 156

Does sending girls to collect charity violate "the honor of the princess is to stay inside" 157

Don't ask a rebbe for secular advise 159

Drinking water at night? 160

Dybuk is mental illness 161

Education interferes with faith 162

Education not to be a fool - "A fool is one who believes everything" Mishlei 14:15) 163

Eilu v' Eilu: No disputes in the Talmud, Agada or Kabbala - 166

Eliyahu - who was he? 167

Empathy deficit and Torah 168

Eve was the mother of life because she brought death into the world 169

Evil Eye 170

Evil Eye - concern? 171

Evil Eye endangers Windfalls 172

Evil Eye: Rabbis can damage with evil eye 173

Evil has power -Ramchal 174

Exile from Spain;Abarbanel caused exile from Spain? 175

Expert's evaluation is like a beis din & witnesses 176

Failed Messiah blinded by his hatred for Chareidim - becomes incoherent when contradicted by facts 177

Failure of rabbinical leadership to see the consequences of their actions 178

Faith and philosophy 179

Falsely claiming to have ruach hakodesh is capital offence of being a false prophet 180

Father's sins atoned by son's suffering? 181

For the times they are a-changin' 182

Forced to sin? 183

Forgiveness of sins against G-d depend on being forgiven for sins against man? 184

Free Will- even against Providence 185

Free Will:G-d's knowledge and free-will 186

Frum or Normal:Which is better? 187

Frum:Jews died in plague of Darkness because they were being frum 188

Gam zu ltova - comforting mourners 189

Gam zu l'tova? 190

G-d color of hair? 193

Gedolim:A British madrich asks: What are gedolim? 194

Gedolim:A gadol explains what a secret psak is and why it isn't taken seriously 195

Gedolim:Are fallible but woe to the person who points out teir errors 196

Gedolim:Are not infallible - and this should be obvious but unfortunately is not 198

Gedolim:Blemished Gedolim 199

Gedolim:Can a godol be evil? 200

Gedolim:Disagreeing with Gedolim 201

Gedolim:Even gedolim are required to keep the Torah 202

Gedolim:Mesorah versus gadol --- the authority of Chazon ish 203

Gedolim:Produce gedolim even if most students are destroyed. 204

Gedolim:Rabbi Akiva Eiger - like all gedolim - needed to make a mistake to show he was human 205

Gedolim:The sins of Gedolim - have their roots in Korach and his associates 206

Gedolim:When a Gadol is afraid to correct his mistaken Psak 207

Gedolim:Yiftach who was the godol hador - was an am haaretz 208

Geirim - Shidduchim Issues - Relationship with parents 209

Genetic disease: Checking for genetic disease 210

Get  Forced: An apparent contradiction between Igros Moshe and Tendler's Mesoras Moshe 211

Get Forcing divorce on a mentally ill wife 213

Get: Forced Get –is it kosher bedieved? 214

Get:If a husband doesn't give a Get does he transgress Lifnei Ivair if his wife commits adultery? 215

Get:The sick reality of gittin today 216

Get:Withholding a Get is unjewish and evil "?! 217

Golden Calf reason for having children 223

Golden calf was an assistant G-d?! 224

Golden calf:There were 12 Golden Calves not one 225

Good Chanifa (chanufa) - the basis of personal mental health and a healthy society 226

Gra & Chassidus:Reason for dispute 228

Gra criticized Rambam regarding the supernatural 229

Gra: Scientific reality sometimes is used to decide between halachic views 230

Greater the person the greater his lust 231

Greatest Principle of the Torah - What is it? 234

Guma Aguiar lawyer's warning letter 235

Halacha: What is the halachic basis of EJF? 236

Halacha:Authority requires being committed to the Torah system 237

Halacha:By committee - Mishna Berura 238

Halacha:Innovation in halacha 239

Halacha:Majority rule in halacha 240

Halacha:Majority rule of halacha is not relevant in most cases 242

Halacha:Majority rules even if view is not factually true 243

Halacha:Problems are inherent when using mussar or agada as halacha 244

Halacha:Supercedes ethical principles /Chazon Ish 245

Halacha:The importance of accurately reporting the halacha 246

Halacha:Understanding Eliezer's process of identifying Yitzhok's wife 247

Harchakas of Rabbeinu Tam don’t make get me’usa 248

Harm of Talking a lot with one's Wife 252

Heretic:Denies the Mishna Berura and other major seforim were written with ruach hakodesh 253

Heretics:Answering heretics 254

Heretics:Learning from a heretic is prohibited - even though R' Meir did it 256

Heretics:Rambam - how could he learn from heretics? 257

His'orrus (stimulation) vs. Transformation - Kelm Mussar 258

Hitting kids is wrong because it causes emotional damage?! 259

Holiness is not asceticism 260

Halacha that a woman should stay in house? 261

Holy people transcend and can change Nature 262

Homosexuality - view of Rav Moshe Feinstein 263

Homosexuality:Caring for the Sinner 264

Honoring parents when a parent acts like a child 265

How Debbie Gross "saved" me from being abused physically and emotionally at her Convention dealing with abuse and violence in the religious community 266

How to have enemies suffer Divine punishment instead of you. 268

Idolatry: Principal purpose of Torah is destruction of idolatry 269

Idolatry: Support for Rambam's view of sacrifices? 270

Idolatry: The Temple and its mitvos mirrored idolatry 271

Idolatry:An attempt to concretise abstact religious belief 272

Idolatry:Changing 273

Idolatry:Mitzvos deal with people as they are to erase idolatry 274

Idolatry:Sacrifices were commanded to wean the Jews from idolatry 276

Idolatry:Shituf 278

Ignorance of pious people about sexual issues is problematic Rav Yitzchok Scher 279

Secular knowledge:Ignorance  is Chillul haShem 280

Image of elokim - creation of man Chizkuni 281

Importance of having a Rebbe 282

Incest: Yichud of brothers & sisters 283

Independent opinion in the matter of Kabbalah is folly and the cause of great harm. 284

Informing on tax cheats 285

Internet Filtering: The false sense of security 286

Internet:Fighting the Internet - no holds barred & any twisting of truth is permitted! 287

Introduction to my new book on the Jewish understanding of marriage and gender issues 288

Is a person tested with a task beyond his ability? Two opposing views 289

Issues that people have a lust for leniences such as birth control are not to be presented to the masses 291

Jew: Can a Jew lose his status as Jew? 293

Jewish Calculus of Suffering:Stop sin or suffering? 294

Jews Were a primitive and uncultured people 295

Jews:In Egypt did not keep Torah & Mitzvos 296

Jews:Less likely to change from moral chastisement than goyim 297

Jews:Protected from assimilation by being despised and uncivilized 298

Kabbala is not for everyone    - Rivash 299

Kabbala can increase sexual lust even amongst talmidei chochomim - Rav Tzadok 300

Kanoi a path in Avodas HaShem 301

Key to learning Torah is challenging Sages who are presumed to be correct 302

Kiddush HaShem:Mesiras nefesh which ignores consequences? 303

Kiruv for non-Jews with Jewish Identity II 304

Kiruv - Lying to make someone religious?! 305

Kollel:Leaving Kollel is dangerous 306

Kosher equivalents - why? 307

Kuzari principle and commonsense 308

Lashon harah: Not speaking lashon harah might be sinful 309

Lashon harah:About yourself? 310

Lashon harah:Chofetz Chaim permits for to'eles only when not motivated by hatred. 311

Lashon harah:Circumstantial evidence & lashon harah 312

Lashon harah:Defining Rechilus - Rambam vs Chofetz Chaim 313

Lashon harah:Informing his students or children of bad deeds of others 314

Lashon harah:Only prohibited when there is no benefit or to'eles 315

Lashon harah:Public knowledge is not lashon harah 317

Lashon harah:Sin of not saying lashon harah /Rav Ovadiah Yosef 318

Lashon harah:The nature of the prohibition of not accepting lashon harah 319

Leaders:Avoid justifying views with logical proofs or reasons 320

Leaders:Problematic leaders 321

Learning from a teacher who is not fit 322

Lesson of Pinchas: Leaders must protest evil! 323

Love neighbor as yourself 324

Loving another - only means their welfare 325

Lust and the nature of children 326

Magic is real - Ramban 327

Magic:Jews used to have magic beds 329

Malbim disappointed Rav Yisroel Salanter by neglecting halacha for Tanach in order to fight Haskala 330

Mamzer 331

Marriage:A man is more of a slave to his wife than she to him 332

Marriage:A man should love his wife just as he does his tefilin 333

Marriage:A woman's do it yourself guide to annulling marriage. 334

Marriage:Avoid Marriage if it results in Adultery 335

Marriage:Bad wife is desirable 336

Marriage:Chasan steps on Kallah's foot to be boss? 337

Marriage:Divorce 338

Marriage:Eishes chayil - the ideal wife? 340

Marriage:Every wife is to be ruled by her husband - Ben Yehoyada (Men 43b) 342

Marriage:Free will Rambam 343

Marriage:Good wife views her husband as her master - Menoras HaMe'or 344

Marriage:How Rav Aharon picked his son-in-law Rav Dov 345

Marriage:Incompatible with greatness 346

Marriage:Jealousy can only be removed by G-d 347

Marriage:Kiruv can be dangerous to marriage 348

Marriage:Love for wife is qualitatively no different than that of  fellow man 349

Marriage:Maharal - BM (84a) discussing marital relations 350

Marriage:Man takes - Wife doesn't give herself 351

Marriage:Midos are the most important factor in choosing a wife? 352

Marriage:Misconceptions about marriage - a wife is not a shtender 354

Marriage:Misconceptions about marriage - asceticism is prime value 355

Marriage:Moshe why did he married Yisro daughter? 357

Marriage:Must husband be informed of wife's adultery  Rav O. Yosef 358

Marriage:Must husband be informed of wife's adultery  Tosfos Yom Tov 359

Marriage:Nullifying marriage with homosexual husband 360

Marriage:Pele Yo'etz 361

Marriage:Predestined? 363

Marriage:Rav Wolbe's advice to chasanim 364

Marriage:Rav Yaakov Kaminetsy's haskoma to R Travis's marriage manual 365

Marriage:Ropshitzer:Explaining shelo asani isha - to his wife 366

Marriage:Shalom bayis - wife's first obligation is respect of her husband - not her parents or children 367

Marriage:Subservience of wife was a punishment 368

Marriage:Taking care of senile ex- wife? 369

Marriage:Telling husband it is a mitzva to give Get/Sin not to 370

Marriage:Understanding Marriage through Divorce 371

Marriage:What is pritzus for wife - Different views 373

Marriage:What qualities to look for in a wife?" 374

Marriage:Wife is subordinate to her husband to the degree he is subordinate to G-d - Netziv 375

Marriage:Yibam (levirate marriage): A wife is considered as one of her husband's limbs like Eve was of Adam 376

Mazikim Erev Shabbos 377

Mechitza 378

Mechitza  for how many women? 379

Meir Pogrow (founder of Master Torah program) has been determined to be a rasha by beis din and that it is prohibited for women to have any contact with him 380

Meir Pogrow: Learning Torah from morally disgusting individuals: The gag reflex 381

Meir Pogrow: Rav Chaim Malinowitz' response to the question of whether Pogrow's Torah shiurim should be removed 382

Meir Pogrow: Why wasn't he stopped by people who clearly knew he was a danger years ago? 383

Mendel Epstein - Gittin by torture trial: An urgent request for as many people as possible to attend the trial 384

Moderation is normally required but extremism is required in times of spiritual danger BK (60b) 385

Mordechai Tendler's "Mesores Moshe" - What is it? 386

Mother is main disciplinarian & should not show mercy when hitting kids 387

Mussar Movement as frum Haskalah 388

Mussar Movement did it fight Haskala by being a frum Haskala or by focusing on developing greater yiras shamayaim and character perfection? 389

Mussar Movement was haskala - a man-based vision to revive religion 390

Natural Childbirth 391

Need to apologize to maskilim who fought against hypocrisy 392

Netziv:Why Rikva couldn't communicate with Yitzchok 393

Not speaking to women 394

Obligation of loving gerim and not tormenting them 395

Occupation you like - only? 396

One who says This teaching is pleasant but this is not pleasant loses the fortune of Torah. 397

Order of protection in divorce cases 398

Original sin was to think woman equal to man - Chasam Sofer 399

Philosophy originated with the Jews - not the Greeks 401

Piety is primarily in motivation - not unique deeds 402

Pikuach Nefesh & mental health II 403

Pilpul without understanding text - stupifies 404

Pinchas was an angel 405

Powers of gemstones 406

Prayer -serving G-d 407

Proof of G-d's existence 408

Prophet can misunderstand his prophetic vision 409

Proselytizing is problematic - Aruch HaShulchan 410

Psychological Abuse - Identity & expectations/ Maharal 411

Psychologist's role in religious change - is there one? 412

Psychology:A Jewish therapist or a therapist who is Jewish 413

Psychology:Has it created an oversensitivity to torment or discovered it? 414

Psychology:How to explain Torah & Psychology to kiruv rabbis? 415

Psychology:Saving a suicidal gay man - by reconcilling him with his estranged lover? 416

Psychology:Torah Psychotherapy is learned from Torah or doesn't violate Torah? 417

Public challenge to any of Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky's supporters to defend his actions in a guest post! 419

Punishment of family is mida keneged mida 420

Purim and the Kaminetsky-Greenblatt Heter 421

R' Herzfeld's "heter" to publicly embarrass Aaron Friedman 422

Rabbeinu Tam's Shunning: Tzitz Eliezar & Rav Yosef 423

Rabbi Shmuel Goldin - president of the RCA -  clarifies the RCA-Rav Belsky joint statement on child abuse. 424

Rabbinic divorce decisions need greater involvement of mental health professionals 425

Rabbinic infallibility: Examples of  Rabbis apologizing for harmful mistakes 426

Rabbi's prime responsiblity is protecting people from harm 428

Rachel showed modesty by betraying Yaakov? 429

Raising children - curse or joy? 430

Rambam - does he agree with Ramban about sexual lust? 431

Rambam rejects Chazal because he was a rationalist 433

Ramban disagreeing with Chazal because of Zohar 434

Ramban's view of nature? 435

Rape - does G-d want someone to be raped? 437

Rashi indicates one's children are punished for not fighting molesters 438

Rationalstic and philosophical rabbis more negative to women than kabbalists or mystics 439

Rav Chaim Malinowitz: Rav Feldman is mistakenly transforming this outrage against the Torah into a mere dispute of poskim 440

Rav Chaim Malinowitz: Understanding suffering and revenge 441

Rav Dessler: Free-will & creation of Adam 442

Rav Dessler: Yeshiva should deny self-esteem to those not fully involved in Torah study 443

Rav Dessler:Failure of parents and teachers to hit children is producing Nazis and brazen people 444

Rav Eliashiv:Ma'os Alei - Get not required (1 174) 445

Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, shlita 446

Rav Ephraim Greenblatt:Interview from 1990 447

Rav Gestetner's letter regarding Tamar Epstein's heter to remarry without a Get 449

Rav Menashe Klein: How does calling an abuser a rodef - permit calling the police? 450

Rav Moshe Feinstein :A man is more of a slave to his wife than she to him 451

Rav Moshe Feinstein:Approches to psak 452

Rav Moshe Feinstein:Blessing the sun - and a child 453

Rav Moshe Feinstein:Honoring Conservative & Reform "Rabbis" with an aliyah? 454

Rav Moshe Feinstein:Medical screening and Bitachon 455

Rav Moshe Feinstein:The Obligation to Speak and to Act 457

Rav Moshe Feinstein:The statement found in Rashi (Menachos 43b) that a wife is a slave to her husband is nonsense 459

Rav Moshe Feinstein:Untrue story being circulated 460

Rav Moshe Feinstein:Validating conversion for non-observant gerim 461

Rav Moshe Shapiro: Meeting with Rav Moshe Shapiro 463

Rav Moshe Shapiro’s approach to kiruv and the month of Shevat by Rav Chaim Malinowitz 466

Rav Moshe Sternbuch - Authorized Translation 467

Rav Sternbuch's parsha sheet 468

Rav Moshe Sternbuch: Concerning the dreadful draft decree 469

Rav Moshe Tendler 470

Rav Noach Weinberg’s advice about my sefer Daas Torah 471

Rav Nosson Kaminetsky: Those who questioned the validity of the Chofetz Chaim's dibbuq 472

Rav Nota Greenblatt denounces those who claim they have secret poskim with secret reasoning 473

Rav Ovadiya Yosef: Forcing husband to divorce moredes 474

Rav S. R. Hirsch & his contemporary incarnation - Rabbi Slifkin 475

Rav S. R.Hirsch - we can't emulate great men who are portrayed as flawless 476

Rav Schachter joining with Rav Kaminetsky in disregarding the Baltimore Beis din and saying that Aharon should be forced to give a Get 477

Rav Shimon Shkop stayed at YU in order to emulate Rav Yisroel Salanter 478

Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach:Your spiritual (& physical life) comes before that of others 479

Rav Sternbuch: Get for civil & Reform marriages? 481

Rav Sternbuch: Tradition is not to teach Tanach - why? 482

Rav Sternbuch:Forcing Husband to divorce Wife 483

Rav Sternbuch:Husband should not be spiteful and should give a Get if there is no chance of reconcilliation and all issues are resolved 484

Rav Sternbuch's protest against heter for Tamar Epstein to remarry without a Get 486

Rav Triebetz: Does Rav Yisroel Salanter have a legacy? 487

Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky: Bean counting - Non-Jewish woman vs niddah? 489

Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky: Why he erred in thinking the Maharsham was senile 490

Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky:Zealotry is necessary - but only if guided by a clear understanding of Torah 491

Rav Yisroel Reisman: It is redifus to publish information about this particular sex offender - he is not a danger to the community 492

Rav Yisroel Salanter poskened: "It is prohibited to desecrate Shabbos to save my life." 493

Rav Yisroel Salanter tried being a chassid 494

Rav Ovadiah  Yosef (3:20) - Forcing only sometimes 495

Reality Check: A frum Jew is supposed to be a nice person 497

Redemption from Egypt by G-d or angel? 499

Religion has replaced sex as taboo 500

Religious Bullying - "You are a shaigetz, I am a tzadik" 501

Religious criticism:Responding  - Maharal in Be'er HaGolah 502

Remarrying after only secular divorce 503

Removing Mention of Michael Hersh/Hirsch 504

Righteous people can also change 505

Rivkah was afraid of Yitzchok and felt inferior to him - Netziv 506

Ruach hakodesh & Ruach hakodesh of the intellect are not the same 507

Ruach hakodesh is reason Biblical verses are omnisignificant - Netziv 508

Ruach rah - does it exist today? 509

Sanhedrin is not protected against error 510

Satanic  abuse rings:Is there a ring of such pedophiles operating in Sanhedria Murchevet? 511

Satanic abuse hysteria: Dr. Joy Silberg - what is her role? 512

Satanic abuse rings A disturbing postscript 513

Satanic abuse rings: Dr Joy Silberg a believer in Satanic cults (and repressed memories) and Rabbi Yitzchok Berkowitz 514

Satanic abuse rings:Therapists say go back to America or switch to Mizrachi schools! 516

Satanic abuse rings:The problematic paranoid thinking needed to accept the allegations of Satanic Abuse Rings 517

Satmar Rav says Six Day War victory was natural - without Divine Providence 518

Satmar Rebbe:Criticism of his views 520

Scheslinger Twins:A personal Elul message for Dr. Schlesinger - "Have you no shame?" 521

Schlesinger Twins: Rebbitzen Rosenberg comes to Vienna community to help Beth and her children 522

Schlesinger Twins: Why does the court prefer a Filipino stranger as primary caretaker? 524

Schlesinger Twins:A day in the life of the custodial parent - Dr. Michael Schlesinger 525

Science vs.Torah 526

Scientific facts are not final even for Chazal 527

Science:Use of DNA to free an Aguna 528

Science:Validity of views R’ Sherira Gaon & Rambam’s son 529

Scientific statements of Chazal might only be according to the science of their day 530

Secular education and Rav Shach 531

Secular knowledge is from ruach hakodesh 532

Secular knowledge:The importance of secular studies 533

Seminary Scandal: "They call him Tatte" - How should male teachers relate to female students? 534

Seridei Aish:Need to apologize to maskilim who fought against hypocrisy 535

Sex and kiruv: Problem of the charismatic rabbi 536

Sex as a metaphor for love of Torah & G-d 537

Sex change by surgery - halachically valid? 538

Sexual relations: Prohibition of thinking of another person 539

Sexuality 541

Sexuality:Reading medical texts regarding sex 542

Sexuality:Importance of sexual satisfaction - and not just focusing on doing a mitzva 543

Sheitel and maris aiyen 544

Should I avoid presenting the Torah viewpoint because of threats of violence? 545

Shulem Deen: Truthseeker who had too many unanswered questions or an apikorus skillful in deceptively leaving out most of the important details needed to understand who he is 546

Simonim 547

Sitting next to women on buses 548

Slander for the sake of Peace 549

Snakes as servants 550

Social pressure to sin? 551

Sorcery 552

Sotah an explanation 553

Source of the berachos of a tzadik - heard from the Bostoner Rebbe 554

Spilling soup on someone to stop bitul Torah: Rav Zilberstein 555

Stealing in order to help others - is it permitted? 556

Stefan Colmer - convicted molester has moved to Passaic - Rav Eisenman requested that this be publicized 557

Steipler: There is no rebbe muvhak today since we learn from seforim - and not orally 558

Stereotypic thinking:Intelligent opening-minded chareidim is not an oxymoron 559

Strange tale concerning a man of simple but flawed belief & the Arizal 560

Suicide & Teshuva 561


Superiority of Israel 568

Supernatural:Magic Demons and Astrology real? 569

Supernatural:Nature vs supernatural 570

Talmid chachom needs an attractive wife 571

Talmid chachom/tzadik is beyond criticism because he is presumed that he doesn't sin or because he certainly repented immediately? 572

Talmid chachom: A real talmid chachom needs to be insensitive to his family? 574

Talmid chachom:A seeker of truth must be rude (“navel") 576

Talmid chachom:A talmid chachom needs to be insensitive to his family? 577

Talmid chachom:Do talmidei chachomim really insult and belittle each other? 579

Talmid chachom:Is a worker superior to a talmid chochom? 580

Talmid chachom:Should be a nice person? 581

Talmid chochom is not necessarily kind and merciful 582

Talmud vs esoteric wisdom 583

Tamar Epstein Heter: R' Greenblatt said he simply accepted whatever R Shalom Kaminetsky told him 584

Tamar Epstein: Protest by Rav Shlomo Miller, R E B Wachtfogel, R Moshe Green and R Yechiel Tauber 585

Tamar Epstein: Protest from Rav Pinchus Rabinowitz' Beis Din 586

Tamar Epstein: Rav Sariel Rosenberg protests against heter 587

Tamar Epstein: What role did Rav Shmuel and Rav Sholom Kaminetsky play in the giving of the heter to remarry without a Get? 588

Tamar Epstein:A well known frum psychologist's two cents 589

Tamar Epstein:Rav Aharon Feldman's letter regarding Tamar Epstein's heter 590

Tamar Epstein:Therapists that saw Tamar and Aharon deny discussing Aharon with anyone 592

Tamuz letter of Baltimore Beis Din - removed at the request of the Baltimore Beis Din 593

Teacher beats student from anger at his inattention - must he pay damages? 594

Teaching child a trade 595

Telescope invented in his time to validate G-d's supervision 596

Text and verbal teachings are not the Mesorah 597

The dangers of being on a high spiritual level 598

The dangers of universal education and access of the masses to clear texts 599

The Emperor has no clothes - Eternal Jewish Family & Daas Torah 600

The honor of a Jewish women is staying in the house - moral value or halacha? 601

The insensitive condescension of the secular towards the Orthodox community 603

The necessity for Adam to sin - Netziv (Bereishis 2:4) 604

The need for WOW!! as an indication of the deterioriation of the system 605

The only defense  for the Kaminetsky-Greenblatt heter is to attack me personally 607

The problem of a convicted sex offender using threats of lawsuits to prevent publicizing his activities 608

The relationship between G-d and the Jews is like a husband to his wife 609

The severe sin of going to a non-Jewish court 612

The Sin of Adam - inaccurate self-assessment 613

The Tiger Woods of the Chareidi world 614

Thoughts of sin are worse than the sin itself 615

Three Belzers & a Blogger trying to understand Daas Torah 616

Torah is medicine for soul not body 617

Torah is the word of G-d - no need to apologize 618

Torah law is used as long as society functions properly/Igros Moshe 619

Torah laws must be observed even if observance causes degradation or shame 620

Translation of seforim including Igros Moshe & making halacha seforim with psakim without sources & reasons 621

Torah Study & Working: Payment for Torah - Rav Moshe Feinstein 622

Torah Study & Working: Shulchan Aruch (156) vs Mishneh Berura 623

Tropper - Smear Campaign 624

Tropper doesn't know when to give up 625

Tropper says he is not taking me to court 626

Tropper scandal Is this what Lakewood is producing? 627

Tropper:Advice & appeal for Tropper and his opponent 628

Tropper:Former defender has regrets 629

Tuma is it real?Rambam vs Ramban 630

Two attitudes towards mitzvos 633

Tzadik described as being G-d 634

Tzadik is born because of a clothes line - and other false stories 636

Tzadik overruling G-d 638

Unity of G-d vs belief in His physicality - Rav Tzadok 639

Use of deception to get mitzvos & spiritual perfection 641

Varieties of hashgocha protis 642

Views which grate on modern sensibilities:Sexual abuse is less serious than using an inaccurate commerical scale 643

Vilna Gaon's Letter to his wife: Mussar, beatings & sensitivity 644

Walking with G-d 645

Weiss Dodelson: Divorce settlement required the Weiss's to ask me to take down blog posts 646

Weiss Dodelson: Rav Shlomo Miller's letter to Rav Malkiel Kotler retracting his support for Dodelson 647

What is a tzadik? 648

What was Adam's sin? Decision whether to live as man or angel 649

Why didn't Ezra convert intermarried couples? 651

Why Moshiach is descended from the convert Ruth 652

Why is EJF refusing to have open for-the-record dialogue? 653

Why does G-d repent? 654

Why is Earth spherical? 655

Why were religious Jews attracted to Haskala? 656

Wife & mother-in-law fight - who has to leave? 657

Wife refuses Get /Husband remarry without heter 100 Rabbis? 658

Women:Death 659

Women:Inherently materialistic 660

Women:Mature intellectually earlier than men because they don't study Torah 661

Women:Men are equally holy 662

Women:Misbehaving woman is ugly-Beauty only to serve G-d 663

Women:Prohibition of looking at women 664

Women:Reach perfection only through men 665

Women:Should not drive because of modesty and temperament which results in many accidents 666

Women:Walking behind a woman - prohibited today? 668

Women:Weak minded but have greater Binah (understanding) 669

Women:What do women want sexually? sources in Torah literature 670

Women:Why exempt from mitzva of Torah study Rav Feinstein 671

Women:Witchcraft 672

Women:Woman lacks the image of G-d and intellect 673

Yakov called g-d 674

Yakov was he referring to G-d or an angel? 675

Yakov was punished for calling himsel Israel (Dinah was raped) 676

Yashar (upright) vs Tzadik (righteous) 677

Yeshiva as hospital - women aren't sick 678

Yeshiva is an artificial institution - Rav Hutner 679

Yetzer 681

Yoel Weiss and Rivky Stein: Update 682

You should know that Rav Dovid Feinstein and Rav Nota Greenblatt are good friends" 683

Your disgusting blog 684

Zohar was not originally in the form we have today 685

Friday, May 2, 2008

Recipients and Publicity - questions the integrity of the Syrian community as well as my own

Recipients and Publicity said...

Dear Rabbi Eidensohn:

You state: "I am merely responding to your accusation that for a community to ban conversion and converts because of the widespread failure to be able to discern sincere candidates is anti-halacha and against the hashkofa that we were sent into exile to gather gerim."

Indeed I stand by my assertions and I still cannot fathom how you cite these mekoros that you do as being potentially applicable "bechol asar ve'asar" meaning in any place anywhere which is just NOT something you can derive from the sources you cite. Do you reallly think that what the Syrian rabbis did in the 20th century has any real connection to the lomdus, hashkofa and halacha in the sources you cite? Not at all. They took a look at was happening around them and screamed bloody murder at the mutiny of their flock who were "voting out of the faith" by marrying non-Jewish women and they decided to take a radical step. Did they go around and ask every last Godol on Earth at the time, including all the Sefardishe poskim, if what they proposed to do was in keeping with millenia old Yiddishkeit? And I tender to you that they did not, they panicked, put up this notorious Takana, and then found a few opinions here and there that sort of back them up. Did Rav Kook or Frank institute any such similar things for the Kehillas and Talmidim they led in Europe or in Eretz Yisroel in spite of what they wrote and allegedly "meant" to the far-away Syrians in Argentina? Decidedly no! Why, because they understood and knew full well that it is unheard of to institute such measures.

By all means pasul the geirus of others, like Satmar that does not accept the rulings of most other Batei Din, not in geirus not in gittin and not in kashrus, that is within Halachah, that one tzad is not mechuyav to be mekabel yenem's piskei di as long as they have what to be somech on, but to stand up and say you are issuing a blanket Takana "AS IF" you were now Rabbeinu Gershom, is utterly preposterous, and that is why you will not find either Rav Frank or Rav Kook or any gadol doing such things for their own people. And that is why I say what the Syrians did is anti-Halachik because it goes against the norm.

In fact none of the Syrian rabbis who signed the Takana can be deemed to be what we would today call a "gadol" in the fullest sense of the word so why do we have to accept or be machshiv what they said when it goes keneged hasechel and keneged Torah peshutah?

Then you say: "I don't understand how you would extrapolate from these sources that I am advocating a universal ban. I am just defending the right of the rabbonim of a particular community to institute such a ban."

Which I find very hard to believe the longer I stick around on your blog and read the stream of things you are pushing that seems to me klor that you want to do do to every Bais Din in the world what Rav Shternbuch and the BADATZ did to EJF -- but that is not going to work and you will only marginalize yourself and make yourself seem like a crackpot trying to push a pet project that the whole world (meaning the world of reliable Batei Din) will just not accept.

It is all fine and good that you hold by Rav Shternbuch and the BADATZ, terrific, it's a huge madreigah, but you cannot expect every last Charedi and Orthodox Jew to accept such a supremely high and almost impossible madreigah too. And you seem to be using this whole Syrian Takana ma'aseh, that no-one in the Torah world is even goires, because very few people have respect for what the Syrian Jewish community has achieved in terms of Torah true Judaism, they are more famous in Brooklyn for their "heterim" to ride bicycles on Shabbos down Ocean Parkway, skinny ladies wearing pants jogginbg down Ocean Parkway, building huge mansions, vacationing in Deal and on the Jersey coast as if they were on the French Riviera, and spending tons of money on lavish luxuries and outlandish Bar and Bat mitzvas and playing wink-and-look-away games with their rabbis than taking grandiose Takanas not to marry shiksa seriously.

Other groups also have corruption, but two wrongs don't make a right.

Among other groups, like Chasidim and Yeshiva-leit there are also problems but of a different nature and scale. The takanos so far in recent times are pretty lame, the rabbonim made some takanos about not going to concerts but that does not come to not accepting geirim.

No doubt there are kanoim lurking everywhere waiting to strike and in good time we will hear about attempts to disallow ALL genuine geirei tzedek from becoming geirim, but this is a big jump, and there is a wide chasm between modern Syrians in their personal SUVs and sportscars for everyone in the family with Haredim packed one family into two rooms in Meah Shearim, for now...

There are better ways to fight assimilation than Takanos and gezeiros. Think Ahavas Yisroel, Chinuch, Kiruv, Yeshivas, Bais Yaakovs, day schools, shulls, youth movements.

But the Syrians are really still not ready to hear this.

Do you known that in the Sefardic bikkur cholim in Brooklyn dominated by the SYs that they know that they need social workers but they have set up a cocamamy system that a social worker must be tagged by a communuty worker so that no community secrets leak out. Have you ever heard of such things? You are a psychologist, would you accept that every patient you see MUST be co-handled by a member of the Kehila they come from and that you would have to share all session notes, consultations with colleagues, everything, with some community appointed watchdog less-than-a-rebbetzin? Well that is the way the Syrians function, they want "Orthodoxy" but on their own terms, and what they get is just hypocrisy and a huge mess that they then try to stop with silly "takanos" that only makes them into the laughingstock of the Torah world, like little Mike needs a monitor to keep him in check, and it gets them absolutely nowhere and it is surprisng that you are willing to defend such shtus and to even go digging up mekoros for them and shtel them tzu like arbes tzum vant.

Maybe that is why Jersey Girl has a chip on her shoulder against Aish HaTorah, Chabad, and other Kiruv operations and why you harp on and on about the "Lakewood Ger fiasco" (and it was a fiasco, I agree with you) because it's just a way of laying the groundwork for a total ban against all converts which Rav Shternbuch or the BADATZ may have in the offing but which will only isolate them further and thrust them into looking no better than the Neturei Karta anti-Zionists who have turned logic and Yidishkeit upside down in order to "save it from itself."

If you want to see where opposing something to the extreme can lead, just take a look at the nut jobs who travelled to Tehran and were even willing to deny the Holocaust just to make the point that they are against Zionism. Not that I am comaparing Zionism to geirus, but one needs to watch out for the danger of falling down a slippery slope of being "protesteth too much" when just a little moderation, even for those proposing extreme views, is in order, both humanly and Halachically.

Daas Torah said...

Recipients and Publicity said...
Which I find very hard to believe the longer I stick around on your blog and read the stream of things you are pushing that seems to me klor that you want to do do to every Bais Din in the world what Rav Shternbuch and the BADATZ did to EJF -- but that is not going to work and you will only marginalize yourself and make yourself seem like a crackpot trying to push a pet project that the whole world (meaning the world of reliable Batei Din) will just not accept.

Your comments seem increasing detached from reality. You are creating a conspiracy theory - which to put it politely is baloney.

As I have stated a number of time I have no problem with changes and varying standards which reflect the needs of the times. I do demand that the halachic rulings be presented in a cogent manner with the sources clearly explained as well as proof of who is poskening.

Thus I have no problem with a community such as the Syrian banning gerim they deem as insincere. I have no problem with Rabbi Tropper accepting intermarried couples - if he can show a written letter from Rav Eliashiv or some other gadol that clearly supports such action and why. I also would like some clear evidence that what ever rulings are followed actually improve the situation.

Your own creative interpretations and story telling about what happened and why - simply doesn't qualify as serious halachic discourse. Your conjecture about a wide variety of topics doesn't constitute objective facts

Why don't you come back down to earth. Your intelligence can be put to better use in helping clarifying the issues rather than villifying others.

Monday, December 31, 2007

The Emperor has no clothes - Eternal Jewish Family & Daas Torah

A very strange thing has happened. Despite my many postings and requests for one simple thing - the halachic guidelines of Eternal Jewish - EJF has produced nothing. This leads to the rather unfortunate conclusion that there is in fact no halachic justification for their specific program of proselytization. As the wise lawyer said, "If you have evidence you produce the evidence, otherwise you yell and scream and pound the table."

Conversion is a great problem today. Whether we are talking about intermarried couples or the children of intermarried couples or even ordinary conversion. The way this issue is handled strongly influences the nature of the Jewish people for future generations. However we are not dealing with Torah prohibitions but rather rabbinic laws and social policy issues. EJF claims to be relying on the halachic rulings of Rav Moshe Feinstein. In fact Rav Moshe does permit conversion of intermarried spouses. In other words even if the motivation is not for the sake of heaven but rather to stay in the marriage - as long as they agree to keep all the mitzvos they are good gerim bedieved. At the same time he says he himself has nothing to do with conversion. He advised those who wanted to convert the spouse to find some other rabbi who is willing to do it. He refuses because of the very poor success rate for these conversions and wants nothing to do with the whole enterprise of conversion. Rav Chaim Ozer states a similar position. They are both acknowledging that it is permissible to convert these spouses - but by and large it is just producing non-observant converts. Thus EJF seems to be following the narrow technical rulings of Rav Moshe and Rav Chaim Ozer - but not their Daas Torah.

This makes their activities even stranger since they have spared no expense to show that they are following the guidance of gedolei Torah. However, they have produced no evidence that in fact the gedolim are supporting their specific program. I have cited a letter from Rav Efrati - that Rav Eliashiv's standard response as to how to deal with intermarried couples is to shun them - except in the case where they and their community thinks that they are in fact Jewish. Where is the letter from Rav Eliashiv that he approves of proselytizing intermarried couples? Where is the letter from Rav Dovid or Rav Reuven Feinstein that their father approved of the policies of EJF?

Some have claimed that the mere association of many of our gedolim with EJF shows that they support its policies - even though they have not explicity stated it. I had the opportunity recently to speak with a talmid muvhok of one of the star speakers at the recent Washington convention of EJF. I asked him why his rebbe went. He replied, "When my rebbe returned from the convention he said it was shtus v'hevel." I asked so why did he go? The answer was that his yeshiva needed the money.

If EJF's goal is simply to raise the standard of geirus - that is great. But then why is there a need for all their conventions and the millions they spend to convince non-Jews to convert? How many times do you need to say "we want to raise the standards". Where are their guidelines. What are their recommendations dealing with non-Jews entering kiruv programs or into yeshivos in the hope that they will convert? What does it mean that they produced a handbook of these guidelines but as Rabbi Tropper informed me they "withdrew it from circulation 2 years ago because some things weren't clear."

I am still waiting to hear their reply.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

RaP discusses Shavei Israel search for 'Hidden Jews" in Poland

Guest post by RaP:

Shavei Israel looks for 'Hidden Jews' in Poland and All Over!

"The Jewish Press
Friday, January 20, 2012
Page 18

(Display advertisement:)          


After decades of oppression, Poland’s ‘Hidden Jews’ are finally emerging from the shadows, seeking to reclaim their Jewish identity. The downfall of the Iron Curtain has opened up new worlds, and allowed previously-buried family secrets to come to the fore.

Across Poland, countless young people are suddenly discovering the Jewish roots that their parents or grandparents sought to hide because of fear or persecution, and an increasing number are seeking to learn more about Judaism.

Shavei Israel is leading the way, reaching out to Poland’s ‘Hidden Jews’ with a helping hand and a welcoming heart.

Please join us in assisting these brave young men and women to reconnect with the Jewish people.

[Photos six young people surrounding Shavei Israel logo]

Please send your US tax-deductible contributions to:
American Friends of Shavei Israel
25 West 45th Street, Suite 1405. New York, NY 10036. Tel: (212) 840 – 1166

The Jewish Press is unique among the English language Orthodox weekly newspapers and magazines in that for many years, someone or other in its ownership/editorial department has consistently pushed and allowed and even promoted articles and ads from organizations and individuals such as the defunct EJF, Shavei Israel and a variety of events.

The American Yated is the most conservative in this regard. It has basically never allowed any information on its pages that in way seem to be promoting proselytization of gentiles by any sort of rabbis or organizations. Perhaps in the early history of the EJF when many roshei yeshiva were induced to attend its earliest meetings, there was something, otherwise nothing. The American Hamodia at one time had regular articles and ads about EJF's work, but it stopped that when the Tropper scandal came into the open. the American Mishpacha once used to have more articles about finding lost Jews and promoted the work of the Shavei Israel  organization headed by Michael Freund. But without missing a beat, The Jewish Press has never given up on the theme of publishing articles, ads and promoting outright proselytization to gentile by Jewish organizations and rabbis. This seems to have come about in the period after the passing of its founder Rabbi Sholom Klass (d. 2000), but since then there has been a constant blizzard and drumbeat for this cause. The Jewish Press was among the leadership of the EJF from its inception in various ways and even wrote editorials and op-eds to support EJF. The Jewish Press has been the greatest supporter of Shavei Israel and it hosts a regular column by Michael Freund who has made it his life's mission to go searching for all manner of "lost Jews" that's part of a greater Zionist vision as he is also a Zionist activist. (The New York Jewish Week is not considered an Orthodox paper as it's funded by the secular UJA).

This past week was no exception, and space was given not to events to help "Anusim" but raise money for finding lost Jews in Poland.

The following is a closer look at the latest Shavei Israel infomercial:


RaP:  The word "uncover" here is ambiguous, it easily means "proselytize"!

"...Poland’s ‘Hidden Jews’ are finally emerging from the shadows, seeking to reclaim their Jewish identity."

RaP: Almost all of them are not Halachic Jews and would require proper conversions. The wording jumps the gun, it tells the reader that they are already "Jews" albeit "Hidden" -- meaning they are "real" Jews just "hidden" away somewhere, when the facts are far from that. They are mostly gentiles with very tenuous links and claims to Jewish ancestry, and to repeat, almost every single one of them would require a proper geirus. So this is really a masquerade to cover up another mass proselytization effort.

"The downfall of the Iron Curtain has opened up new worlds, and allowed previously-buried family secrets to come to the fore."

RaP: Many of these claims are useless in a court of law, let alone a Bais Din because they almost all lack the proper kind of documentation that their parents or grandparents or great-grandparents were truly verifiable Halachic Jews.

"Across Poland, countless young people are suddenly discovering the Jewish roots that their parents or grandparents sought to hide because of fear or persecution, and an increasing number are seeking to learn more about Judaism."

RaP: This is true EVERYWHERE, not just in Poland, but that does not mean that they should be ENCOURAGED to do so for obvious reasons that no one knows who these people are really descended from. This is certainly not classical "kiruv rechokim" by any stretch of the imagination, its going way beyond the normal parameters of what an Orthodox-run organization should be doing. There should be many lessons learned from the recent mass Aliya from the former USSR that dredged up all sorts of people with very unreliable and false and even no claims to being Jewish and they amount to at least a third of the million who came from the USSR who are not Halachic Jews. The Jewish state of Israel does not need more problems because it is already choking Halachically on this bone of contention of nebulous "hidden Jews"!

"Shavei Israel is leading the way, reaching out to Poland’s ‘Hidden Jews’ with a helping hand and a welcoming heart."

RaP: There are plenty of priorities to work on and help bring back to authentic Judaism the millions of secular or marginal Jews who have a closer connection to provable Jewish ancestry.

"Please join us in assisting these brave young men and women to reconnect with the Jewish people."

RaP: They may be brave but Shavei Israel, and The Jewish Press that's promoting this are clearly pushing the envelope of and clearly crossing the line from kosher kiruv to painful proselytization. 

"Please send your US tax-deductible contributions to:
American Friends of Shavei Israel

RaP: There can surely be more important things to support in the Jewish world today. A further look at the web link opens the wide window into Shavei Israel's growing network, that unlike EJF has not been stopped or derailed. Michael Freund is NOT Leib Tropper even though they are merchants in the same bazaar of bartering for "lost Jews" and having no qualms in trying to have them converted, no matter how many there are, they're still the same type of very dangerous undertakings from the point of view of Jewish identity according to Jewish law.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Descendants of Marranos (Anusim) II - should they be encouraged to convert?

Recipients and Publicity comment to "Descendants of Marranos (Anousim) - should they be...":

It seems that the modern-day affliction of the "urge to merge" gentiles with Jews is to be found everywhere in the Jewish world in all shapes and sizes: Reform Jews wishes to welcome non-Jewish mothers and do "keruv" to the universe; Chabad and Aish HaTorah work quietly to help the spouses and family members of supporters get easy conversions; the Israeli government welcomes hundreds of thousands of non-Jews into Israel; the Religious Zionists work to convert people in bulk; RCA rabbis go easy on conversions of congregants' inter-married congregants; and even Litvishe Haredim have "kiruv" that leads to conversion such as Rabbi Leib Tropper and his EJF that promotes and welcomes gentile spouses of Jews. So is it any surprise that the Sephardim have their own version and weakness, based on the revisionism of Jewish history and nutty search for Marranos (any "interested" Hispanic may apply) that they now call "Anusim" or "Converso" as can be seen from this small but significant item published in the usually strict-about-conversions Jewish Press:

"The Jewish Press.
Friday, August 1, 2008. Page 47.
West Coast Happenings.
Jeanne Litvin, West Coast Editor.

Shul News: Recently Rabbi Simcha Green, formerly of Young Israel of Santa Barbara, became the spiritual leader of Congregation Ahavat Torah in San Jose, California, which became a Sephardic shul two years ago. Congregants come from Morocco, Syria, Iran, Romania and other communities – including Israel. This shul is an outreach center for Anusim (Conversos), previously referred to by Ashkenazim as Marranos. They are interested in hearing from people who include themselves in this category. On August 12- 18, they are hosting a Sephardic Heristage Week. Events are planned for both kids and adults. They include a Shabbos dinner for college students and singles, a Sephardic Food Cookoff, a talk on Jewish pirates during the Revolutionary War, and a symposium on the history of Conversos (to be held at San Jose State University)."