Friday, May 10, 2024

Biden’s Worst Mistake of the Gaza War

Mr. Biden repeats his mistake, coercing Israel instead of using U.S. leverage with the Arab ally that holds the cards. Qatar funds Hamas and hosts its leaders. Yet rather than apply pressure, Mr. Biden quietly extended the U.S. military’s stay at Al Udeid air base in Qatar for another decade, CNN reported in January.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

US: Hamas claimed to accept ceasefire offer, but ‘that’s not what they did’

Miller notes that most media outlets reported Hamas’s statement that it had accepted the Qatari and Egyptian mediators’ hostage deal proposal at face value.

“I don’t blame the reporting. It’s what the [Hamas] statement said. But it’s not an accurate reflection of what happened… Hamas did not accept a ceasefire proposal. Hamas responded and in their response made several suggestions.

Palestinians Thought a Cease-Fire Had Been Clinched. Then the Tanks Rolled In.

Hours after Israel’s military told them to seek a new place of safety, Gazans in the southern city of Rafah took to the streets Monday night to celebrate: At the 11th hour, Hamas said it had accepted a proposal for a cease-fire. People cheered. Sweets were passed around. 

A few hours later, it became clear that the celebrations were premature. The agreement accepted by Hamas turned out to be a counteroffer that Israel hadn’t seen and wouldn’t agree to, shattering hopes of an imminent end to months of hostilities.

Reciting Hallel on Rosh Chodesh

Conclusion: On Shloshet HaRegalim (the Three Festivals), hallel is recited, and according to some opinions, this recitation isme’haTorah. In contrast, everyone agrees that on Rosh Chodesh, hallel is a minhag, but the custom of reciting the bracha is not universal. Ashkenazim do recite the bracha, but Edot HaMizrach do not.

Hallel on Rosh Chodesh

There is a widespread custom to recite Hallel on Rosh Chodesh. Indeed, according to the letter of the law, there is no obligation to do so, because Hallel is required only on days that are called mo’ed (appointed times), and when work is prohibited. Rosh Chodesh is called a mo’ed, but work is permitted on the day. Still, the Jewish people have accepted the practice of saying Hallel on Rosh Chodesh, in order to give expression to the sanctity of the day, which is capable of elevating one to the level of singing God’s praises. To make it clear that the Hallel of Rosh Chodesh is based on custom, and not obligatory, we omit two paragraphs that are said when reciting the complete Hallel (the complete Hallel consists of chapters 113-118 of Tehillim, and we skip 115:1-11 and 116:1-11).

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Critics say an Aldi job ad excluded white people. We took a closer look

"Statements of preference in employment, whether or not they are legally valid, tend not to categorically exclude groups protected by state and federal law," Griffin said. "Simply stated, prioritization is not the same thing as exclusion."

Money and spirituality

 Lekutei Moharan (01:68) The soul originates from the same supernal source from which money issues, devolves and comes into being. Money’s origin, from which it extends downward, is undoubtedly an aspect of holiness and a source of holy influx. But afterwards, in the process of devolving, this influx acquires corporeality and becomes money. Thus the reason the soul desires money is that the soul and money share the same source. 

Lekutei Moharan (01:68) It would be right for all Jews to have money. However, there is one trait that causes them to forfeit and lose it. This is a despicably evil trait, from which it is very difficult to be rescued. Even if a person wants to go free from it—in particular when his motivation is greed: so as not to lose money—this evil trait nevertheless overwhelms him in his youth and immaturity, and so he forfeits the money that he should have had. This evil trait is anger, because of which a person forfeits and loses the money he should rightfully have. For the root from which money devolves, from which it extends downward, is precisely the same as that of anger. 

Lekutei Moharan (01:68) At its origin, the root from which money devolves is the source of the soul, as in “for his soul depends on it” (Deuteronomy 24:15), which is said concerning the money of a day-worker. It is also written (Lamentations 5:9), “We get our bread at the peril of our souls.” This is why the soul hungers after and desires it, as explained above. But by getting angry a person loses his soul, as in “He tears apart his soul with his anger” (Job 18:4) ; as the Zohar brings (II, 182a) . 

I'm a White Man. I'm the Victim of Racism

In my opinion, the political left are attempting to create a division based on race, in an attempt to drive more voters towards the Democratic Party. I believe this has led to what I call a war on White people.

There are various groups who would argue that White people cannot be the victims of racism—that only people of color can be—but I consider that to be a ridiculous argument.

Trump allies plot anti-racism protections — for white people

If Donald Trump returns to the White House, close allies want to dramatically change the government's interpretation of Civil Rights-era laws to focus on "anti-white racism" rather than discrimination against people of color.

The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination

Many white Americans feel that discrimination against whites is on the rise. Experiments suggests otherwise

Monday, May 6, 2024

Trump’s deportation plan is modeled on ‘inhumane’ 1950s program, experts say

But when describing the operation on which Trump’s plan is built, experts commonly land on the same word: “inhumane.” The Eisenhower-era operation has been referred to as such by think tanks, scholars and historians, who also said the policy was not as successful as Swing and others claimed.

Wife should be pious

 Sefer Chasidim (1015) A pious person should pray that G-d provide him a pious wife and he should not be concerned with her wealth but only her piety. That is because wealth comes from good deeds. Therefore if he marries for wealth he will eventually lose it and only benefit from it in this World, while if he marries a good person he will become wealthy but the principal reward is in the future World

Kilmeade says Biden went ‘full Hitler’ attacking Trump during Valley Forge speech

“What’s resonating is Trump is unelectable. He is not worthy of the seat. Hence the speech on Friday where the president went full Hitler that Trump is the worst thing ever, will destroy the country,” Kilmeade said Monday morning on “Fox and Friends.”

Trump admires Hitler, is infatuated with Putin, former staff claim in new book

In an excerpt from his new book “The Return of Great Powers,” published  Tuesday, CNN anchor Jim Sciutto recounted speaking to multiple members of Trump’s former staff, all of whom corroborated that they frequently heard him commend the likes of North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, Russia’s Vladimir Putin, China’s Xi Jinping and, one more than one occasion, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.