Tuesday, May 7, 2024

I'm a White Man. I'm the Victim of Racism


In my opinion, the political left are attempting to create a division based on race, in an attempt to drive more voters towards the Democratic Party. I believe this has led to what I call a war on White people.

There are various groups who would argue that White people cannot be the victims of racism—that only people of color can be—but I consider that to be a ridiculous argument.

1 comment :

  1. Garnel IronheartMay 7, 2024 at 8:17 PM

    Anti-Racism is overt racism. It justifies itself by cloaking itself in terms like "social justice" or "just retribution" but the bottom line is that DIE folks arrogate to themselves the right to be racist based on prior grievances (many of which none of them actually experienced).
    It would be like me, someone born well after the Holocaust, saying that I can kick any German I meet in the shins because of what happened.
    I know one guy, a former executive who did well enough to take an early retirement but now wants to return to work, who says that in every job interview he's told that he's the perfect candidate but he's White and they're not allowed to hire him.


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