Thursday, February 6, 2025

Haredim hold prayer meeting in Stamford Hill in protest of bill threatening Yeshivas

In response to the UK's proposal of a bill that they claim may threaten Jewish yeshivas and Torah education, thousands of Haredi Jews gathered for an Atzeres Tefillah (prayer gathering) in Stamford Hill, London, the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations (UOHC) said in a statement.

The bill in question, the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill, has passed its second reading in the House of Commons and has progressed to the Committee Stage. It seeks to ensure that all children who are home-schooled or taught outside a school setting are registered by local authorities. 

Haredi campaigners have expressed fear that this would lead to state interference in yeshivas and force them to teach secular subjects or subscribe to the national curriculum, according to the Jewish Chronicle


  1. If they were in Israel, they'd be out rioting and blocking rail lines. Because they're in the UK, it's just fervent prayers. Like Rav Shach, z"l said, these guys are actually Zionists.

    1. Ok, but who are the zionists in this scenario?

    2. The chareidim in England, of course. They know very well that the stunts their brothers in Israel pull would result in a massive crackdown and lots of arrests if they tried it on Britain's streets. (After all, in the UK only Muslims are allowed to violently protest without consequence)

    3. They are still protesting though, and hence violating the 3 oaths

    4. Yes, well hypocrisy is one of their strengths.

    5. Why do those who consider the Israeli government illegitimate and not Jewish feel they can rebel against it? Unless they have a rule that you can select whom you want to rebel against

    6. See my previous comment.
      If the Israeli government is Jewish, then they have to cooperate with it. If it's not Jewish, they're forbidden to rebel against it by their own dogma.
      I supposed their position is that it's a non-Jewish government but run by Jewish meshumadim so it's permitted to rebel in that case.


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