Sunday, September 1, 2024

Failed Pastry Chef Mrs. Eric Trump Calls Harris Unqualified

I was talking about you, silly! While you lost your Woman Card, you still have your Trump card. That’s how you earned your leadership position—by marrying Eric back in 2014. You are clearly lacking in qualifications to be co-chair—these aren’t my words, they’re the words of West Virginia GOP committeewoman Beth Bloch, who nominated you and, according to the Washington Post “warned her fellow RNC members against overvaluing titles and experience. ‘God does not call the qualified. He qualifies the called… Lara Trump is the embodiment of this truth.’”


  1. Remember how, only a few months ago, prominent Democrats were talking about changing Harris as VP candidate because she was dragging Biden's numbers down? Remember how prominent Democrat TV shows were mocking her mercilessly, comparing her to the famous Veep character?
    Ah but now she's The Anti-Trump(tm) so that's all changed.

    1. So you think her appeal is all fake not like Trump who is widely viewed as competent?!

    2. Remember before 2016 Trump was not viewed as a serious candidate not even by Trump?

    3. Yes. Remember I kept saying that Trump was running for the public exposure and that, after he lost, he'd go and use his new fame to try to start another reality show.
      But then he did something no one expected. In 2016 he campaigned like he was the start of a reality show - "My Run For President" or something like that. Crazily enough, that and Hillary's lousy but very standard political campaign was enough to push him over the top.
      The difference here is that Harris has been a liability for 4 years and is still a liability. That's why she avoids press conferences. That's why her only public interview was with a sympathetic network, not live and with Walz carefully looking over her shoulder to make sure she didn't screw up. At some point she'll have to talk to the press spontaneously, she'll have to show up for that debate and it could destroy her.

    4. Maybe maybe - Trump has been an embarrassment for 9 years and is getting more so. In short you are simply spouting a lot of conjecture and Republican wishful thinking

    5. You said the same thing in 2016 and he won anyway. You said the same think in 2020 and if not for CoVID he'd have won again.


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