Sunday, September 22, 2024

Tucker’s Problem and Ours

WHY DOES THIS MATTER? For one thing, Tucker Carlson is widely considered one of the most influential right-wing voices in America, particularly among young listeners whose knowledge of history in general, and of World War II in particular, can be assumed to be minimal.

He sat in the same box with Donald Trump and J.D. Vance at the Republican convention. Finally, J.D. Vance is slated to participate in the Tucker Carlson Live tour in Hershey, Pennsylvania on September 23.

That participation by Vance is political malpractice of a type increasingly common in the Trump campaign. Another of Tucker’s guests on that tour is the infamous conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. That alone should have been enough to alert Vance to stay far away from such a freak show.

But Carlson did not just associate with Cooper; he promoted his views with his effusive praise of Cooper as a historian and by failing to push back against him at any point.

Were Vance just appearing with someone with a different stance on tariffs than that of the Trump campaign, no one would object. But by appearing with Tucker Carlson, he risks legitimizing what the great historian of anti-Semitism once called “the lethal obsession.”

That should not happen.

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