Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Trump presented plan to halt US military aid to Ukraine unless peace achieved with Moscow


Under the plan drawn up by Trump's former advisers, a ceasefire would be established based on prevailing battle lines during peace talks.


  1. And really, is he so wrong?
    Consider: right now Russia and Ukraine are at a stalemate. With NATO help, Ukraine is strong enough to hold the Russians back from further advances but not strong enough to push back and reclaim lost territory.
    For that situation to happen, NATO would have to get seriously involved. That would be causus belli to the permanently paranoid Russians and encourage a possible spread of the war to Poland and the Baltics. And while NATO's busy there, might China decide it's time to reunite with Taiwan?
    The only realisitic solution is to call a truce, cede Donas to Russia and then start a massive arms buildup so if/when Russia decides to attack again they're immediately punished.

    1. Politics is genuinely complex. Valid veieponts and self serving on both sides. No way to know who will be better for the future. I think that is why ppl, particularly young people, are increasingly focusing on tangible issues like civil rights. For the frum it's simpler, we strongly favor the one issue of how pro Israel the party is.

    2. It's a tough situation.
      Letting Russian keep its ill-gotten gains might end the war now but it also encourage them to try again later. Pushing for a victory over Russia encourages WW3 and then there is no later.


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