Thursday, June 27, 2024

Dems to Biden: You must out-populist Trump at the debate

Biden advisers contend that the president has increasingly leaned into his populist credentials. They also pointed to stepped-up efforts in recent months to portray Trump as out of touch with the working class and Biden — by contrast — as focused solely on policies that will make Americans’ lives better.

1 comment :

  1. He tries that, he loses
    What's he going to do? Point out his strong support for unions? That's not very popular in America. How many workers and their companies were excluded from his "Trillions in stimulus but only for unionized companies!" How many people remember the Teacher Unions keeping schools closed for way longer than they should have.
    If he tries to reach out to Latinos, well most of them are pissed out about the southern border. He'll lose on that.
    And frankly, Trump does Populist Demoagogue really well. It would be like me trying to out-act Patrick Stewart. I could try...


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