Friday, June 21, 2024

THE TRUMP VERDICT: What If President Trump Had Been Adjudicated By A Bais Din? - Purim Torah

We have thus arrived at the lehavdil bein Yisroel l’amim. Yes, it is true that Alvin Bragg, Juan Merchan and Michael Cohen hate Donald Trump and should not have any hand in his verdict. But if true tzaddikim are acting as judges or witnesses and have only a righteous enmity toward someone because he has transgressed one of Hashem’s laws, they may testify and make decisions because their intentions are pure and no personal enmity will enter into their deliberations.

1 comment :

  1. Cute. So if Alvin, Michael Cohen, and Merchan are Tzaddikim (Lishem Shamayim), then they would be justified Al Pi Halacha. And if they are not Tzaddikim, they are not justified and the system trumps verdict was deviant of justice. I agree.


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