Tuesday, June 18, 2024

What research actually says about social media and kids’ health


There is no clear scientific evidence that social media is causing mental health issues among young people. Public health officials are pushing for regulation anyway.

U.S. Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy on Monday called for social media platforms to add warnings reminding parents and kids that the apps might not be safe, citing rising rates of mental health problems among children and teens. It follows an advisory Murthy issued last year about the health threat of loneliness for Americans, in which he named social media as a potential driver of social isolation.


  1. Actually there's plenty of literature showing how damaging endless connection online and social media is damaging children. Plenty.
    But how else will the liberal left and Communist Chinese brainwash the next generation without this kind of access to them?
    And before you reflexively comment 'Nope!' just remember: the central part of this brainwashing is teaching Jew hatred.

  2. Assuming CCP would like global dominance, I don't understand how our government that needs to focus on short-term results for election purposes (and undermines itself long-term goals when parties switch control) can possibly win a strong long-term government (CCP) in the long run? Besides weaponry, they can legally play with our culture via well placed donations to movements while they will forcibly shut down any reciprocating actions because they are not a democracy.

  3. You shouldn't need a lot of scientific research for things that are self evident

    1. You mean since you already decided there is no need to verify the facts

    2. Yes, first step is always Common Sense. Second step is to reevaluate in light of verified facts or unbiased expert opinions. When such data is impossible or impractical, greater significance is given to common sense.

      In Halachik terms This would be an Anan Sehady, almost like witnesses. I See one team does not play by the rules and is capable of long term strategy and does not need to concern itself with political opponents. Who do u think is going to win??


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