Thursday, May 16, 2024

Iran: Background and U.S. Policy,Iranian%20threats%20to%20U.S.%20interests.

Since the 1979 Iranian Revolution that ushered in the Islamic Republic, Iran has presented a major foreign policy challenge for the United States, with successive U.S. Administrations identifying Iran and its activities as a threat to the United States and its interests. Of particular concern are the Iranian government’s nuclear program, its military capabilities, its support for armed factions and terrorist groups, and its partnerships with Russia and China. The U.S. government has condemned the Iranian government’s human rights violations and detention of U.S. citizens and others, and has wrestled with how to support protest movements in Iran. The U.S. government has used a range of policy tools intended to reduce the threat posed by Iran, including sanctions, limited military action, and diplomatic engagement. Despite these efforts, Iran’s regional influence and strategic capabilities remain considerable and have arguably increased.


  1. The US has never pushed the correct policy - arm anti-government groups within Iran. Fund anti-government organizations in Iran. Send special forces to knock out Iranians based in Iraq, Syria and Yemen. Send the message to the Iranian people that the US will support a revolution.
    Instead Biden sends them billions and helps them attack Israel without consequences.

    1. In other words you advocate an open war against Iran - which the consensus - including Trump - has always been that it is a dumb idea


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