Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Working is considered Totah Study

 Ruach Chaim (2:04) He would say do His will according to your will, etc., according to what he said above, Torah study is good  with work, there is room for error in his language that working is the main thing and the Torah is secondary G-d forbid. That's why he said here do His will as your will.  He wants to say that you should at least divide the day into parts, so that you are free afterwards to study Torah. In this way manner you are making G-d’s will your will so that even the time you devote to working will be considered by G- as if you were studying Torah since you are only working to enable you to study Torah so that you won’t be a burden to the community

Nefesh HaChaim (1:8): Berachos (35b) describes a dispute between R’ Yishmael and R’ Shimon bar Yochai concerning working and Torah study. R’ Yishmael that a person needs to work while R’ Shimon says if one works than he won’t be able to learn properly … Despite the fact that R’ Yishmael says a person needs to work it is absolutely certain that R’ Yishmael does not think that a person is permitted to cease - even for a short time - from studying Torah in order to work. R’ Yishmael is stating that during the short time he spends working he needs to be thinking exclusively about Torah simultaneously. Therefore when Rava told his students not to come to Yeshiva during the months of Nisan and Tishrei so they could work their farms, it was not that they should work and neglect Torah study but that they should continue learning. The gemora concludes that many tried the approach of R’ Shimon to only learn Torah and not to work - and they weren’t success. That means that the majority of people cannot devote all their days exclusively to Torah without working at all. That is why Avos(2:2) states that all Torah which is not combined with work is doomed to failure. However there are individuals who are able to devote their entire lives exclusively to studying Torah and serving G d. For such an individual who is capable of exclusive Torah study it is obligatory for him not to cease even a short time in order to work. Thus R’ Shimon’s approach is for some individual’s while that of R’ Yishmael is for the majority.


  1. A position rejected by later misnagdim

    1. when are you claiming the change happened?

    2. When the Chazon Ish announced "Because of the war, it's 'learn, don't earn!' for us for now on. Get a job? Yehareg v'al ya'avor!"

    3. Not sure exactly. Michtav meliyahu might be a changing point

    4. The MME was nowhere near a influential or well known as he was until Feldheim and Artscroll made him a celebrity. It was the Chazon Ish.

  2. Well of course it's Torah study. If I work, I have to know the halakhos that govern my field, my interactions with others, how to handle the money I earn. All work is the practical implementation and furtherance of Torah study.


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