Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Why Didn’t Putin Invade Under Trump? It Wasn’t Personal.

Far from deterring Putin, Trump did the opposite. Thanks to Trump, Putin was able to take advantage of a period of apparent detente during which Trump actually pursued Putin’s own policies of weakening NATO and democracy and destabilizing the West — leaving Putin free to prepare his war against the free people of Ukraine and their democratically elected government.


  1. Do you think Putin would invade Ukraine if Donald Trump were president?

    Do you think Russia would unleash massive firepower against civilians and commit war crimes if Donald Trump were president?

    Do you think Putin would threaten nuclear war agaisnt the West if Donald Trump were president?

    I'm not saying he wouldn't, just predicting what Trump's next election campaign might sound like.

  2. Eo you think Trump should get Nobel prize for his special theory of relativity or his astounding discovery of quantum mechanics or his discovery of insulin?

  3. haha
    Not Purim or April 1st.

  4. Yes, no doubt it was Trump's fault when Russia took Crimea. Oh wait, no, that was a Democrat. But certainly we can blame Trump for Ossetia and Georgia? Oh hang on, that was a Democrat too. Certainly it's because of how he weakened NATO that Assad used poison gas on his people? Right, Obama. Never mind.
    Trump didn't set out to weaken NATO but to put it in its place. As he himself pointed out, as America spent billions to defend European countries, those European countries spent billions investing in Russia and Iran. Americans don't like being taken for patsies.
    No doubt next you'll claim that the 1918 flu pandemic was mishandled by Trump as well.

  5. Yes, but even if it was during a Democrat government, Trump was still the ultimate cause, as he is involved in writing The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism.

  6. Trump is like the Jews. No matter what happens, where it happens or when it happens, he's to blame.

  7. of course with such a pure neshoma and righteousness - he is your hero who never sinned

  8. like Yashke perhaps?

  9. Those kind of lines were used by Ronald Reagan, against the democrats in one of his election campaigns. I was simply parodying that campaign. But it might actually work if he uses it.

  10. You put words in people's mouths and then insult them for the things they never actually said.
    I never said he was a god, just that he gets blamed plenty for things he never did and not credited for things he did do. He's not a perfect hero with a pure neshama but, to paraphrase Nixon, he's the best SOB around right now.

  11. What is he blamed for that he didn't do?
    Why do you think this narcicist was /is the best possible?


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